Please post any questions that are not significant of a topic of their own.
Example: What is the visor of Mandalorian and Stormtrooper armor made of?
Topic: Questions not quite worthy of their own topic
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
23 posts
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Durasteel? :P
My Question: How do stormtroopers go to the toilet? It must be take a while to get in and out of their gear.
I dunno about visors. As for Stormtroopers I figure they can just remove that one piece and unzip or something? lol, probably someone at the 501st would know.
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Someone tell me how to post a pic here and I'll show you,LOL. My brother has pics of him and his buddies doing wierd stuff like that
what?? Dressing up as a stormtrooper and terrorising the neighborhood!!? :)

Some people make costumes of Imperial Stormtrropers, Imperial Guards, Mandalorians, etc. and wear them.
is that why your screensaver is a mandorlian soldier - cos you made a mandorlian costume yourself ?
Yup, 501st guys like to make and wear SW armor. They also like to do wierd stuff and send photos to each other.
So I've seen pics of stormtroopers on the tiolet, in swimming pools, royal red guards on excercise machines, and even Boba Fett riding a motorcycle and playing putt-putt golf (curtisy of my older brother).
And yes,they love to terrorize the nieghborhood (but in a fun good humored way).
so vb, are you and draco brother and sister?

No, we are not. By the way, the Mandalorian you were refering to is an avatar, not a screen saver ;) .
are you just friends?
green helmeted fett, ckeck your inbox dude.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Oh I simply MUST see pics of Infamous playing putt-putt in the Fett suit... ROTFL!!! Oh, and the Harley one would be cool to see as well...
Make him share.
Smack him around if you have to.

lol, that would be interesting to see. Fett playing golf.
I can imagine him shooting the ball if it didn't go where it was supposed to :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
hey, boba dude where is the inbox?
Try Messages.
I still wonder how a stormtrooper manages to do number twos :P I don't think it'd be easy get rid of that rear plating.
Like I said if someone tells me how I can put up a jpg pic I'll show you. Of course I'll be giving away an Imperial trade secret and may be shot on sight. LOL.
And no, Green Helmet. Draco is not my older brother, Infamous is. Me and Draco are just fettfriends,or fellow fett boarders. Just like me and you,buddy.
oh, okay so instead of the inbox i can send normal messages? ps i had to go to bed last night so thats why i logged off in the argument.

By posting, you have been sending normal messages. The inbox is in the "Messages" section at the top of the page. Right under where it says "Message Boards" in large, white letters, there is a row of links. The second to last one is "Messages." :)
How do stormtroopers go to the toilet? It must be take a while to get in and out of their gear.
Haha I found an interesting picture. The text is in Finnish, sorry. I didn't create this pic.
"Onpa kiinnostavaa!" - means - "That's interesting!
And then you can guess what "Stormtrooperiakin kiinnostaa" means.
(Lancelot! <3)
HA! That is funny! I love it. I Thought that the armor, or at least the back leotard type peice was pressurized or air tight.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
yeah.. that is funny. how long d'y think it takes them to take the armour off? lol, lol, lol :D