try and post one post in a row, not 2. Wlecome to the BFFC! hope you like it here!
Topic: An Introduction to Our Message Boards
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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sorry.... hey ARC Fett can you tell me if boba rules or what!? :) for yes :( for no.
Hey Green Helmet, ARC means that you posted twice in a row. Try not to do that, use the edit button in the right corner and add to your previous post (unless someone has posted under it).So we won't clog up the board that way.
Also, this is a message board not a chat room, so people answer when they can. Sometimes that can be quick,sometimes not so quick.
And we all know Fett rules, this is after all a site dedicated to him, LOL. Welcome to the group!
Thanks for the tips Virtualbettie. :) P.S - who's your fav star wars character... apart from Boba fett?
Darth Vader was my first love, but I like Han Solo ( the rogue).
yeah! Han solos mint with his heavy blaster pistol along with chewbacca with his bowcaster!
cor! there are a lot of newbies around on this page! Hi! welcome to the BFFC..... enjoy! :)
to all newbs, 1. try and not spam!
2. have a good time
3. if you want to make friends, go to the chat room.
4. to instant message or check your instant messages go to the top of the screen where it says new messages and click on it!
The majority of that was in the rules.
It was ALL in the rules.
Hi. My name is Amoeba. But, you can call me Meeb. Or Darth Meeb. Whichever.
Welcome to the boards Meed!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

Welcome to the boards Meed!
umm, its Meeb, not Meed, duh BD!
welcome to the boards dude.
alos, welcome to the boreds The Fett!
Hey all new members welcolm to one of the best sites in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Hey Meeb,how'd you'd get a nickname like amoeba?
Hello all. I'm an avid Fett fan. Been one since ESB. Way back in the day!!
Anyway good to be here.
sleep well." Boba Fett
Welcome, TK-FETT! Glad you're an original fan -- you'll find about half of us here with you on that one, and the other half knee-deep in fandom since AOTC.
So Im Hondo Kex I'm new here and I gues this is were you say that stuff. Any Star Wars name is Kex...Hondo Kex, and I RP as said person on though I might be needing a new character soon. The Mandalorians are my favorite group of people in the Star Wars universe. So I Rp as them. In RL I want to make or aquire a suit of Mandalorian Armour, colored OD Green and Rust Red, like my rp characters. Im also hoping to find some one artistically talented that would be willing to draw a pic of my mando for me as I am no good at drawing.
Also Im not to good at spelling....
Any who just saying Hello.
Hi dude welcome to BFFC.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Thanks Im shure I'll like it around here, I mean its Boba Fett and the Internet....
Dude I love that logic. :P
Welcome Hondo Kex ,welcome TK Fett ! Glad to have you online!
hi i'm marc, 29 yrs old and from philippines. i joined this club to know more about Boba Fett.
just asking. what makes Boba Fett action figures expensive compare to others star wars action figure? i saw a Boba Fett action figure in the catalogue #62 of, december edition that sells for more than 17,000 USD.
Welcome to the boards. Your question belongs in the "Collecting" section, though. :)
just asking. what makes Boba Fett action figures expensive compare to others star wars action figure? i saw a Boba Fett action figure in the catalogue #62 of, december edition that sells for more than 17,000 USD.
To take a crack at your question I would guess either he rarer than say Luke or Darth Vader and/or there is more detail work going into making an action figure out of him.
By the way, welcome to the boards!
Dude I love that logic. :P
It is pretty good logic.
So yea, I just wanted to drop in and say hello and that I am new here. I am very happy that I finally found a place where my love for Boba would not be mocked, after all he is the best character in the movies, my personal opinion of course. (Though I do hope this is opinion is shared here.)
Welcome to the BFFC, devil_in_paradise. Might as well make yourself comfortable!
Hi All,
New guy on the board but thanks to Ursula I feel like I know you all for I am "The Old Man" she speaks of on occassion!
Been a SW fan since seeing the original in a theatre on opening weekend back in the day. I like the whole warrior clan aspect of the Mandalorians and think it's the best thing to come out of the Expanded Universe.
These days I'm building a 3-3/4 scale clone army and planning on some 1/1 scale Mando armor making this summer.
Gonna spend some time reading and then I'll start posting.
Tim (The Old Man or Haar Ruug'la Jag in Mando’a)
I've heard so much about you. Welcome aboard!
I hi'm new and all and finally i can talk about boba fett and star wars this site is asome! looking at it every1 seems to be very nice. also how do i get a picture by my name?
Hello and welcome, Dark Mandalorian. The pictures are called avatars, but I am not very good with them. You can ask for one here:
hello everyone,
i was finding diablo too tough,looking for a cheat/editor and finally found this site.
Welcome aboard iamabc.
hey it took me here when I click-ed on the tab so I'm posting now.
Welcome Alo Fett! You're in the right place. :-)
Hi, just registered today and looking forward to chatting on-line to other fett fan's. Just booked tickets today for celebration europe, chance to get some more j bulloch signed merchandise - sweet! C ya
Good for you!
Welcome to the boards ner vod!
yea I guess I'm new too? I am still trying to figure out how this site runs...
Don't worry you'll get it. Welcome aboard!
Hi. This is me making my first post just to check so I think this is great and I look forward to the privileges of being a member in the Boba Fett Fan Club.
Nice having you here!
Welcome aboard, ner vod!
Yes welcome, excuse my unenthusiasticness.
Hi I'm rusty Tim and I'm disigning working boba fett gauntlets and suit. Some people call me chewbacca because I'm 6 feet tall, strong, and have shaggy wookiee hair. If anyone could figure out my username in wookiee or something that resebles it , I would like to use it for star wars galaxies.
Cool. Wlecome aboard.
I'm afraid I don't know any names in Wookiee, but I'll look into it sometime.
Now you got me interested in the wookie language.
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