Closed Topic: The Red Helm

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Topic #1130

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February 4, 2007 10:30 am #

Kyr'am watched as the severly scarred man pushed the bag over to Nora.  Seeing as how Nora seemed to know him and was on at least speaking terms with them, he decided to introduce himself. 
     "Kyr'am Ordo," he said as he reached out his hand, "and this is Tracyn," he gestured towards the Chiss, who bowed her head in acknowledgement.

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 4, 2007 11:08 am #

A dirty gauntlet reached out to shake Kyr'am's,and in a firm baritone voice stated. "Jim Goran....although most know me as "Jari'eyc" Goran."  The grungy warrior didn't seem to mind the nickname much, as a matter of fact he seemed to enjoy it.

"I knew a verd called Ordo, maybe a relative,eh?" That toothy grin flashed for a moment, most Mandalorians acted like they were related on some level...usually they were. The handshake was hearty without being a test of who had the bigger ego, comraderic even.

He nodded to the Chiss, and scratched at an ear that had a notch missing from it. "Quite the little war party you have here..." He gestured loosely to the five of them, "Something big going down? I mean if you need any more armaments up to snuff,I'm your man." He shrugged his shoulders,making the plates roll with the movement.

Goran raised his ale, and bark out. "K'oyacyi!" Again almost the entire tavern raised their glasses and shouted in response. Then it was back to normal again,"Ugly" Jim scrunched up his nose in amusement, it wasn't a good look for him.  "Don't you just love it when they do that?"

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 4, 2007 2:03 pm #

In all honesty, Dres couldn't relax. Traditionally you had to share a drink with company, no doubt there. But it just ruined his sleep cycle. Maybe it was something in it, but all he could manage was tossing and turning. Eyes wide open he glanced toward the ceiling. The tavern wouldn't be closed till later...he was sort of hungry. Taking that thought he got up and dressed himself. Grabbed his wallet and went. Fifteen minutes later he was swinging the door open and parking himself right at the table nearest the bar. Kind of noticing the little Jawa from earlier.
"What'll it be tonight Dres?"
"Fried bird with hot honey. Side of those creepy crawlies. Glass of water if you still serve it."
The better food on the menu was in Mando'a. His dialect there wasn't so great when it came to food.  Sure, he could say just about everything else but the name of that animal.
"Here, a gentlemen already paid for it."
"Alright, I'll just leave a tip when I get done."
Warren of course. He focused his attention on the side dish, grabbing one of the more active ones. Watching it struggle in his hand, hundred legs or more scurrying for freedom. He dropped it in, crushing it's hope with a satisfying crunch. He finished the rest of quickly. About ready to dip a piece of the white meat, the obnoxious stench from the Strill oblivious to his attentions. He pretty much had zoned everything out. Until he finished he probably hadn't heard a bit of the conversations about the room, dropping the tip on the countertop.
"I'll see you later Harvey, maybe you won't be a waiter when I get back."
"Goin' somewhere?"
"If I'm lucky."
Dres stepped out, walked down the sidewalk. Burning the night air, right back to his apartment. Leaving five minutes later, gauntlet hidden. Datacard sitting patiently in a pocket. 'Same place, same time'. That's all they ever read. That's all you need to know.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 4, 2007 6:18 pm #

Territ ate his food happily. He shoveled down the rest of the rice and meat, then called NT. "NT how te girl doing on te ship?"

"Better then those droids Territ." Nt said threw the comm.

"Good" Territ said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 4, 2007 8:12 pm #

Evaar actually giggled at Goran’s comment.  She liked this friend of her mother’s already. 

Nora gave the datapad a little push in Goran’s direction, the blue image of the ARC helm still rotating on the display.  “Like antiques?” she asked.

Saviin leaned back and casually twirled a lock of her lavender hair around one finger, “We’re gonna take a little ride to check this one out.”  She raised a brow in Goran’s direction, “Sound fun?”

“Maybe you could pick up something lovely for Vidya along the way...” Nora continued, “I hear they also have some fine Clan Tapestries where this helm is kept....might look nice in the baby’s nursery...”

(OOC:  Kyr’am ought to mention the fact that he’s a medic.  Nora would find that useful on the trip...  :) )

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 5, 2007 7:29 am #

Kyr'am leaned in and peered at the helmet rotating on the table and said "Y'know, unless we've gotten REALLY soft since the Vong, I doubt that it would take 4 Mandos and a strill to pull off a simple courier job.  If you guys don't mind, I'd like to tag along.  Mind you, I AM a medic."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 5, 2007 12:09 pm #

Nora reached over and switched off the holo display, “Medics are useful....” she replied, “Even on courier jobs...”  She arched an eyebrow at Kyr’am. 

Evaar looked up from her menu, “What?  You think we work for GPS (Galactic Parcel Service)?  You see any big brown freighters parked outside?”  {{A UPS truck just went by my house, LOL}}

Saviin snorted, “Don’t pay any attention to the kid” she said to Kyr’am, “You can come along with us.  And when Evaar falls and scrapes her knee you can tell her to file a claim with GPS...”

The green eyed girl shrunk down behind her menu, clearly hurt by Saviin’s remark.  It seemed to Evaar that her mother’s cousin was constantly belittling her and harassing her in front of others.  She treated the young warrior woman as though she were a child. 

Nora’s watchful gaze came to rest on her adopted daughter who was clearly embarrassed by the cutting remark.  The huntress’ lips pursed for a moment, then she reached out and pulled the top edge of the menu down with one finger.  But Evaar wouldn’t look at her. 

“Jatne be te jatne, Ev’ika...” the huntress said.  It was the phrase Nora used to tell her adopted child that she was better than everyone else in her mother’s eyes. 

Saviin cringed slightly, “Aww...c’mon Ev’ika....Ni shi chayaiki’gar...” she said, giving the girl a little nudge with her elbow.

Evaar only made a face and pulled the menu back up to hide behind. 

Nora shot Saviin a nasty glare, “You don’t know when to quit...” she said coldly.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 5, 2007 12:14 pm #

"No job ever turns out simple..." Goran stated matter of factly. He eyed the blue tinted image thoughtfully, "That's a mighty interesting piece...I specialize in salvage, ships mostly..."

"Ugly" Jim smiled at Saviin, "Fun,eh?" He took a swig of his ale, "Well, Vidya does like surprises..."

He shrugged a pair of big shoulders, "I'm game." The older Mandalorian laughed at Kyr'am comment, and flashed him a disarming yet crooked smile. "Consider it a chance to let an old soldier retell his glory days,ner vod."

"Besides I've been in the black so long, I wouldn't mind hearing what's been going on here at home.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 5, 2007 4:58 pm #

Kyr'am smiled at Saviin's comment and replied "If she's as good at shooting her blaster as she is shooting her mouth off, I think she'll do just fine."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 5, 2007 5:00 pm #

Territ walked out of the tavern and towards his ship, he wanted to get off planet and go somewhere.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 5, 2007 6:34 pm #

Evaar rose and excused herself from the table, “Gotta go powder my buy’ce...” she said.  Edee rose and sauntered after her to stand guard outside the refresher door.

“Don’t let her fool you...” Nora said to Goran and Kyr’am.  “Evaar started fighting in the Vong wars when she was only seven...  She’s got a lot going on in that head of hers...”

Saviin frowned and picked at a napkin on the table, “I shouldn’t be so hard on her...  She never really had the chance to be a kid...”

Nora reached for her data disc again, “We should get back on task...” she said flatly, scrolling through information regarding the mission.  “The depository is located on a planet called Brozyna.  The facility isn’t known for it’s military relics.  Mostly what you’ll find here is a bunch of over-valued trinkets belonging to the wealthy.  Artwork, jewels, family heirlooms, and the like...” 

“So someone has a fancy for Mandalorian pieces?” Saviin asked. 

“Apparently so,” the huntress replied, “There is an entire wing supposedly filled with Mandalorian antiquities...  But this isn’t going to be a museum raid.  We’re looking at some serious resistance here.  Somebody really doesn’t want their toys stolen...”

(tag Kyr’am and Goran)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 5, 2007 6:40 pm #

Territ pushed on the listening device in his ear a bit so he could pick out the female Mandos talking, he had left a small bug in the tavern. "Valuables eh? NT ready your remote control link!"

Nt gave a sigh,"Yes Territ"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 5, 2007 8:22 pm #

Dres was shown in of course. The office building's security leading him to Warren's private lift. Up however many floors he had about a minute of waiting on his way up. Taking the time to more carefully place the gauntlet. Redo the poorly fitted straps. It wasn't large but it stuck out like a sore thumb. Silver colored, it fit around below the wrist and right above the elbow. The break at the bottom, six holes on the top. It sort of got smaller on each end but that remaind slight. Door popping open he walked into the weakly decorated office. A painting along one wall and a meeting table that could fit at the most four people on each side with two on each end. Warren sitting at the far end with two other people.
"I present Anbu Dres."
The man on the right played with his glasses; apart from the two main lenses were all these little ones hanging off. The figure popping them in and out of place habitually. Completely white outfit, not the most attractive human he'd seen even if it was a male. Bald with a huge leering grin.
The woman on the left busily attentive to the sounds played into her ears from this set of earbuds attached to something inside her coat maybe a player who could be sure. Obviously unconcerned she kept one in. One of her eyes covered with a standard robotics eyepatch. The ones that can flip up at an angle, probably a scanner eye or targeter under it.
"Dres, have a seat."
He sat down beside the man.
"This is Doctor Zaren Kep. He designed your single armament and sold the design to Black Sun. He's just recently joined as an engineer. And to my right is Motoko Reith. Zaren's guest. But down to the datacard, I'll decode it, we weren't expecting you so late in the evening."
Dres handed it over, Warren dropping it into a slot located on the table, the card popping up again. Warren handed it back. Dres dropping it into a pocket. After decoding it'd take a navcomp to open it entirely.
"I want you to head out soon as possible. But I've yet to secure a starcraft worth mentioning. And the good doctor needs a few hours to finalize the equipment checks. Bother that it is you'll just have to hang around here."
"I'll throw the chairs together and see if I can sleep then."

Name: Zaren Kep
Occupation: Black Sun engineer/Treasure hunter
Age: 30
Homeworld: Coruscant
Nickname: The Good Doctor

Name: Motoko Reith
Occupation: Hunt sabatouer/techn specialist/treasure hunter
Age: 23
Homeworld: Dantooine
Weapon: Spike

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 6, 2007 4:37 am #

(OOC to virtualbettie:  I totally forgot to have Nora say something about the wrist gaunlets that Goran brought to her.  Duh....  Sorry, got a lot going on "real life" wise slipped my mind.  I'll have her say something about them in my next post.  )

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 6, 2007 11:46 am #

Kyr'am leaned in asked, "What kind of defenses?  Battle droids, security fields, orbital defenses?  How are we going to get on planet?  Brozyna is a pretty remote system, so they might notice any kind of unscheduled arrivals.  If we're looking to keep a low profile, I've got a Lambda-class shuttle with some forged IDs."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 6, 2007 6:25 pm #

The Ugly man and the female Mando's were talking about something on a datapad that looked like a Clone Trooper helmet. As soon as they started to talk about it The Dvoranian left the Tavern, looking under their table Brassk saw something and a red light flashing on. He went outside and found the Devoranian listening to a couple of headphones.
"What are you listening to?" Brassk questioned "or are you just spying?"
The Devoranian looked up startled at his arrival.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 6, 2007 7:11 pm #

((Why would my listener have a red blinking light? Plus why would you look under the table? I hate people who think they know everything by peoples post before them))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 6, 2007 7:18 pm #

OK how's this, He sees him walk out suddenly and then sees him listening to something? no blinking light and besides He never looks purposefully the light catches his attention( I might have been a little confusing). Anyway then he asks the question because you were being suspicious about it. you can lie or tell the truth, your choice, I just added the light because it alerts him

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 6, 2007 7:29 pm #

(I've been more caught up in getting my character started so I won't post for a while. I'm going to wait till' the bar scene is over...see y'all then.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 6, 2007 7:29 pm #

Territ looked back at Brassk, he shrugged at him. "Music!" Territ said loudly as he walked off, music playing from the listening device. Territ walked into his hanger and up the ramp to his ship, Nt floated outside the ramp. "Ready NT?" Territ said on a comm.

"Just get it over with Territ" NT said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 6, 2007 7:34 pm #

"Huh, that guys wierd." Brassk thought as he walked back to the bar to pay the tab.
"unsuccessful yet again" Brassk sighed as he unlocked the door to his apartment.
"maybe with some stroke of luck I'll be able to find some job tomorrow" he thought as he climbed into bed.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 6, 2007 7:51 pm #

(But wait, I've found an angle!)
It was ironic, standing there in front of the door. Dres couldn't believe he'd been woken up for it. But Warren apperantly had a informant in the Strill. Otherwise it didn't quite make sense; Motoko's patch popped up, a wire running from the unconvered device to the door's digital lock. They were about ten minutes after the occupant, a bit of a cold blowing down the street.
"There, it should open."
And it did, the patch popping back down, wire reeling back in inside. Dres stepped in leaving Reith at the door. Going straight to the bedroom he stepped in, over joyed to see he wouldn't have to wake the man. A blaster knocking into his forehead.
"What do you want?"
"Pardon me, your name isn't Brassk is it? Black Sun heard you needed a job..."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 7, 2007 5:23 pm (Edited February 7, 2007 10:05 pm) #

“Its not the planet that poses a problem,” Nora explained, “It’s the facility itself.”  The huntress inserted a different data disc and an image of the planet took the place of the rotating helm over the datapad.  “Brozyna is obscure but not deserted.  The entire planet is one giant illegal operation.  If you want something you’re not allowed to have, then you’ll probably find it here.” 

Saviin made a face, “I’ve heard of this place...” she said, “It sickens me..."

Nora nodded in agreement, “If it’s prohibited, banned, restricted, endangered, or down right inhumane, and can be found in the homes of galactic big wigs, then it no doubt came from Brozyna.  The whole thing is hush hush....controlled by rich landholders who cater to the wealthy in nearly every system you can name.”

The lavender haired woman drummed her fingers on the table, “As long as the rich and powerful get their whims, then nobody sees any of this going on...not even the slavery...”

“Exactly...” Nora confirmed.  “However none of that is our concern, at least not with regard to the mission.”  She deactivated the datapad and it’s images.  “Apparently one of these fat landholders has a fancy for Mandalorian artifacts.  Sources say he has amassed a sizeable collection, the finer pieces of which he keeps secured in the depository that we are going to raid.  I’m told that the place will be hard to crack...this guy is forking out a lot of credits to keep his loot safe.”

“Wonder what makes him so interested in Mando relics...” Saviin wondered aloud. 

Nora shrugged, “Doesn’t matter....he’s not going to have the collection much longer...”

Saviin’s brows knitted, “I thought we were just going after the helm?”

“We are being sent to retrieve the helm,” Nora advised, “However, anything else we pick up in the process is ours to keep...”

“So if this is just some fool’s personal museum, why do you expect heavy resistance?”

Nora leaned in, “Because there’s more than just Mando trinkets in there.  This individual is also a slave trader...and a lot of his “merchandise” is held over in the depository until buyers come to collect their goods.  Slavery may be banned, but you know as well as I do that there’s still a market for it if you look in the right places.”

The dark haired huntress took a sip of her ale before continuing.  “Getting on Brozyna won’t be hard.  These people are money hungry.  As long as we can show we’ve got the credits to buy, then they’ll let us through.  Besides, there’s pretty much a constant flow of traffic on and off the planet...shipments going out, buyers coming in....we’ll just let them think we’re there to shop like everyone else.  But what we’re up against at the depository itself remains to be seen.  I can assure you that if they are moving slaves...people...through there, then the security is going to be extensive.”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 7, 2007 5:39 pm #

Nt flew threw the streets, she was being controled by Territ. She bumped into the door of the bar a couple times till the barkeep let her in. She flew up to the Mandolrian women and Territ's voice came threw a comm on NT. "Not pretty smart for pure Mandos, eh? Listen I been listenin to everyword and so happeneds, I got a contact inside tat ole base. Me cousin, half-cousin to be technical, work as gaurd he let tings slide if ter credits." Nt put of a holo progetion on the table, it was the facility. "I know many tings mando girlys but won' tell unless I get good cut."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 7, 2007 9:46 pm #

Goran fished around in his satchel, "You know...if there's one thing I can't stand it's a rude sentient." There was a loud snap as he attached a restraining bolt to the droid's backside. A static crackle as the big man activated the caller for it...Giving him control of the droids motor functions.

"Not too smart for a non-mando,eh?" His heavy brow arched upward as he drew out his pistol, and seemed to draw little pictures with the muzzle on the wooden surface of the table. "Didn't your mother ever teach you manners, lil' Devorian?"

"Never insult someone you want to partner up with. Never throw all your cards on the table during a sabacc game...And never insult a Mandalorian on their home turf."

"Ugly" Jim used the controller to spin the droid around in the direction it had come from. And one big size thirteen armored boot hit it in the rear, sending it back to its owner.

"You want to make a deal, come down here yourself. And learn how to speak to a lady!" He barked at the droid as he sent it on its way.

The scarred man snorted loudly, "Younger generation..."

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 7, 2007 10:07 pm #

Territ check to see if NT was okay, she was old. Territ sighed with relief when he noticed she was fine. Territ pulled on his Mandolrian armor, grabed a differnt style of mando helm. He put it on but it had no face plate. Territ grabbed the face plate off the table and slid it up the mask and into place. The mask fit perfectly around his horns. "Ugly..Mando" Territ muttered as he walked to the Tavern, his shotgun on his back.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 8, 2007 2:12 pm #

Kyr'am laughed at Goran's antics with the droid and pulled out his blaster rifle and began checking it over.  "As it happens, I know a ship involved in some anti-pirate activities near here.  She used to be a slave ship, until the slaves rebelled and took over.  Most still crew her, and quite a few were on-planet.  Not sure if they were in the household we're looking for, but I could look into it if that droid-loving laserbrain doesn't feel like playing ball."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 8, 2007 5:04 pm #

"Hey, ain't nothing wrong with droids...some of my best friends are droids." Goran stated as he waved to the barkeep for another ale. "I give the Devorian points for enthusiam. But that and two creds wouldn't buy you a cup of stim-tea."

He rubbed the scar that cut across his face, "Universe jades alot of sentients, things like the Vong war. Some don't learn to adapt afterwards." Goran smiled at the group, "I wear my scars on the outside, but some folks wear em' on  the inside."

"Ugly" Jim scratched at his stubble again. "Brozyna, huh?" he grunted. It sounded like he could do some serious salvaging there.... "And you ladies just want THAT helmet, nothing else?" he gestured to the holo. Hell, he could probably make a nice cred from all those artifacts...And Mandalorian relics?

Well, wouldn't he be something bringing back some of the people's lost culture?

The big red haired man leaned toward Kyr'am, and his Chiss companion. "What are you planning, to have them smuggle us in? Or to have them act as a diversion and cruise on in ourselves?"

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 8, 2007 6:31 pm #

"Nothin' wrong with droids, they come in handy, but you don't try and make a deal THROUGH one.  As for getting us in, THEY can't get us in.  We can do that ourselves.  But a few of them might know the weak points for the household we're trying to get into.  Y'know, guards who can be bribed, guards who have a weakness for certain types of females, places where security is lax or non-existence.  All I need to know is the name of the household."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 9, 2007 6:38 pm #

Nora seemed quite interested in Kyr’am’s information regarding a vessel commanded by former Broyzna slaves.  “See what you can find out about the ship and its crew...”  the huntress said, “Perhaps they might enjoy robbing their former masters blind...”

"Ugly" Jim scratched at his stubble again. "Brozyna, huh?" he grunted. It sounded like he could do some serious salvaging there.... "And you ladies just want THAT helmet, nothing else?" he gestured to the holo.

Nora shrugged, “The helm is the prime objective....but like I said, anything else we run across is up for grabs.”

Saviin nodded, “Yeah, might as well pick up a few souvenirs along the way...”

Evaar returned from the refresher, Edee escorting her once again.  She slid into the booth, her helmet in her hands.  “I think I better have this thing checked before we go...” she commented, looking at the helm in a funny manner, “I had trouble receiving your conversation...”  The young woman had apparently been tuned in to her mother’s lecture on the mission...

“......All I need to know is the name of the household......” Kyr’am said, offering to gain further intelligence for the huntress. 

Nora swirled the contents of her mug casually, “Find out about that ship first...I’m very interested in her crew...”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 9, 2007 6:43 pm #

((Hey Fettish, this is Sol Gonsar from your Jedi Council Forums version of this RPG, hope you don't mind if I drop in here to say whats up))

"Theres NOT a country in the world that Bush would not get BOOO'd at ....even if Bush went to Antarctica the penguins would demonstrate."-Darknovae, NS Forum
February 10, 2007 8:10 pm #

Kyr'am nodded and stood, grabbing his helmet from the floor as Tracyn stood beside him.  "I should have an answer for you in a few minutes as to information on the ship.  If you'll excuse me, I'll see what I can get from my contacts."

Kyr'am turned and had walked no more than ten paces before Tracyn whispered to him, "This is madness.  You don't know these people.  I have extreme concerns about letting these people know about the Dewback."

Kyr'am knew this was coming, but was well-prepared for it. "They're Mando.  If I can't trust them, I can't trust anybody.  Besides, if they betray us, they won't live long enough to regret it.  Now, is Orienda Kharr still captain?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 11, 2007 9:49 am #

((I'll wait a bit longer 'til I post again.))

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
February 11, 2007 10:37 am #

OOC:  Hi Sol!  *Waves*  :)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 12, 2007 8:57 pm #

After several minutes of heated conversation with Tracyn, Kyr'am returned to the table and sat down, giving everyone a hard, measuring stare as if to make sure they were all worth his trust.  Satisfied, he began to talk.  "Ship's name is the Katarn, an old Acclamator-II the slavers were using to haul people 'in bulk,' when the slaves managed to stage a rebellion when a bounty hunter attacked her.  After the dust settled, the slaves decided to run the ship themselves and hunt down the slavers.  Over the years, her crew's changed out, but most of the crew is still the original slave shipment.  Those that remain are...colorful to say the least.  Last I heard, they somehow got their hands on some phase 1 and 2 Dark Troopers for their boarding parties.  Captain's a twi'lek by the name of Orienda Kharr, and she has absolutely NO love for the entire planet we're going to, so anything she can do to help she's going to do it.  Now, do you want to hitch a ride in on it or do you just want info?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 13, 2007 10:39 am #

“Both...” Nora replied.  She was not about to venture out on a job without her own vessel in easy reach.  Never rely on others for a ride...who knows where you’ll end up.  The huntress glanced at her daughter.  Yes...Evaar was seasoned enough to handle the Nineveh on her own.  She could follow along as back up support.

Saviin leaned in, “The Katarn...” she wondered aloud, “Do they have a feisty red head among their crew?”  The lavender eyed woman rubbed her chin in thought, “If I remember correctly, her name is Zeta...yes, Zeta the, Red wait...uh.....  Well it’s a pirate sounding name of some sort...”

“Red Zee....” Nora corrected her cousin.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 13, 2007 11:05 am #

" sunk my Star Destroyer" Goran stated as he swirled his drink in its glass. He smiled mostly to himself,  before he explained. "Sorry, just reminded me of a game my kid likes..."

"My ship's a heavy hauler for salvage, she ain't exactly built for stealth. So I'll go along with whatever the group decides." The big mando trusted his fellow warriors as much as any armored man did, but he knew that Roan wouldn't steer him wrong because of his wife,Vidya.

'Ugly' Jim cast his beady eyed gaze at the Chiss, Tracyn, and asked bluntly. "What about you blue skin, you don't seem too happy with the arrangements. Do I have to watch my shebs around you?"

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 13, 2007 12:52 pm #

Tracyn's eyes narrowed and blazed at Goran, "If by looking at your face is any indicator, I'd say you haven't been doing a good job watching your shebs to begin with.  But no, you don't."   

Kyr'am watched the display before turning back to Saviin with a thoughtful look on his face,"Red Zee, eh?  Last I heard she was still there.  Heads up the boarding parties if I'm not mistaken.  Why do you ask?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 13, 2007 2:33 pm #

Zeta aka “Red Zee” 
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Home: former slave from Brozyna
Ship : crew member on board the Katarn
Description: 5’5, fair skin, blue eyes, long curly red hair.
Weapons: Modified E-11, Vibro-blades, demolitions, whatever, etc...

Zeta was born a slave on Broyzna.  Her mother died giving birth to her, and she was raised by the other women in the slave quarters.  Known for her strong constitution and feistiness, Zeta was prized as sturdy stock...and therefore would fetch a high price on the market.  She was one of many slave girls loaded onto the dreaded Katarn, destined for underground slave markets throughout the galaxy.  The stories vary as to what exactly happened next, but the fact remains that the slaves revolted and overtook the Katarn and her crew.  The former slave vessel has since been manned by the slaves themselves.  Zeta remains among its crew and is known for her wicked temper and cold nature.  She can be downright brutal at times, a trait that has earned her the nickname “Red Zee”.  Although she has a soft streak that reveals itself on rare occasions, for the most part Zeta is a hard case rarely won...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 13, 2007 5:06 pm #

Kyr'am nodded and asked Nora one question, "When do you want to leave?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 13, 2007 7:22 pm #

“After sundown...” Nora replied, “That will give us the rest of the afternoon to prepare...”  The huntress nodded to her daughter, “You’re in charge of supplies and rations...” she tossed the girl a credit chip, “And make sure you get some of those wiki fruits I like...”

“Sure, Nor’buir...” Evaar replied, catching the credit chip with barely a glance up from her menu.  Nora smiled rather wistfully at her adopted child...perhaps she wouldn’t have the girl follow behind in the Nineveh...  Although Evaar was a capable warrior and pilot, the huntress still liked to have her daughter under her protective watch... 

Saviin stretched in her seat and reached for a menu, “Well the sooner we order the sooner we can go about our business...”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 14, 2007 3:16 pm #

Tracyn's eyes narrowed and blazed at Goran, "If by looking at your face is any indicator, I'd say you haven't been doing a good job watching your shebs to begin with.  But no, you don't."

The big Mandalorian gave an ugly smile, "Well not everyone can be as handsome as me,Angel." But he decided teasing the Chiss wouldn't be much fun, so he turned back to the conversation at the table.

"Sundown sounds good, gives me time to send a holo to the little woman and my boy" he stated. He waved the barkeep for a third ale, "And a nerf steak!" he added.

'Ugly' Jim considered what tools he would need, and right after that what weapons.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 15, 2007 10:36 am #

Kyr'am leaned over to Tracyn and whispered into her ear, "Go prep the 170 for take-off, and make sure it's got what we need.  Don't forget the Stouker, either, or she'll kill me."  Tracyn nodded and headed for the door as Kyr'am picked up a menu and began perusing.

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 15, 2007 2:54 pm #

Dres left pleased, throwing the door open on the waiting hover in front of the run down apartment. Sliding in beside Motoko, Warren on her other side. Doc in the front seat messing with the radio. The droid driver saluting before cruising off.
"He didn't go for it, as was expected."
"Why would he? But it did give you time to plant the bug?"
Anbu nodded, noticing the reciever in Doc's hands. The radio finally on a constance station as the man fretted with his machine. Until he switched it to scan, it'd change by itself...until he decided to stop. And it did, stopping on one of those techno stations. Nobody argued, it wasn't anything to complain about.
"Driver, head to the Strill. My contact's business hours just went off."
Warren pulled a little device out of his ear. Placed it in a metal case with a foam insert as insulation. Delicately left on the floor everyone but the driver got out.
"I'll call you when we're done V50."
The droid saluted again, backing up and gliding away down the street. The four stepped into the cantina, placing themselves in the corner where Warren's contact had been. Within hearing distance. Nice spot. Dres didn't order anything. The doc and his assitant sharing one of those stacked nachos. Warren a pink lemonade with a bendy straw.
"I can't wait to see the contents of the mission Anbu."
"You're going Warren?"
"I am."
And to top it all off, he still hadn't fallen asleep. To make it better, they'd be leaving in the afternnon depending on obtaining a ship. Black Sun should work something out. Going back to this mess of a place though...there had to be a better reason than food and drink.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 15, 2007 6:45 pm #

Nora turned one of the gauntlets over in her hands, admiring Goran’s handiwork.  “Vor’e,” she thanked him, “I didn’t think I’d see these again...”  The huntress looked thoughtful for a moment, then she placed both of the gauntlets back into their bag.  “These will be put to fine use, I am sure...” she said, rather cryptically. 

A human waitress approached their booth and paused to take orders.  “I’ll have my usual...” Nora said handing the menu to the woman, “And we better make it to go...”  She advised the group as she nodded towards a chrono on the wall, “There is much to do before we depart...” 

(OOC:  Gotta get the gang moving....)  :)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 15, 2007 7:18 pm #

"I wish we could say that, there's absolutely nothing to do until afternoon. Why are we even here?"
"While you were out, I was informed by the higher ups they wouldn't supply a star craft."
Anbu tapped a claw on the table. Why not buy one? Surely someone was at least selling. No, nothing was ever that simple. Fate wouldn't like that at all.
"And you want us to hitch a ride of a slave tub? Sounds like fun."
Dres agreed with the doc. Apperantly they'd both been listening in on some conversation with about the same parameters.
"And how you expect we get on?"
"There's your answer."
Warren moved his head in the direction of those mando'a. Anbu felt like laughing. The Doc played with his glasses a little. Motoko finished off the last nacho.
"You can go talk them Dres. If we're lucky your size along will get an answer."
Dres stood up, stretching a little. Walking fast enough he caught them at the door.
"Pardon me, I know you're probably busy party is in need to talk to you. We'd be willing to set up a meeting later in the day I'm sure."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 16, 2007 8:29 pm #

Brassk walked into the cantina looking for a guy with big black wings. He had been told that he could find him here by a black sun thug. He looked around and sure enough, there he was, it looked like he was talking to some1 so he walked up to them and said
"Excuse me, I don't mean to interupt or anything but I need to talk to you" he nodded his head toward the bat-like guy.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 16, 2007 9:00 pm #

"Oh? Let's talk again then."
Anbu moved him into the last seat in the table. After having gotten a nod and a calling card from the mando. Folded his hands, dropped them onto the table.
"So, what was that job you were talking about? Not that you should've called first stead of breaking in unanounced."
"That's the thing, I don't know. I haven't read it yet, we need a ship's navcomputer to open the datacard. But the missions are usually entertaining. Money's good. Nice to see you remember me, posting that thug at your door helped out."
Dres folded his wings in a bit more.
"If you want the job, set your com to this frequency. 1485, be ready near the afternoon."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 16, 2007 9:11 pm #

"allright, will do" Brassk replied turning on his comlink's frequency to 1485
he went up to the bar and ordered a beer figuring he would prob'ly need it to loosen up a bit.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 17, 2007 2:09 am #

Kyr'am likewise placed his order to go and picked up his helmet before addressing the group, "I've got preparations to make as well.  If any of you need a ride, I can take you up in the shuttle.  If not, just call me when you're ready to go to the Katarn."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47

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