I just came across this pic thought you might find it interesting especialy the bottom part. ;)
Topic: Boba in the live action TV series..
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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Wow cool.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
thats hot
―Peter Griffin
I'm sorry but I have to say this. HOLY F#CK.
That is interesting. I've seen better pictures. It is hard to tell, but the Fett image may be from the original Kennar figure. I am sure that the creators of the show will ruin Fett's image.
It's awful. :(
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
The images are awful (especially Yoda), and they are going to ruin Fett's image. I'm sure that he will be some two-bit mercenary who gets bested every time he comes into contact with the protaganist(s). Then he will be holding his fist up, saying "I'll get you Jedis," despite the fact that "Jedis" is not a word.
The images are awful (especially Yoda), and they are going to ruin Fett's image. I'm sure that he will be some two-bit mercenary who gets bested every time he comes into contact with the protaganist(s). Then he will be holding his fist up, saying "I'll get you Jedis," despite the fact that "Jedis" is not a word.
That's exactly why I said it was awful. I agree with you.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I got the "Jedis" part from a past post that you made, Miba.
I'm just excited they're continuing the saga. And come on, more Fett can't be bad.
Post Deleted.
There is a chance, however, that the Fett portrayed in this t.v. series may be good.
Hopefully he will be one of the main characters featured.
Then there would be an even higher chance of him being portrayed horribly.
I meant hopefully he will be the protagonist in this series. Generally people don't make fools of the protagonists. Since it's going to be Daniel Logan we can expect a Boba in his 20's. Hopefully, Lucas won't make Boba a total idiot. But there is speculation Quinlan Vos may appear. That would be cool.
All we can hope for is Boba to be portrayed right. I have faith in Daniel Logan, and I agree that the producers & creators could screw it up.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know how I did not see this EARILER!!! OMG I"M SO EXCITED!!! You made my day
Hey! Sev Fett, by the way, Lucas wont make boba an idiot..... 'cos Boba RULES!!!
That means nothing. Lucas does not like Boba. Also, he can do anything that he wants to Star Wars, so he could make Fett a mentally handicapped bounty hunter in dire need of training,
Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I have learned not to hold my breath on these things and to be pleasantly surprised when they turn out well.
hey! Draco fett, are you sure Lucas hates Boba? I think hes well cool!! :) and no fett does not need training even though he Wuz eaten on ep 6!!! :(
I am quite sure. I know very well that Boba doe not need training. I was saying that Lucas could make him a horrible hunter.
well, duhhhhh??? fett is horrible and a bad guy! I thought you would have known that! :)
I do, but that is not what I ment. Lucas could make Boba horrible at bounty hunting.
ahhhhh, so you mean george made boba crap and bounty hunting - when he's so good?
I mean Lucas can make Boba "crap."
Basically I don't think George really cares about Fett, he's a sidebar character. Most folks like ye 'olde Mandalorian because he has a nifty suit (admit that's why we were all attracted to him at first), so I don't think Lucas hates him, but he certainly doesn't harbor any love either.
Basically I don't think George really cares about Fett, he's a sidebar character. Most folks like ye 'olde Mandalorian because he has a nifty suit (admit that's why we were all attracted to him at first), so I don't think Lucas hates him, but he certainly doesn't harbor any love either.
But I've read reports that the TV will feature all the sidebar characters. I don't believe we will see to many main characters mostly just cameos. Like of coruse you are going to have to show Vader, Obi-Wan, and others but those will just be cameo shots. (From what I understand).
I certainly don't think Lucas expected such a fan following for Fett. But since our fav bounty hunter is making him a freighter full of credits, I doubt George complains much.
I hesitate to speculate on what Lucas thinks.....or if he thinks at all at times. LOL! But I would have to agree that his focus is mostly on the core characters and that he views Fett as a lucky "pawn-done-good".
That means nothing. Lucas does not like Boba. Also, he can do anything that he wants to Star Wars, so he could make Fett a mentally handicapped bounty hunter in dire need of training,
This made me laugh pretty hard.
I know I have mixed feelings about this... on one hand, Boba has the potential to make some appearances, but I have a feeling that George Lucas and who ever else works on the script will write in so many things that contradict Boba Fett's character and/or history that has been written in the novels (As if he hasn't already, but still...)
I honestly don't know how I feel about Boba being involved. I probably won't have much of an opinion until I watch the show.
I do have on worry though.... Boba will be so lame/ruined that I'll be ashamed to be a Fett fan... I don't want that to happen.
I would hope (and I say HOPE) that Boba has enough of a following that Lucas would know better than to insult his fans by ruining their favorite character. Then again, George tends to do pretty much whatever he pleases... *makes face*
Aw, I was going to go to bed, but I just thought of something!
And it's not good!
Alright, chances are if Boba is in the TV series, he will be portrayed by Daniel Logan.
Now, Daniel is an adequate actor and all... but what bothers me... is his looks!
Putting it bluntly, Daniel is, what, 19 now? And extremely attractive... Hm... can any one say rapid fangirls?
I admit I have my own silly, fangirl moments, but it has nothing to do with Daniel.
Just imagine... Daniel Logan takes the role of Boba, and there will be a new generation of Boba Fett fans... 13 year old girls who think Daniel is "lyke totally hott!!11"
The message board will be populated by fans who no longer care about Boba Fett enduring character and personality, but a stud with a smooth New Zealand accent. O_O
It's... it's going to happen... I just know. Teenage Boba Fett will be the next Anakin Skywalker for the girls... it's awful...
My friend Katie is obssesed with Hayden Christian (or whatever his name is). Hopefully Boba will not take his helmet off too often.
Boba Fett - object of schoolgirl fantasy....
EEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeee It's BOBA!!!!! *FAINTS*
UGH....what a disaster that would be. :(
This site would be overrun. I could imagine it now. A topic under fans. Why Daniel Logan is so hot.
Well let's all send scalding letters to George Lucas petitioning the keeping of the mask on during the live action tv-series.
My friend Katie is obsessed with Hayden Christian (or whatever his name is). Hopefully Boba will not take his helmet off too often.
Ugh, I know. Both of my cousin were obsessed with him too! Honestly, he's the only reason some girls will sit through the Star Wars movies!
I once had a conversation with some of my friends in Spanish Class two years ago about Star Wars... all they had to say was "Oh yeah, Darth Vader is soo hott!" And of course they were referring to Hayden!
I'm telling you, if the make up artist don't rough him up a bit... Oh, hell, what am I saying?! Unless they gouge scars in Daniel's face he is still going to be attractive!
That's it... this TV series is going to be a disaster... good show or not. Hottie Boba will attract the wrong followers...
Well, if the site does become overrun by squealing girls, drooling after hottie Boba, we'll have to keep a close eye on them. They will be posting all manner of topic headings:
"Why Boba is so Hot"
"How would your name sound if you married Boba?"
"The perfect date with Boba"
"What would you and Boba name your kids?"
"If you took Boba to prom"
................................ *SHUDDERS*
Its the stuff of nightmares, I tell you...
If all of them are like Katie, it will not last long. Last year she was obsessed with someone in Lord of the Rings. Befor that, Harry Potter
But what if these are the obsessed variety?
HA! That's a good one. I could imagine someone storming into various fangirl's houses, carrying M-16, shouting, "HERE'S DRACO!!!"
My isn't this off the wall...is it possible to get back in the same direction we started in?
(BFFC Moderator)
Ah sorry got to have those random moments. Anyway Manji's point is of grest importance!
I agree with you guys, having hoardes of little teenagers (meaning 12 and 13 year olds) overrunning us would be awful. And it's along the same lines as I was saying about newbs overrunning with non-canon things that were presented in the tv shows, refusing to listen to us who know what's canon.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I know I have mixed feelings about this... on one hand, Boba has the potential to make some appearances, but I have a feeling that George Lucas and who ever else works on the script will write in so many things that contradict Boba Fett's character and/or history that has been written in the novels (As if he hasn't already, but still...)
I honestly don't know how I feel about Boba being involved. I probably won't have much of an opinion until I watch the show.I do have on worry though.... Boba will be so lame/ruined that I'll be ashamed to be a Fett fan... I don't want that to happen.
No matter what happens I will always be a Fett fan. and I''ll prove it. About the girls liking Daniel Logan, I guess I'm ok with that. Schoolgirls will be schoolgirls I guess. I hope the show turns out good and that Boba's image is not too messed up. Also, when they make-up Daniel, they should probably put a scar somewhere to show hes the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, not some new zealand guy that the girls like.
I never liked the Star Wars movies turned TV shows. Too many additional non-canon things, and too many misperceptions about a perfectly good character. They are doing a new thing: Making Boba a main character in his own TV show, but as you all have said, that's what people are going to base their opinions on. This site will be overrun by the people who think they know all about the character, but in truth, know next to nothing. This site probably will be corrupted by the TV show fans, who will probably mix up the TV Boba's history, achievements, up with the real one's.
There are a few, non M-16, solutions.
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