So i live in Fall River, Mass and here we do not pronounce our R's and G's. such as caa isntead of car or i wonda instead of wonder. we are right on the coast and its 99% the same as bostons accent. well i was watching Epi 3 and when Sidious gives anakin his sith name im Practically positive i heard Vada instead of Vader. anyone else catch this?
Topic: Palpatine is from Massachusettes?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
12 posts
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―Peter Griffin
ya.... come to think of it I did.....maybe he was just goin for the evil, sort of "hissing" accent.:/
While I agree that he does not pronounce the R in Vader (as he said Vadah) I don't think he had much of a boston accent. It was more evil than anything else. More like Vadahr than the boston = Vaiduh.
Hail to the King Baby!!
He was probably choking back his lightening somewhat as he said it. :P

true but hey i'd love to go down to my city hall and see his pic up there next to the mayor or suttin. good laugh.
―Peter Griffin
I would be a very funny experience. I think he did say more of a Vaydah pronunciation though. Maybe my ears were messed up, I don't know.
nice avatar, dageen fett or should i say lego boba fett?! :)
green helmeted fett, WHAT does that have to do with the current topic????? STAY ON TOPIC!!!
well sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....but i have the lego star wars game and i recongnise that avatar - boba fett ( lego version. )
He was not being rude, you were, as you were spamming.

PM me if you like but u spam way to much green helmet.-off topic
on topic- i was watch ROTJ last nite at like 1 am and was half a sleep but i think he drops his R's when he has luke and is like join me and w/e. n e 1 else see that ima rewatch it tonight just to see that 1 scene
―Peter Griffin
I probably will re-watch it as well. And Episode III while I'm at it. :D