Shion waved smugly at the Mando who was now chasing the tank, reclining a bit and making herself comfortable.
"Yeah," she said, a smile on her face. "Why not? It's kind of traditional."
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
Note: this topic has more than one page. Jump to the last page to see the most recent reply.
Shion waved smugly at the Mando who was now chasing the tank, reclining a bit and making herself comfortable.
"Yeah," she said, a smile on her face. "Why not? It's kind of traditional."
Territ sunk into his seat, good thing he was wearing a helment he was kind of blushing. The Mando army finnaly made it out of the Canyon and to a large Mandolrian fortress. "Nothing like the War Home" Territ said from his seat. The Fortress had a powerful sheild generator to block off bombardment and hundreads of large cannons to take care of any oppostion. "Ill think of a name, Shion." Territ said.
Shion's smile didn't falter as she hopped onto the hatch, waiting for Territ to get out now that they had reached the War Home. She didn't like to admit it, but she was still worried about the wound in his side. She watched Xondra disembark with the other Mandos. Shion would be the last one off. It was how things had always been. When so many of their clan members had been killed, Territ and Shion had survived, and stuck together for it. She grinned. It explained the mild insanity that afflicted them both.
"I know you will," she said.
Territ smiled at her from under his helment. Territ hid the pain from his side, he'll dismantle that droid someday. "Thanks Shion" Territ said when she helped him out of his tank. They made their way to the mess hall. "Finnaly something decent to eat, eh?"
Shion nodded. "If I had to look at that nerf jerkey for much longer I think I might have snapped," she agreed. A sudden thought occurred to her... a subtle test...
She clapped Territ on the shoulder, showing him no more gentleness than she would on any other occasion, and on the same side as his injury. "I'm glad you pulled through."
Territ seized up and hissed a bit. "Ouch! Will ya stop it!" Territ said just then realizing that he let the fact that he was in pain out. Territ looked at her and gave a nervous chuckle.
Shion folded her arms over her chest and fixed him with a most accusing look. "I ought to deck you for lying to me, but you're in enough pain. That... and I would have done the same thing." She looked on her belt, but found she had no more medpacks. So she tilted her head in a gesture for Territ to follow her to the medical building. He could be stubborn and difficult, but he wasn't stupid. As she walked with him, one nagging, recurrent thought came to her.
"Hey... Territ?" she began nervously.
Territ removed his helement as they walked to the Med center. Territ looked at Shion. "Ya?"
Shion didn't look at him. The medical people hadn't settled in yet, so the place was abandoned. She cracked open a plasteel container, finding a medpack and returning to where she'd left Territ sitting on one of the cots. She handed it to him, her face reddening from more than the heat of the jungle moon.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly, her face grim. "If I had payed closer attention you wouldn't have gotten wounded."
Territ took her hand in his. "It was noones fault, cept that droids. Dont feel bad for what happened, this is war and we are Mandalorians." Territ said. He let go of her hand and started to treat his wound more.
Shion nodded, shame receeding a bit. She sat on the next cot down the line, patching up the cuts and scrapes she'd gotten along the way. Then the startling thought came to her that there was no medical explanation as to why her hand was tingling.
Territ put that last patch of Kolto on. "Much better." Territ said before he looked at Shion. "You okay Shion?" Territ sad. He put his arm around her. "Hey, you okay?"
Her concious mind was screaming at her. Of course she wasn't fine! They were in the middle of a war, and now of all times she found herself attracted to him, to say nothing of the fact his arm was around her!
Live in the moment... it was the Mandalorian way. Because that moment, for all you knew, could be your last.
"I'm fine," she said. She struggled to find the right words for a moment. "But if you had died, I don't know what I would have done. You've known me almost since I was became a Mandalorian... what the hell am I saying?" She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I guess that even though we know nothing is permanent, I've come to think of you as the closest thing to it. I don't like to think of going to war one day without you there. Stupid, huh?"
Territ looked at her. "How long weve known each other? 15, 16 years? We are not gonna get seperated by some droid. Or any other thing, our people will win this war." Territ layed down on the bed. "Im still gonna kill that droid."
She smiled wearily. "Yeah, these Jedi haven't got anything on us," she agreed. "So are you going to embed little ion charges in his casing and let them off one by one, or are you just going to blow him up?"
"Probally take off his arms and legs and stick him on a pole for all eternity. I think he'll like that."Territ said jokinly. He sat up and got off the bed."Well the food isnt gonna last forever we better go make sure we get some of it."
Shion stood up as well, taking one last scrutinizing look at Territ to make sure he was alright. He passed, and she walked back towards the mess hall, worries temporarily subsiding. she would have fun watching Territ impale this HK-47. Revenge was sweet.
Territ walked into the Mess Hall with Shion, they got in line for the meal. Dxun meat, it was better then the nerf jerky they got. They took their seats a table with other mandos, Territ dug into his food, he was starving.
Shion couldn't remember a time when she was so grateful to look at something other than jerkey and ration bars. The hunting on Dxun was good, and it had become apparent. Just to mess with Territ she swiped some of the still-packaged rations off his plate, then deposited them on other people's trays, leaving them to wonder how they got there.
Territ looked around, Shion just fooled all the other mandos there, Territ gave a small chuckle before digging back into his meal.
"I'm thinking about signing on for a scout mission," she said, gulping down some of her own meal. "It's been awhile since we came here, and someone's going to have to clear out the bomas anyway. It'd be a good way for HK to have an accident, too," she added to Territ in an undertone.
"You're a strange droid." Faux remarked to the assassin droid near her as the prisoners were led through the Mandalorian stronghold. The padawan pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, but it only fell into her face again, "Where did you come from?"
Territ looked up at Shion. He smiled at her plan. "Sounds like a good idea to me, finnaly get revenge on that stupid ole droid." Territ said. "Why is he even here? We shouldve killed him earlier for shooting me"
Shion was so started by the god-forsaken droid's voice that she whipped around with a vibroblade in hand reflexively. She sheathed it slowly, reminding herself that he had checked out with the techs and with the Mand'alore... but that didn't mean that he checked out with her.
"We have no master," Shion said tensely, sitting back down. "There are no words save in Mando'a that can relate what Mandalore is. But he is not a master. He is a... leader? That doesn't explain it, either. The point is he heeds us as well as us heeding him."
((Hes talking to Faux))
Ya. Shion can't hear HK. She is eating with Territ.
Blastdangit!!! Ya gotta specify these things! Lol now I feel REALLY stupid...
Dont feel stupid
"He's... fried, or something," Shion explained to Territ. "It's got the most bizarre linguistic programing I've ever seen, and claims it's a Systech creation. Furthermore, it acts like its on our side... so I'm baffled. Mandalore gave him the OK, but it's not our fault if he gets torn limb-from-limb by an angry zakkeg, right?"
"Wont be our fault." Territ said lifting his spoon out of his soup and putting it into his mouth. "I feel like going to capture one of those big flying beasts, what are they called? Oh ya Drexls, make a good mount."
"We should try to recruit the Beast Riders, too," Shion added. "They're warrior people, too. Much like us. And they can teach us how to tame those things."
She peered around at the mess hall, well populated by the Mandalorians and their captives. HK was talking to Faux near one wall of the room. Shion turned back to her food. Mandalore or no, she'd scrap that droid herself if he hurt the girl. Then she returned to more pleasant thoughts of drexl-mounted Mandalorian warriors.
Territ looked at her."That would be nice" Territ said taking a bite out of some nearby meat. "Flying over the battle field would be a great sight and drop some bombs on them"
"I love my basilisk, don't get me wrong," Shion agreed, "but I think something about being that close to the action, the new perspective on the battle... I'm sorry," she said, grinning. "There's just so much that could be done with a few of those things. It's a brilliant idea- you should bring it to Mandalore."
"Ill leave the planing to the planers" Territ said leaning back in his chair."I wouldnt trade in a tank chair for a pair of wings, unless those wings were attatched to my back and not something else. Like a jet pack but a wing pack you know?" Territ lifted up his soup bowl and drunk the rest of it. "Good meal"
Shion sighed, polished off her meal as well, and stood up. "Speaking of my baby," she said, "I'm going to see how the hangar's held up." She grinned, hands itching to be at the controls of her darling basilisk again. As soon as word had come around to her clan that they were going to Dxun, Shion had been ready to rain fire on Onderon from their base on the moon. Territ loved his tanks, this was true. But it was often joked that the reason Shion wasn't married was because her only true love was her basilisk war droid.
Territ got up "Ill go with you, this place is dull anyways." Territ said jokinly as he and Shion walked out of the mess hall. "Have you named yours yet Shion? Your Basilisk"
Shion, of course, had been mulling over a few names, though she'd added a new one to the list. But Territ didn't need know that. She did her best to look unfazed by the question.
"No, not yet. Been a busy couple weeks, you know?" she said. "But I'm narrowing it down. I think I've got a pretty good idea."
"Ya Ive hadent gotten one yet either." Territ said, good thing his skin was grey, he was kinda blushing. "Ive been thinking alot thou"
"Any ideas?" she asked, taking an easy pace toward the hangar. "Though I imaging you've had a lot to think about too, huh?"
Territ looked at her, "How bout *Duxun's Fire*" Territ suggested. Terrut shrugged and walked beside her. "You got any ideas for my tank's name?"
"I like it," she said, smiling. She was Mandalorian to be sure, for there was something of a fire in her eyes when she spoke of such things. "It'll serve as a pleasant reminder as to what happens when you stand against the might of Mandalore once she goes to other worlds."
Faux froze in complete shock when she heard the droid's response. What?! How?! When?
The padawan exhaled carefully, recollecting herself and pretended to eat, she spoke casually as though talking in front of her at nothing at all, "So there's some sort of plan then?"
Escape?! Freedom! Away from the world of such confusing greys and back home again to where everything made sense and the enemy was evil and the good were always led by the Jedi. Faux's heart soared with the overwhelming whirlpool of pleasant ideas, while she scratched her nose casually pretending to feel nothing at all.
"Answer: We must not discuss this now.........Yes! these are Mandalorian Heavy Pistols! Modified to fire in 5-shot bursts!" HK quickly changed the subject.
Territ kicked up dirt as he walked"I guess" He looked up into the night sky,"To calm here, feels uneasy" Territ said as they reached the hanger.
"All that means is we get to fight again soon," she said, moving quickly through the lines of vehicles until she found one, a basilisk war droid with the mythosaur skull emblazoned on it in black and gold. She grinned and wrapped her arms as far around it as far as she could. "My baby!" she said fondly, a grin on her face. "Onderon, here we come!"
Territ looked at it. "Onderon? You sure, thats not the best place for us Mandos." Territ said as he helped Shion onto her Basilisk. "Oh well, so am I going?"
She waved a dismissive hand as she jumped in, checking to make sure everything was in order. "There's nothing but jungle on Dxun," she said as if it were as plain as day. "But the Onderonians have joined with the Republic, and they have a lot of resorces. Mandalore plans to launch the crusade from here, but Onderon's going to be the first to go."
Finding that everything was in order except for a couple of spiders that had found their way in, Shion got back out. "And I'm going to be on the front lines for the assault."
She paused for a moment. "To answer your question, I'd like you to go with us," she said. "You're a good warrior. We could all use you there. But it's your choice, of course."
"Of course I'm going, you get into to much trouble with out me" Territ said jokingly. "So you think that beast of yours can carry a tank?"
"A basilisk is built for speed and firepower, not for transport," she said, not a lecture, but a fact. "But Mandalore will have to drop ground troops. I'll meet you down there?" She raised her eyebrows hopefully.
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Note: the last post in this topic was 17 years ago.
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