Topic: Imperial Conquest

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Topic #1082

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February 2, 2007 11:59 am #
Lord Revan wrote:

Yurt likes to be drunk, doesn't he.

Well, what isn't hilarious about a drunk Jawa? I still can't stop laughing. :P

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 2, 2007 12:04 pm #

Ya, Jawas are funny sober but when drunk their even funnier

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 2, 2007 12:48 pm #

Uriel frowned in thought. "Somwhere near the outskirts." he replied. "Actually" he added changing course. "I got someone who owes me a favor. He's got a hanger I could hide my ship in. It's in the badlands so trouble from the imps isn't very likely."
Devon nodded. "So why does this guy owe you a favor?" he asked.
Uriel grinned. "Because I didn't kill him."
"I guess that's a good reason." Devon replied.
After a short ride, Uriel brought the x-wing down outside of what looked like an abandoned moisture farm.
Uriel hopped down from the cockpit. He walked around to the back and opened the cargo bay. Devon gratefully crawled out.
"Ever thought of getting a bigger ship?" he asked rubbing his neck. "Maybe something with a copilot's seat?"
"Nope." Uriel replied jumping into the cargo bay and scrounging through the mass of weapons. "Here." he said tossing Devon a satchel bag.
"What's this?" Devon asked opening the flap.
"Military Grade Thermal Plastoid." Uriel replied grabbing his E-11 and handing Devon an ancient DC-15 carbine.
Devon shouldered the rifle and carefully handed the explosives back to Uriel. "You better carry this." He said.
Uriel nodded and walked to the front door of the hab unit. "This doesn't look good." he added noticing black scorch marks on the walls.
"What happened?" Devon asked, raising the carbine and sweeping it around the room. "Imps?"
"Not likely." Uriel replied kneeling down and examing a set of footprints. "Tuscans would be my guess."
"You think their still around?" Devon asked.
Uriel suddenly stood up and fired his E-11 past Devon's head. Horrified, Devon whirled around. A body of a Tuscan slid down the wall, leaving a bloody streak.
"Yeah." Uriel replied. "I'd say so."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 2, 2007 1:03 pm #
Vassili Fett wrote:

Uriel frowned in thought. "Somwhere near the outskirts." he replied. "Actually" he added changing course. "I got someone who owes me a favor. He's got a hanger I could hide my ship in. It's in the badlands so trouble from the imps isn't very likely."
Devon nodded. "So why does this guy owe you a favor?" he asked.
Uriel grinned. "Because I didn't kill him."

Are you refering to Mattias?

"This IS my signature."
February 2, 2007 2:02 pm #

"Sand people!" Devon said. "It looks like the man that owes you a favor is dead." Devon watched the doors to the other rooms carefully.
"Or he's not here." Uriel said. "Stay on your guard, there must be more of them here."
"Okay, you open that door, I'll throw a concussion grenade." Devon answered.
"All right, then we both go in." Uriel answered and walked up to the door. When Uriel opened it, Devon threw a grenade in and after they heard it blow, they went in.
"Watch out!" Uriel said and fired a blaster bolt at a Tuscen who just came in.
Devon shot the stunned sand people. "They should have stayed where they came from." He said slowly.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Uriel said and pointed at the next door. "Now let's continue and clear this house!"

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 2, 2007 4:27 pm #

Yurt awoke in the imperial headquaters with a splitting headache. <Ooooh> Yurt said.

A gloved hand held out a drink that looked like it was mixed with some sort of powder."Drink it Yurt it will take away the hangover."

Yurt took the drink and chugged it down, he then looked up at the man, it was his commanding officer. <Wha? I thought I had week off.>Yurt said.

"You did" The officer said. "The break is being put off Yurt your back into the feild, we need to know where the rebels are."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 3, 2007 4:20 am #

Alo stood up, knocking over her chair in the process.

"If you have any Sith tricks up your sleeve, they would be useful right about now," Alo told her companion, charging her blaster.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
February 3, 2007 10:45 am #
Lord Revan wrote:
Vassili Fett wrote:

Uriel frowned in thought. "Somwhere near the outskirts." he replied. "Actually" he added changing course. "I got someone who owes me a favor. He's got a hanger I could hide my ship in. It's in the badlands so trouble from the imps isn't very likely."
Devon nodded. "So why does this guy owe you a favor?" he asked.
Uriel grinned. "Because I didn't kill him."

Are you refering to Mattias?

no actually, just some random nameless person.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 3, 2007 10:49 am #

Oh. I was confused.

"This IS my signature."
February 3, 2007 10:57 am #

Uriel's ears rang as Devon's concussion grenade went off. So far he and Devon had cleared almost every room of the hab unit.
"I think this is the last room." Uriel said pressing his back against the wall. They had killed at least 30 Tuscans since they arrived.
"I hope so." Devon replied clutching the carbine. He plucked another grenade from his belt. "Shall we?"
Uriel nodded. "On three." he said grabbing the door handle. "1...2...3!" Uriel flung the door open as Devon lobbed in the grenade. WHUMP! The grenade went off and the two rushed in. The room was choked in dust, but Uriel could see dark shapes stumbling around. He and Devon quickly hosed down the room with laser fire until nothing moved.
"That oughta do it." Uriel said pushing a dead Tuscan off a chair and sitting down. They had made their way into the hanger Uriel mentioned earlier. Inside was an old T-16, a rusty land speeder, and what looked like a brand new Imperial speeder bike.
"No wonder this guy got raided." Devon said running his hand across the bike.
Uriel nodded and lit up a nic stik. "This guy was a part time smuggler." He said blowing out smoke. "He had a modest fee on his head. When I showed up, he begged for his life, and in turn traded me some very unique weapons." Uriel finished. "So I let him live." He glanced around the hanger. "Though where he is now is beyond me."
Uriel stood up. "I better get that x-wing in here before any probe droids spot it. Open the doors would ya?"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 3, 2007 2:22 pm (Edited February 3, 2007 02:25 pm) #

Mattias walked to his ship in docking bay 51. "Ahh.....Haven't seen you in days." Mattias said as he slid his fingers across the massive minigun mounted in the nose of his ship, the Avenger. She was custom made by Kuat Drive Yards. Disignated GUA-8 for its Advanced Targeting Computer, it can selet and fire at eight targets simotaniously, using differrent weapons systems. It's cockpit is slightly larger than an X-wing's, but has a sleeping compartment and  storage in the fusalage. Mattias walked over to the storage unit in the hangar and pulled the repulsor cart out and started loading the weapons he got from the raid into his ship.

"This IS my signature."
February 3, 2007 8:06 pm #

Uriel waited in the cockpit of the Fury while Devon struggled with the heavy hanger doors. To pass the time he had been accessing the Empire's data network. He scrolled down the screen, hacking it had been easy enough. The software in his ship's computer had saw to that.
"Aww geez." he said as he saw his name listed under "Wanted."  "Should've seen this coming."
Under his picture was a description. "Wanted, Uriel Koslov, Human, 6' tall, black hair. Last spotted in Tattoine system. Wanted for Illegal docking at an Imperial Port, firing on and evading arrest by Imperial troops. Suspected weapons smuggler. 800,000 credits for his capture."
Uriel whistled as he read the bounty. "That's a lot of credits." He said outloud. "I'll be fighting off bounty hunters the rest of my life for sure."
Uriel glanced up as Devon finnaly managed to open the hanger doors. Uriel gently guided the x-wing into the hanger as Devon closed the doors behind him.
Uriel hopped down from the cockpit as Devon approached, perspiring from the effort. "Anything about us yet?"
he asked breathing heavy.
Uriel nodded. "Well for me anyway." he said tossing the butt of his nic stik in the dirt. "800,000 large. They must think I was working alone."
Devon's eyes widened. "Damn." he said. "I guess I lucked out."
"Hardly kid." Uriel replied. "Since I assume were partners now, I guarantee a bounty hunter wouldn't think twice about blasting you as well."
Devon shrugged. "I've had good luck so far."
"Don't count your nerfs just yet." Uriel replied, once again opening the cargo bay of the Fury and jumping inside.
"So what now?" Devon asked. "We gotta meet up with the other Rebels in Mos Eisley."
"I know." Uriel replied tossing duffel bags to Devon. "But I gotta pack first."
Devon laughed. "Not clothes I'm guessing."
"You got that right." Uriel replied. "Load that stuff into the speeder." He jumped from the cargo bay and tossed Devon another package.
"What's this?" Devon asked as Uriel grabbed a similar bulk.
"Just a little insurance." Uriel  replied pulling a breast plate resembling Imperial armor but painted black like the Fury and pulling it on. "It'll stop most blaster rounds. It's old Kartaan armor."
"Where did you manage to get this stuff?" Devon asked pulling on the armor.
Uriel shrugged. "Like I said." he replied checking the charge on his E-11. "I've been to a lot of interesting places, now let's get goin before the entire Imperial Fleet lands on our heads."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 3, 2007 8:27 pm (Edited February 3, 2007 08:39 pm) #

TK-369 walked down the corrider to the training rooms, but stopped at the sight of a post on the post board.
"Wanted, Uriel Koslov, Human, 6' tall, black hair. Last spotted in Tattoine system. Wanted for Illegal docking at an Imperial Port, firing on and evading arrest by Imperial troops. Suspected weapons smuggler. 800,000 credits for his capture."
""He'll have bounty hunters on him from evrywhere all the time." TK-369 thought after reading the 800,000 creds part.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 3, 2007 8:57 pm (Edited February 3, 2007 09:00 pm) #

Mattias was going through all of his "confiscated" weapons, when he found a particularly huge sniper rifle. "Ooo, I like a dis a one." he pulled the rifle out of the case and stood it up. "Whoa...This thing is taller than me." Mattias looked at the rile. "I keep you in special place." he put it aside and finished unloading the rest of the weapons.

"This IS my signature."
February 3, 2007 9:43 pm #

Yurt walked like a regular jawa threw the streets of Mos Esliey, he was looking for rebels. He was using a fake name: Tiyu Gur, and a Fake Bio: Imperials destroyed my sandcrawler for no reason I want revenge!.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 3, 2007 10:18 pm #

Devon took up his DC-15 blaster rifle and fired it at his own chest. He fell backwards and dropped the rifle, he could feel the armor getting warm.
"What did you do?!" Uriel shouted as he heard the blaster rifle.
"I tested the armor." Devon replied. "This is good armor." the armor was cooling now, so he took it off.
Uriel turned around and saw Devon taking off the armor. "Kid, you should have taken off the armor and shot it," Uriel said smiling. "What if the armor wouldn't have worked?"
"Um... I didn't think of that." Devon said and started loading all the stuff into the speeder. "What are you going to do with all this stuff?" Devon asked.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 4, 2007 9:05 am #

"Well." Uriel said after watching Devon nearly blow himself in half. "If it's one thing I've learned over the years it's that explosives and heavy weapons don't mix well with imps." He loaded the last of the bags into the speeder and jumped into the driver seat. "I figure we're gonna need this stuff in the long run."
Devon jumped into the passenger seat.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Uriel asked him.
"No what?" Devon replied curiously.
Uriel pointed a finger at the still closed hanger doors.
"Damnit." Devon sighed and jumped out of the speeder to open the doors.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 4, 2007 10:51 am (Edited February 4, 2007 11:04 am) #

Mattias grabed his sniper rifle and some other various weapons and headed on to the top of the open-roof docking bay, hoping there will be some unusual activity.

"This IS my signature."
February 4, 2007 11:52 am #

Uriel activated the cloaking device on his ship. At least if anyone stumbled apon his new found hide out they wouldnt notice a black rebel fighter.
He hopped back into the driver seat of the speeder just as Devon opened the hanger doors. Uriel coasted outside while Devon closed the hanger doors behind him.
"I'm getting real sick of doing that." Devon said jumping in shotgun.
Uriel pulled his goggles over his eyes. They automaticly polarized to compensate for the bright sun. "If we ever find the owner we'll ask him where he keeps his door opener." he joked gunning the speeder.
They skimmed over the sands of the badlands heading for Mos Eisley.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 4, 2007 7:11 pm #

The yellow-eyed Sith peered at Alo Veera from behind his clear lenses, with the slightest trace of a grin in the corner of his mouth, "Frightened already?"

He stretched out his gloved hand toward the window without turning to look, and the durasteel, slatted frame flew violently out of the wall and crashed downward into the shocked mercenaries down below, and sent them sprawling in a mess of sand, and dropped weapons. Fenneth Crow lighted ontop the roof outcropping and straightened like a dark bird of prey taking it's perch and eyeing its prey far below. He called out to the Vigo and his men, "I was unaware knocking had gone out of style."

The humanoid Vigo with grey hair and wealthy dark blue robes and gold chains sputtered like the coward he was, and shouted at his men, "Get him!"

The strange Sith turned toward Alo Veera, flicked the 2,000 credit chit he owed her, and she caught it in a quick hand. His eyes narrowed and he ordered casually, "Leave the Vigo alive...for now."

Heavy repeater fire sounded across the roof, sending flakes of stone and sand flying everywhere, and the Sith jumped seemlessy out of the way, stumbling only slightly and imperceptibly on crumbling stone, he whirled around, dodging more erratic fire, and turned to draw his heavy blaster pistol.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 4, 2007 9:28 pm (Edited February 4, 2007 10:22 pm) #

name:  Darth Kun, Occupation: sith lord,    Wepons: 2 dark crimson single blade sabers, a dc-15 in  case on back, and wookie bowcaster on strap around arm,  Force: choke, lightning, and pull. Species: Wookie,  description: Wears grey black robe,Hood covers top of face. Can speak english, Wanted dead     in seven star system for the murder of thousands of supposed innocence, known to work with the emperor ocasionally, likes to kill when angry

the sarlacc found me somewhat indegestible solo - Boba Fett - Dark Empire 1
February 4, 2007 9:37 pm (Edited February 4, 2007 09:44 pm) #

Tucking the credit chip in her armor, she smirked.

"Me? Frightened...ha." She snorted. "I'm just not stupid enough to take these guys on myself." Backing up the Sith, she shot at an attacking Mercenaries, while purposely avoiding the cowering Vigo. A few fell, smoking holes burned through their skulls.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
February 4, 2007 9:40 pm #

Stalking a jedi into  an alley pulls a sabre from robes slashes at  the jedi slicing his head  clean off its shoulders . Darth Kun casually strolls out of alley saber now tucked safely away        one less jedi left now he mutters menacingly to himself

the sarlacc found me somewhat indegestible solo - Boba Fett - Dark Empire 1
February 4, 2007 9:55 pm #

Darth Kun gets onto his sith speeder bike and rides over to the battle not to far from the slain jedi figuring rebels must be involved somehow and finds the sith and his previously hired hand pull out his sabers and joins the battle dodging blaster bolts only stopping once to grimly bark a hello and runs into battle

the sarlacc found me somewhat indegestible solo - Boba Fett - Dark Empire 1
February 4, 2007 9:56 pm (Edited February 4, 2007 09:57 pm) #

Okay Sev I didnt understand a word in your chars bio and your godmodding

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 4, 2007 10:04 pm (Edited February 4, 2007 10:28 pm) #

okay i'll go ahead and fix that now so the others and yourself can understand me alittle better :D

the sarlacc found me somewhat indegestible solo - Boba Fett - Dark Empire 1
February 4, 2007 10:29 pm (Edited February 4, 2007 10:30 pm) #

Better now    =D

the sarlacc found me somewhat indegestible solo - Boba Fett - Dark Empire 1
February 5, 2007 9:10 am #

After a few hours they reached Mos Eisley.
"Imperial Patrol, let's avoid them." Devon said. "I'll drive behind those rocks and around the imps."
Devon and Uriel had taken turns driving and Devon loved this speeder.
"Okay." Uriel nodded "Just watch out for scouts."
"I'm the one driving, why don't you look for scouts?" Devon said.
"All right, I'll do it." Uriel picked up a pair of electrobinoculars. "Stop, I need to see clearly."
Devon stopped and Uriel checked the area.
"No imps in sight." Uriel said. "Let's move on."
Devon continued and stopped a few times while Uriel checked with his electrobinoculars.
"What would you do if you spotted an imperial scout?" Devon asked.
"I would shoot them with this." Uriel showed Devon an old concussion rifle.
"That's overkilling, isn't it?" Devon asked.
"Yeah but it's fun."

They continued and were not interrupted by scouts. When they had entered Mos Eisley a patrol saw them and blocked the road, forcing them to stop. Devon was about to tell Uriel to run when the patrol leader started talking to them.
"What are you doing here, and who are you?" The patrol leader asked.
Devon seemed nervous. "Um... We are..."
"We are here to meet our friends and find work." Uriel quickly said.
"Aha, what do you have in the speeder?" The patrol leader asked.
"Water, food and such things." Uriel said.
"Well, there are alot more things I'm supposed to ask and do, but I think you look familiar from somewhere..." He pointed at Uriel. "...So I will let you through without any more boring talk."
"Really? Thanks!" Devon said.
A patrol member approached the leader. "Sir... I know who he is and..."
"Shut up!" The leader shouted. "Let these people through first and we'll discuss who they are after that."
"No, wait a..."
"Let them through first or I'll have you demoted to a cleaner of the detention area!"
The patrol member almost panicced. "Um... Yes sir!"

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 5, 2007 9:16 am #

Uriel powered the speeder at dangerous speeds across the dune sea. He didn't like the desert. Too hot, too bright, too much sand, and damn near nothing to hide behind. He hoped he could get across without attracting any imp patrols.
As if to answer his suspicions, Devon turned in his seat. "LOOK OUT!" he cried.
Uriel jerked the speeder to the left. Not exactly knowing what Devon was talking about or what was going on.
An explosion ripped up a huge crater in the sand in front of him as he jerked the controls back to the right.
"Would you tell me what the fierfek is going on!" Uriel shouted to Devon as more explosions poured dirt across the speeders hood.
Suddenly an Imperial TIE bomber screamed overhead. It's payload empty. Uriel watched as it swung around for another pass. The pilot would no doubt be switching to his laser cannons.
"Take the wheel!" Uriel shouted to Devon.
"What?" Devon shouted back. "What are you gonna do?"
"Save our shebs for one thing!" Uriel replied jumping into the back seat while Devon slid into the drivers seat.
Uriel opened one of his duffel bags, digging around inside of it until he found what he wanted. An S-7 screetcher launcher.
He hefted the rocket onto his shoulder and activated the hologram targetting reticle. A green circle appeared. Uriel lined it up with the TIE bomber and it tracked and switched to red. A loud beep confirmed the lock.
Uriel pulled the trigger and nearly fell out of the speeder as the missile left the tube, leaving a trail of blue-white smoke behind it.
The bomber jinked to avoid the missile, the screetcher immediately altered course and slammed into the back of the bomber. Violently exploding with a massive blue fireball witch in turn engulfed the TIE bomber, which erupted into green flames.
Uriel put the S-7 back in the duffel bag and jumped into the front seat. He grabbed the wheel as Devon switched him places.
"I will never critisize your packing again." Devon said his face white.
"Good." Uriel replied lighting yet another nic stik. "Because most who do don't live too long."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 5, 2007 9:17 am #

haha sorry cloner, we'll just say my part came first.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 5, 2007 9:27 am #

After the close call with the bomber, Devon and Uriel finnaly reached the outskirts of Mos Eisley. He let Devon drive since he seemed to enjoy it so much.
"Imperial Patrol, let's avoid them." Devon said. "I'll drive behind those rocks and around the imps."
"Okay." Uriel nodded "Just watch out for scouts."
"I'm the one driving, why don't you look for scouts?" Devon said.
"All right, I'll do it." Uriel picked up a pair of electrobinoculars. "Stop, I need to see clearly."
Devon stopped and Uriel checked the area.
"No imps in sight." Uriel said. "Let's move on."
Devon continued and stopped a few times while Uriel checked with his electrobinoculars.
"What would you do if you spotted an imperial scout?" Devon asked.
"I would shoot them with this." Uriel showed Devon an old concussion rifle.
"That's overkilling, isn't it?" Devon asked.
"Yeah but it's fun."

Uriel scanned the horizon with his electrobinoculars. Nothing. But he noticed the road into the city itself was blocked by imps.
Uriel leaned back in his seat. Making sure the barrel of the concussion rifle was safely hidden.
Devon came to a stop by one of the Stormtroopers. Uriel hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.
"What are you doing here, and who are you?" The patrol leader asked.
Devon seemed nervous. "Um... We are..."
"We are here to meet our friends and find work." Uriel quickly said.
"Aha, what do you have in the speeder?" The patrol leader asked.
"Water, food and such things." Uriel said.
"Well, there are alot more things I'm supposed to ask and do, but I think you look familiar from somewhere..." He pointed at Uriel. "...So I will let you through without any more boring talk."
"Really? Thanks!" Devon said.
A patrol member approached the leader. "Sir... I know who he is and..."
"Shut up!" The leader shouted. "Let these people through first and we'll discuss who they are after that."
"No, wait a..."
"Let them through first or I'll have you demoted to a cleaner of the detention area!"
The patrol member almost panicced. "Um... Yes sir!"
Devon gunned the speeder past the troopers. "I didn't know you knew any stormtroopers." he said.
Uriel's face was serious. "I don't." he replied grimly.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 5, 2007 4:51 pm #

during the battle Darth Kun is shot and killed

the sarlacc found me somewhat indegestible solo - Boba Fett - Dark Empire 1
February 5, 2007 4:59 pm #

((Occ: Okay Im just gonna ignore anything Sev says anymore))

Yurt had made several leads and was getting closer to the rebels. He was following a lead to a rich man's house who supposely knew where the rebels were, it was another dead end. He had one more lead, a man who had some deals with the hutts.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 5, 2007 5:00 pm #

during the battle Darth Kun is shot and killed

the sarlacc found me somewhat indegestible solo - Boba Fett - Dark Empire 1
February 5, 2007 7:40 pm #

what? whos shot?

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 6, 2007 4:31 pm #

WTF mate? Sev, your confusing who got shot who died and what battle was it? you gotta give details and make a whole story out of what happens

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 6, 2007 5:40 pm #

The besieging mercenaries never had a chance.

Fenneth Crow fired three quick succesive shots without taking time to aim. Three mercenaries fell to the ground, but the Sith hadn't shot to kill. He had been able to shoot the hired guns in the face and leave them alive. He smiled sadistically as the three creatures on the ground tried to scream in agony through the sputtering blood and burned gore that was their faces.

A huge Trandoshan brought out a heavy repeater and fired up at the Sith from behind cover that protected him from Veera's line of fire. Fenn spun in a flury of black robes, blaster bolts singing the edge of his heavy cloak as he slipped over the narrow roof cat walk and continued firing down below in shots that made a precise surgeon look clumsy. A Twi'lek spun around from the force of a blaster shot to his orange left eye.

"Don't just stand there you fools! Fire! Fire!" The Vigo had hidden behind the speeder he had come in and continued to shout frantic orders at his men as they were hewn down.

A Devaronian and a cyborg-armed human fell from Veera's swift and merciless weapons. Fenn smiled, loving to watch a master artist at work. That was when a stray blaster bolt of a falling corpse tagged the Sith in his left shoulder. He cried more from rage then pain, and fired spitefully at the dead body, watching it writhe limply from the force of the blaster fire.

A mangy looking fur-covered Bothan tossed a grenade up between where Fenn and Alo had taken vantage points. The flashing charge bounced along the rooftop and lodged in a gap between some machinery and the roof wall out of reach where anyone could grab it. The Bothan laughed victoriously and dove for cover behind what was left of the outer wall.

Fenneth's eyes narrowed skeptically, and with a slight hand motion he nudged the charge back down below where it bounced to a stop next to the Bothan who had his hands over his ears. The Bothan's eyes had just enough time to go wide in fear when the charge exploded in a cloud of smoke, blood, sand, and stone debris.

That was when Darth Kun had appeared.

The immense figure in ominous black robes charged into the open warzone of the courtyard. His red dual lightsabers activated with an angry hiss and moved in a lethal blur as they deflected a sudden barrage of blaster fire back at the scaled Barabel who had dared take his chance against a Sith.

"Hello." The Wookie-Sith barked up at where Fenn and Alo were, with the heat of battle glowing in his eyes and cruel face. He deflected another shot and charged at the remaining mercenaries, cutting them down easily as he spun, dodged, and dragged his lightsaber through each creature one by one until he had gutted the last of them.

The demolished courtyard and street went as quiet as the dead that filled them.

Darth Kun deactivated his sabers and turned again toward the Sith and the armored female. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off--permenantly.

Blaster fire sounded violently shredded through the fragile silence.

Alo Veera watched in shock as the the newly arrived Sith stumbled back a step, and looked down in utter surprize at his bleeding torso.

Fenneth Crow stood erect, his blaster still in position from where he had fired on the other dark side warrior. Smoke pouring from the end of the hand gun. The look in the yellow-eyed humanoid's eyes was easy to recognize. Fear. Cold, pure, anamalistic, frightened terror only just edged with same animal will of survival.

Darth Kun activated his lightsabers once more with a roar of rage, marred with coughed up blood, and made one final attempt at attack. The robed wookie made it two steps before he fell limp to the ground, and his lightsabers deactivated and clattered to the sand.

Fenn exhaled slowly, and lowered his weapon only slightly, trying to get a better view to see if Darth Kun was actually dead.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 6, 2007 8:36 pm #

Alo blinked, shaking her head. "Damn...that was strange." She walked over to the Wookiee, nudging him with the toe of her boot as Darth Fenn examined the corpse.

"Hey Fenn, I think he's dead. Too bad, he could've made a great ally." She picked up the fallen Sith's lightsabers, hooking them on her belt loops.

"Never know if you may need a spare," She quipped at Fenn, smirking. "Now, what about that Vigo? Where'd he run off too?"

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
February 7, 2007 10:00 am #

Uriel and Devon continued driving calmly thru the streets of Mos Eisley. Devon at the wheel while Uriel relaxed in the passenger seat, glad to put distance between him and the stormtroopers.
Uriel studied the pedestrians strolling around. He noticed one in particular. A short grubby looking man dressed in rags.
"Stop the speeder." Uriel told Devon.
"What?" Devon asked looking at him. "Why?"
"Just do it." Uriel replied reaching into the backseat for his E-11.
Devon complied and stopped the speeder as Uriel hopped out and rushed behind the short man.
Devon gasped as Uriel grabbed him around the neck from behind and stuck the barrel of his blaster into his back. He started dragging him towards the speeder.
"What are you doing?" Devon asked jumping out of the speeder. "You'll have the imps on us for sure!"
"This dirtbag owes me alot of money!" Uriel replied roughly shoving the man onto the ground and putting his boot on his back.
The man was nearly in tears. "Please Uriel, I got your money! I got your money!"
"That's better." Uriel replied removing his boot and pulling the man to his feet. "Now hand it ov..."
Uriel was blasted back as the man pulled a blaster on him and shot him point blank. He then took off down an alley.
Uriel staggered to his feet. His armor plate glowing red hot. "That bastard is dead!" he shouted rushing down the alley after him.
"Wait!" Devon shouted after Uriel.
"Stay with the speeder!" Uriel shouted back. "Make sure no imps come snooping at my stuff!"
Devon shrugged as he watched Uriel chase the man further down the alley and out of sight.
He slumped back into the drivers seat and waited.

Uriel itched to blast the man in the back. But no, he wanted him alive. The man ducked into a small hab and Uriel rushed in after him, blaster at the ready.
The man whirled around and faced Uriel.  "You shouldn't have followed me Koslov!" he said, an evil grin on his face. "Get him boys."
"Aw damnit." Uriel said as 3 Trandoshans melted from the shadows, each weilding a durasteel pipe.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 7, 2007 10:46 am #

Yurt noticed a man being attacked by three trandoshians. Yurt wouldve done something but he was in cover, so he decided to get the attention of some stormys.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 7, 2007 11:29 am (Edited April 14, 2007 03:44 pm) #

It was a calm, cool, early morning, as the twin suns had just risen above the horizon. Mattias gazed through the scope of his particularly huge sniper rifle. "I don't see anyth- Wait, what's this? Uriel....and....Devon?! You pisa shit nogood, little-" Mattias put the crosshairs on Uriel's head. "Wait...." He saw Uriel threatening somone at gunpoint. Uriel was blasted back as the man pulled a blaster on him and shot him point blank. He then took off down an alleyway. Uriel staggered to his feet. His armor plate glowing red hot. "That bastard is dead!" he shouted rushing down the alley after him. "Hmm.....Let's see how this turns out." Mattias said swithing his scope to see through the wall. The little man whirled around and faced Uriel.  "You shouldn't have followed me Koslov!" he said, an evil grin on his face. "Get him boys." "Aw, damnit." Uriel said as 3 Trandoshans melted from the shadows, each weilding a durasteel pipe. Mattias Zeroed in on one of the thugs, and pulled the trigger. ZZKK............TA-KOOM! The 30mm round ripped through the wall and killed 2 of the trandoshans. The gunshot was like thunder. "What the?" Uriel was very confused. "Aw shit. It's Mattias."

"This IS my signature."
February 7, 2007 12:26 pm (Edited February 7, 2007 12:27 pm) #

Uriel ducked as the wall beside him exploded, showering him with bits of plaster.
"What the?" he said confused. Two of the Trandoshians were dead. What was left of them anyways. The third was getting to his feet. Uriel put him down with his E-11. He looked around the room.
"Damn." he said. "That scumbag managed to give me the slip." He looked at the gaping hole in the wall and cautiously peaked out. There was a line of holes going thru several buildings. Finnaly at the top of a hanger, Uriel spotted the glint of a scope. "Shit." he said ducking back inside. "It's Mattias."
Uriel walked into the next room. He wasnt' suprised to see the bullet had penetrated this far too. The man he had chased was lying lifeless on the floor. His rib cage blown wide open as the bullet finnaly came to rest.
Uriel pulled out a small datapad. The face of an imperial officer appeared.
"Yes?" he said turning to face the holo. "What is it?"
"He's dead." Uriel said turning the datapad so the officer could see. "I wan't my money."
"We're transferring the credits to your account now." the officer replied.
Uriel hung up the holo. This was risky business. If Devon found out he was doing side jobs for the Empire, well he wouldn't be very happy. Besides, they didn't even know his name. To them he was just another faceless bounty hunter with a bank number.
Uriel stood up, he heard the sound of speeder bikes close by. Real close. He looked thru one of the holes.
"Damn." he swore as two scout troopers dismounted and approached the house. "Who tipped them off?"
Uriel suddenly remembered his satchel full of thermal plastoid.
"I'll leave them a little suprise." he said with a smile.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 7, 2007 12:51 pm #

Yurt took advantage of his comrades speeders, he got on one and sped off. The scouts ran after Yurt, both getting on the last speeder bike and they sped after Yurt. Yurt commed Mathhias "Yurt to Gear head come in, No luck findin rebel base all dead ends, most of them dead."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 7, 2007 10:30 pm (Edited February 7, 2007 10:41 pm) #

"Copy that Yurt. I get back to you later." "Yo, Uriel, I know you can hear me. Come in, over." Mattias spoke into the comm, looking at Uriel through his scope.

"This IS my signature."
February 8, 2007 1:49 am #

"Take caution in the Sith you meet, Lady Veera," Fenneth Crow straightened and pushed his lenses into place over his cold yellow eyes with two fingers, "One of the Emperor's servants has gone rogue. He carries a very valuable, very ancient, and extremely lethal Sith artifact."

The Emperor's hand gave an evil grin void of all heart and feeling, "We were lucky this was not the one...Now, if we may, I do believe our friend the Vigo is going to try and make a run for it."

The Vigo of the Black Sun crime syndicate was sprinting down the sandy street, pouring sweat from the planet's torid heat, and from his own uncontrollable fear. Fenn stepped on the chest of a dead Trandoshan in his path and then into the street and turned. He lifted his blaster to almost eye-level and fired a well-placed shot at the Vigo's left knee. The aged humanoid yelled and fell unceremoniously to the sandy floor, grabbing painfully at his leg.

The grey-haired, balding humanoid tried to crawl away, but Fenn stepped on the edge of the Vigo's long, expensive blue robes.

"Leaving already?" The Emperor's Hand lifted his blaster and fired at the humanoid's other knee. The street echoed with the excruciating cry, and the Vigo collapsed on the ground in a screaming, crippled mess.

"What do you want with me?!" The Vigo shouted angrily and stumbled on his words, but forced them out through clenched teeth, "You k-killed all my men, t-took my house, and killed my FAMILY! What's wrong with you?!"

"Not having fun anymore, Vigo Telk?" The Sith spitefully stepped on the human's injured leg, "You had plenty of fun when you did the same thing to me, all those lovely years ago."

"W-What?!" The Vigo struggled to speak through the waves of pain, from where he lay painfully curled up in the street, "I don't know who the hell you are!!"

"That's because I was six-years-old!!!" Fenn shouted with overwhelming fury and fired several times into the Vigo's right arm and leg.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 8, 2007 12:23 pm #

"Not now Mattias." Uriel replied thru his com. He had just finished placing what he guessed would be a sufficient dose of Thermal Plastoid around the hab unit. He'd be damned if he got this far to get captured by a couple of imps.
"Watch the perimeter." One of the scouts said to his partner. "I'll check out the inside."
Uriel syncronized the detonator into his datapad. Once he got away far enough, it would be time for the fireworks.
"Now to leave." Uriel said to himself as he covered the thermal plastoid under the body of one of the Trandoshians.
As quietly as he could Uriel snuck out one of the back windows. He then took off down an alley towards the speeder.
Uriel spoke into his com. "Okay what is it Mattias? I'm kinda busy. Oh yeah, you might wanna put your head down in a couple of seconds."
The scout seargent walked into the room. It was a mess. Blood, bodies, and scortch marks littered the room. As well as a giant hole from what he guessed was an explosion.
"Get a cleanup crew out here." he said into his com. "We got one hell of a mess in here."
Casually he leaned down and rolled over one of the Trandoshians. He gasped in horror as he spotted the bundle of explosives on the floor.
"IED! IED!" he shouted into his Com. "Clear the area no.."
The scout never finished his sentence as Uriel pressed the detonator and triggered the explosion.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 8, 2007 12:59 pm #

((Vassili if you read my post youd see that both scouts went after me cause i stole a swoop))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 8, 2007 7:06 pm (Edited February 8, 2007 07:17 pm) #
Vassili Fett wrote:

oooooh, i thought that might of had something to do with it, but i thought they might have been different scouts. my bad. i just wanted something to blow up

(this is the revised part)

Uriel almost laughed as he watched a Jawa jump on one of the swoop bikes and take off. The two scout troopers shouted angrily at it and jumped on the remaining bike and sped off after him.
Glancing cautiously outside, Uriel slid into the alley and made his way back to the speeder. Trying hard to hide his pack of explosives. He activated his Com.
"Okay Mattias." he said glancing around for a glimse of him. "What do you want?"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 8, 2007 10:05 pm #

I'll...keep that in mind," Alo told him, rising her blaster. She was prepered to shoot the Vigo in the chest, until Fenn shot him in the knee.

"Hmm." She lowered her blaster as the Vigo and Fenn spoke. Oh, so that what this was about. The Vigo killed Fenn's family. If Fenn wasn't there she'd kill that Vigo herself. Even she wouldn't stoop that low.

"Bastard Vigo has no morals," Alo mumbled to herself, watching impassivly as Fenn shot the Vigo on the arms and legs. She fell quiet after that, standing behind Fenn, far enough so that she wouldn't get in the way, but close enough to kill anyone if she needed too.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
February 9, 2007 8:27 am (Edited February 9, 2007 08:35 am) #

"You still want those docking papers?" Mattias asked Uriel, keeping him in the crosshairs.

"This IS my signature."

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