Topic: Imperial Conquest

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1082

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January 26, 2007 12:37 pm #

“Well, I am looking for a mean mercenary with a liking for credits and  violence.” Fenneth Crow explained,  then smiled with a mocking sigh and looked away, “I suppose you’ll have to do.”

The blaster clicked and whirred in the mercenary’s hand as she set it to a higher setting.

“Are you hungry? I’m hungry.” Fen announced and turned.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 26, 2007 5:33 pm #

"You want mean, credit hungry and violent, I can be that. If the price is right." She tossed her head again. "Now that you mention it..." Her stomach growled slightly as she followed the Sith. She couldn't remember the last time she ate anything.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
January 26, 2007 8:33 pm #

Tatooine was one of the farthest planets from the center of the galaxy and had come to be known as the armpit of of the known universe. Finding a decent uninfested meal without any sand in it, or alcohol that wasn't almost entirely watered down was almost impossible.

Completely unexpectedly, Alo Veera found herself following the unusual Sith into the house of operations for a Black Sun Vigo in charge of illegal operations on Tatootine.

The complex was looked empty. No guards stood at their posts. Fenneth Crow stepped past it all without concern, and led her into the fine interior. Vigo's have very expensive taste, and the set up seemed to suit the Sith perfectly.

"Have a seat," Fen pointed at a table and vanished into a neaby room.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 27, 2007 5:10 am #

That evening. Devon went to the cantina, in hope of finding a smuggler or a mercenary that could help them get away from the Empire or protect them. He had the money, atleast he thought so. He sighed and ordered a Jawa Juice. He drunk it slowly...

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 27, 2007 10:42 am (Edited January 27, 2007 10:50 am) #

Mattias and Yurt walked back to the sandcrawler with 2 cartfulls of weapons. "I think it's been a rather sucessfull day, don't you Yurt?" Mattias said.
<oo, ya ya. what we do now?> Yurt replied. "Not sure, but once we get back to base, I'm getting my arm re-tuned. It's been a bit jerkey lately, I bet that damned Devon did it. Oh well, let's get back to the sandcrawler before they leave us." Mattias said walking a little faster.

(On Tatooine, Jawa Juice is called Jawa Beer.)

"This IS my signature."
January 27, 2007 11:03 am #

They enetered the Sand crawler and had to find of greedy stormtrooper from their new wepons. Once that died down they were finnaly aloud some rest. Yurt sat down with his back to his wepons, he sat in a corner. After the long ride they finnaly came back to Mos Esiley, Yurt quickly ran off with his wepons, he threw a blanket over them earlier, and headed for his safe house. After a long walked past the beggars and thugs Yurt went into his safe house, on the outside it looked like a large rock. Yurt opened a hidden door to the rock and went in.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 27, 2007 3:12 pm #

"Back to my post now I guess." TK-369 thought returning to the base.
"Nice work now back to your posts." the general said as soon as they were all there. "Not you TK-369, you have a promotion waiting."
"Wow I'm in command of a platoon of stormtroopers." he said after he got the promotion.
"You will stay here tonight and in the morning we'll be shipping you to a star destroyer in sector 4 above Coruscant." he said
"Yes, sir!" TK-369 rplied

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 28, 2007 1:04 am #

Alo pulled out a chair, straddling it and draped her arms over the back, her golden red hair falling down the back..

"Nice place." It was much fancier than her usual hangouts, which consisted of dank cantinas and dusty street corners.

"Now what?" She inquired, watching the Sith's every move.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
January 28, 2007 4:39 pm #

"Welcome to your new station TK-369, I'll show you to your squad in a moment but right now there busy so why don't you sit down relax and make yourself at home" the deck officer told showing him to his new room.
"It's definately nicer than stying inside some old abanded building with no heat" he thought throwing his bag onto the bed.
"They're ready for you" the deck officer said suddenly waking TK-369 up "that's TK-267, TK-297, TK-345, TK-129, TK-689, TK-678, and TK-567."
"Hello" they all said
"so, your our new captain" TK-345 said "glad I don't have to be it anymore, too much responsability."
"lights out at 9:00" the deck officer said leaving TK-369 alone with his new squad
"UUGH!, he groaned returning his bed after 3 sessions of combat training "man, being captain is a lot of respnosability, I'd prob'ly get some sleep for tomorrow." and with that he tore his armor slipped into a tunic and fell asleep.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 28, 2007 6:55 pm #

Fenneth Crow sat down at the end of the table and put his heavy boots up casually. Two extremely nervous looking servants came in and started loading the long table with an elaborate setting of food and drinks.

The yellow-eyed humanoid adjusted his lenses, "Well, first you tell me your name, I give you a down payment, and if the terms are agreable on both sides...then we get down to the fun part."

He idly took out the heavy blaster pistol he was armed with and examined it.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 28, 2007 8:59 pm #

Yurt took a deep long sleep in his safe house, he dremnt of worlds he wanted to go to, of basically anything he wanted. In his safe house he felt at peace.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 9:44 am #

Uriel brought his x-wing down into one of the hanger bays at Mos Eiesley. Feeling the skids hit dirt, he powered down and popped open the canopy.  Uriel jumped down from the cockpit, onlookers cast bewildered glances at him and the black ship.
A human attendant dressed in filthy overalls came up to him, eyeing the x-wing suspiciously. "What brings you to Tattoine stranger?" he asked "Some ship you got there"
Uriel cast him a withering look, "My ship and what I'm doing here is none of your concern." he said coldly. "I just need you to refuel it as soon as possible."
"I dont know" the attendant began, scratching his head. "The Empire put strict fuel limits on us, and if they caught me fueling up a rebel ship, well they'd kill me!"
Uriel grabbed the man by his collar and pulled him closer. "Listen here you slimy piece of....." Uriel stopped dead as he noticed two Stormtroopers enter the hanger. Spotting the x-wing they quickly drew their blasters.
"You there freeze!" one of them shouted. "You're under arrest!"
Uriel cursed under his breath, "Not today shiny boys!" he shouted back, pushing the attendant in front of him and drawing his own blaster.
Without hesitation the stormtroopers cut down the attendant in a hail of laser fire. Uriel was already halfway to the exit at the rear of the hanger. Scorch marks pocked the walls around him and he fired a couple shots over his shoulder.
Uriel ducked into the intense sunlight and merged into the crowd.  Glancing over his shoulder he saw the two stormtroopers emerge and look around. Not seeing Uriel they ducked back into the hanger.
Uriel sighed in relief and holstered his blaster. He entered a nearby cantina. The inerior was dimly lit and smelled of too many species being in one room. "Perfect place to find some work." He said to himself.
Spotting a secluded  table near the back, Uriel sat down and gestured for the Twi Lek waitress to bring him a drink. Uriel ran a hand through his black hair and sighed, not wanting to think about what those tin heads were doing to his precious ship.
The Twi Lek appeared at his side and placed a glass of amber liquid in front of him.
"What's this?" Uriel asked eyeying the drink suspiciously.
"You looked like you could use something strong." the Twi Lek said smiling at him. "Let me know if you need anything else stranger."
Uriel smiled back and cautiously sniffed the drink. It burnt his nose considerably. None the less he drank it down in one swallow, making a face as it burnt his throat. He lifted his empty glass to the Twi Lek. "I'll take another."
She smiled back and went behind the bar.
Uriel put his glass down. He suddenly heard a voice. "Did you hear about the raid on that moisture farm?" Uriel glanced over his shoulder to see who was talking. Two human males sat a table away from him, their voices carrying easily. "Yeah" the other said, taking a drink, "Those stormtroopers barged right in the place. I guess it was a rebel hideout or something. A couple of them managed to get away though."
Uriel became interested. Now if only he knew where this farm was...
As if to answer his question, the Twi Lek appeared once more. She placed his drink down and leaned in close to him. "You seem interested about the raid stranger." she whispered.
Uriel lifted an eyebrow to her. "And what makes you think that sweetheart?" he asked casually, taking a sip of the burning liquid.
She shrugged. "I can see the way you're eavesdropping. It's kind of obvious."
Uriel was suprised. "Was I that obvious?" he asked, eyeing the two again.
"Just a little." she replied. "So what's your name stranger? I've never seen you in here before, or in Mos Eiesley for that matter."
Uriel looked at her, wondering if he could trust the Twi Lek, but she must know something about the going ons around here. She could be useful. "Uriel" he said finnaly, extending his hand. "And you are?"
The Twi Lek eyed him suspiciously. "And why should I tell you that?" she asked. "I don't even know you."
Uriel shrugged. "I'm just curious is all." he replied cooly.
She smiled. "Kasimaa." she replied taking his hand. "Nice to meet you Uriel."
Uriel smirked, "Now tell me Kasimaa." he said casually. "Just where did this raid take place?"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 29, 2007 10:22 am #

Devon went to his favourite cantina again, he was desperate. He needed a smuggler or a mercenary that could help him and his friends out. He sighed and ordered a Jawa beer, now he knew it was really called Jawa beer.
He looked around the cantina, checking if any stormtroopers were there. No stormtroopers, but there may be imperial spies around, he thought he better be careful.
He hoped the people didn't know him from before, they may report to the Empire if they knew he was a rebel.

He talked to people and asked carefully if they knew anything about a raid on a moisture farm yesterday. He also spread some false rumours about the stormtroopers.
Later he saw a man coming in, what caught Devon's eye was the man's blaster rifle. It looked like an E-11, but if it was one, it was heavily modified. He kept an eye on the man and listened to his conversation with a Twi'lek waitress, it sounded like the man was interested in the raid on the moisture farm.
Devon listened for some time until he decided to ask the man what he was doing here.

"Hey, what's your business here?" asked Devon while walking up to the man's table and interrupting the Twi'lek. "I heard you asked about the raid."

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 29, 2007 12:53 pm (Edited January 29, 2007 12:53 pm) #

Yurt got up and got dressed, he was off duty today. He grabbed his pistol and walked to the nearest Cantina. He entered and saw Devon((But Yurt has never seen Devon so your okay)) and a man talking, Yurt just walked to the bar and ordered a jawa beer. Devon regonized Yurt thou, Yurt was the first off the sand scrawler and brought the rebels outside.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 1:20 pm #

Uriel looked up from his drink at the man that suddenly interrupted him. "Hey, what's your business here?" he asked. "I heard you asked about the raid."
Suddenly aware of how loud he must have been talking, Uriel stood up thumbing the safety on his blaster rifle, not knowing if he could trust the man. He didn't look like a spy and he had already given his name out once today....
"My name is Uriel Koslov" Uriel said cautiously "Who's askin?"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 29, 2007 2:00 pm (Edited January 29, 2007 02:06 pm) #

Mattias walked out of the base and headed to the cantina, "Ah, much better." he said moving his arm around. Mattias went into the cantina and walked by the booth Uriel and Devon were sitting at. "Uriel Koslov, I don't belive it. What's this? Ah, hello Devon." Mattias sat down next to them. Devon was in a panic, "U...Um...H..H..Hi Mattias....." Devon stuttered. "What's the matter Devon, afraid I'm going to blow your head off? No. Not now. But I won't share you're location with anyone. Trust me. I want to kill you myself, I just wanted to scare you a bit." Mattias told him. Devon was still scared to death. "So, Uriel, how you been? Since you ditched the Rebellion I mean." Mattias asked.

"This IS my signature."
January 29, 2007 4:49 pm #

Yurt spun around on his stool as he had his 4th Jawa Beer. <Weeee>

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 7:07 pm #

"CHHHH! TK-369 report to the bridge immediately"
"oh great, what now" TK-369 thought to himself
"Ah, glad to you could make it" the deck officer said "we're sending you and your squad on your first mission with us. You see we havehints that a rebel outpost is down there on Endor we need them off of the location if we are going to build the new Death Star's sheild post there, all you need to do is find it and warn our fleet up here, we'll take care of the rest."
"yes sir!" TK-369 replied
"Now go and get your men and make sure they're ready"

"This is your stop, prepare to jump." the pilot told TK-369 and his squad. They were just above the surface of Endor. "Now!, go, go, go!" the door flew open and TK-369 jumped off the shuttle followed by the rest of his men.
"Sir, i'm picking a large energy reading just south of here" TK-297 reported.
"let's go check it out follow me" TK-369 replied. Sure enough there was the rebel outpost X-wings and Y-wings were landed just in front of it "Bridge this is TK-369 do you copy"
"go ahead TK-369"
"we've found the outpost at cooridinates... (3,9)"
"roger get out of there there's going to be serious fireworks"

BOOM!, "that was too easy" TK-369 thought, just then a couple of rebels came out from behind a bush
"Imps, blast 'em"
in just one shot TK-369 was thrown off of his totally taken by surprise. His teammates shot down the rebels just when he got up, luckily the shuttle was landing to ake them back up to the Star Destroyer.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 29, 2007 11:08 pm #

Uriel smirked at Mattias's comment. "Just fine Mattias ol pal" he replied, getting slightly uncomfortable at all the attention he was attracting. "You should have came with me" he said slapping Mattias on the shoulder. "More credits to be made in the loner business. Besides i can't stand the Imperials Finest, so that makes me a rebel still right?" Kassima got up to get more drinks. Uriel watched her go. "Now down to business" he said leaning in and lowering his voice. "I don't know what happened at that moisture farm, but I'm sure theres some serious credits to be made somewhere." he turned to Mattias. "I say we plan a little raid of our own, of course that's after we get my ship back."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 30, 2007 8:14 am #

"My name is Uriel Koslov. Who's asking?"
Devon sat down without asking, he looked at Uriel's blaster rifle again. "That's a nice looking rifle, modified E-11?" asked Devon. "Sit down, please. I don't think I want to get into a fight with you."
Uriel sat down and put away his rifle.
"Good, I think you could help me and my friends out..." Devon said, but saw Mattias walk up to them. Devon panicced and dropped his glass of Jawa beer. Devon didn't beleive his eyes. He thought he had killed Mattias 2 times now, "Why can't he just die?" Devon thought to himself.

The first time Devon met Mattias was when Mattias was still a stormtrooper. It was a battle on Corellia, stormtroopers were sent to put down the Corellian Resistance, but the Corellians had received reinforcements early and won the battle.
Devon thought he killed Mattias with a grenade.

The second time was during the raid on the moisture farm, Devon had shot Mattias several times and he thought he had finished Mattias that time. But no. Here he was again, alive and kicking.

"Uriel Koslov, I don't beleive it." Mattias said. "What's this? Ah, hello Devon." Mattias sat down next to them.
Devon didn't know what to do, he thought he was dead already. "U...Um...H..H..Hi Mattias....." Devon stuttered.
"What's the matter Devon, afraid I'm going to blow your head off?" Mattias quickly said. "No. Not now. But I won't share you're location with anyone. Trust me. I want to kill you myself, I just wanted to scare you a bit."
Devon didn't beleive what he heard, he knew that Mattias could break his neck whenever he felt like it.
"So, Uriel, how you been? Since you ditched the Rebellion I mean." Mattias asked.
Devon tried to drink the Jawa beer Kasimaa brought, but he couldn't. Devon dropped this glass too.
"Just fine Mattias ol pal. You should have came with me" Uriel said slapping Mattias on the shoulder. "More credits to be made in the loner business. Besides i can't stand the Imperials Finest, so that makes me a rebel still right?"
Devon wondered what was going on, Uriel must've been an Imperial trooper, a rebel and now he was a bounty hunter or mercenary? But Uriel still claimed to dislike the Empire, maybe Devon could convince him that the rebel's side was better, if he could stand being on the weaker side, that is.
Kasimaa went after more drinks as she saw what Devon kept doing.
"Now down to business." Uriel said lowering his voice. "I don't know what happened at that moisture farm, but I'm sure theres some serious credits to be made somewhere." he turned to Mattias. "I say we plan a little raid of our own, of course that's after we get my ship back."
Devon got a new Jawa beer and managed to drink half of it, but when he heard "a little raid of our own" he dropped the glass again. He almost panicced again. "Against who?" he asked but forgot to keep his voice down.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 30, 2007 9:21 am #

"Against who?" Uriel repeated raising an eyebrow. "The bastards that locked down my ship of course." he replied leaning back in his chair. "You see, Devon was it? I used to be a rebel just like you." Uriel said prodding him in the chest. "This E-11 i got here? I stole it off a dead stormtrooper on Yavin. So don't think that I'm in cohorts with the likes of the Empire." Uriel finished by lighting up a nic stik. "Sure they got the credits, but I was in the Rebellion for far too long to go that low. Now it seems like these rebels are getting desperate for, shall I say, Expertise? I could certainly make myself a valuable asset if you catch my drift."
Uriel turned to Mattias. "Now I met Mattias here probably the same way you did." he said to Devon. "I tried to kill him, nothing personal, just a nice fat bounty." Uriel glared at Mattias.  "Little did I know he sabotaged my ship and left me for dead in an asteroid belt."
Mattias chuckled as he recalled the memory.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 30, 2007 9:44 am #

"So the imps took your ship?" Devon asked. "You need some help in that raid? I could shoot some imps anytime I have allies with me." Devon took his DL-18. "I wish they'd give me a bigger gun, though..." He started to sound less panicced and he drank a glass of Jawa beer that Kasimaa brought. "I'll help you get your ship back if you help us rebels out." Devon had completely forgot about Mattias until now. "And will he help?" He pointed at Mattias. "He works for the imps, you know. He won't fight them."

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 30, 2007 10:19 am #

"Yea, I remember that. Again, nothing personal. Speaking of your ship, I think I might be able to clear it, since the Empire owes me a big favor for my last mission.....What the?.....Gah Devon! That's the third time! Drink it already. You're not scared are you? Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, back to your ship Uriel, I think I can more or less convince them that you're not with the rebellion. After all, I don't think the rebels paint their ships black and have heavy chainguns on them." Mattias said convincingly.

"This IS my signature."
January 30, 2007 10:30 am #

Uriel raised an eyebrow to Mattias. "So youre working for the whiteys now eh Mattias?" Uriel leaned the chair back on two legs and took a long draw of his nic stik. "I find myself in quite the situation." he said blowing out the smoke. "On one hand, I got a potential employer, on the other, a fellow merc offering a no obbligation release of my ship." Uriel turned to Devon. "Tell you what Devon." he began putting all 4 chair legs on the ground once more. "I'll let Mattias here retrieve my ship. Then I'll speak with you later about your situation. But for now," Uriel stopped cold his eyes locked towards the door. The two stormtroopers from earlier stepped inside and were glancing around and asking alot of questions to a very unhappy bartender.
"Give me a break." Uriel said ducking down and pulling out his E-11. "Now would be a good time for that favor Mattias."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 30, 2007 10:40 am #

"Stormtroopers." said Devon. "Um, mattias do you owe me a favor too, perhaps?" Devon dropped the now empty glass.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 30, 2007 11:29 am #

"Hold that thought." Mattias said. Two stormtroopers walked over to the booth they were sitting at. "You there, you are under arrest for asso-" "Wow, hold on there. These guy are working with me, Mattias Felth, I was the one leading the moisture farm raid. They're assisting me in a covert op." "Yes, I remember you. The captain said something about a buisness partner. You, considering you didn't shoot back in the hangar, I'll let you go. For now. Good day, Mr. Felth." The two stormtroopers turned around and left. "Buisness partner?" Uriel asked. "Yea, that jawa." Mattias pointed to Yurt at the bar. <Yee!> Yurt shouted as he spun on his stool drinking a fifth jawa beer. "Really? Uriel asked. "Afraid so." Mattias replied. "What favor do I owe you Devon? I wanted to kill you."

"This IS my signature."
January 30, 2007 11:42 am #

"Thanks, Mattias." replied Devon. "You don't owe me any favor, I only hoped you would tell them not to capture me." Devon drank a whole Jawa Beer. "But now I owe you a favor. And you forgot to tell them to give back Uriel's ship, didn't you?"

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 30, 2007 11:57 am #

Uriel let out the breath he had been holding and slumped back into his seat, not taking his eye off the stormtroopers until they were safely out of the cantina. He placed his E-11 on his lap and lit another nic stik. Devon eyed him curiously. "Nervous habit" Uriel told him puffing away. "calms me down." Uriel turned his attention to Mattias. "Nice work" he said simply. "I thought it was off to the detention center for me. Though they wouldn't have taken me without a fight." Uriel stood up and tossed some credits on the table. "Enough chit chat." he said, straightening the goggles perched on his forehead. "Mattias, lets go get my ship." he turned to Devon. "You too, then we can talk business."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 30, 2007 3:16 pm #

"Nice work, TK-369, now we can start on that sheild  bunker, I'm stationing you and your crew On Endor as soon as it's finished but for now you can relax a while" the deck officer told him when came back on the ship.
"yes sir" TK-369 replied

"you OK?, TK-279 asked him
"Yeah, why?" TK-369 replied
"Back there on Endor it looked like you were taken by surprise"
"Oh, right well at least I have armor between me and blaster shot."
Huh, good point, well I'm gonna hit the hay see you tomorrow"

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 30, 2007 6:47 pm #

"Let's go, then." Devon said and stood up. "But, this one will not listen to our business." Devon pointed at Mattias. "He works for the Empire, and could reveal everything to the imps."

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 30, 2007 6:54 pm (Edited January 30, 2007 06:56 pm) #

Uriel shrugged and followed Devon, he turned to Mattias. "Sorry pal but the guys got a point, can't have you leaking my wherabouts around, not that you would." he added. "Business is business Mattias. You of all people should understand that." Uriel turned back to Devon, "First things first" he said quietly. "We get to my ship and get some, personals to say the least, and If Mattias is true to his word, we'll get out of here without any trouble from the imps."
Uriel turned to Mattias again. "Appreciate the help, I'm sure I'll see you around, hopefully not down the barrel of a blaster either."
Uriel turned around as the drunk Jawa spun on his stool again with a loud squeel. Mattias had some stranger company these days...

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 30, 2007 7:05 pm (Edited January 30, 2007 09:55 pm) #

<Weeeeee!> Yurt shouted as he spun around on his stool. He stoped only to drink from his beer. Yurt looked up at Mattahis. <Wa wrong wit you?>

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 30, 2007 11:21 pm #

"Alo Veera," She answered, leaning forward, elbows coming to rest on the table top. "I usually run 1,000 creds and a 20% down payment, but since I like your face, I'll let you decide the price, as long as you don't try and rip me off." Her friendly smirk in place on her lips she kept a steady gaze on the Sith in front of her.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
January 31, 2007 10:01 am #

Uriel stepped outside the cantina, raising his hand to shield his eyes from the bright suns. Devon followed him.
"This way." Uriel said, turning left and setting quick pace down the street. They soon came to the hanger where Uriel's ship was kept. Uriel frowned as he noticed the score of stormtroopers outside.
"This won't be easy." he said to Devon, hiding his blaster rifle the best he could. "Just follow my lead."
Uriel calmly approached the Stormtrooper captain. The captain turned, noticing Uriel and Devon. "What's your business here?" he asked adjusting his grip on his blaster. "I gave you a break at the cantina."
Uriel nodded. "Yeah thanks." he replied. "I'm just here for my ship, then I'll be on my way."
The captain sighed and pulled out a datapad. "Name."
"Uriel Koslov."
The captain scrolled down the screen on the datapad, where Uriel knew his name wasn't.
"You're not registered." the captain said finnaly. "Docking with an unregistered ship is a crime you know."
"That's strange." Uriel replied calmly. "Could you check again?"
The captain mumbled something under his breath and checked the datapad a second time. "Nope, I still don't see your..." he stopped as he looked up. The two were gone.
"What the," he said turning around just in time to see Devon following Uriel through the door.
"Hey!" he shouted drawing his blaster. "Stop them!"
Uriel sprinted into the hanger bay and spotted his x-wing.
"Are you crazy?" Devon demanded hot on his heels. "They'll blast us for sure!"
Uriel skidded to halt at the rear of the "Fury" and opened one of the many cargo bays. "Here" he said tossing him another E-11. "Hows that for a bigger gun. Just keep em off me while I get the fuel hose."
Devon's mouth dropped. He really was crazy!
"There they are!" A voice shouted from across the hanger. Devon turned in time to see an entire platoon of stormtroopers barge in, raising their blasters.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 31, 2007 12:43 pm #

Devon shot a few blaster bolts and rolled into cover behind some crates, and started fumbling with his grenades. He didn't even check what kind of grenades he threw, he threw a bunch of them at the same time and hoped the stormtroopers would die.
"Grenades!" The stormtrooper platoon leader screamed, but it was too late.
First a smoke grenade released thick smoke, and then Devon heard a concussion grenade or two blow and last, a thermal grenade blew.
Devon stood up and looked at the dead or stunned Stormtroopers. "Maybe I wasted that last thermal..." He said to himself. "I think most of them are dead, now!" He shouted.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 31, 2007 5:36 pm (Edited January 31, 2007 05:40 pm) #

Mattias walked into the hangar just as the last stormtrooper hit the floor. "What the He- You..Idiot! I just got your clearance papers to leave! And what happens?! I turn my back for 2 seconds, and you're here shootin' at stomtroopers! Stop....Stop....Now....Calm....Down....Okay, I'm fine now. I'll just tell them tha-" Mattias almost finished. BSSAT! Devon shot Mattias In the face, the blaster bolt burned off the sythskin, and ricochet at the wall. Mattias ripped the rest of the synthskin off, showing his chrome skull and glowing blue photoreceptors. "Devon....Big mistake." Uriel said, slowly ducking behind his ship. "Oh, thats why he won't.....Die. Crap." Devon said.

"This IS my signature."
January 31, 2007 5:49 pm #

Back at the Cantina:


Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 9:23 pm #

"Damnit Devon!" Uriel cursed, disconnecting the fuel hose from his ship. "I said keep em off me!" laser bolts ricoched off of the black x-wing and dangerously close to the fuel hose.
Devon said nothing. He fired several times into the stormtroopers and lobbed at least half a dozen grenades. Smoke, concussion, and finnally a thermal detonated. Uriel's ear rang as he noticed the stormtroopers assault grind to a stop. Most of them incapcitated by the motley arrangement of grenades courdesy of Devon.
"Not bad kid." Uriel said digging around in the cargo bay for a larger weapon.
Suddenly another shot rang out. Uriel whirled around in time to see Devon blast the face right off Mattias. Revealing a chrome skull. The blue photoreceptors glowed brightly, illuminating the smoke around him.
"Devon." Uriel said moving behind his ship and reaching further into the cargo bay. "Big mistake."
"Oh crap." Devon said lowering the blaster. "Thats why he wont die."
Mattias began taking slow deliberate steps towards them.
"Uriel" Devon said slowly backing away from the cyborg. "Do something!"
Uriel's hand grasped what he was looking for, a small grin crept across his face. "GET DOWN KID!" he shouted turning and hefting a massive autocannon.
Devon hit the dirt and put his arms over his head.
"Sorry Mattias." Uriel said charging the massive weapon. "But this is for your own good!"
Uriel squeezed the trigger, purposely aiming low. The scorching hot plasma rounds burning through the wiring of Mattias's legs. Mattias fell to one knee, down, but certainly not out.
Uriel tossed the autocannon back into the cargo bay. He bent down and grabbed Devon by the back of his shirt and hauled him to his feet.
"Thanks Uriel" Devon said "I owe ya, hey!" he added as Uriel also tossed him into the cargo hold.
"Sorry kid but theres no room in the cockpit!" Uriel replied closing the door. "R9!" He shouted to the droid unit perched atop his ship. "Prep us for launch!" He turned to Mattias who was picking himself up. His face and leg sparking violently. "Damn" Uriel said jumping into his cockpit and sealing the hatch. "He'll never forgive me for this."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 31, 2007 10:23 pm #

More like leaking hydraulic pistons than sparking electrical wiring.

"This IS my signature."
February 1, 2007 5:24 am #

Devon didn't have time to ask where they were going, but he knew Uriel probably only wanted to hide his ship somewhere safe. "Interesting ship." Devon thought. It must have been bought or stolen from the Rebel Alliance. It was a modified X-Wing fighter, looked like it had equipped some heavy weaponry too.
Now Devon sat in the cargo hold, looking at all the weapons inside. Illegal weapons too. And several kinds of explosives and grenades. He didn't think it would be a good idea to take a closer look on anything, though.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 1, 2007 8:11 am (Edited February 1, 2007 08:15 am) #

"" Mattias finally got to his feet, hydraulic fluid was leaking everywhere. Uriel took off with Devon in the cargo hold. "Ha..Ha ha...Ha ha ha...He'll never make it past the blockade of Star Destroyers, and my new toy, The Interdictor Cruiser." Mattias thought as he started limping his way twords the matenance bay. Mattias sat down and replaced the severed hydralic fluid hose. "Agh..There, that should fix it until I get back to the base. I'd Better go find Yurt Before he gets too drunk to repair this leg." Mattias said, as he got up to go to the cantina. Mattias walked in, the droid detector went off. "You! droid! We don't serve your kind here!" The patron said. Everone stopped and looked at him. Mattias pulled his double-barrel sawed-off projectile shotgun that he got from the raid, and blew the patron's leg off. "Argh!! Ahh!!" the patron screamed. "Go get you a new one." Mattias tossed him five credits. Everyone went back to what they were doing. "Ugh..." they drug the patron away. <Yeeeeeeeeee!> Yurt spun on his stool, not paying attention to what just happened. "Come on Yurt." Mattias picked him off the stool, and stood him up. <Woooo!> He staggered around in circles. "He's drunker than a stormtrooper off duty.....Come on, let's get back to base." Mattias said as they walked out of the cantina. Yurt, again, was in more of a drunken stooper as he left the cantina.

"This IS my signature."
February 1, 2007 10:10 am #

"Yeeeehaaa!" Uriel shouted as he throttled up the "Fury". The escape from the hanger and more importantly Mattias had been close, too close.
"How ya doin back there kid?" Uriel asked Devon turning his head. He reached behind his seat and slid open a small access door. Devon's face appeared.
"Where did you get this ship?" Devon asked. "Did you steal it from the alliance?"
Uriel grinned. "I guess you could say that." he said. "I use to fly this baby on combat missions for the Rebellion. I was a pilot you know. And one day, I just got tired of it and ditched my squadron, and well here I am."
Devon nodded. "And the weapons?"
"Those." Uriel started. "I can't tell you much about kid. I've been across half the galaxy since I left the Rebellion. I've seen a lot of weird crap and killed some interesting people for all that stuff."
Uriel stiffened as red warning claxons began blaring. "Uh oh." He said strapping his harness in. "Imperial blockade." He noticed the many star destroyers in the distance. "Hang on to something kid." Uriel said grimly locking his wings into attack position and leaping forward directly towards the star destroyers.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 1, 2007 10:33 am #

Musn't you forget the Interdictor Cruiser. No hyperspace for you.

"This IS my signature."
February 1, 2007 11:39 am #

dont worry, i know about the Intedictor cruiser and gravity well projectors.

Uriel scowled as the Star Destroyers turned to face his ship. He'd blown through Imperial blockades many times and this would be no different he thought.
Something caught his eye. It was a Star Destroyer, but giant bulging spheres pierced it's hull. He'd never seen anything like it.
"A new toy for the Empire huh." Uriel said. maintaning his course. "No matter." he grinned as he recalled the day when he had installed the new engines. Making the Fury faster then any normal x-wing.
"So what do we do now?" Devon asked nervously eyeying the might of the Empire. "We can't take on an entire Imperial Armada!"
"I don't plan to." Uriel replied. "We'll lose em in hyperspace."
Uriel pressed the button to engage the hyperdrives of his ship. Nothing happened.
"Cmon." Uriel urged his ship. "Don't do this to me now baby." he pressed it again. Still nothing.
"We may have a problem." Uriel said. "R9 get the hyperdrives working would ya?"
The droid beeped annoyingly. "Don't give me that!" Uriel said angrily to the droid. "Yes I know what a gravity well is!"
Uriel suddenly remembered the odd looking star destroyer. He swore angrily. "That thing must have gravity well projectors!" he slammed his fist angrily into the dash.
"What's the matter?" Devon asked nervously. "I thought we were entering hyperspace!"
"That ship is interfering with the hyperdrives!" Uriel replied. "We can't jump!"
"So what now!" Devon shouted back.
"Don't worry kid" Uriel replied. "The fury has one more trick up her sleeve. Lets just hope it works!"
Uriel located a small black button under the dash. He had installed a cloaking device after a close encounter with the Bando Gora. He hoped it would be enough to fool the Star Destroyers sensors. At least for a short time.
Uriel activated his ship's cloaker. The hull melted and blended into the space around them.
"Were gonna have to land back on Tattoine." Uriel said powering his engines down almost to nothing to hide his thermal signature. "We won't last long out here."
Uriel slowly turned the x-wing around and headed back to the planet. The imps would have a price on his head now for sure.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 1, 2007 12:16 pm #

"I'll pay you 2,000 now," Fen adjusted his lenses slightly and leaned back farther in the chair, "And 15,000 more if you live to the end of the week."

The Sith cast her a look with an evil glint in his yellow eyes, and motioned with his blaster slightly, "Things around me tend to get messy."

Suddenly a loud explosion sounded from outside in the sandy street. The Sith stood quickly, looking only slightly irritated, "If you would excuse me."

With a flick of his black-gloved fingers the reinforced durasteel slats over the windows opened, and revealed the front of the complex. A very angry looking Black Sun Vigo watched as several hardened mercenaries pushed over what was left of the shredded wall and moved with their heavy weapons and confidence across the small, open courtyard.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 1, 2007 1:32 pm #

<Wooooo!> Yurt said as he ran around the street in his drunked stooper.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 1, 2007 8:18 pm #

Yurt likes to be drunk, doesn't he.

"This IS my signature."
February 2, 2007 9:43 am #

"Do you think this will fool them?" asked Devon. "I can see that the Star Destroyers are launching scout squadrons, they're going to use the scouts' sensor ping!"

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 2, 2007 10:17 am #

"All this for one measley x-wing?" Uriel asked as Devon  pointed out the approaching scout squadrons. R9 beeped a warning. "We'll be in range of their sensor pings in 2 minutes." Uriel warned. Suddenly he had an idea. "No that would be suicide" He thought. Only one of the squadrons was heading his direction. He knew scout ships were fast, but lightly armed.
Uriel armed the heavy laser cannons as well as the dual chainguns. "Devon." He said gripping the control stick. "Hang on."
Suddenly Uriel powered the engines to maximum power. Surging forward towards the approaching squadron.
"Well this isn't doing any good now." He said disengaging the cloaker. The lead scout ship spotted him just as he opened up with the chain guns. The pilot was too slow, his ship being ripped to shreds by the exploding rounds.
"One down!' Uriel said. He changed course as the rest of the scout ships broke formation and came after him.  Uriel pulled the stick up, bringing the Fury into a reverse loop. He jinked to the left, righting his fighter and coming in right behind another scout ship. Uriel squeezed the firing trigger. The heavy laser cannons bombarding the scout ships hull until it erupted into a green fireball.
Green laser bolts suddenly flashed across his canopy. R9 warned that one of them was behind him.
Uriel grinned. With the flip of a switch he released a tracking thermal mine from the rear of his ship. The scout fighter broke off when he saw the mine, but it was too late. The mine locked onto it's heat signature and stuck to it's hull. A huge explosion marked the success of the mine.
"Two more" Uriel said grimly. Devon's face was white.
"HAHA!" Uriel laughed as the two remaining ships broke contact and retreated back to the safety of the star destroyers. 
"They'll be sending interceptors any minute!" Devon warned. "We should probably be going."
Uriel nodded. Once again he turned his ship back towards Tattoine. He turned to face Devon. "That was close kid, now where's this base of yours?"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 2, 2007 10:50 am #

"You won't be happy to hear this," Devon warned. "It's in the middle of Mos Eisley. We probably have a large bounty on our heads there."
"Actually, I'm not surprised..." Uriel said and looked back, watching for fighters or interceptors. "No interceptors yet." He said.
"They are too late, we can make it to Tatooine before they catch us." Devon said. "Now, where do we land?"

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.

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