don't you just hate those idiots who think they know everything about Boba Fett.
whoever wrote this needs to read tales from Jabba's palace.
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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don't you just hate those idiots who think they know everything about Boba Fett.
whoever wrote this needs to read tales from Jabba's palace.
Actually, you need to read "Jawas of Doom."
Go to the second to last section.
but at the end of that article it said that he blew it up and Dengar rescued him not Jawas.
It is possible that he fell back in.
How could he fall back in? That'd be sorta impossible unless he was having an incredibly stupid moment.
Fett couldn't have fallen back in cuz he was with Dengar and Manaroo getting his wounds healed.
Basically there are about 4 different storys each contradicting each other.
Fett couldn't have fallen back in cuz he was with Dengar and Manaroo getting his wounds healed.
Why could events not go like this?:
1. Fett falls in
2. Jawas rescue him
3. Fett somehow falls back in
4. Dengar rescues him
That's a good suggestion, but how did he get out the second time. He would have to have killed it somehow.
Perhaps Fett simply climed out the first time, and killed the Sarlacc the socond time.
that's impossible though because The MAndalorian Armor was 4 years after SW:ANH(a new hope) and so was Tales from Jabba's Palace.
He could have fallen in the Sarlacc again before the four year period.
Boba never fell into the Saarlac besides that one time in ROTJ. At least none that I know about and I've checked everywhere.
You have not checked the "Jawas of Doom" comic.
that took place during the battle of endor though so it doesn't make any sense that that happened before Dengar rescued him him.
i always heard he escaped the sarlacc wice on two different occasions so mabe the date is off?
I haven't read Jawas of Doom but on wikipedia it says he was saved by the Jawas, then he got on the sandcrawler somehow met Han, battle ensued, after fighting Han the sandcrawler fell into the sarlacc and then you get the Tales from Jabba's palace one which i have read, then Dengar rescues him. I was confused on this issue for a bit as well.
I doubt a sandcrawler could fit in a sarlacc.
I haven't read Jawas of Doom but on wikipedia it says he was saved by the Jawas, then he got on the sandcrawler somehow met Han, battle ensued, after fighting Han the sandcrawler fell into the sarlacc and then you get the Tales from Jabba's palace one which i have read, then Dengar rescues him. I was confused on this issue for a bit as well.
Never, EVER trust wikis!!
He could have fallen in the Sarlacc again before the four year period.
Hahaha! Draco, you're amazing. I'm gonna have to check out this Jawas of Doom comic.
Never, EVER trust wikis!!
Jawas of Doom is a canon source, however. That is correct, as far as memory serves me.
Also, thank you Gojan.
This is exactly why I don't consider his escape from the Sarlacc pit 100% canon. It may have happened, maybe it didn't.
I haven't read Jawas of Doom but on wikipedia it says he was saved by the Jawas, then he got on the sandcrawler somehow met Han, battle ensued, after fighting Han the sandcrawler fell into the sarlacc and then you get the Tales from Jabba's palace one which i have read, then Dengar rescues him. I was confused on this issue for a bit as well.
Well that doesn't make any sense either. In Tales from Jabba's palace it clearly tells the story of him being in the Sarlaac for the first time.
And I'm 99.99999 (repeating of course) % sure that Boba would never ever fall in the sarlaac pit twice.
So someone is saying that Dengar saved Boba after the sandcrawler fell into the sarlaac pit? I don't believe that would be accurate because from Dengars point of view it was just after Jabbas yacht had exploded, and he was there looking for valuables. So we know that Dengar must have rescued him the first time.
Or, we could just say Boba died in the pit the first time he fell in...
As depressing as that is...
Dexor Fett wrote:Never, EVER trust wikis!!
Jawas of Doom is a canon source, however. That is correct, as far as memory serves me.
Also, thank you Gojan.
Boba Fett's surviving from the sarlacc isn't exactly canon, so Jawas of Doom couldn't be canon.
the question is which was published first cuz whichever one was published first is pob'ly the true story.
Tales from Jabba's Palace was published in 1995, when was Jawas of Doom published?
I'm think that "Jawas of Doom" was published first, but that makes no difference. Take notice of the Jaster Mereel incident.
didnt dengar die on the sail barge with bossk?
Bossk nor Dengar died on the sail barge.
The only significant bounty hunter on the barge was Boba, and he was only there because he was paying him a king's ransom to be his personal bodyguard for a short while.
The reason I don't believe in the Jawa's of Doom theory, is a couple reasons. First off, I don't even think a sandcrawler could fit in the sarlaac let alone be digested by it. Also, how could the jawa's have gotten Boba out in the first place? It also doesn't fit in with anything else in any of the other books.
How could he fall back in? That'd be sorta impossible unless he was having an incredibly stupid moment.
Fett doesn't have these. He's not like the rest of us poor mortal sods. ;)
I'm think that "Jawas of Doom" was published first, but that makes no difference. Take notice of the Jaster Mereel incident.
what Jater Mereel incident, you mean how he was betrayed and murdered by Montross? and also it does somewhat, besides the Jabba's palace story is the true one 1. it was approved by George Lucas himself 2. it doesn't tie in with the rest of the books and the comics and 3. how can a sandcrawler be digested by the Saarlac.
The Jaster Mereel incident, you weren't around for.
It was the debate over which backstory for Fett was canonical, the original Jaster Mereel background introduced briefly in one of the Tales, and the whole clone background. It's long over, draco's point was that age does not determine canon anymore (though a compromise was made between the original Jaster background and the clone one.)
oh, OK I get it now so date doesn't matter got it. But George approved the Jabba's palace story himself.
Well, technically Lucas has stated on many occasions that the only canon part of SW is the movies.
I believe that there are certain levels of canon, G-canon, the movies and such, C-canon, most of the EU stuff, S-canon older EU stuff, and lastly non-canon.
I have read the same thing here: . If that is where you recieved your information, do not be so trusting.
Well, technically Lucas has stated on many occasions that the only canon part of SW is the movies.
well, what about Lucas Books and stuff George has to read each of the books and make sure that they are "OK" and if he is willing for it to be part of the SW universe before they can be published.
Fetterthanyou wrote:Well, technically Lucas has stated on many occasions that the only canon part of SW is the movies.
well, what about Lucas Books and stuff George has to read each of the books and make sure that they are "OK" and if he is willing for it to be part of the SW universe before they can be published.
Yes, but he must sign off on all Star Wars books for legal reasons as well as cononical(word?) ones. As long as a book fits in with the basic principles he has layed out, he will accept it. He is not deciding what is canon and what is non-canon. He is just making sure that the books don't mess with his universe or interfere with something he wants to be held sacred.
Ex. It was probably a big deal when they killed off Chewie... and therefore they porbably had to run it by him a few different ways before he signed off on it. On the other hand, killing minor characters doesn't really matter, even if it screws with the canon.
it's kinda off topic but when did they kill off chewie?
I'm glad you asked...because in every Star Wars novel before the New Jedi Order, the main characters would always escape some nefarious scheme, superweapon, or Sith, without a scratch. The main characters would come so close to death, and at the end of the book/trilogy, everything's fine, everyone's okay.
The authors of NJO decided they wanted to set that era apart from the rest of the novels, so they decided the best way to do that was "shatter the bubble", by getting rid of a basically useless character...Chewie was just popular/recognized enough, and didn't contribute anything to the story other than being pretty much a big pet to the Solos.
Aw, I liked Chewie. Why didn't they kill Leia or Han, or even one of the kids? Not Chewie, no!
I think the novel was Vector Prime. I haven't read it, mainly because I'll cry when Chewie dies.
Because Chewie couldn't talk, ergo he couldn't contribute anything to the story...and they did kill one of the kids later on. :P
Yep, it's Vector Prime...the first one.
didnt dengar die on the sail barge with bossk?
Dengar wash punished by jabba by being strapped right next to the sarlacc
before any of u ask, dengar was thinking of getting a bounty placed o jabba by another hutt
Boba killed bossk *i think* ................................
Bossk is still alive.
Jabba had Dengar strapped Dengar in a canyon, called something like the the "the Wind's Tooth." The wind picks up small sediments, which, moving at that speed, will cut any unfortunate victim of their wrath. Dengar was rescued by the Tusken Raiders.
Jabba told Boba make Dangar feel the teeth of Tatoinee.
Thank you, that was what I was thinking of.
Yep, it's Vector Prime...the first one.
I haven't all of the NJO novels just like 2, or 3 of them but that sucks Chewie was sweet
Bossk is still alive.
Last I heard, he was aboard the Jubilee Wheel when the Vong destroyed it.
I did not know that. The last I have heard, until now, is about when Solo punched him in the face.
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