I would really like to know how Lucas thought up the Name
Boba Fett???
It is very different to a Sort-of -Hero's name ,but it does suit him
Topic: The Name
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
16 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI think you believe it suits him because you are so used to it, in my mind it actually isn't that great of a name. It sounds like a clown almost.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Clown... now Boba creeps me out :P. I do agree with what you said, Fetterthanyou.
Where does George come up with ANY name from Star Wars? They all seem like they're spawned from Late Night Insanity.
But I guess, since Boba was never meant to be popular, he picked a rather humorous sounding name.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I like the last name, I don't like the first name. Reminds me too much of "Bob"
I think Fett is a great name. But you can just have everyone with a really strange name i hink Boba is an ok name for him.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I think Fett is a great name. But you can just have everyone with a really strange name i hink Boba is an ok name for him.
I like the name Jango more though.
Where does George come up with ANY name from Star Wars? They all seem like they're spawned from Late Night Insanity.
Actually a lot of the names come from different things from other movies.
-R2D2 comes from a shortened version of "Reel 2 Dialogue 2," which he said a lot on American Graffiti
-Wookie comes from an ad-libbed line from THX 1138 where an actor said "I think i just ran over a wookie"
-Han Solo isn't very clever when broken down. Han sounds like John (wanted to be general yet spacey), and Solo... he starts a a loner.
-C-3PO is actually Lucas's Post office grid number. C-3, Post Office
-Leia is names after Steven Spielburg's mother.
- Luke Skywalker is a good 1. Luke S... Lucas... get it? originally Starkiller, changed first day on set.
-Vader i believe is Dutch for Father.
Hail to the King Baby!!
i think if his name was jaster he would be much worse off but now when we see jaster as who taught jango the name sounds cool. its just a matter of the names attributes would we still love him if his name was shirley?
―Peter Griffin
Thank-You Fetterthankyou,,that was very interisting
As for Boba ,,,Yes ,,it does sound like a Clown ,,Jaster would sound more name like his his dad Jango
and as I read Fantasy Books and some of those name are more strange.
The name came from Bob Falfa, a character in American Graffiti. George just said it in his head a few times before it became Boba Fett. Remember, he was initially supposed to be a Super Stormtrooper of sorts, and even after the OT, George never intended for him to be any more than a minor, static character.
Boba is also a type of tea.
(BFFC Moderator)
I used to have Lotus Notes at work before the conversion to outlook, and my password was JasterMereel. This IT guy came to my cube one day to ask me if I was a big fan of the French Connection. I was a little wierded out by it, and confused. No, why would you think that? I say. Well, 'cause isn't your Lotus password the name of someone from the french connection? (so now I realize I have my own personal stalker) I hold up my little action figure and explain: some people thought mistakenly this guy was Jaster, but he was a prime example of Mandalorain warrior and cut down in his prime. This, by the way, is Boba Fett, the most infamous and deadly bounty hunter the galaxy has ever seen. So I freaked out my stalker, who gave me a wide berth after that. I never checked to see if that was really true, though, about Jaster and that movie.
The french connection... I think i would remember if there was somebody named Jaster or Mereel in it. It hasn't been that long...
Hail to the King Baby!!
Ironically Bob Falfa of American Graffiti that Boba Fett's name is inspired by,was played by Harrison Ford. Fett's favorite bounty.
Fetterthanyou--thanks for that info. I didn't know any of that--that's pretty cool :D
I also wondered where GL came up with "Boba Fett", so the answer is from American Graffiti.
Since we are finding out more about Mandalorians and Mando'a now, a part of me thinks Boba's first name sounds a little out of place. But, since they take in/adopt individuals from outside the Mandalorians society, names could originate from anywhere.