Topic: Bounties completed

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Topic #1093
January 19, 2007 8:24 pm #

Alright this is going to be a list of bounty hunters and the bounties they have done thus far, INCLUDING expanded universe. Anyone wana help

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
January 20, 2007 5:42 am (Edited January 20, 2007 06:14 am) #

Off of the top of my head:

Boba Fett:
-Han Solo (more than once)
-Karde'sa' Malloc
-Yolan Bren
-Trhin Voss'ont
-Mir Tork and Leonis Murthe

Aurra Sing:
-Boba Fett
-Reess Kairn

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 20, 2007 6:16 am #

The Devaronian butcher? I think you mean the Butcher of Montellian Serat. His name was something like Kardue'sai'Malloc.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 20, 2007 6:36 am #

Yes, I found that out.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 20, 2007 10:22 am (Edited January 20, 2007 10:29 am) #

Ok so far the score is:

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:8-?
Jango Fett: 155-$5,515,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000

I added Jango's score from Star Wars Bounty Hunter: there's 150 seondary bounties, plus 5 storywise:

1.Meeko Ghintee
2.Jervus Gloom
3.Bendix Fust
4.Longo two-guns
5.Komari Vosa

Oh and 2 more for Boba Fett from the young kids series. You know, the fight to survive, crossfire, etc.

1.Gilramos Libkath

Oh and can you guys list your sources? That way we don't accidently count a bounty twice or something. Anyway so far we have:

Star Wars Bounty Hunter
Boba Fett young adult series

Now Montross:

1. unknown bounty in Star Wars Bounty Hunter

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
January 20, 2007 10:29 am (Edited January 20, 2007 02:16 pm) #

Boba also captured Sise Fromm. He also captured the pirate Toxus Li.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 20, 2007 10:31 am (Edited January 20, 2007 10:32 am) #

Ok. Also, as you have undoubtedly noticed, I'm adding how much they made.

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:9-?
Jango Fett: 155-$5,515,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000

Score thus far.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
January 20, 2007 10:39 am (Edited January 20, 2007 02:18 pm) #

Above your post, I added Toxus Li.

Karde'sa' Malloc was worth five million credits. Solo and Trhin Voss'ont were worth massive amounts of credits.

Malloc was from Tales of the Bounty Hunters.
Trhin Voss'ont was from the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy.
Kooda and Li were from the "Death, Lies, and Treachery" series.
Fromm was from the "Droids" series.
Mir Tork and Leonis Murthe were from "Agent of Doom."
Yolan was from one of the Empire comics.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 20, 2007 2:15 pm #

Does H'buk from Bloodlines count for Boba?

"Die? Didn't you know that Spartans never die?'- Spartan-051 "Kurt"
January 20, 2007 3:44 pm #

wow draco, you really went digging...the droids. thats comedy.
i had forgotten about his appearence on there.

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
January 20, 2007 4:37 pm #

Thank you, but it is more from memory than research.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 21, 2007 2:00 am #

what was the guys name boba got in ememy of the empire?
and what about 4-lom and zukuus and dengar?

January 21, 2007 8:48 pm (Edited January 21, 2007 08:53 pm) #

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:11-$5,000,000 ( approximately)
Jango Fett: 155-$5,515,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000
Zam Wesell: 1-$10,000

Now that I think of it, Zam is the one who delivered Fust, right? I think she deserves credit.\
Oh and I remember an unknown man Boba killed in Tales of the Bounty Hunters. It was when he was on Jubilar when he saw Han Solo.
And IG-88 got one in Tales of the Bounty Hunters too, I remember now.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
January 21, 2007 8:55 pm #

Yeah, he whacked that guy on Jubilar, plus the spice guy before that and the fourteen-year-old kid or whatever who had a little too much fun with some bigwig's daughter. Those are all from 'Tales of the Bounty Hunters.'

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 21, 2007 8:59 pm (Edited January 21, 2007 09:01 pm) #
MandoGirl wrote:

Yeah, he whacked that guy on Jubilar, plus the spice guy before that and the fourteen-year-old kid or whatever who had a little too much fun with some bigwig's daughter. Those are all from 'Tales of the Bounty Hunters.'

Oh that reminds me he also claimed one on architect Emd Gravess, mentioned in The Mandalorian Armor.

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:12-$5,000,000 ( approximately)
Jango Fett: 155-$5,520,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000
Zam Wesell: 1-$10,000

So far Jango's in the lead by a lot, I hope Boba can pass him.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
January 22, 2007 10:34 am #

Is the bounty for dismantling the IG droids in the list?

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
January 22, 2007 1:04 pm #

I do not think that that bounty was ever claimed.

Boba earned more than just the five million; Han and Trhin both had massive bounties. Also, Boba earned one hundred credits for Mir Tork and Leonis Murthe.

Boba also killed a Devornian (I think) in one of the Tales comics.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 22, 2007 6:43 pm #

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:12-$5,000,100 ( approximately)
Jango Fett: 155-$5,520,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000
Zam Wesell: 1-$10,000

Yeah I know Han and Trhin were worth money, but I know I read somewhere how much Han was worth. Let me find it and I'll update it.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
January 25, 2007 4:58 am #

Boba also captured Nil Posundum in The Mandalorian Armor I think, and that bounty must have been worth a lot because Nil had stolen a Hutt's credits and only Nil knew where they were.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 25, 2007 8:28 am (Edited January 25, 2007 08:31 am) #

Yeah I was gonna add that one because right now I'm reading The Mandalorian Armor to check on bounties.

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:13-$5,000,100 ( approximately)
Jango Fett: 155-$5,520,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000
Zam Wesell: 1-$10,000

Oh hey another thing guys- on Wookieepedia it says Nil was worth 12,500. As you know, wikis aren't very trustworthy, but should we count it?

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
January 25, 2007 12:06 pm #

I would not suggest it.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 25, 2007 1:35 pm #
Gustavo_Perez wrote:

Yeah I was gonna add that one because right now I'm reading The Mandalorian Armor to check on bounties.

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:13-$5,000,100 ( approximately)
Jango Fett: 155-$5,520,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000
Zam Wesell: 1-$10,000

Oh hey another thing guys- on Wookieepedia it says Nil was worth 12,500. As you know, wikis aren't very trustworthy, but should we count it?

I agree with draco, as I'm guessing that the Hutt's would have a bigger bounty for someone who had stolen a large fortune from them. Probably even a small sum. Remember that if you steal one credit from a Hutt, you might as well have stolen one billion.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 25, 2007 6:14 pm (Edited February 3, 2007 05:31 pm) #

Aurra Sing: 2-?
Boba Fett:13-$5,012,600 ( approximately)
Jango Fett: 155-$5,520,000 ( approximately)
Montross: 1-$5,000
Zam Wesell: 1-$10,000

Update: on page 67 of The Mandalorian Armor, it clearly states Fett is paid 12,500 credits. I added it to Boba's total.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
July 10, 2008 7:24 pm (Edited July 10, 2008 07:27 pm) #

How did Aurra get Boba? Anyway, I'm not sure how many Boba has exactly, but he could destroy any other bounty hunter. Good topic, though!

I think that Boba has way more than 5 million credits in gross profits, he got that much from Han Solo alone, didn't he? And the Butcher was either 5 or 8 million creds.

Oops, I hope I'm not gravedigging, I just realized how old this topic is. Oh well, I guess it's better than making a double topic.

"Some soldiers say that to reach maximum combat efficiency, they need to be in the zone. Sir; I live in the zone." - RC 1207 'Sev' to RC 1138 'Boss'
October 25, 2008 6:04 pm #
Commander Appo wrote:

Boba also captured Nil Posundum in The Mandalorian Armor I think, and that bounty must have been worth a lot because Nil had stolen a Hutt's credits and only Nil knew where they were.

Awww :( You stole the one I was gonna use. Yah and it was The Mandalorian Armor

" Everyone dies, but since nobody's paid me to kill you...sleep well."
-Boba Fett-

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