Topic: Yuzon-Vong war rpg

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Topic #1045

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January 12, 2007 6:03 pm #

It was obviouse to him that people wanted what ever this akalay was carrieing. he wanted his 5 million credits and no one was going to take it from him. he was prepared to fight, but he would need more weapons. next stop, corscant.

January 12, 2007 6:05 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 06:07 pm) #

"Just wondering, we could put your remaining fuel into a modified shoulder rocket, wich I might add that your fuel is highly radioactive, if you know what I'm getting at."

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 6:11 pm #

"yeah I have an idea at what you're getting at, but by the time we even get to my ship the Vong ship will have landed and the soldiers would have already attacked the ship and it's crew." replied Andki kinda hurriedly.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 6:19 pm #

"What do you suggest? We can stay and fight close quarters combat, or we can go search for the pearl, and leave the crew to fight the Vong." (Silence)....................."Well?"

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 6:23 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 06:23 pm) #

"I say we go and get that pearl, the longer we waste time around here the longer another bounty hunter has a chanc eto fin it before we do." replied Andki.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 6:30 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 06:35 pm) #

"Let's get out of here. Seargent, you are in command of this vessel, don't let a single one of those Vong on my ship. Andki, head for the exit ramp, Let's move!" Braugus ordered. Braugus, Andki, and a squad of Mandos headed into the dense, foggy, vegitation, not knowing if their ship would suvive.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 6:34 pm #

(a little while later) "so when did you decide to go sith?, if you don't mind my asking." Andki asked Braugus.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 6:58 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 08:25 pm) #

A sudden flash of memories rushed through his mind, "It.....It was out of hatred. Hatred of the Vong. It was a glorious day on Dxun, I had recieved a transmission from Mandalore. From Boba Fett himself. Saying that The Vong would betray us soon. I was in the jungle when I recieved the message, I turned around and headed back to our outpost, but I was too late." his voice was ice cold. "They slaughtered every one of them, my family, and most of my friends. Dead. All of them. I buried them all. Then I felt somthing, a dark chilling anger, the force, the only place the dark energy was that I knew about was the tomb of Freedon Nadd, so I went, and learned. It's power was corrupting, stong, It overcame me. I then returned and gathered the remaining suvivors, and set out in search of a ship."

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 7:49 pm #

Okay, next person to join has to be a Jedi. We already have too many Sith/Mandos.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 12, 2007 8:04 pm #

Valuag sat in the navigator's chair as Scoog piloted their ship, The Frozen Dream. They made their way to Naboo, they had to drop off a delivery for some gugan mercanarys. Sarith slept in her room in the right part of the ship. "I bloody hate Gungans! Why in bloody hell do we gotta go to tem?"Scoog said. Valuag just nodded.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 12, 2007 8:54 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 09:19 pm) #

"Wow, my dad died too but not my whole family in one slaughter, that must be pretty tough to deal with. I guess as long as you get your revenge it makes it a little easier to deal with though. Let's just forget about this for right now unless you want to talk about it, or we can just focus on finding that pearl." replied Andki to the dreadful news.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 9:44 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 09:46 pm) #

Name: Thuk'ai Zim
Race: Twi'lek
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Weapon: Yellow Lightsaber
Force Powers: Force Push and Force Heal
Further details: Wears three-quarter length leather pants and a halter top. Sometimes wears her Jedi robe over them.
Companions: Quinn Tarn, human male. Pilot of the Gnarled Split.

The Gnarled Split sat away from the space battle. Quinn Tarn sat in the cockpit watching the flashes of light while he waited for the Jedi to be ready. Patience wasn't a vertue for Quinn as he sat polishing his collection of pistols.

Thuk'ai was repairing her lightsaber. The hilt had been damaged during her last battle and she wasn't about to go any further without fixing her prized weapon. She smiled as the last pieces came together. As she completed the task she lifted her lightsaber and ignited the bright yellow blade. All was well.

(Hope you don't mind me joining, you said you needed a Jedi)

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 13, 2007 8:02 am (Edited January 13, 2007 08:07 am) #

"I am unlike other "Sith", I still have good in me, that is why I helped you, It is the Yuuhzhan-Vong that drives my anger, otherwise i would have crushed your neck without a second thought.................So...............About the pearl, how much is the bounty?" He asked as they walked deeper into the strange plant life.

"This IS my signature."
January 13, 2007 9:02 am (Edited January 13, 2007 09:07 am) #

"about 5 million credits I beleive." replied Andki. "Do you know anything about the giant acklay that could help us, like maybe where it's nest is or something?"

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 13, 2007 1:35 pm (Edited January 13, 2007 01:37 pm) #

Kalern set down the ship on the out skirts of the city, it was only a mile walk and Garlang needed the excersize. Then a strange person started towards him. he wore all black and had his face completely covered. kalern stopped in his tracks and Garlang stopped pulling the giant crate with the ticket to fortune in it. I remember him saying something to me earlyer. (look for the akalay with the scar on its head) of course that was the biggest akalay there.
The man stopped in front of him, kalern gripped his blaster pistol tightly.
"Who are you" asked kalern
"I'm the one who asked for that" he said pointing at the crate.
"whats your name?"
"I have no name, but i am known as many things, you may call me Dandran." he said.
"well here is your beast and now i want my 5 million credits, and they better not be imperial credits."
"As you wish, here you are," he said handing me the credits.
"thank you" i said
"No, thank you." he said snnickering. I noticed that he wore a face plate wita black T shape on it but tthought nothing of it. Me and garlang were about to be liveing the sweet life, until two dark jedi jumped out of the dark allys at bolth my sides. I pulled out my pistol and shot twice. killing one of them. but the other one was to fast and surprised me. Bam! Garlang came out of nowhere and crushed the attackers face with nothing but his fist. I walked over to him, he was dead. I grabbed bolth of there lightsabres, thinking ( these could fetch a hefty price, and credits are credits). we turnned and headed back to our ship, the akalay was gocne and so wwas the man. i climbed into my ship and headed away, away towards the planet Felucia.

January 15, 2007 2:40 pm (Edited January 15, 2007 02:50 pm) #

"Actually, I lied, about the pearl, I do know a bit about it. We intercepted a hyperspace transmission to the Vong warship that we were following, it said that there was a huge bounty on the pearl, and it must be found and protected at all costs, so they ploted a new course for Felucia. I figured, why not. Get revenge, and make some credits doing it, I didn't know what I was getting myself into..........Ahh, a" Braugus said spotting a stripped AT-TE sitting in the middle of the field. "What's that?" one of the Mandos asked. "I have no idea." he replied. "Sir, I'm picking up multiple bogies near our position, they're acklay, sir." "Fierfek, weve got company! Set up a perimeter, don't let one of those things to sneak up on us." Braugus replied.

"This IS my signature."
January 15, 2007 3:00 pm (Edited January 15, 2007 03:09 pm) #

Andki quickly turned on his cloakig device and drew his blaster cocking it in preparation. "open fire" shouted one of the Mandos. Andki found his target and shot directly at the acklay's soft underbelly where it was most vulnerable. Everyone was firing at the acklays, mass chaos is what had happened. Millions of shots were fired from millions of places at the acklays. Suddenly the fire stopped as the last acklay fell to the ground after being shot right in the eye. "All soldiers to the middle" shouted Braugus. "I want a head, count who's dead". "15 of our original 30 have died sir". "We'll have to stick to cover from now on if we don't want to all die" Andki reported.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 16, 2007 5:06 am #

Nate finally reaches Felucia, but he spots a Yuuzhan-Vong assault ship. Butler activates his ship's cloaking device and stealthily swoops down to the planet. When he is about to enter the atmosphere a laser cannon from the Vong warship hits his ship in the rear and he spins out of control.
"Fierfek!!!" Nate yells as he braced for impact. He tries to pull up , but the gunship's motor sputters and dies. His ship hits the qround hard and it explodes. Nate was sent flying through the spore-filled air and he lands on a giant mushroom. The last thing Nate saw before he blacked out was a bunch of dead acklays and a group of several Mandos a dozen yards away.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 16, 2007 11:31 am (Edited January 16, 2007 11:35 am) #

THOOM! "AHH!" THWACK! "Ugh..." Nate moaned as he hit the mushroom. "Check his vitals." Braugus ordered. "He's gonna make it." The medic replied. "Ehh...Ugh...Where am I?" Nate asked. " Save you breath. You're on Felucia, in an old AT-TE, our camp for tonight." Braugus answered. "How's the patient doin'? He wasn't startled by your face, was he Braugus?" asked Andki. "Shut up before I smear you all over the bulkhead." Braugus replied. "Aside from the gash on your head, you'll be fine." "I...My ship..." Nate tried to speak. "The medic says you need to rest, we'll tell you about it in the morning." Andki told him. It was going to be a long night.

"This IS my signature."
January 16, 2007 1:22 pm #

Valuag and his crew flew away from naboo after dealing with the gungans. Valuag checked his list and cursed."We gotta go to Felucia". Scoog cursed and protested.<You know thats there be a big battle there now?!>"Yes"<...We gonna get killed, who we shippin for?> "The vong" <We defietenly gonna get killed> There was a large clamor from the back of the ship. Valuag knew it was Surith, she was clumsy. Valuag only kept her for her usefullness with her gun, and the off chance that he could get lucky with her.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 16, 2007 3:34 pm (Edited January 16, 2007 03:36 pm) #

Kalen arrived at Felucia carrying a lighter lode this time. He landed his ship on an old republic landing pad that was built way long ago, during the clone wars. his ship had a cloaking device and an old imperial code scrammbler. his ship penatraited their defences easyly, that and it was a smaller ship. harder to catch on the radars. he walked into his armory and grabbed his two arkanian pistols off the wall and placed them in their holsters. next he threw Garlang his Bowcaster, and his grenade belt(grabbing a few grenades for himself. stuffing a few security tunnelers and computer spikes in there as well. he pressed the "lower crago elevator" button and waited for the decent onto this jungle planet. the elevator stopped, he and garlang jumped off and startted walking into the depths of the forest.
A loud beeping noise erupted from Kalerns comlink. he sumbled to get a hold on it. the signal came through well enough, it read: <Vong sith hve stolen....pearl...Go to the planet felucia and seek out the biggest akalay.>
He had just deliverd that akalay to that man on coriscant. now he knew why he payed him so well and who had called thoughs dark jedi! he had to get back to coriscant, but he notice two people standing a distance a way. he pulled out his bionoculars to see that one of them carried a light sabre. was he a jedi of a sith? only one way to fin out, but he had to be causiouse. he started towards them, blasters drawn.

January 17, 2007 8:42 am (Edited January 17, 2007 08:43 am) #

Andki went outside to releive Braugus."hey, I'll take over from here, you go get some rest. " Andki told him."All right" Braugus replied and started to turn around."wait, my scanners are picking up two humanoids in that direction" Andki said."Don't let them get to our camp" Braugus ordered."with pleasure" Andki replied puling out his Blastech E-11 and turning on his cloaking device. Andki walked slowly and quietly towards the two humanoids and saw that one was a human while the other was a wookie. Andki shot them both in the ankles causing them to fall to the ground. "who are you and what business do you have here" Andki asked them turning off his cloaking device. "AARRHHGG" yelled the wookie."shut him up or I'll blast your brains out"ordered Andki. "shut up!" yelled Kalern at the wookie.
"look who I found" Angki said as he walked in the camp throwing both of them on the ground."I thought I told you not to let them get to the camp" ordered Braugus."I have a feling they know something about the pearl, and if they don't I'll gladly blow their brains out." answered Andki." allright but just untill we figure out where the pearl is then I want them dead" "as you wish"

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 17, 2007 1:07 pm #

the last thing i remember is falling, Garlang roaring and a rouge shadow of a man dragging me away, and now im tied up against a tree. Garlang was roarin an trying o point at soemthing, my Vibro knife. They hadn't taken my vibroKnife. i puled it out from the back of my pants and began to cut. a loud roar came from a very close distance. an aakalay had entered there perimiter. they ran to defend and thats when i broke free grabbed my bag and cut Garlang free. i gave him his grenade belt and bowcaster. setting our blasters on stun, we shot them multiple times when they returned.
(now what must we do)said Garlang in wookie language.
"we drag them back to our ship, strap hem in a couple of neral inhibitor and keep them in seperate elecro cells, set the cells on high charge, and comfiscate there weapons and armor. put that stuff in an entirly different part of the ship and always keep a watch on them."
1 hour later we were on are way back to coriscant already half way there when they woke up
"morning sleeping beauties"
Ragggah, yelled Garlang as if to say(can i kill them yet.
coriscant came into veiw it was time deal with the prisoners.

January 17, 2007 1:44 pm #

The next morning, Nate woke up in a neural inhibitor.
"Huhhh...." he mumbled.
"Morning sleeping beauties." came the reply.Nate realized that he was a prisoner on a ship, and that he was at the mercy of whoever the heck was piloting this thing. Nate looked at the ship's coordinates. It looked like they were headed to Coruscant.
"Fierfek...." Nate muttered. It was going to be a long day.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 18, 2007 7:57 am #

Well, when we reached coriscant Kalern struck a deal with the two captives.
"if you want that that pearl for the credits, and you want revenge on the vong, and i want to go kick that nerf hearders butt, then lets make a deal shall we? all right i will let you two have the pearl if you help me find the man who i sold the akalay to, savy? good. then its time to land on corriscant. oh, and if you try to attack us Garlang will rip bolth your heds of and we'll getb all the credits for that pearl thing."
A low grimble came from the two back in the cells, they agreed, regretffully.

January 18, 2007 12:10 pm (Edited January 18, 2007 05:41 pm) #

"Wiat a second so the pearl was on this ship the whole time we were dying on Felucia?" Andki asked startled with a hint of anger."That's correct" replied Kalern."Damnit" Andki said, really angry now.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 18, 2007 5:39 pm (Edited January 18, 2007 09:52 pm) #

Changing my Character
Name: Troga Grue
Race: Vong
Class: Surpreame OverLord
Armor and Appearance:
WOC: ((Staff in Picture of Armor)) Vong Battle Staff
2nd Wepon: Fighting Claws
Gave up a bone in right arm and replaced it with a spineray that has a 2 feet reach from arm. Right arm still usable
Commands from his ship
It has a large group of Dovin basals on board, and usally surronded by several Miid ro'ik. It has a large fleet of Yorik-et. It has many lava cannons for defence. As well with many large swarms of Grutchin. It has 20 Dread weapon in holes around the entire ship. It carries a large amount of Vong troops along with Fire Breathers.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 18, 2007 6:21 pm (Edited January 18, 2007 09:53 pm) #

Troga sat on his throne in his ship. He looked out an observation window then set the order. "Bring all offensive ships to Corusant! Make sure te Dovin are ready!" His order was sent threw out the ship to the control area. Sevrel Vong sat in chairs with Tall-Yors on. They controlled the ship and then the Dovin sent them into hyperspace. Troga grinned."Get pearl and capital with one strike." Lightyears away the planet of Corusant sits unaware of the massive attack by the entire Vong fleet.
      All the Vong ships gathered outside the radar range on the republic. It was a massive fleet, mostly Vong but some Vong allyed were there to; mostly mercanarys. Troga wouldnt attack till every ship was there, he wanted a glourius battle.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 18, 2007 9:58 pm (Edited January 18, 2007 10:05 pm) #

"We are pulling out of hyperspace now, Sir." The navigation officer said. "Good, we have beat them here by a full standard hour, warm up those gravity well projectors." Sargent Vassili orderd. (Meanwhile) "Let me out of this damn cage! This is ridiculous! So what if we made a deal! I'm going to killl you if you don't let me out! Give me my robes back!" Braugus shouted. "RWRAH" (Shut up) Braugus' eyes turned red with anger, he reached out with the force and deactived the cage, he rolled out and picked the wookiee up with force crush and slowly started twisting him backwards, "No!" Kalern shouted, drawing his arkainian heavy pistols. ZZZGOOSH! They were sucked out of hyperspace near Coruscant by the Marauder, THWAK! Kalern hit the bulkhead, knocking him out cold, Braugus droped the wookiee, Garlang gave no ressistance. Their ship was disabled, HSSS! The door opened and a squad of Mandos being led by Sargent Vassili stormed in. The hunters have become the hunted.

"This IS my signature."
January 18, 2007 10:18 pm (Edited January 18, 2007 10:46 pm) #

The Final ships of the Vong fleet assembled. Troga shouted the order.
"All ships attack!"
Suddenly all the ships jumped into hyperspace and appearded outside of Corusant suddenly. The Alliance fleet taken completly by surprise. The Vong fighters, the Yorik-et, launched out of the ships at swarmed over the Alliance fleets. Two DreadWepons grabbed the Maruader and started sucking everything out of the ship killing all that got sucked in. The Maruader got detacted from the other ship. The other ship was grabed by another dreadwepon but was pulled towards Troga's ship. The Dovin started using their power to destroy many of the Republics ships.
"Tell te Dovin not to target ships but te planets sheilds!" Troga.
"Yes my Magesty((sp?))."Vong
The Dovin started conctrating on the sheild of Corusant. After a while the shield flickered then went away. The Vong ships swarmed down to Corusant. The large Miid ro'ik ships released the Grutchin and the large bugs swarmed over the republic fighters. Yorik Tremas filled with Vong warriors swarmed down to the Corusant.
"Why so does the Republic have so little ships at their capital?" Troga
Troga's question was soon answered. A large group of the Republic fleet came out of hyperspace. The Vong and the Republic engaged in a large space battle.
"Make te Dovin grab all wreakaged and gather it all up in one area!"Troga
"Yes sir!" Vong
The wreakage of the battle started gathering into one large ball outside of Corusant. The raging forces were to busy on the battle to notice the large ball of wreakage. Kalren's ship was brought onboard and Vong troops surronded it ready just incase.

((Just to let you know Corusant really did fall during the Vong wars))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 18, 2007 10:29 pm #

((If you dont know about the differnt Vong wepons im using go to  to see and find out about the Vong some more))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 19, 2007 8:46 am #

((I just spent 2 hours reading boba and jango fetts life stories!!!))

January 19, 2007 9:28 am (Edited January 22, 2007 04:23 pm) #

"I don't have a death wish, get everything off this ship, NOW!." Braugus said replacing his ancient Neo-Crusader style mandalorian helmet helmet on his head. "Sir, thats everything, and here is the pearl." Vassili replied. "Good, dump the ship." Braugus replied as they released the small freighter into space. "They're attacking!"a trooper yelled.  "Shabla Chakaars." Braugus cursed them.

"This IS my signature."
January 19, 2007 3:37 pm (Edited January 19, 2007 11:09 pm) #

((Vong wouldnt have a robotic leg cause they dont belive in technology. And their wepons and starships are oragnicly made))((Plus I didnt send all warriors off my warships. The hanger would have many warriors still loading up))((And just which Warship did you land on? Cause if you landed on my I didnt send any warriors off my ship yet.))((Read other peoples posts carefully Kayle, your ship is full of mandos you dont have control, plus you were taking onto the mando ship and your ship was destroyed))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 19, 2007 5:20 pm (Edited January 20, 2007 08:58 pm) #

Three Vong fighters saw Andki and his ship. They raced down and sent a signle to a close by group of Vong fighters. They fly after Andki launching plamsa balls from their lava cannons. An order came threw their communcaitions.
"Idoits use te Grutchin!" Vong threw communcation.
"Yes sir" Vong pilot.
The sides of the vong ships opened up to reveal small containers. Out of the containers swarms the Grutchin. They all headed for Andki and his ship. Back on Troga's flag ship.
"Start pulling back te troops weve hurt them enough ready to bring their moons crashing down onto them!"Troga.
"Yes sir!"Vong
The Grutchin ate at the sheilds of Andki's ship. Their acidic salava damaging the sheilds greatly. Below this air battle the Vong warriors started retreating back into their drop ships. As they Vong ships retreated the largest moon of Corusant shattered under the force of Troga's Dovin. The two other moons started their decent onto Corusant bringing doom to those below.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 20, 2007 5:53 am #
Villimar wrote:

((Read other peoples posts carefully Kayle, your ship is full of mandos you dont have control, plus you were taking onto the mando ship and your ship was destroyed))

Yup, I left Kalern's ship EMPTY, you all were brought on board my ship, and WE were supposed to be in hyperspace.

"This IS my signature."
January 21, 2007 1:16 pm (Edited January 21, 2007 01:17 pm) #

((sorry, i didn't read your post carefully enough, i deleted my last two so that i could change them to make more sense.))

January 21, 2007 4:47 pm #

Thanks a lot Kyale you made it so confusing I came up with that just so I could delete it later.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 22, 2007 3:10 pm #

Kyale awoke to he sound of gun fire and skreaching. fear welled up inside of him. where was he and how did he get hear. turning to stand up he found himself inside of a holding cell on a much larger ship. he was next to a window. he looked out to seee a gigantic vong warship on aproach, fireing plasma balls at them. Kalern fell down, uncosiouse.

January 22, 2007 4:26 pm #

"They're attacking, two dread weapons incoming! We'll use the gravity wells to repel them!" Almost as soon as the Dread weapons attached, they were crushed by the gravity well, sending them away from the ship, then a volley from the heavy chainguns to finish them. "Take us to Lehon!" Braugus shouted. THOOM! The Marauder dissapeared into hyperspace, leaving the Vong with an empty freighter. "Sir, they did not follow our wake, they must think their bounty is still on the frieghter, they are still attacking Coruscant." Vassili said. " It will surely be destroyed." Braugus thought.

"This IS my signature."
January 22, 2007 4:36 pm #

"Coruscant is too strong to be destroyed and besides why would the Vong want to destroy it when instead they can capture it and hold it, it's more strategic than destroying it." Andki said walking in to the room.
"Good point" Braugus replied "welcome onboard, I trust you had a good sleep."
"Yeah" Andki replied laughing."Where's all of the others"
"In holding cells"
"Ah, I see."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 24, 2007 2:19 pm #

The two moons brought their firey wrath on all living on Corusant. The great city was instanly destroyed. The Dovin put out the great fires and Troga looked at the once great planet now dead. Thousands of years of greatness destroyed in one great act. "Turn it!"

"Yes sir" said the nearby Vong smileing.

The vong started turning the dead corusant into the new home planet for their empire.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 26, 2007 8:06 pm #

Garlang bashed at the energy walls that surrounded us. a blast hit something and the sheilds went down. itt was pay back time.

January 26, 2007 9:23 pm #

"I'll go to the cell block and release our prisone- I mean guests. Vassili, continue monitoring our wake, I don't want us to be followed." Braugus said, leaving the bridge. He walked down the seemingly endless corridors, "Ahh, here we- are?" Braugus leaned against the door, "Aggh! Backup! Bac- THUD! ROAAA! *sigh* Braugus opened the door, *rumbles are Braugus picks up Kalern with the force* "When are you going to freaking learn?! If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it on FELUCIA!!!" Braugus yelled, "I don't get it?! What is your problem? I come down here to invite you to dinner, and you're throwing my men against the wall! Now. What are we going to do? I can crush Kalern from inside-out, or you can dine with me. You pick.

"This IS my signature."
January 27, 2007 10:51 am #

"Send some ships after the one that got away" Troga ordered.

"Yes sir" said the Vong.  A few seconds later a few ships broke off from the fleet and made their way after The Marauder.

"How's progress with the new planet?" Troga asked.

"Nearly done sir" the Vong replied.

"Good" Troga said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 27, 2007 10:55 am (Edited January 27, 2007 10:57 am) #

"Change our course for Dxun, then Mannan, then Korriban, then back to our present course." Vassili said. "I Sir." The Navigation officer replied.

"This IS my signature."
January 27, 2007 3:04 pm #

"Why to those places first?" Andki asked.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 27, 2007 3:13 pm #

"Zig-zag pattern, It breaks our wake into bits. If the don't follow us into hyperspace exatly when we jump, It makes it impossible to follow somone." Vassili replied.

"This IS my signature."
January 27, 2007 3:33 pm #

"AHH, I see, I'm not too good with big ships and Hyperspace stuff" Andki replied
"Yeah, that's not hard to miss" Vassili" said
"Ha, ha, ha very funny, I'll be in the back getting a snack and possibly napping" Andki said

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 27, 2007 4:16 pm #

"Hold on there Andki, Braugus is inviting you, Kalern, Garlang, Myself, and Nate to dinner, its a big feast. But it might not be ready for a while, so go and rest or do whatever. I'll call you on the comm when it's ready." Vassili said.

"This IS my signature."

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