Who has read TZ???? I just got it on Friday night(!) and then my mom took it away cause I had a report to do. So, I finished the report on Saturday (staying up till 11:30 on Friday night and sacrificing an episode of Emergency! I might add) and FINALLY got TZ!!! That night I read seven chapters and realized that I was almost halfway through the book. So, I said to myself, I'll just have to pace myself by only reading one chapter a day. Boy, am I a di'kut....
Topic: Triple Zero
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
30 posts
Sorted by oldest to newest-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
*Possible spoilers*
I got it the day it came out, but I still haven't finished it with school and work and all... I do like to pace myself though, and I'll usually read the same page or paragraph a few times if it's a major event so I don't forget it, lol. Yeah, I do that with every book I read. Anyway, I'm on chapter 13, and I'd love to have a discussion with you and other members who have read the book! It is so good, it's almost like a fanfiction though in some parts, it's not like any other Star Wars book I've read... but I haven't read many to be honest.
I really love Ordo and Kal Skirata... Kal is interesting, he's not what I thought of him in HC. Can't say I really like Delta Squad, but I haven't played the RC game so I guess I'm a little biased.
I'm so happy for Darman and Etain! ^_^ But I won't say anymore, just incase...
Yeah, I haven't played the RC game either. Yo, I am SO excited about what will happen!! When I finish it, I REALLY wanna have a discussion too!!
And I think that the interaction between Ordo and Kal is so... Well, sweet, for lack of a better word!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
I finished TZ- I must say- I LOVED IT
I have played the RC game and you kinda get to see a new side to Delta squad- it's nice :)
I didnt think that Walon Vau from the RC game was so....mean?..... I guess you don't really see much of Vau except for quotes while the game is loading and that hardly says anything about his personality
AND dar and etain!!!!- YAY!!! ^_^
hurry up and finish reading- we must discuss this book- I'm dying cuz none of my friends likes star wars :(
I FINISHED IT!!! Yes, I DID break my one-chapter-a-day thing, but....
Ooooohhhhh, Atin should've given Vau a better beating than he did!!! Vau... Grrrrr... I did like Lord Mirdalan, though. I wanna strill!!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
Lord Mirdalan was just too cool!
lol :D
i've just finnished. i hope there is a third book, set around order 66. That will be gut wrenching.
IknowIknowIknow!!! I was thinking the same thing! On another note...
KAREN TRAVISS IS WRITING ANOTHER SHORT STORY!!! It's called Omega Squad: Odds, and will be featured in the March/April (I think) issue of the SW insider!!! I just about screamed when I found out. Come to think of it, I did...
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
I am reading it right now.
It is a very good book. I like Ordo he is really cool.
-Boba Dude
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I LOVE Ordo!! Have you gotten to the part where he punches Captain Maze? Hahaha!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
So, is it a library quality book, or should I buy my own copy?
BFFC Moderator
I LOVE Ordo!! Have you gotten to the part where he punches Captain Maze? Hahaha!
I thinks so, that was funny!
BFFC Chrys, I would buy one. A local library might have one. It propably would. It is up to you, I got mine for five $$. I preodered it so I do not know how much it is now.
-Boba Dude
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
So, is it a library quality book, or should I buy my own copy?
I would buy it, definately!!! If I were you I would first read Hard Contact, Triple Zero's predecessor. If you read TZ b4 reading HC you'd understand it, though.
As good as TZ was, I thought that HC was better... But TZ is STILL one of the best SW books ever written!!!!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
I'm just about to finish reading it and I really like it too... It's much different from HC and I can't yet decide which is best to me...
Yeah Ordo rocks :) ...but as weird as I can get, Bard'ika is my favorite character so far :p
By the way I'm new here, although a long time lurker... I thought it was time for me to start joining in because you guys seem like a cool bunch!
Wal, I think you can guess at who my favorite character is....
Good to have you here with us!!! I LOVE your avatar!! :)
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
Thanks man! It's my drawing of the clone pilot, I posted a bigger version here.
So I finished reading TZ last night and I was kind of shocked that it ended so abruptly, all I thought was "A SEQUEL!! NOWWW!!!" and the part that sucks most is that I can't order the new Insider magazine with "Odds", the following short story she has written and should be published soon. It's really too bad that they don't ship outside the US and Canada :( I'll need to hope for a generous soul to scan the story, hehehe....
Anyway, still unsure whether TZ is better than HC or not. I loved the forest ops in the first novel and how the boys were trying to adapt to that new environment. In TZ it's completely different and another challenge for them so I can't exactly compare. The rythm is different, too, as we have no idea of who the real enemy is, there's some real analytic work for every character. The quality of the plot is definitly improved, but I dont know which I prefer yet :P
I am VERY sorry that Insider doesn't ship to where you are... My problem is that my local Wal-Mart doesn't carry the individual issues (grrrrrr... :mad:) and since I lack money I can't order it!!!!! Aahg!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
I am just about to finish this book and I love it! Although I like HC better because of their inexperience with wets and working with an inexperienced jedi. It just seemed like a slightly better story to me.
Hello all, i must say.....I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOOVE THE BOOKS TRIPLE ZERO AND HARD CONTACT.........and whats even cooler ya'll.......in the back of the book there is an index where you can find alot of AWESOME***** mandalorian words......everyone should get this book.....its in my top 3!!!!!!
Ke Nu'Jurkadir Sha Mando'ade!!!!!!!!
(Don't mess with the mandalorians) in mandalorian...lol
Vor'e, MandalorianSpy9
You got it, ner vod!!!! HC and TZ are Kandosii!!!!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
Where did you find it?I've been looking for TZ for almost a month now!I want i want!Can please someone scan the article?I've been asking for a very long time now.Since the old boards.
Well, my Dad pre-ordered it for me on Amazon.
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]

Yes, an awesome book. I'm hoping Karen writes another book so we'll finally know if Kal and the rest of the Null ARC's succeed in finding a way to keep them all from aging rapidly. That would be awesome. And Lord knows those guy's deserve better, you know?
And I agree with the Order 66. I think it's safe to say the Null ARC's will tell their superiors where to stick it, but it'll be interesting to see how the Commando's handle it. Especially if it comes down to Omega not carrying out their orders, because of the female Jedi, and Delta Squad being a little more strict when it comes to following orders. I know there was some story about Vader killing a group of Commando's, because they refused to kill their Jedi General. I think it's in the book "The Rise of Darth Vader." I'll have to wait until my wife can ship that to me out here, so I can read it.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I just got the Hard Contact book, and from what I hear....
Hello all, i must say.....I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOOVE THE BOOKS TRIPLE ZERO AND HARD CONTACT.........and whats even cooler ya'll.......in the back of the book there is an index where you can find alot of AWESOME***** mandalorian words......everyone should get this book.....its in my top 3!!!!!!
Ke Nu'Jurkadir Sha Mando'ade!!!!!!!!
(Don't mess with the mandalorians) in mandalorian...lolVor'e, MandalorianSpy9
......he,he,he....its pretty good. Im lookin foreward to it! :P
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I know there was some story about Vader killing a group of Commando's, because they refused to kill their Jedi General. I think it's in the book "The Rise of Darth Vader." I'll have to wait until my wife can ship that to me out here, so I can read it.
It's a cool book and the story is great. That part where the commando's are being killed isn't actually written (we don't see them die, so to me it doesn't happen :P)
BTW, I'd like to know if any of you have got the Insider issue with Odds in it. You know I live in France so I can't get SW Insider here.... Anyone care to send a scan, please? I'd be much much grateful :)

Sadriel_Fett wrote:I know there was some story about Vader killing a group of Commando's, because they refused to kill their Jedi General. I think it's in the book "The Rise of Darth Vader." I'll have to wait until my wife can ship that to me out here, so I can read it.
It's a cool book and the story is great. That part where the commando's are being killed isn't actually written (we don't see them die, so to me it doesn't happen :P)
BTW, I'd like to know if any of you have got the Insider issue with Odds in it. You know I live in France so I can't get SW Insider here.... Anyone care to send a scan, please? I'd be much much grateful :)
My scanner is boxed up in storage while I'm out here in Mississippi. Otherwise I'd hook you up. I'll see what else I can find, though. The one thing I did like about the story was a pic of the Commando's in their black stealth armor and Kal Skirata in his Mandalorian armor. The artist makes him look a lot more like Ed Harris, as opposed to his pic in "Targets."
"Targets" Kal
"Odds" Kal
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

I sent an email to the Karen Traviss Yahoo Groups to see if they know of anywhere online, where it might be, okay? Who knows, Ms. Traviss is on there often, so she might know of something. I'll let you know if I find anything, Daenna. Later.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Thanks so much for the pictures and going through all that trouble, Sadriel :)
GOOD NEWS!!!! THE NEXT RC BOOK COMES OUT IN AUGUST!!!!!! ITS CALLED TRUE COLORS, and takes pace about a month after the end of TZ and extends for a few months! ZOMG!!!!! and she's going to write a 4th one too!!!! i know cuz i'm on her yahoo group....
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