Topic: Yuzon-Vong war rpg

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1045

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January 11, 2007 5:40 pm #

Hello, i'm kyale and this is the yuzon-vong rpg
I'm going to lay down some ground rules.

1.) you can ether be a yuzon vong, Jedi, Sith, bounty hunter, mecinary, and smuggler.
2.) if your a jedi or a sith pick any color of light sabre and 2 force powers
3.) if you are a yuzon vong pick a bodie part or orgin to give to the gods.
4.) if you pick bounty hunter or mercinary pick an armor color(a trim or not) and pick a weapon of your choice(no light sabres)
5.) smugglers can pick a transport, a blaster pistol or rifle, and your choice of a partner(you don't need a partner).

the story is about a sith yuzon vong who has stolen a very valuable item, the vong pearl. your job is to get the pearl and return it to the directions that you receve over your intercoms. the pearl is any thing but a jewel, its a weapon key. but now the vong have found out and are persueing the pearl, too. its your job to get to it first.
use any tactic you want to capture the pearl and remember, use your imagination.

January 11, 2007 5:51 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 05:02 am) #

(Kyale, nice RPG!!!!)
OK, here's my person:
Person: Nate Butler
Race: Human/Mandalorian
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Armor: Black matte Katarn-class Mark III armor
Weapon of Choice: DC-17 with all attachments
Secondary Weapon: APC Array Gun
History: Nate was a bodyguard who was fired for taking huge risks that almost killed his client. He was having a hard time looking for a new job when he stumbled across an ancient Republic base from the Clone Wars. He managed to salvage armor and weapons from the base. He then decided to become a bounty hunter.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 11, 2007 7:25 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 06:14 am) #

Heres my dude,
name: Andki
race: human, male
occupation: bounty hunter
weapon: imperial-issue blastech e-11
side arm:blastech dl-44
armor:red plastoid with cloaking device
background info: retired imperial stormtrooper who's father just recently died. He swore to get revenge on the person who killed him. After killing him he had nothing else left in his life, so he dicided that he liked hunting down and killing that man and became a bounty hunter.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 11, 2007 11:09 pm (Edited January 11, 2007 11:10 pm) #

Name: Valuag Hura
Race: Devorian
Occupation: Smuggler
Wepon: Long barrel rifle
Secondary Wepon: Bastle Pistol
History: Valuag spent most of his life on a starship, his is accutaly a old KR-TB"Doom Treader" repainted Black.((
Partner: An Aleena male name Scoog. Hes a hell of a pilot. He uses a heavy blaster pistol.
Partner2: Twi'lek female named Sarith. She uses a heavy ripper.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 12, 2007 5:22 am #

Nate was stealthily sneaking through the streets of Coruscant, his Deece ready. Suddenly, the Quarren he's hunting spots him and dashes away and disappears into the crowd. Nate quickly runs after him, and he sees the Quarren enter a nightclub. Nate runs around to the other side of the night club, and puts his sniper attachment on his Deece. He finds a small back window and scans the inside of the club for the Quarren. After a few seconds Nate spots him, and fires the sniper. The Quarren slumps onto the floor, with bright blood oozing from his chest. Nate walks a couple blocks to his speeder. No one really notices that he has a blaster rifle and full body armor, not since the Vong invasion. Everyone carries a blaster now. So far the Vong haven't attacked Coruscant, but at the rate they're going it's going to be soon. Suddenly, Nate's comm in his helmet picks up static, and then he hears a Vong's voice that says:

" I have hidden the Vong pearl on Felucia, in the belly of the giant acklay. No one will ever find it again, master. (Crazy Laughter)"

Nate quickly travels to the docking bay his ship is in. He finally reaches it and boards his ship, a modified Republic Gunship that he scavenged from the base. He has added a Hyperdrive and sniper blaster to it. He was planning to upgrade it more later. Nate takes of and heads to Felucia.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 12, 2007 6:38 am (Edited January 12, 2007 12:54 pm) #

Meanwhile, just above Coruscant in his modified tie- intercepter. Andki was screwing around with his new scanner he just hooked, up trying to find wich channel the Yuuzhan- Vong were using when he picked up a transmission. It was kinda fuzzy but he could still make out what they were saying:

chhhhh, hidden chhhhhh, vong pearl chhhhhh Felucia chhhhhh giant acklay chhhhhh find it again master.

Andki qickly turned around and set the coordinates in his ship's new hyperdrive and blasted off through hyper space towards Felucia in hopes of finding the Yuuzhan-Vong pearl.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 6:54 am (Edited January 12, 2007 04:09 pm) #

heres my character
Occupation: Smuggler
Weapon: Two arkanian blaster pistols
Secondary weapon: one black edge vibro sword
Race: Human
Partner: wookie smuggler
My character has a small bounty on his head and one of the strongest ships in the galaxy, the reble battle cruiser, repanted with a black trim and blue main color. He is a great smuggler and an even better shot, he's killed 6 bounty hunters in his life time.

January 12, 2007 12:51 pm #

why isn't anyone participating? we need more people.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 12:53 pm #

I will, let me think of a guy.......

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 1:01 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 01:30 pm) #

Name: Jerrol Marax
Occupation: Mercenary
Primary Weapon: Force Pike
Secondary: Blas-Tech EH-11 heavy blaster pistol.
Race: Human

Will work for anyone if the price is right, likes hearing his victims scream and is an expert in hand to hand combat, he has no family, rumor has it that on his home world of Tattoine he has the death sentence for murdering his wife but that cannot be confirmed or denied because the files were corrupted and are unreadable at this time.

January 12, 2007 1:18 pm (Edited January 23, 2007 10:09 am) #

Name: Darth Braugus
Occupation: Sith/Mandalorian
Lightsaber color: Red
Powers: Force Crush, Death Field
Race: Human/Mandalorian
History: Braugus Fett was a Mandalorian, His outpost on Dxun was invaded and detroyed by a Yuhzhan Vong elite strike team, his family, and his friends, were all killed in the fire fight. He swore to have revenge, after he buried the dead, he had nothing left there. He then traveled to the tomb of Freedon Nadd, to learn the the dark side of the force, only that could quench his hate. He then left Dxun with his old squad of Mandalorian shock troopers, to get revenge on the Vong.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 1:35 pm #

How many people do we need?

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 1:42 pm #

Andki was comig out of hyperspace near Felucia when a Yuuzhan- vong warship attacked him from out of nowhere. He spun ducked turned left and right dodging the lasers. But his left wing was shot shot and he went spiraling down towards Felucia. CRASH! he landed right in the middle of a forest covered in fungi. "I had better find someone to help me out with this" he thought just as two Acklay came out from behind a giant mushroom and saw. "ah, crap" he thought as he pulled out blaster and fired a couple of towards one of the Acklay. No use they just started to charge straight at him, luckily he was able to dive out the way just in time. He got up and fired rapid shots at them moving backwards till he came to another giant mushroom. He ducked behid it, turned on his cloaking device, and ran away till he was sure he was far enough away then ducked down behind another fungus plant and rested for a while.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 2:07 pm #

Jerrol was seated in a small jail cell in a New Republic security building close to the industrial sector of Coruscant when from his cell he could here on the Comm the vong transmission but the problem was their was so much interference that all he could make out was pearl and Felucia. That would be intriguing if I were able to get their, Jerrol thought to himself. If only I could get the guard close enough to open the cell, but how.  Bribery usually worked.
"Hey trooper, come over here I got something to tell you."
"What da you want now Jerrol?"
"I have Twenty Thousand Credits if you let me out you can have them."
I didn't have the heart to tell him that they were all Imperial and not worth anything any more.
"How do I know that your telling the truth, when you were picked up you didn't have any credits or ID on you." said the trooper
"Who would carry around that much currency in that neighbourhood?"
"Well you have  point."
"Their on my ship if you let me take you their they are all yours! What do you say deal?"
"Alright deal, your record from Tattoine came back to gar-baled t read any way so we would have let you go in a day or two anyway, the owner of the speeder dropped the charges, so lets see that's Twenty thousand right."
"You little" the trooper cut him off "I can always make Tattoine resend he data."
"OK you win, when do I get my stuff back?"
"As soon as you are processed out."the trooper said
Yes and shortly their after you'll be dead.

January 12, 2007 2:25 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 03:02 pm) #

As the Marauder enters the Felucia System, Bragus spots the Vong warship He was tracking from Dxun, "Ahh, there you are....make sure she doesn't leave the system!" he shouted to the deck officer. KRA-KOOOM!! Another Vong ship pulled out of hyperspace behind the Marauder and opened fire, "Were under attack! Get us to to the other side of that blasted planet! Now!" "Reverse the polarity of those gravity well projectors, We might Be able to push them away from us!" Braugus shouted. BOOM! "Sir! They've knocked out projector 4! Our engines are gone! We can't maitain orbit! We're going down! " the deck oficer yelled in a panic. "Fierfek." THOOM! The Massive Ship slammed into the ground and Finally came to a screeching halt, "Report! Who's Not Dead?" he yelled. The entire bridge let out moan. Braugus finally came to his feet and looked out the viewport, "We've got company."

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 2:47 pm #

Snapping the troopers neck like a twig was almost to easy, I'll have to dump the body in space so I'll just leave it in the airlock, Jerrol said to himself. Now to the Felucia system, and where the hell is that good for nothing co-pilot. If it weren't for the fact that I can't fly to save my life I would ill that girl. "Kyip where are you?  We gotta go now." of course standing in the middle of the docking bay yelling for her probably wasn't the best way to find her. Storming up the ramp the overpowering smell of alchol was everywhere, then Jerrol noticed a boot sticking out into the main isle from under the curtain to the toilet. Oh for the love of the Emperor. She was passed out, OK you asked for it this time into the shower. Cold water and presto. "Welcome back to the world of the living, do you think you can take off and get into hyperspace?" It was answered with a long string of obscenities followed by a slurred yes.

January 12, 2007 3:12 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 03:39 pm) #

"what the?" Andki thought. "That sounded like a ship, maybe I should go check it out."
He followed the sound of the crash until he saw a huge warship on fire with it's crew walking out the wreckage moaning."That's definately not a Vong warship" he thought,"maybe I should wait here and see if I can figure out who they are and what they are doing." He turned on his cloaking device and ducked down observing what they did next, when he saw the acklay."Mabe I should go and give them a hand." He thought as he pulled his blaster and started walking down the hill.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 3:36 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 08:00 pm) #

"Fierfek, Acklays! Use our port guns on them, and OPEN FIRE!!" Braugus shouted into the comm, in near unison, the port heavy chainguns opened fire within seconds, decimating the huge swarm of acklay before they could creep into the gaping hole near the #4 Gravity projector. "Sir, we are picking up a small signal within a few hundred meters of our position." "Let me see, hmm, is it Vong?" "No sir, it seems human but we aren't picking up anything on the visual scanners." the crewman replied. "I'll acompany the squad to go after it, and you stay here to make sure we don't have another acklay problem. Also, begin repairing that ungodly hole in the side of my vessel." Braugus ordered. "Yes Sir." The young oficer replied. Bragus and his squad of Mandos left the ship, and headed for the signal. They surrounded the signal and found nothing. Then as they were leaving, Braugus spotted something, a smudge in the air, "Let's see what you are, my little invisble friend." he said igniting his lightsaber.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 3:41 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 03:41 pm) #

"No,no stop," said Andki as he turned off his cloaking device,"I'm a friendly."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 3:47 pm (Edited January 13, 2007 09:18 pm) #

"Who are you!?" Bragus said slowly picking him up off the ground by his neck with ease, staring at him through the dark, emotionless, red T-visor.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 3:52 pm #

"I'm Andki, a bounty hunter, cough, cough, and I know what you are here for." cough, cough, "I might be able to
help you."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 3:58 pm #

Braugus tightens his grip, "Help me? Why would I need help?"

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 4:06 pm #

"cuz, cough, cough, your crew is injured, cough, cough, I know where the pearl is, cough, cough, and I was hoping to strike a deal with you, cough, cough."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 4:10 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 04:11 pm) #

Braugus drops him to the ground, "Pearl? What are you talking about?" he asks.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 4:15 pm #

cough, cough, umhhhm "you still havn't heard about the Vong pearl?, I thought that was why you were here."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 4:19 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 04:20 pm) #

"No, I'm Here for the Vong. To kill them. Tell me, what does this "Pearl" do?" Braugus said, deactivating his lightsaber.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 4:21 pm #

"I don't really know for sure, all I know is I was hired to capture it before the Yuuzhan-Vong did."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 4:26 pm #

"Well, if it means killing the Vong, I may help you." Braugus said.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 4:30 pm #

Kalern zoomed through the galaxy heading towards the planet of coriscant. An annonamouse person had sent him on a mission to capture and bring him a particularly dangerouse package, an akalay from the planet felucia. he said it was crryaing a very important item, and that he would pay me 5,000,000 credits to deliver it to lower coriscant. he also said that he had a very important mission he neeed to give to me, in person.
Of course i didn't trust him.
I was redy with my blaster pistols and Garlang(my wookie partner) with his sniper rifle. coriscant grew ever neerer and i grew even more tence. ether my death or my payment waited on the surface, but there was only one way to find out.

January 12, 2007 4:33 pm #
Lord Revan wrote:

"Well, if it means killing the Vong, I may help you." Braugus said.

"sounds good to me, on one condition, I get the reward for the pearl. Oh and uh, I have no way off this planet cuz my ship was shot down by the Yuuzhan-Vong."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 4:35 pm #

"Ha, haha, hahahaha, surely you're joking, the whole reward? Really, all of us against you?" He laughs as he detaches his lightsaber from his belt.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 4:37 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 04:37 pm) #

"fine, I'll give you one-third"

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 4:42 pm #

"Good choice, no use dying for a few thousand credits." he said putting his lightsaber back on his belt. "How many others know about the pearl?"

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 4:43 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 04:44 pm) #

"only one that I know about, but there could be others."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 4:47 pm #

"Come back to my ship with me, and we'll devise a plan."

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 4:49 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 04:57 pm) #

"alright, well first thing you should know is that agiant acklay is either guarding it or has eaten it."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 4:54 pm #

I set down at a refuel station orbiting coriscant when a shady figure waked over to me asking me what was in my ship that i had to set down on this station.
"None of your buisness."
He walked over to kalerns cargo bay hatch. pulled out his fusion  cutter and was about to cut the bolt locks whe Garlang opened the hatch.
(whats this!) he said in wookie tounge picking up the intruder by the throught and throwing him into a fuel tank, killing him instantly.

January 12, 2007 4:58 pm #

(Enters ship through ungodly hole in the side) "So, what do you think? It's a Sienar Fleet System Immobilizer 41 8 Hyperspace Interdictor Cruiser, if you don't know what I'm talking about, it basically pulls ships out of hyperspace by generating planet-size gravity fields." He said confidently.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 5:04 pm #

"pretty cool, but what are we going to do about the Vong pearl?"

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 5:09 pm #

"You said you know where is, enlighten me." he said.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 5:12 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 05:34 pm) #

" there's supposed to be a giant acklay, I don't know for sure but, he is either guarding it or has eaten it.":

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 5:14 pm #

Is there at all a limit to how may weapons we can have?

January 12, 2007 5:24 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 05:25 pm) #

"Hmm, (checks long range scanners) no, no, no, hmm, no, thats not it either, no, hmm I can't seem to find it, but I am picking up another ship in orbit, men, more info on that ship ( there is silence)........NOW!" They scramble to their various posts. "Sir, It's a Vong ship." one of the crewman replied. "I'll kill every last one of them." Braugus said coldly. "This guy seems more like a Sith than a Mandalorian." Andki thought.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 5:32 pm #

As the molting swirl of hyper-space changed back into the pin-pricks of stars three Vong warships also came into view. Sith spawn Jerrol swore. Only one thing to do "Plow through them and make for the first pice of open land down their."

January 12, 2007 5:38 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 05:42 pm) #
Lord Revan wrote:

"Hmm, (checks long range scanners) no, no, no, hmm, no, thats not it either, no, hmm I can't seem to find it, but I am picking up another ship in orbit, men, more info on that ship ( there is silence)........NOW!" They scramble to their various posts. "Sir, It's a Vong ship." one of the crewman replied. "I'll kill every last one of them." Braugus said coldly. "This guy seems more like a Sith than a Mandalorian." Andki thought.

"back to the pearl,we can kill the Vong later but for now just focus on the task at hand." said Andki in a "I mean it" kinda tone. "If you have a scanner we can try to find other transmissions leading us as to where the giant acklay's exact location."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 5:38 pm #

**Just a tip guys, try and elaborate a bit more. Makes things more interesing. A sentence or two doesn't lead the story very far. I'll be quiet now ;) **

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 12, 2007 5:40 pm #

"What's that?" a crewman pointed out, "What's wha-" Braugus froze, "It's another ship. To the east. Andki, is that the ship you were refering to? Braugus asked.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 5:45 pm #

"I never reffered to any ship in paticular besides mine and that's too damaged to even move. Also it's a small ship, a tie-intercepter." replied Andki pretty confused.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 12, 2007 5:54 pm (Edited January 12, 2007 05:56 pm) #

"Sir, It's a Vong dropship." The crewman said. "Fierfek. Looks like you and me have visitors, Andki." "It's about 2 kilometers away, what are your orders?" the crewman asked. "Assemble  a squad. Andki, got anything of value on your TIE Iterceptor?" Braugus replied.

"This IS my signature."
January 12, 2007 5:56 pm #

"not really, just my transmission scanner,why?"

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett

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