Two Sith Lords. Both in their prime. Each has their own lightsaber. Who will win? Who will lose? Start voting!!! I personally think that Count Dooku would win.
Topic: Count Dooku vs. Darth Maul
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
31 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI say that Dooku would win. Obi-wan killed Maul and he couldn't beat Dooku.
No way darth Maul woud win. He is younger, has more anger, and is quicker with a lightsaber.
No way darth Maul woud win. He is younger, has more anger, and is quicker with a lightsaber.
Ah, but Count Dooku's mastery of the force is greater. Also, Makashe (Dooku's saber style) is the best style for lightsaber battles.
Why is no one else responding to my topic.......? :(
1. It is new.
2. It takes a while to get a topic active.
3. Verses topics are not always the most active topic.
I think Maul would win. He was so blinded by hate towards the Jedi so he made mistakes. I think he'd be more centred when taking on a fellow Sith.
(And Draco's correct, people don't necessarily visit the site everyday so replies can be slow - be patient and they will come) :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
It all depends on the fight.
If they were fighting lightsaber-to-lightsaber, no Force Powers, Maul would definatly win. He's faster than Dooku, plus he has alot of anger to back him up.
Now, if they were fighting Force-to-Force, no lightsabers, then Dooku would win. He seems to have a better handle on the Force than Maul does.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I would call them about equal.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Dooku he was better with the light sabre and more adept with the force than Maul.
Dooku he was better with the light saber and more adept with the force than Maul.
He's right. Dooku kicks @$$! But Darth Maul is great, too. Anyone else want to reply? Without counting ties, the score is Dooku: 3 and Maul: 2. And Thylacine, in the battle Count Dooku and Maul can use both lightsabers and the Force.
No Dooko is much more adept in the force and Thylacine didnt say Maul couldnt use the force. In my veiw Maul is a much more impressive lightsaber user espeshially those cool little filps he did when fighting Qui Gon and Obi Wan. So im not sure about a lightsaber battle but Dooko definatly has a greater knoledge of the force.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Maul would so get his but kicked because of: 1. count dooku is a longer trained jedi(corect me if im wrong) a master i think.
2.He is much faster and has higher force caipabilitys.
2.He is much faster and has higher force capabilitys.
higher foce capabilities yes but Maul is much faster. It would depend on the situation. If they were fighting in open land and nothing around them(like Tattooine) Maul would win. But if they were fighting in a city or a closed space with stuff around them(like Coruscant) Dooku would win.
Tyranus could hold his own against Yoda.
No Dooko is much more adept in the force and Thylacine didnt say Maul couldnt use the force. In my veiw Maul is a much more impressive lightsaber user espeshially those cool little filps he did when fighting Qui Gon and Obi Wan. So im not sure about a lightsaber battle but Dooko definatly has a greater knoledge of the force.
I never said that Tylacine said that Maul couldn't use the force. Remember, Count Dooku is also a better lightsaber duelist than Maul is. Dooku can hold his own against Yoda like draco said, and Maul couldn't even beat Padawan Obi-Wan.
Not like Obi wan wasnt a good Jedi and if you remember for the wholo of the battle it was 2 v 1 that would probably wear him down. We dont know how Maul would cope against Yoda.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Not like Obi wan wasnt a good Jedi and if you remember for the wholo of the battle it was 2 v 1 that would probably wear him down. We dont know how Maul would cope against Yoda.
Count Dooku fought Obi-Wan and Anakin on Geonosis and he still won, but Darth Maul lost against two jedi.
Anakin and Obi wan didnt attack at the same time.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Anakin and Obi wan didnt attakc at the same time.
Only because Anakin is a complete idiot and he charged Dooku. Don't the Jedi Masters at the Temple teach the students about dark side powers like Force lightning and that if you ever face a Sith, make sure you don't charge them like your a friggin rhino?!
I'm going to say Maul because he's a much better duelist and I think all those arobatic moves he throws in might throw off Dooku a bit. He also is a juyo form master. Although if you think about it this could go either way, because Dooku is more adept when using force and he taunts his victims which could definately lower your morale.
Dooku can hold his own against the one of the greatest jedi of all time! there shouldn't even be a debate he, dooku would win. he has force lightning to stun his enemys. plus(and some will disagree) he is much faster, i mean did you see yoda! he was blur. maul would fall in an instant against yoda, so dooku would definatly win.
It may depend on the situation, but hardly. Darth Tyranus would very quickly have killed Anakin and Obi-Wan had Yoda not arrived, and he very nearly killed him. He was still not bested. He was only killed when Sidious himself decided he no longer needed him, and no doubt aided Anakin to defeat him. Darth Maul may be scarier at first, but then Tyranus is far more sinister and contemplative, and would laugh at Maul's ridiculously feeble attempt at intimidation. Remember, Dooku was once a Jedi, while Maul, as far as we can tell, was not. I do believe that Count Dooku would easily make rather short work of his more primal predecessor.
It may depend on the situation, but hardly. Darth Tyranus would very quickly have killed Anakin and Obi-Wan had Yoda not arrived, and he very nearly killed him. He was still not bested. He was only killed when Sidious himself decided he no longer needed him, and no doubt aided Anakin to defeat him. Darth Maul may be scarier at first, but then Tyranus is far more sinister and contemplative, and would laugh at Maul's ridiculously feeble attempt at intimidation. Remember, Dooku was once a Jedi, while Maul, as far as we can tell, was not. I do believe that Count Dooku would easily make rather short work of his more primal predecessor.
I rest my case! And Jasters.
Dooku didnt hold his own against Yoda he got owned he was being played with. If you whatch both Maul and Dooku fighting im am faairly certian Maul has quicker reflexes. It would be a closer fight than you think, i still think Dooku woulod probably win but it would be a closer fight than you make it out to be. How is Dooku more threatening than Maul? Maul's expresion is full of rage that is much more threatening.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I think that Dooku just has more experience. Dooku is a Sith Lord, whereas Darth Maul is a sith Murauder. I think if it was purley lightsaber fight, it would be close, and I think that Maul might come out on top.
However, if it's a battle with no restrictions, than easily count Dooku would conquer.
You guys give Maul too much credit.... honestly Dooku is better at Saber and Force and has more experience Obi-wan got better as he got older and when he fought Maul he was younger... when he fought dooku he was at his peak
Maul single handedly destroyed the Black Sun (which must have started itself back up eventually), so I've heard. I have not read the book yet.
fett3393 wrote:No way darth Maul woud win. He is younger, has more anger, and is quicker with a lightsaber.
Ah, but Count Dooku's mastery of the force is greater. Also, Makashe (Dooku's saber style) is the best style for lightsaber battles.
funny it didn't help him against Anakin, for those that read the episode 2 book, he almost defeated dooku with his double saber style, as usualy he counted on Anakin weakening if his focas was disrupted and it was, that was always anakin's weakness, if he focused he was unstoppable, but once he started thinking about it he pretty much blew it.
You're all forgetting a very important thing, HATE fuels the darkside, or a similar very strong emotion, Maul had this, Dooku was cranky at best, he was not definately filled with hate, maybe disdain, but I hardly
consider disdain dark side fuel. The fact that Dooku had been a jedi, hampered him in fully realizing his power and potential. He was far more concerned with theatrics and showing his superioity to his opponets. (He was reference as to admiring his lack of use of hand gestures for using the force that the jedi used in the labyrinth of evil book I believe) This made him prone to toying with his opponents to display his supirioity, while the only thing Maul was concerned with was doing his job and pleasing his master. In this one Maul wins, one does not TOY woy maul and live. Obi Wan won the battle because he was not trying to show he was better he just WAS better. Dooku lacks the sheer ruthlessness to be a real sith, he was never anything more than a pawn, which don't get me wrong Maul was the same just a better and more useful, ALSO Maul was more adept at stealth the Dooku