Featured Topic: What do YOU like most about Boba Fett?

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Topic #250

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August 13, 2006 10:15 pm #

Ten thoughts on why I like Boba
10. A character with a unkown past not tied down to one person or place.

9.  Life forms to him are merely seen with credits signs in his eyes.

8.  Nothing will or can stop him once he makes up his mind to pursue.

7.  Combat abilities that intimadate some Jedis.

6.  Go toe to toe with Darth Vadar at Vadars prime and truly walking away being the one to decide if Vadar should live or die.

5. Those toys,those fabulous toys(weapons).

4. A fellow you know is not going to go away quietly.

3. He is not evil or a bad guy,he just doesnt care what it takes to finish the job.And will not let anyone stop or get in the way.

2. I dont think there is anything I DONT like about him

1. He pilots a cool ship and just screams "I mean business" in that outfit.

"I am just a simple man trying to make it in the universe"
August 14, 2006 11:28 pm #
Miba wrote:

I don't really see how kid-Boba was bratty. o_0

You said it!  I wish my son were as well behaved.  I think it's the reading, very important.  He's a lot like I was as a child, only cuter, (by far).

"Be Like Boba." J. R. Duart -2006
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
August 16, 2006 5:53 pm #

I like that list there, Lopero

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
September 13, 2006 2:23 pm #

his individuality

SF is what life is all about.
September 16, 2006 7:42 pm #

The color of his armor and his Helmet, definitly are awesome.

"I will bet all my Star Wars guys. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Except Boba Fett. No matter how sure I am, I never risk the Fett man."
―Peter Griffin
September 16, 2006 10:14 pm #

I like Fett's persona, I HATE how Fett "died" in ep.VI, is it just me or is that the dumbest thing ever!

mc chris - fett's vette - [url]http://www.mcchris.com[/url] and go to media - FREE DOWNLOAD
September 17, 2006 1:15 am #

Dude he didnt die :P in several books it tells you of his escape from the sarlacc.

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
September 18, 2006 12:48 am #

i like how,when in public, he drinks through a straw attached to his helmet.

"Days lived under threats like these were days worth living."
September 18, 2006 1:40 am #

Lol welcome payback good to see somonewho likes Dengar :P.

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
September 19, 2006 6:51 am #

Okay, one of the best things I like about him is his attitude.  Has everyone seen the Gentle Giant scuplture (I'm pretty sure it was GG--I know there is a more 'cartoonish' one out too, but I'm talking about the more realistic one)?  I LOVE that!  It just looks like he's saying "bring it on"---the artist captured Boba's essence quite well. 

Welcome payback---hehe--Dengar was the "nice" bounty hunter compared to most of them.

I also like how Boba knows when to accept assistance--he rarely needs it, but a good example is actually his escape from the Sarlacc when Dengar and Neela came to his "rescue".

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
September 19, 2006 3:10 pm #

I like your list Lopero. Those are the reasons I like Fett....and the fact that he drinks through a straw in his helmet. :P

"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
--Boba Fett
September 19, 2006 7:20 pm #

I've only read the straw/helmet thing one time I think---I thought it was a bit funny, but it does make sense...

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
October 8, 2006 6:50 pm #

Always independant, and in the Bounty Hunter Series books, you see that you dont mess with Fett and live to tell.

"...you are free to sever the chains of fate which bind you..."
October 11, 2006 7:47 pm #

i think fett is a great balance between a normal guy and, for lack of better words, a superhero of sorts.  he has alot of normal person qualities to him which makes him beliveable, but he has that part of him that is 100% kick ass which makes him kick ass.  btw i got LEGO star wars and i do not have boba fett yet, but i won't rest until i do! :) also btw IG-88 i knew that he did not die and he in fact blew up the sarlacc and Dengar came to the rescue.

mc chris - fett's vette - [url]http://www.mcchris.com[/url] and go to media - FREE DOWNLOAD
October 12, 2006 5:14 pm #

This is an EASY one.
The Helmet.

"Reality is a nice place to visit... but I wouldn't want to live there."
October 16, 2006 8:55 pm #

The Man Is Just Bad Ass Think About It You Know Your Hardcore If You Have Someone Like Vader Telling You No Disinigrations A Rep Like That Isnt Gained Overnight. Plus Other Than His Dad Not Too Many People Handle A Jetpack. And Then Theres The Ee3 Blastech Sawed Off Laser Rifle What More Could Ya Ask For

October 17, 2006 11:51 am #

Must you post all in capital letters?

take it easy baby take it as it comes
October 17, 2006 2:09 pm (Edited October 17, 2006 02:10 pm) #

I think that it's rather simple to disintegrate an opponent, actually.  The hard part is capturing them alive.  Perhaps Fett had intentionally frustrated Vader from certain prizes...

"Be Like Boba." J. R. Duart -2006
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
October 17, 2006 2:19 pm #

I like the fact that the newest version of him in Star Wars Miniatures has disintergrate and I disintergrated an entire AT-At walker with it.

Twas a good day when I got that figure.

Also I liked him in Bloodlines

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
October 25, 2006 6:59 am #

I love him because his backpacks got jets.

Seriously though I don't really know why. I just do.

October 26, 2006 4:50 am #
claratea wrote:

I love him because his backpacks got jets.

Seriously though I don't really know why. I just do.

LOL--I think THAT is a good answer! 

Why do we like Boba Fett?  We just do! :)

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
November 12, 2006 10:14 am #

Hello everyone!
I'm new here and I thought this could be a good topic to introduce myself in.

Almost everything about Boba Fett is something I like.
His ship is great.
He has got tons of weapons.
He's got nice looking armor.
He's one of the very few persons who are not afraid of Vader.
He's independent.

And I must say that Temuera's voice would have been great if they just would have remade the scream too.
Or maybe not. He sounds exactly like the Boss of the commandos in the game Republic Commando.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
November 12, 2006 11:32 am #

Yeah, I can see your point on that.  Not that I have played the game, but you can tell the scream is from a different voice.

I like both voices used for Boba, but I think I'll always associate Temeura's more with Jango.

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
November 12, 2006 12:00 pm #

Two words describe the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy...KICK and ASS

"Who's more fool the fool, or the fool who follows him?"- Ben Kenobi
November 12, 2006 3:21 pm #

my favourite thing about boba fett is that he is always by himslef, other than that time he was with dengar, and also, he never polishes his armour which looks way cooler than jangos.  :lol:

'I want them, and I want them alive' - Cloud Fett
November 13, 2006 6:00 am #

Whats going on everybody...long time no chat. I'll have to get to know all of you new guys on here. Looks like my thread is doing fine, so keep it up. True Warrior, PM me whenever you can...

                                    Beskaryc Beroya ( AKA MandalorianSpy9) 8)

“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
November 22, 2006 3:11 pm #

My favorite attribute about Boba Fett is his cold-calculating mind. He seems to know his opponents every move, which, needless to say, comes in handy in his line of work.

To look into that helmet's concealing visor was to meet a gaze as ruthless and unsentimental as his own...-Prince Xizor
November 25, 2006 11:46 pm #

i think his attitude twords his prestigious line of wok is awsome

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 26, 2006 6:12 am #

His occupation is not exactly prestigious. His only attitude about it, that I can recall, is that he is the best.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
November 29, 2006 12:25 pm #
draco fett wrote:

His occupation is not exactly prestigious. His only attitude about it, that I can recall, is that he is the best.

True, and he is not afraid to admit this fact...i like that. jajaja

                                                           Beskaryc Beroya

“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
November 29, 2006 12:29 pm #

i like his individuality too.

SF is what life is all about.
December 8, 2006 10:10 am #

I like his cold heartless attitude. Though deep inside is a kind gentleman. Also that armor is kick ass

I would change the world, if only i had the source code. :cool:
December 8, 2006 5:08 pm #

Yeah, the precise, efficient type attitude

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
December 11, 2006 4:39 pm #

The best thing about Boba Fett to me is how he does his bountys.He does them by just going up to the guy/girl getting haif the plan thought out then half way through battle he gets the other half of the plan thought out and the first part of the plan was donewithout flaw.Then the second without flaw it's just plain WICKID yeah I mean WICKID.

December 11, 2006 4:55 pm #

I'd probaly have to say the armour and helmet are the best part of Boba Fett.

December 11, 2006 11:12 pm #

The helmet, it's totally wicked. Plus the cool attitude to go with it.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 12, 2006 4:18 pm #

I like his mysterious demeanor and envy his ability to block certain emotions so he can get to the task at hand.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
December 13, 2006 2:29 pm #

Welcome to the boards Devin Fett and Net-a-Fett...always great to see new members, which often brings along new ideas and perspectives.

I agree with Sharra Fett. The ability he has to deaden his emo so that it doesn't get in the way is an incredible feat. :cool:

“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
January 1, 2007 10:09 pm #

Yeah, as it was for nearly everyone else, it was the awesome armor that got me captivated... I really can't remember the exact moment I became a fan, but I do remember thinking: "He's different from all the Star Wars characters..." and so I had to find out more. I remember being on a videogame message board and talking to some guys about the movies, and one of the users brought up how Boba survived the Sarlacc, and that really got my interested? I was like "No way! That's soo cool! Tell me how!" And then they recommended the books. Thank the maker for the internet and bobafett.com, lol. :P The more I read about his mysterious persona, the more I liked him. Especially after reading "Tales of the Bounty Hunters." But I was a pretty die-hard fan even before I got to know him, lol.

-BFFC Manji aka Jess
January 2, 2007 1:01 pm #

His cold ruthlessness

"Die? Didn't you know that Spartans never die?'- Spartan-051 "Kurt"
January 2, 2007 3:56 pm #

he doesn't say much......and how he never takes off that armour on screen after attack of the clones!

lie less, by telling the truth less, by talking less and thinking more....hey you can't say it doesn't work... for all of us. [url=http://www.myspace.com/crayonsofdarkness]www.myspace.com/crayonsofdarkness[/url]
January 6, 2007 8:34 am #

The fact that in public he shows no weakness at all not ever.

January 7, 2007 11:39 pm #

I like the mystery that surrounds him the best and that he shows no emotion, and no remorse for what he dose. I also like that he is a loner and he doesn’t belong to any one side.

January 14, 2007 9:15 pm #

Everything, his Mandalorian helmet

As You Wish
January 14, 2007 10:05 pm (Edited January 14, 2007 10:07 pm) #

How he doesn't rely solely on strength to get bounties, but his wits and cunning.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url]http://archive.lfgcomic.com/lfg0002.gif[/url]
January 15, 2007 6:32 am #

You got that right Sev, that Boba Fett is one dude who really uses his head.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
January 16, 2007 5:15 am #

I agree, Sev

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
January 18, 2007 9:38 am #
sinisterdreams wrote:

I like the mystery that surrounds him the best and that he shows no emotion, and no remorse for what he dose. I also like that he is a loner and he doesn’t belong to any one side.

You're right sinisterdreams, I think the fact that he isn't on anybody's side except his own makes him more versatile and deadly.

I agree with sev also, the way he thinks and uses wits/brains, gives him an advantage over the ave. joe in star wars.
                                                          Beskaryc Beroya :cool:

“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
February 7, 2007 9:43 pm #

I like the way he's blunt and to the point, like it or not. 

"Dead or alive.....  Dead's easier.  Come on.  I'm a busy man."  (from "A Practical Man" by Karen Traviss)

Boba's not one for wasting words...  :)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 12, 2007 11:50 pm #

I like the way he pays alliegance to no-one, but strictly follows his own moral code. He doesn't need religion or anything to hide under. He sees the world as it is, and doesn't run.

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