So far D'harhan has been unstopable, so how will Jango fair against him?
Topic: Jango vs D'harhan
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
29 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestJango would probably win, I think. Jango would figure out a way around the massive laser turret, right? He'd be able to do something like shoot an ion blast at D'harhan and then kill him afterwards. Or wrap the laser with his whipcord and hold it in one place while he shoots D'harhan repeatedly. Etc.
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Does Jango even have ion weaponry?
As much as I like D'harhan, I believe that Jango would probably find a way to beat him. Probably.
Something as simple as jet-packing behind him and destroying his targeting system, leaving him blind...really depends on the factors of the environment.
-Captian Murphy
I am not sure on this one... Jango is a smart fellow, but D'harhan could probably kill Jango with one good shot. I think my vote his going to D'harhan.

D'harhan would have to place one good shot and Jango can move ALOT faster the D'harhan could. Jango for me
Yeah, Jango has ion weaponry. Boba got one of the IG-88s with a mini ion gun thing he had on him, why wouldn't Jango have the same thing?
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I vote for Jango
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
just a note, that jodo kast/aurra sing is still tying so can ppl still vote in that match, so we can have an oppenet for Boussh
By a whisper, Jango defeats D-harhan.
Not a chance. Jango relies almost solely on his skeletal Westar-34s. He is most definitely NOT intelligent, and nowhere near as resourceful or well-prepared as Boba. He wouldn't have the ion cannon, and his suit is actually more bulky than Boba's, so he won't be as fast as you all think he will.
it's not my choice sorry, just how the voting went
I'm with Jango,because come on he is a fett after all.
I'm with D'harhan, because while a Fett, Jango brings shame to the name. I
I can just imagine this pair of smoking legs after D'harhan fires a single shot, while Jango was spinning his blasters around his fingers :lol:
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Go jango.
As long as the topic is still leading to good discussion, it's not dead. If it is dead, one of us will lock it.
BFFC Moderator
Jango would probably just nuke D'harhan off the face of whatever planet there on with his jetpack
D'harhan is somewhat lacking in the brain and agility department.
D'harhan is somewhat lacking in the brain and agility department.
I agree, and cast my vote with Jango.......
{MW} MS9
I don't think either combatant would win outright, the victor would probably be very injured(it would be an fight!!)
yeah, missing a limb or two.
Have I voted, cuz I thought I voted here. :/
I vote for D'harhan. From what I've read, he is a ruthless, vicious creature who will stop at absolutly NOTHING to catch his prey. I agree he's skower than Jango, but has very effective weapontry, and that's what would make this such a great fight. And from the illistrated fan art I've seen, he looks really hard to beat!( Especially with that massive laser turret!)
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D'Harhan has a auromatic sensor thing in him that allows his cannon to lock on, I change my vote to him, not jango
I think its to late.
D'harhan is somewhat lacking in the brain and agility department.
True, I hadn't thought of that. Jango could probably outmaneuver him and use speed to his advantage.
BFFC Moderator
Yes that is very true.........Brains over bronze I always say. But still, my gutt says D'harhan.
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