All I need to finish my costume are the boots and the jetpack, does anyone know where to get them?
Topic: Boba Fett costume parts
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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boots are easy, jet packs not so much. well for the boots i've noticed at the bowling their shoes look really similar to fetts boots, you could get a pair change the color to match fett, and replace the sole with a maybe a boot sole or, well just a bigger sole thats flat, as for spikes... I dont know, with my boots all i've managed to do is get little saw blades in them. if you know how to weld and u got a welding gun that might be easyier.

Revan, you should refer to There, Chris has a lot of links to vendors and artisans who make "Boba Fett boots" (see CABoots), along with some guidance for the exact molds and paints to get your costume up to par.
About the jetpack, I'm making my own. It's coming out pretty good actually.
The CABoots link wasn't working so here's another also try and

Hey, Gustavo, got any pics of that jetpack?
Unfortunately not yet remind me to make a photobucket account k?
And I havent worked on it much in a it isnt very complete it's only like 5 percent done but so far it looksm good I can even wear it and stuff.

Last night I got a pair of boots to be converted into Boba boots. They are nearly perfect for it, and they were only $8.74. So, if you want to convert a pair, I reccomend these. You can get them at Target. But they are signifigantly more if you get them online.
WOW--those are great. I about picked up a pair very similar to those on clearance at Wal-Mart last week for $9. Hope they still have them (Targets are much farther away for me). Good find, Revan ;)
Gustavo--I'd like to see those pics too :)
Ok cool I just made my photobucket account. I will post my pics on it and provide a link in the near future.

I hope that tutorial helped. :D
i made my jetpack by just building a wooden frame to roughly the right size and shape, then i stretched some sheet alluminum around the outside for a smoother metal look. The nozzles i used some pvc plumbing fixtures, lol and as for the missile i couldnt find any thing lying around that resembled its shape, so do you remember those dorritos 3d's? and how they came in those little black plastic tubes? well thats where i got the missile part. all in all the jetpack is pretty unique in its overall design, its not an exact copy of a fett pack but for just a mando it works nicely.
That sounds like a very creative and inventive way to make a jetpack, Vassili! Sheet aluminum--how expensive was that? I know the price of aluminum has been going up lately. I have possible access to sheet metal, but aluminum would be much lighter, if I try something like that. Yeah! I remember those Dortios tubes (I work in a grocery store lol) very good choice there. What kind of wood did you use?
I'd like to see pics once you get your jetpack completed, even pics of it now :)
I'll take some pics tonight. Yeah the alluminum is very nice because it saved alot of weight. I'm not too sure what kind of wood it was but it was almost like panneling, like fiber board or something. I stenciled the shapes i needed onto cardboard templates then transferred them to the wood to make like a skeleton. I found the alluminum lying around in my garage but its almost the same rigidness of like alluminum gutters, so it was easy to put on the frame. then i just spray painted it.
Did you just use a picture of Boba's jetpack to go by or did you find a diagram somewhere online? It takes lots of talent to just look at a pic of something and build it :)
I actually did it all from my head suprising enough. I had a little boba fett action figure with a tiny jetpack that i glanced at for the overall shape, but other then that it was just by memory. I mean i've seen Return of the Jedi and Attack of the clones countless times just to watch Boba and Jango lol
I mean i've seen Return of the Jedi and Attack of the clones countless times just to watch Boba and Jango lol
:D so do I, but add ESB to that too.
That's great that you can do that from memory
does any one know how to make fetts gauntlets please I really need help on this :)
that's so cool that you guys make your own Fett armor!
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
Best thing I can do is give you the actual gauntlet templates. You can use Sintra (PVC foamboard) and cut the gaunt pieces out of that, then glue them together using PVC epoxy. Cover with Bondo, let dry, sand them smooth then paint and your good to go.
Mandalorian Mercs Tutorial/Template Library
[ADMIN: Link to mercs.firespray dot net/mambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=30&Itemid=50 no longer active.]
We've got quite a few members who have dome scratch built armor pieces, so hopefully that can help you guys out.
[url=]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]
Do u think the Rubies Boba Fet helmet will work for my costume...
Yes, it will. However, you need to put a different T-Visor in it as well as install a craft ring around the inside bottom to make it flare out like a normal Mandalorian helmet. It's common for our costuming members who are starting out to use a Rubies helmet. It's a great starter helmet =D
[url=]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]
wow the novall talon.... (faints on floor) its really cool that you guys make the costumes and acssesories. want want to my mine but i have to be older when i stop growing
Actually, there is a new tutorial on our site for making armor out of poster board using newspaper and modge podge. It's perfect for kids who are still growing because it's a fairly cheap way to go.
Poster Board Armor Tutorial
[ADMIN: Link to mercs.firespray dot net/forum/index.php?topic=725.msg8821 no longer active.]
[url=]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]
Yes, it will. However, you need to put a different T-Visor in it as well as install a craft ring around the inside bottom to make it flare out like a normal Mandalorian helmet. It's common for our costuming members who are starting out to use a Rubies helmet. It's a great starter helmet =D
Thanx im gonna buy it off my freind
UM this is sorta a stupid question but the armor im makeing is a mix between the esb Fett and the Rotj but wats the colour of Fetts ESB armor and the colour of Fetts Rotj Gauntlets????
did you make that?
that was soooooo cool.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
no i didnt its an image on google mines a work in progress but is a copy of that though...
it looks so real!
post a shot of what yours looks like so far!
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
ill post pics on tuesday when its mostly finished...
its very good Devin Jax, how did u make it?! it looks like the real thing. :)
Glad I could be of help =D
[url=]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]
well done for helping Lord Revan, Novall Talon, because he will pleased now, now that you have helped him...
no mines a work in progress ill post some pics later today around 7:00 so be on maybe u could give some tips
k, i'll think of some :O
thanx alot u should post some pics of ure costume
me? i dont have a costume?
heres the gauntlet sad thig is it looks like crap compared to seeing it in person........ pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
YEt it still needs alot of work to it.The sides will be filled with moldeling clay then it will be painted ill post pics when its finished too...oh 1 question any ideas for making a good but cheap rocket for the top of the gauntlet?????
you should use more duct tape....
(on topic, nice, but i think you could probably make one with like paper mache or somthing...)
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
That is pretty awesome. I could never even make something close to that. Nice job!
thanx u think its that great i thought it was ok the only referance i used was a 12 "JANGO FETT arm
you should use more duct tape....
(on topic, nice, but i think you could probably make one with like paper mache or somthing...)
yah i know but since i suck at paper masheing my mom said shed paper mashe it...Ill post pics of it finished but do u know wat i could use to make the rocket on it
i was talking about the rocket when i said paper mache.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

wats the colour of Fetts ESB armor and the colour of Fetts Rotj Gauntlets????
Well, Fett's Empire color scheme was all green (the armor, the jetpack, the gaunlets). For the Jedi version, the armor is green, the gaunlets are red (rust), and the jetpack is the multicolor version of the jetpack. Hope this helps.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
i think it looks great Devin Jax I myself couldnt possibly make something even close to it ( sort of what draco said, lol ;) )
if you had a lathe (spelling?) you might be able to carve one out of wood...but thats wood.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
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