Topic: Mandalorian Rebellion 2 (Didn't know what to call it)

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #636
September 20, 2006 2:51 pm #

Hobbe sat right across from En'de searching through the Wookie archives. He had been priviliged to be accepted into the Wookie village and had thus been given a Ryyk blade. He couldn't find anything on them and soon put down the datapad. He didn't need to calibrate his bowcaster and the Ryyk blade was as sharp as ever. The only else to do would be to calibrate the detanators or the scope on the bowcaster or to help En'de. "May I take a look at that eye, En'de?" Hobbe asked in a rather meek tone. Hobbe knew how much En'de disliked other people messing with his property but En'de replied with a "Whatever," and Hobbe was soon working on a robotic eye.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
September 22, 2006 6:15 am #

((Well, I've just kind of died her on the boards; didn't I?))

Devon had checked and rechecked their course and she couldn't find a faster route to the Folly. She was pleased with herself; she'd cut down on their trip by three days. Glancing around, she realized that Lukian had wandered off. Checking her wristchrono she realized that it was an hour past Lukian's bedtime.
Leaving her seat, knowing that there wasn't really anything she could do while in hyperspace, she went to go find Lukian. She stopped outside the bunkroom and felt her heart melt. Lukian had curled up asleep on Devon'd bunk, mouth slilghtly parted, blanket around her feet. Devon kissed her fingers and touched them to Lukian's forehead and pulled the blanket back around her.
Closing the door behind her, Dev realized she was hungry. Finding her way back into the main room she asked, "Who's hungry and what do you want to eat?"

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
September 22, 2006 1:02 pm #

Roby didn't respond. His helmet is probably on too tight, thought Devon. She kicked Roby's shin, "Wake up!"
Roby, delirious, stood to attention, "Yes commander!"
Devon rolled her eyes, "Do you want anything to eat?"
Roby removed his helmet, "Oh, it's you Dev, uhh, nothing for me thanks," Roby coughed, and slumped on to one of the chairs around the table.
"You've hardly eaten anything, and the soda hasn't been finished," Devon said pulling out a six pack from the fridge, then putting it back.
"We'll talk after the assignment," said Roby rubbing his eyes.
"Fine," said Devon, "While you sink deeper into your depression, I'm going to make myself a sandwich."
Devon heard a loud thud come from behind her, she looked back, and saw Roby sprawled on the floor, and his trademark snore, breaking the silence.

You hear that Sev, someone thinks I'm excellent-Scorch
Well that makes two of you-Sev
September 27, 2006 5:24 pm #

"What about you two? Red? Hobbe?" Dev asked from the kitchen. She glanced down at her pitiful sandwich, wrapped it in tinfoil, and put in the fridge. Rumaging around, she found a deep skillet, "I went to the store before we left, so, I promise all the food is fresh."
She was going to make herself some stir-fry. Beef if they had it; chiken if they didn't. She found some beef and pulled out the cutting board and began to slice it into thin pieces and had also found a bell pepper. She didn't have any wine; but, Dev didn't care. She didn't like the taste of alcohol anyway. Maybe for a base she'd make some ramen.
"Well?" she re-asked them.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
September 27, 2006 5:36 pm #

Red stood up gingerly, walking towards Dev. Stepping to the side, not exactly how far the counter was, rooting through the cooler for eggs when he did. Or something with the same concistency at least. He threw a pot of water on and hoped it'd boil, dropping the eggs in once that happened. If he knew anything about cooking, boiled eggs'd at least liven it up a bit. Shell, split'em in half, and drop a half on the top of whatever she was cooking. Probably ramen, a few strips of meat and a bit of seafood. He'd found his retirement job at least.
"Now, I'm gonna guess this knife is a few feet from my hand. How close am I without my other eye?" Red
Lack of Depth perception without that other eye.
"A little off." Dev
"Well, if you could hand it to me at least." Red

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
September 28, 2006 6:41 am #

Dev nodded and handed him the knife. Though she'd never let it show, it was funny to see the strong, silent type Red was stumbling around like he was drunk. Hobbe was rooting through another datapad; Dev wondered if he'd ever come out of his shell for anything. He didn't seem to want to join in the simple things; Dev would leave him be. She knew what it was like to just to be left alone.
    The shrimp that she'd bought at the local market smelled really good to her empty stomach. Dev reached up into the cabinet and found the small package of ramen, putting a small pot on to boil, she began to slice the peppers into thin strips.
     "How much longer will we be in hyperspace, Devon?"
     "Just another day and maybe a night; if I can just get a little more juice out of this baby.... but, I'm pushing her enough as it is. The Hoth asteriod system is a ways of and I don't want to push the coolant system anymore; hyperdrive has been sounding a little off, too..." her voice trailed off as she realized that Hobbe was laughing.
     "You sound just like a Corellian, Dev," he chuckled.
     "Yeah, well, this ship's been through thick and thin with me and... it's more of a home than anything's ever been. She's family... I'm doing it again, aren't I?" she asked, laughing at herself.
      Dev knew that they needed this; a little joking before they had to buckle down and get serious.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
September 28, 2006 7:19 pm #

Hobbe put down the datapad and went to his picked his small bag he was carrying with him. He took out some other tools, some bread and a thermos full of caf. Hobbe worked on the eye some more before eating his food.

"En'de you should really get a new supplier of these eyes. The idiots got the wires mixed." En'de mumbled somehting inaudible and then continued making his meal. Hobbe picked up his datapad and went through and started to study some other obscure Wookie custom. As he continued his search the outside world seemed to slip into nothingness.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
September 28, 2006 7:42 pm #

En picked the eye up, popping the patch up and almost literally tossing it into the socket. The crossed wires resetting themselves, the nanos he'd paid the little extra for fixing the problem little by little. So it could at least repair itself, enough he wouldn't have to go in for repairs at the end of this hopefully.
"Any reason why your eye is already focusing, I didn't mess around with it that much?"
"Well Hobbe, I just don't know." Red started laughing, throwing the user manual into his hands.
Ten minutes later they kind of sat down to eat. Resting their haunches on the floor. Hobbe completely absorbed in the manual, Dev slightly preoccupied with pouring her meal. En leaned back, biting off half of one of the eggs. Rubbing his good eye with his left hand.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
October 6, 2006 6:18 am #

"Night y'all," she said over her shoulder as she loaded her dishes into washer. She grabbed an extra pillow and blanket from the storage closet and made a palet on the floor of the room, but not before checking their course on the veiwscreen. Right on track, was her last thought before going to sleep.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
October 29, 2006 1:07 am #

En cleaned up as well, opening a bottle of Dainoga tea he'd brought along with him. Pouring a glass and resting the bottle next to his things. He spent the next few hours playing around inside the ship's hardrive. Running a diagnostic, reading the system logs. Empty nothings, he longed for an interesting sleep cycle for once. Regular humanoids slept too much, especially humans. He'd finished off the bottle twenty minutes before, slightly energized by the narcotic rush.
"I bet you wish you could sleep."
Devon stood behind him, he barely heard her walk in.
"Your using too much water, you should at least cut back by two gallons. Energy output is lacking. And the turret needs to be calibrated, maybe the main targeting system as well."
"When'd you learn how to use computers? I knew you had a lot of spare time at night but...?"
En cleared out of the program, turning around and standing up. Pouring a glass of water for himself and her.
"No idea."
He took it all down in one gulp. Walking over to his things and pulling a curved metal plate from the pile. A Krayt Dragon's tooth drawn on the left side in blood red, the cutting edge pointed down. Another fang drawn on the side in Ice blue, cutting edge pointed up.
Dropping a datacard into a slot on the side, all the information he'd ever gathered on the location.
"I painted it last night. Not as bad as the Mando helmet and provides about as much protection."
The environmental mask. He couldn't wait to try it out, watching as the time clicked down on the navicomp. Just a little longer till they arrived.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 8, 2006 9:53 pm #

(Anybody Home eh?)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 27, 2006 1:57 pm #

Cander Sat in his soft chair in front of his veiw screen waiting for his target to arrive. all of the messages that he had intercepted had let him to this point, his bounty would come to him. he had been living in an underground safe house on the planet tatooine and was now about to collect his bounty and go back to his nice home on coresaunt.

4 hours later a transmission was receved. Cander was awoken by the sound of foot steps above him. he ran to his armour locker and pulled out his suit. it wa black, with a golden trim and his helmet hat a t-shaped visor. he grabbed his EE-3 Assault rifle and his Sniper Rifle. He ran tcross the walk way and to the back exit. he hopped on the elevator and waited. with blaster drawn he reched the surface, a sand stor had started why'll he was suitin up, perfect.

The rodian and his body gaurds came trudging through the sand, all of them were armed to the teeth with weaponry, litteraly, they were trandosian and they looked mean. Cander dove to the sand. It was getting dark and that was perfect foer cander. He turnned on his heat cesors so he could find them. the rodian had set up camp for the night and his gaurds were on, well, gaurd duty. Cander pulled his sniper rifle out and took aim on the first gaurd. the first gaurd moved to the other side of the camp, perfect. Cander fired one silent shot killing the gaurd instantly. that left just one more then the prie was his. he fired. bulls eye. he killed the second gaurd. the rodian awoke frome the sound of pain. he turned around looking for the assassin. Cander took aim and fired. killing the rodian and buying his tickrt home, finally.

December 27, 2006 2:19 pm #

((Though I don't know where you're post fits into this, thanks kyale. Guess it's time to drag this old beast out from the shadows. Let's see if we can't revive this thread. Tries to remember what I had in mind. . .))

Dev, with Lukian at her side, stepped off of Dev's ship. The boys would be boys; they'd slept in. All except for Red, who never seemed to sleep. Lukian had asked Dev if he was a vampire or a zombie. She'd repainted her armour a metallic, burnt cherry with a pattern of her clan, the cherry-tree on the breastplates and jai'galaar wings on the shoulder blades in a charcoal colour.

"Is it just me, Lukian, or is this place boring?"
"Just you, Mom. Like Roby said, sometmes we have to go awhile without raising a blaster."
Dev arched an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. Dev knew that she had been just as much as a pain in the butt growing up, "Well, we've got until 1400 tommorow for our breifing, what do you want to do?"
Lukian glanced up at her Mom, "Just us two? No guys?"
"Truth, honor, vision," Dev swore, making an X over her heart.
"Well. . . those dumpling vendors are setting up. Can we watch?"
"No better dumplings than by Rohanians." Dev agreed.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
December 27, 2006 2:43 pm #

(It's been a while, where are we anyway?)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 27, 2006 3:13 pm #

((I think that we were docking in a port for a mission, what the mission is I don't know. It's been a long time since I've come back to this thread, I thought it was dead.))

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
January 1, 2007 5:40 pm #

((But thanks to me, this rp is now allive and well))

January 1, 2007 6:01 pm #

Cander arrived at corrisaunt late that night. He docked his ship and payed the small docking fee. He looked around the dock, it seemd clear, but there was something amiss, he could feel it. He was heading home when a person with a shalled face ramed into his speeder. he barraled over about 100 yards but recoverd and pulled out his blaster, fireing a few shots at his myseriouse enemy. one of the shots his the engine and sent the driver arraling down to the nearest street. the driver got up and startd to run. Cander sped his speeder up and starte towards the street, he then hopped off and ran after is enemy. a blaster bolt wizzed by his head, he quicky moved to the side into an ally. He shot four more shots, three of them made contact sending the assailent sprawling. he stood up, put his blaster away and walked over to the person. he found  an ID card and a passport visa. It was a she and her name was Esmerellda and she was a hired mecenary for a mister nalla the hut.
Nalla had messed with the wrong person and now was going to pay.

January 1, 2007 6:16 pm #

(Whatever Works)
En walked out himself, going the opposite direction. Towards the main engineer's office-it was more of a cubicle but pointing that out wasn't going to get him anywhere- knocking once or twice on the door before it slid open. The old moustacheod(pardon the spelling) figure resting his head on an arm while sitting in a leather bound chair. A recently clean envirosuit sitting inside a glass case behind him.
"Ship that just came in right? We'll have supplies and fuel within the next twenty four hours. Sign here and you'll be on your way."
En signed the small scrap of paper. Resting the normal credit amount along with it, as it was left on the table. Stepping out of the 'office' and into the streets. Mandalorian armor-well, without the helmet- drawing a few faces, others trying to ignore it. Few people trying to be interested. He looked at passing signs; smoking was illegal, fire arms were illegal, anything and everything that could possible pop a hole in the structure out of the question. Well, he kept a knife and a slug thrower hidden in two seperate pockets.
It seemed he'd have to use the special shells. Of course he'd eventually of used them anyway.
"You there! Get back to the dock immediantly!"
En turned around to face the station authority. Casually walking along in front of the man, he stepped into the screening room.
"Place any arms and ammunition on the table here."
En placed the slug thrower on the table along with the special shells.
"What are these?"
The authority picked up the shell and let them fall noisily to the table out of his hand.
"Oh, you'd be surprised."
The door burst open, broken off it's placement. An exosuit standing in front of the door, bursting it's hulking body inside.
Grabbing the frame of the fallen door with its multi segmented arms and crushing it outwards. Crunching it's way in.
En grabbed the slug thrower and slid the shells inside. Blasting three at the exo. They burst apart, coloring the exo's scanning eye in three different colors.
"They're just...paint shells?"
"Well, I said you'd be surprised."
The back of the suit burst open, a man crawling out knife in his hand. Rushing towards En, who grabbed him thusly and threw him forward. Mando had to know a little hand to hand after all. Sending him into a wall and out of the way. En grabbed the knife and the rest of the shells. Walking out of the disheveled room and towards the city.
(I based this scene off of an episode of Outlaw Star. If you haven't seen the show it's worth a watch.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
January 5, 2007 3:00 pm #

Cander walked into his door, throughing down his mandolorian helmet onto his soft couch. He typed in a code on a pad, the computer scanned his eyes, then opened up. He walked into his armory and hung up his gun. then pot his armor on the rack. He looked around the room at all of the guns he had. He let out a hevy sigh, then left, heading towards his balcony. he looked down at the city, watching everybody do there buisness. He thought to himself, Why me.

January 7, 2007 12:12 am #

Name: Karul Toura
Race: Bothan
Appearance: Black fur with a scar going down his right eye, his right eye is mechanical. Some of his fur has turned grey form old age. His armor is
History: One of the oldest living Madalorians of his time, he lost his right eye to a battle with a Tusken.
Wepon of Choice: Single shot rifle is plain mandalorian but his helment is jackle like to fit over his face.
Second wepon: Vibro knife

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 7, 2007 7:50 am (Edited January 7, 2007 07:52 am) #

Dev couldn't help but laugh out loud at the expression in the child's eyes; brimming with pure wonder and curiosity as the old man twirled the dough up in the air and catch it on his fingertip and tossed it back in the air. And to think that this is only bread and butter to us. Though, I am partial to the Chicago style pizza. She glanced at the chrono on the wall, Just hitting 1300 hours. The old man, they called him 'Big Ed', handed them their slices on a napkin, and Dev paid a little extra intenionaly.
    As they walked the crowded streets of the city-- its name had never been imparted to the warriors-- Dev noticed that she never saw an armoured-male warrior. Of course not,she chided herself. We're at war. It was so easy to forget that there was such a thing as the 'frontlines' when this city seemed to put on an air a false peace.
   "C'mon, Lukian. We better get headed for the base."
   "Mom," Lukian paused to finish the last bite of her pizza. " With all due respect, you're always early. I don't think we're going to be late."
   "What's that supposed to mean, young lady?"
   "It's just a comment on your habits; what's it going to hurt to be on time?"
   Dev crossed her arms over her chest, "There's nothing wrong about being early? Tell you what, we'll take the metro. We'll still be early, but only be a few minutes. That's even, right?"
   They took a seat next to a dark-furred Bothan, who didn't exactly looked pleased to be sitting to a single-mother/single-daughter pair. Who would?Dev thought, her voice dripping with a poisonous sarcasim.

((If any of you guys find yourself in OakRidge, TN, stop by Big Ed's Pizza. It's a local treat and some of the best pizza you will ever taste.))

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
January 7, 2007 5:09 pm #

(Cander is a mandolorian human)
Cander heard the sound of blaster fire close by. he ran to his armory and grabbed a blaster carbine. then ran to the nerest window. what he saw blew his mind. floating out side of his window was a women in mando armor, it was red with a black trim and three huge claw marks running down her helmet. she said nothing. all she did was throw me a holo disk, then boosted down to her speeder without even a name. Intreged, Cander placed the holo disk in the display screen. Within two seconds a picture of a strange planet was hovering in an asteroid field. A ship came into orbit, followed by two sith war ships. The ships fought but the smaller ship was to fast it laned on the planet. the sith war ships tryed to follow, but something stopped them. then the planet disapeared. then the woman apeared again. "canderouse caldera, you are of mandolorian heratage and are he by ordered to hunt dow and destroy the sith war ships that you saw. do this, then await further instructions."
the message ended.
This was his chance, a chance for a new life.

January 29, 2007 8:23 pm #

En couldn't help but laugh, surprised to see ole' Tomb still alive after all this time. The Mandalorian still hadn't given up, clinging to life, making his toys just like he'd been twenty years ago when he'd retired.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite space pirate! Whatcha been up to Tomb?"
"Oh, just kinda driftin' along. En'De Telven, my how youv'e grown. How's your brother?"
"It's En'Te now Tomb. Got married and all..."
"I'll just stick with Red, you don't mind right? 'Course you do, make it easier on us geezers. Now, how's your bro?"
En sat down, placing his fingers together delicately.
"He's living with the sand now."
It had been a while since he'd seen Tomb, even that hadn't gotten to him after all this time. Galaxy was a huge place though.
"I'll keep silent 'bout that. What say you an' me go get some dinner, might cheer ya' up a bit? You can tell me everything else I've missed since you left. Come on, let's get goin'."
"I have a couple of friends that would just love to meet you Tomb."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 6, 2007 7:45 pm #

('s quiet...)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 6, 2007 2:05 pm #

((. . . too quiet. . .))
Should we just leave this rpg as is? Or should we keep goin'? I don't care either way.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 6, 2007 3:01 pm #

Your descision.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

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