so it was announced yesterday the new title, anyone excited or disappointed in the name? i was hoping for suttin better but hey wat can u do
Topic: Harry Potter and the DEATHLY HALLOWS
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
126 posts
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―Peter Griffin
Deathly Hallows? Lame.
Just like the rest of Harry Potter.
The day I admit Rowling is a good author is the day I eat my own hat. (not sure which one...)
Sure she's made ton of money, is admired by millions of ignorant kids, and hated by the church. But that doesn't make her worth yours or my time.
My problems with Harry Potter:
Cliches (pardon my lacking the accent)
Absurd storylines (Kills Dumbledore, then you have that Umbridge woman.)
And the Library happens to have everything you'd ever want or need
It repeats itself every so often
Harry starts liking Ron's younger sister suddenly from out of nowhere[Lolicon much(Pedophile is harder to spell)]
There's a loop hole to everything
Character change is slow and rather strange.
What I liked:
The Basilisk
Although not to say it isn't a terrible book series, there are worse. One day I hope to beat Rowling as an Author. There are plenty of people here with a better scope on writing I'd say.
(BFFC Moderator)
Just like the rest of Harry Potter.
The day I admit Rowling is a good author is the day I eat my own hat. (not sure which one...)
Sure she's made ton of money, is admired by millions of ignorant kids, and hated by the church. But that doesn't make her worth yours or my time.My problems with Harry Potter:
Cliches (pardon my lacking the accent)
Absurd storylines (Kills Dumbledore, then you have that Umbridge woman.)
And the Library happens to have everything you'd ever want or need
It repeats itself every so often
Harry starts liking Ron's younger sister suddenly from out of nowhere[Lolicon much(Pedophile is harder to spell)]
There's a loop hole to everything
Character change is slow and rather strange.What I liked:
The BasiliskAlthough not to say it isn't a terrible book series, there are worse. One day I hope to beat Rowling as an Author. There are plenty of people here with a better scope on writing I'd say.
I completely agree although if Voldemort wasnt so weak and inefficient he would be cool.
I'm really excited about the title and I totally can't wait for this book to be released!!! I know I'm attending the midnight party our Borders will have!!! :D
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I'll agree with most of what you said Maltese, but that is the point of her stories. You may not like them, and you are joined by many people, but the majority of teens and children want to read about absurb actions, magical libraries, and random love. That is the basis for what appears to be the mindseye of the majority of the group she was aiming to please with her books. Don't blame the author, blame the audience. Why would you ever ever imagine changing or correcting a writing style that has made you into one of the most sucessful authors of our time!?
Also, why is Harry a pedophile? Gini is two years younger than him... i really see no problem with that. 2 years is nothing compared to some of the stuff that goes on at real highschools.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Could've been a better title...can't wait for it to come out. Definately Borders party :)
The title doesn't make much sense. She could have picked something a little clearer, I think.
Half Blood Prince didn't make much sense either till you read the book. Just wait and see, it'll make plenty sense later.
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My friend and I were just talking about the 7th book and he said,
"There is apparently a lot of information to be given about his parents... and something important comes from it."
me- "Well of course, she has been dodging all that information for 6 books, it's about time."
him-"OMG... what if... Voldermort is Harry's father!? How original and surprising would that be!"
me-"You are completely retarted... let me remind you that that is already a very famous twist in a movie."
Hail to the King Baby!!
I think JK's already said Voldemort is not in any way related to Harry. Though it would be kinda funny in a way.
But I think she also said there is something important about Lily we'll find out.
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I'll agree with most of what you said Maltese, but that is the point of her stories. You may not like them, and you are joined by many people, but the majority of teens and children want to read about absurb actions, magical libraries, and random love. That is the basis for what appears to be the mindseye of the majority of the group she was aiming to please with her books. Don't blame the author, blame the audience. Why would you ever ever imagine changing or correcting a writing style that has made you into one of the most sucessful authors of our time!?
Also, why is Harry a pedophile? Gini is two years younger than him... i really see no problem with that. 2 years is nothing compared to some of the stuff that goes on at real highschools.
Yeah seniors and freshmen, ugh.......YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. ( don't ask.....)
Half Blood Prince didn't make much sense either till you read the book. Just wait and see, it'll make plenty sense later.
Undoubtedly you're right. There were loads of guesses as to what the Half Blood Prince was, but most people were surprised when "Prince" turned out to be a name, not a title.
But at least that book title made grammatical sense. "Deathly Hallows", on the face of it, doesn't even do that. That's why it irks me.
Hey, maybe "Hallows" is another name! :p
I am guessing so, the name of a place. After all, Harry did say that he's going to Godric's Hollow to visit his parents grave. Deathly Hollows could be Voldemorts base of operations.
Godric's Hollow was my guess too.
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Who cares what Deathly Hallows is, really? Just read the book when it comes out.
It's called speculation. It's something to do for fun while we wait for the book to come out.
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We'll wait and see. I have a feeling that it will be Harry who is killed off in this one.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
It's called speculation. It's something to do for fun while we wait for the book to come out.
We'll wait and see. I have a feeling that it will be Harry who is killed off in this one.
I wish! But seeing how inefficient Voldemort is, and knowing it's a children's book Harry's virtually guaranteed to make it out alive. Although there is a slight chance that A: They both die or B: Voldemort wins, althought Voldemort winning is just about impossible, there's like a 0.00000000000000000000001 percent chance of him winning, I'd say. If he did win though I'd be satisfied.
I would have my:
At first, I was a bit disappointed, I mean, when Half-Blood Prince came out, we we're all wondering who it could be, there was tons of speculation and questioning. But with this, it's not really anything overly mysterious about it. We know the last book is going to be dark, we know people are going to die, the title doesn't really tell us anything new. Does that make sense? It is, however, growing on me, the more I say it, it's starting to sound like a Harry Potter title.
I'm just excited that this means the last book is getting close and I'm going to have to pre-order it....
I'll agree with most of what you said Maltese, but that is the point of her stories. You may not like them, and you are joined by many people, but the majority of teens and children want to read about absurb actions, magical libraries, and random love. That is the basis for what appears to be the mindseye of the majority of the group she was aiming to please with her books. Don't blame the author, blame the audience. Why would you ever ever imagine changing or correcting a writing style that has made you into one of the most sucessful authors of our time!?
Also, why is Harry a pedophile? Gini is two years younger than him... i really see no problem with that. 2 years is nothing compared to some of the stuff that goes on at real highschools.
I can't ever remember the ages, I couldn't tell you how old any of them are. So, I suppose it still felt like she was a little girl.
Anyway, I've always hated that part of marketing. I can't imagine writing for some special group of people. I suppose a writing style does that on its own, mine for example has a tendency to attract anime fans and scifi geeks.
Harry Potter never had anything special for me, I've read most of them anyway because my dad keeps buying them. I've seen up to the second movie and parts of the third. I think I'll stick to John Christopher (Tripods Trilogy) and Steve Perry (Shadows of the Empire).
And what's a Hallow? All I can think of is the ones from Bleach. Or an area of land.
(BFFC Moderator)
Fetterthanyou wrote:I'll agree with most of what you said Maltese, but that is the point of her stories. You may not like them, and you are joined by many people, but the majority of teens and children want to read about absurb actions, magical libraries, and random love. That is the basis for what appears to be the mindseye of the majority of the group she was aiming to please with her books. Don't blame the author, blame the audience. Why would you ever ever imagine changing or correcting a writing style that has made you into one of the most sucessful authors of our time!?
Also, why is Harry a pedophile? Gini is two years younger than him... i really see no problem with that. 2 years is nothing compared to some of the stuff that goes on at real highschools.
I can't ever remember the ages, I couldn't tell you how old any of them are. So, I suppose it still felt like she was a little girl.
Anyway, I've always hated that part of marketing. I can't imagine writing for some special group of people. I suppose a writing style does that on its own, mine for example has a tendency to attract anime fans and scifi geeks.
Harry Potter never had anything special for me, I've read most of them anyway because my dad keeps buying them. I've seen up to the second movie and parts of the third. I think I'll stick to John Christopher (Tripods Trilogy) and Steve Perry (Shadows of the Empire).And what's a Hallow? All I can think of is the ones from Bleach. Or an area of land.
The Hallow things in Bleach where those weird evil spirit things, am i right? I've only seen 2 Bleach episodes and 1 of them is when the Mexican guy fights a hallow.
Anyway, here's a few definitions for hallow.

i think that the deathly hallows has something to do with voldermorts history, it makes sense Voldie=Deathly Hallows, Harry= Godrics Hollow. but the title sux it could have been way worse...Harry Potter and the Chance That Snape Isn't Evil... lol
―Peter Griffin
"Harry Potter & The End of Rowling's Financial Gold Mine."
My main problem with the books is that they are so dang long. It's quicker to just wait for the movie to come out, and you have to wait, like, 2 years between each book. I prefer comic books, lots of pretty pictures and you only wait 1 month between issues. I'd rather write comics anyday.
P.S. I had no idea you wanted to be an author Maltese, I'll have to pick up those books.
I'm submitting the rough draft to the other forum when I get back from my sister's and Christmas. Wednesday or Tuesday.
(BFFC Moderator)
Godric's Hollow was my guess too.
I thought of Godric's Hollow too at first--but then wouldn't the title be "Deathly Hollows", not "Deathly Hallows"?
i think that the deathly hallows has something to do with voldermorts history, it makes sense Voldie=Deathly Hallows, Harry= Godrics Hollow. but the title sux it could have been way worse...Harry Potter and the
Chance That Snape Isn't Evil... lol
You're right that would be an awful title considering there is no chances about it, Snape's not evil at all.
As for the spelling of "hallow" vs "hollow" that's why I said it was my first guess. I'm not sure what my second guess is.
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Possibly something to do with Halloween.
My guess is that it is that its a shot at the religious community that has been taking pot-shots at her since the day she released the first book. Calling a Hallowed land somethingy deathly, sounds like a nice way to piss off the overly sanctified people of our society.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I'm submitting the rough draft to the other forum when I get back from my sister's and Christmas. Wednesday or Tuesday.
I hope you make books that are worthwhile, not like Harry Potter.
Well, you want to read it. Go to
There is no www. by the way.
(BFFC Moderator)

Miba wrote:Godric's Hollow was my guess too.
I thought of Godric's Hollow too at first--but then wouldn't the title be "Deathly Hollows", not "Deathly Hallows"?
well since its voldie it could be hallow as in a different type of place i just saw a huge comparison with Godric being opposite as deathly and Hallow with hollow and then u look at voldie and harry being opposites. Rowlings mind isnt very complex so u gotta think on a small level lol
―Peter Griffin
Well, you want to read it. Go to
There is no www. by the way.
fettsvette wrote:Miba wrote:Godric's Hollow was my guess too.
I thought of Godric's Hollow too at first--but then wouldn't the title be "Deathly Hollows", not "Deathly Hallows"?
well since its voldie it could be hallow as in a different type of place i just saw a huge comparison with Godric being opposite as deathly and Hallow with hollow and then u look at voldie and harry being opposites. Rowlings mind isnt very complex so u gotta think on a small level lol
Hahaha, it's probably more complex than yours.
What the poo? I don't like that title much...It could have been more, I don't know, dramatic perhaps?
Anyway, I'm more interested in who's going to die in this book. We got Cedric, Sirius, and Dumbledore so far so I'd say Harry, just for the plot twist. Either that or Snape's going down.
I'll shut up now, before I get WAY off topic.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
What the poo? I don't like that title much...It could have been more, I don't know, dramatic perhaps?
Anyway, I'm more interested in who's going to die in this book. We got Cedric, Sirius, and Dumbledore so far so I'd say Harry, just for the plot twist. Either that or Snape's going down.
I'll shut up now, before I get WAY off topic.
Snape is definitely goin down; no one kills my homie Dumbledore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rofl. Yeah Snape must die.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Snape is good I tell you! Good!
Fetterthanyou wrote:I'll agree with most of what you said Maltese, but that is the point of her stories. You may not like them, and you are joined by many people, but the majority of teens and children want to read about absurb actions, magical libraries, and random love. That is the basis for what appears to be the mindseye of the majority of the group she was aiming to please with her books. Don't blame the author, blame the audience. Why would you ever ever imagine changing or correcting a writing style that has made you into one of the most sucessful authors of our time!?
Also, why is Harry a pedophile? Gini is two years younger than him... i really see no problem with that. 2 years is nothing compared to some of the stuff that goes on at real highschools.
Yeah seniors and freshmen, ugh.......YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. ( don't ask.....)
That's nothing I sold a truck to a 43 year old cop who was married to a 18 year old and that was a cop I was like I'm glad I don't have kids.
Snape is good!!!!! Snape can't die. *huggles him*
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Huggles? I sense an otaku.
I don't think Snape is evil either, there's something behind it all but I doubt he's evil.
(BFFC Moderator)
Anyway, I'm more interested in who's going to die in this book. We got Cedric, Sirius, and Dumbledore so far so I'd say Harry, just for the plot twist. Either that or Snape's going down.
I'm guessing that Volemort will die, but somehow Ron dies too. If it isn't Harry that dies at least.
On the subject of Ron, I think it'll somehow be revealed that the Weasly's are the decendants of Griffyndor.
I don't care how good or evil Snape is he's goin down like I said no one kills my homie Dumbledore yeh man in fact I hope Harry kills Snape because he and Harry's father used to be rivals.
CeciliaCrimsondragonFett wrote:I'm guessing that Volemort will die, but somehow Ron dies too. If it isn't Harry that dies at least.
On the subject of Ron, I think it'll somehow be revealed that the Weasly's are the decendants of Griffyndor.
Yes I agree; I suspect that as well.
Hey, all, I'm bumping this thread because the release for Deathly Hallows is less than a week away and I am so thrilled!
I'm going to the Midnight release on Friday even though I have to work the next day! Ugh...
I really don't have an theories... I think the trio won't go to Hogwarts this year, and either Wormtail or Snape (or both) are going to help Harry in some shape or form to defeat Voldemort (deliberately or not).
As for deaths, I think Snape is a certainty (But I hope it's heroic) and/or Nevile (who I adore).
Anyway, I assume most HP fans here have seen Ootp? What did you all think? I went at Midnight on Wednesday and enjoyed it alot, but then I went again last night and was really bored! I sat there thinking "OMG, I just want to see the Ministry battle scene!"
I am also going to the midnight release (I am going to Edinburgh for it)
I am really looking forward to reading it. I love the Harry Potter books and I am reading them to my twins at the moment when I put them to bed at night :D
Me and my sister both preordered it back in April, and we're going to the midnight party. :D I'm making her a Hogwarts costume (nearly done with it too!), and I'm going to wear a tshirt I made that says "TRUST SNAPE!"
Here are my theories:
I saw OOTP, it was pretty good. Snape's Worst Memory nearly had me in tears and not for the "Poor little Sevvie" reasons I had originally though I'd be in tears over, but cause it was so badly chopped up. I mean, James and Severus are about the only real people in it!!! Bellatrix was just awesome, her costume's definitely added to my to make list.
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That reminds me:
For those who want additional evidence, added to the link Miba provided, about Dumbledore's being alive, here:
Personally, I really am not interested in the matter.
I think the title gives things away if Rowling plans to kill Harry off. At any rate, I can wait for the movie. I feel a little over-the-hill for books like this.
This I found here. There's a long article about a dude who got rich through JK Rowling, but that's not so important to me. You can read it if you like. As for now, here's the spoiler:
'Chapter One. The Dark Lord Ascending. The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane. For a second they stood quite still, wands pointing at each other's chests: then, recognising each other, they stowed their wands beneath their cloaks and set off, side by side, in the same direction.
"News?", asked the taller of the two.
"The best," replied Snape.'
Miba- You know, I was in Hot Topic today, and they actually had Snape shirts! XD There were two, one with him that said just Snape under his picture, and than another that said "Friend or Foe?" Maybe you should get one of those.
But yeah, I felt cheated during the Snape's Worst Memory scene, not enough of adorable young Snape, not even a single glance of Lily! Hopefully they'll have the whole scene on DVD.
But yeah, Bella was awesome, as well as Lucius!! Sirius's death was a laugh though, I hated the chessy "everything goes silent" death.
Fett II- I saw that on Mugglenet... I'm not sure if I trust it though... seems like a good opening. It just seems so vague! J. K. Rowling usually writes with much more description, especially about settting up the begining of her books.
Huh... I wonder who to taller man is.. I don't think it would be LV for some reason... ??
I'm so excited for this book! A couple of friends of mine are going to the Midnight Magic thing, but mine is coming in the mail and I knew if I went with them, I'd be reading over their shoulders.
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