Every movie expect Darth Maul Movie the dark people are ugly why is that?
Topic: Does anybody know why every dark one is ugly
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
40 posts
Sorted by oldest to newesti wouldnt consider Vader ugly, scary maybe but thats what he is supposed to be xizor is ugly but thats only if you look for him in epi.1 so i dont think it counts and he really isnt dark so that might not count either.
―Peter Griffin
I think the dark side is supposed to taint them, hence they become ugly.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I think the dark side is supposed to taint them, hence they become ugly.
Yeah, it has something to do with being as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.
I personally don't think Dark Side people are ugly. I think they're rather good looking, in a gothic sort of way. Some even look really cool, like Bao-Dur from KOTOR II. He looks really badass.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I don't think Count Dooku was widely considered to be ugly.

OMG yes he was. most of the darkside people are ugly.
He isnt ugly just because he is old.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Well Yeah I Argee With This=d
Emperor Palpatine always wanted younger people as his apprentice.
Think about when he took Anakin as his apprentice instead of Dooku and wanted to teach Luke, but kill Vader.
Hard to beleive Darth Maul was old though...
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
How old was Maul...?
I coulda sworn he was born in like 50 bby, and Episode I was like 30 BBY.....
I disagree that they're all ugly...
But if it were true, it would be because George Lucas is trying to present the message to children that evil=bad, which is why he has Zam turn into a wrinkly hag when she dies (and if you listen to the DVD commentary, you'll see that he admits it himself--"all bounty hunters are ugly monsters" or something like that.)
I would say that lots of evil characters (i.e. pre-lava Anakin) are not ugly because evil is supposed to be seductive. That's a much better message to give to children. (As Ann Coulter says, "Satan really looks like Julia Roberts.")
BFFC Moderator
Has anyone seen Chasing Amy?
Where Hooper X explains how Star Wars is actually the most racist film ever?
That was on topic by the way, but you have to have seen it to know why.
i wouldn't consider palpatine ugly and he was one of the most powerful dark lords ever and the only reason he turns ugly is because of force lightning scaring
―Peter Griffin
I don't think Palpatine becomes the old ugly way he is (yes ugly, if you deny he is ugly after the windu event your crazy) because of the force lightning. Obviously he could have beaten Windu at any time which is shown as he stands and throws him out the window with lightning. I think the reason he turned ugly was that he was actually weakening himself to look feeble to Anikan, and in such he lost his power over his disguise. Just seemed a little stupid to me that he would scar himself like that, he obviously planned on Windu's actions and so the only rational explanation i can find is that he must have just lost a little control when he acted feeble.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I don't think Palpatine becomes the old ugly way he is (yes ugly, if you deny he is ugly after the windu event your crazy) because of the force pooping. Obviously he could have beaten Windu at any time which is shown as he stands and throws him out the window with lightning. I think the reason he turned ugly was that he was actually shooting himself to look retarted to Anakin, and in such he lost his power over his disguise. Just seemed a little stupid to me that he would scar himself like that, he obviously planned on Windu's actions and so the only rational explanation i can find is that he must have just lost a little control when he acted feeble.
I agree with Fetterthanyou on this one. I was wondering why Palpatine didn't stop Mace Windu into turning him into an ugly old hag. Either he's crazy or he just wanted Anakin to believe that he was weak, and he went to great lengths to fool him. And LORD OF STOMTOOPER, Revan definitely wasn't ugly!
I don't know. He was only able to kill Mace after he lost his lightsaber. I would think that he didn't want to get scarred but couldn't stop it. But once Windu's lightsaber was no longer absorbing all the energy he was able to throw him out the window.
But it is also possible (perhaps likely) that he did it to persuade Anakin to attack Mace, completing his turn to the dark side.
--Boba Fett
i think since he did have the power of foresight that he would need proof of the Jedi turning ont he republic and so by scarring himself he had all the proof he needed and hence could create the galatic empire and would later heal himself through the force ( and he did to some extent i think)
―Peter Griffin
The defining point in the deception is when Palpatine yells, "Unlimited Power!" Mocking Windu for even thinking he could defeat a sith lord. Palpatine created the illusion of weakening power and gave Anikan the "helpless old man routine" in order to complete his fall. The scarred face is most likely as much a symbol of his evil as it is a real scar from his actions.
Hail to the King Baby!!
thats a good point.
―Peter Griffin
Your totally right Fetter nice points.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I don't see every dark lord as ugly. Ol' Palpy is ugly and maybe a few others, but Vader Is Awesome looking. Fearsome. And I've read of a bunch of different dark jedi that somewhat remind me of Darth Vader before he gets his buns sizzled. Ya know, the fair skinned yet evil smirky eye thing....take Xanatos for example...the only thing ugly about him is a circular scar on his cheek. Bad guys are often hansome.....its just that ol palpy gives them a bad rep for ugliness...
Beskaryc Beroya
Underneath the helmet, Vader don't look too good.
Ya, but that's not the dark sides fault. It would be his own for being stupid enough to jump over Obi-wan instead of jumping to the ground infront of him... or force pushing him. His face is under that mask so long he is going to be very pale, and since he is sustained by a machine, it is easy to see why he looks the way he does.
But I agree that not all sith are ugly, it is just the nature of them to become uglier as time goes by. The darkside eats away at your soul in a way. Easiest way to see it is if you play Kotor, the more dark your character gets, the worse their skin gets. This isn't proof, just an easy example to look at.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Well if you compare Vader as Anakin and Anakin's ghost (pre- Hayden Christensenn Version)
Vader at the end of return of the Jedi has sagging skin, similar to the Emporer's.
And with the yellow eyes and the dark rings, he didn't look very good immediately before he was set on fire.
He looks like he has just stuck his head, with eyes open, in water with too much chlorine in.
Which, yes is similar to how your character looks if you go evil on KOTOR.
It is in the nature of the dark side to twist and distort the user, although Mara Jade came out looking hotter than most of the other chick's in the sw universe. Yasain Issard other than the red and blue eye wasn't bad either.
and their is the chick from darth bane...has a g in it i think.
―Peter Griffin
Another reason a lot of the dark ones are ugly is a basic phenomenom of psychology. People in general tend to sympathize with the attractive and be reviled by the ugly. Hence, George Lucas made the dark ones appear strange in some way
so we would identify with the better looking "light" ones.
what about Brianna the handmaiden from Kotor, shes still hot when she turns evil.
―Peter Griffin
Do you know what Star Wars needs? A book or something with a good-looking Sith Lord. The ultimate deceiver.
and their is the chick from darth bane...has a g in it i think.
Do you know what Star Wars needs? A book or something with a good-looking Sith Lord. The ultimate deceiver.
Githany from Darth Bane... you don't get much more two faced then her and if thats not decieving then i dont know what is.
―Peter Griffin
And Darth Bane couldn't have looked too abd if she fell in love with him.
Thats not to say he wasn't ugly, but rather that he wasn't hideous or deformedly ugly.
I disagree that they're all ugly...
But if it were true, it would be because George Lucas is trying to present the message to children that evil=bad, which is why he has Zam turn into a wrinkly hag when she dies (and if you listen to the DVD commentary, you'll see that he admits it himself--"all bounty hunters are ugly monsters" or something like that.)
I would say that lots of evil characters (i.e. pre-lava Anakin) are not ugly because evil is supposed to be seductive. That's a much better message to give to children. (As Ann Coulter says, "Satan really looks like Julia Roberts.")
He actually said all bounty hunters are ugly monsters??? Omg I'm gonna go look at the ep.2 commentary right now!
I feel insulted. Strange. I'm no bounty hunter.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
Lol I wanna be a bail-enforcement agent, does that count?
I don't think George had bail-enforcement agents in mind when he said that.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
Well Dog the Bounty Hunter is pretty much a monster... so maybe Lucas is on to something...
Hail to the King Baby!!
You can't really call Dog a monster. What he does is a good thing. Lucas has distorted what Bounty Hunters are in real life.
Well Dog the Bounty Hunter is pretty much a monster... so maybe Lucas is on to something...
I'd say he's a liar though. I don't think he's captured 6,000+ guys....
You can't really call Dog a monster. What he does is a good thing. Lucas has distorted what Bounty Hunters are in real life.
Correct in Star Wars they act more like mercenaries and assassins.
Lol I wanna be a bail-enforcement agent, does that count?
As do I. Lucas intended bounty hunters to be like they were in the Westerns.