Topic: "The Beginning of The End" story of the 101st MSB

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Topic #851
December 2, 2006 10:47 am #

Great Chapter!! Can't Wait Intill The Next One!!! :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 2, 2006 10:49 am #

thanks, ch9 is in the writing stage!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 2, 2006 2:16 pm (Edited December 2, 2006 02:31 pm) #

Thanks. Yet, another good chapter!

"This IS my signature."
December 3, 2006 6:43 pm #

i finnaly got some time to get back on, this thing is addicting!! lol im wicked tired so i'll post the next chapter tommorow, expect heavy fighting and lots o' blood.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 3, 2006 6:54 pm #

i couldnt wait any longer, heres a sample of tommorow chapter.....

   Jango shook his head trying to clear his vision. He coughed and a dark red substance spattered the inside of his visor, he tasted blood.
    Still delirious from the blast, Jango shakily got to his feet.  His blasters were missing.  Around him chaos ensued. Laser bolts pelted the concrete all around him but he barely gave notice.  The roof had erupted into a killing field, armored bodies were strewn everywhere while the ones lucky enough to still be living fought for their lives.  Something else caught his eye.  A figure in Mandalorian armor lay motionless in a pool of crimson blood, his hands still holding the remains of his own intestines. An autocannon round had burned clean through his torsoe plate.  With a sudden grim realization, Jango recognized the fallen warrior.

hows that for a teaser?

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 3, 2006 9:34 pm #

Wow, sweet. Did you get the pic I sent you?

"This IS my signature."
December 4, 2006 10:50 am #

yeah that pistol is sweet! the color is great and the new compensator looks sweet

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 4, 2006 11:05 am (Edited December 7, 2006 08:00 am) #

I'm glad you liked it. That teaser was GREAT!!!

"This IS my signature."
December 4, 2006 2:57 pm #

Hey! That's my catch! My teaser idea! j/k j/k
No, i'm kidding. :D
Great Teaser! I've been freaking out all day beacaue i couldn't log back in here, so i ran around the house yelling " Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! " Just not in so many words.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 4, 2006 5:25 pm #

I thought the story was great.Hey Kandosii why couldn't you get on?

Sa kyr'am Nau tracyn kad, Vode an.-Forged like the saber in the fires of death,brothers all.
December 4, 2006 5:29 pm #

It's a little thing that happens alot with my computer. Somtimes it lets be log on here, and somtimes is doesn't. I was all worried about posting my next chapter, and i think my nails are alot shorter then they used to be.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 4, 2006 5:47 pm #


Sa kyr'am Nau tracyn kad, Vode an.-Forged like the saber in the fires of death,brothers all.
December 4, 2006 6:13 pm #
Kandosii Mando Verd wrote:

Hey! That's my catch! My teaser idea! j/k j/k
No, i'm kidding. :D
Great Teaser! I've been freaking out all day beacaue i couldn't log back in here, so i ran around the house yelling " Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! " Just not in so many words.

ok i admit it, i might have "borrowed" the teaser idea lol

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 4, 2006 6:17 pm #

I think, I started somthing.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 4, 2006 9:22 pm #

congradulations on pioneering "The Teaser" lol

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 6, 2006 8:49 pm #

here it is, the long awaited ch9!

ch9. "Here take this grenade and see what their REALLY made of."

“Ok” Jango whispered through his COM  to the armored figures crouched around him. With his finger, he drew a rough sketch of the compound.  “There’s no way we can take this thing with a frontal assault. I’ll take my squad and flank to the right.” he traced a line through the red dirt.  “Srg. Tayton, I want you to take 2nd squad and flank to the left.” he traced another line. “Use those rocks as cover.”
    Jango took out a tiny holo generator and placed it over the dirt battle plans.  He activated the device through his HUD and a miniscule diagram of the compound wavered into view.
    “There’s an access ladder to get to the roof here.” he zoomed in the image and a replica of the ladder blinked red in response.  “The problem is it’s about 15 feet over your heads.” he raised his head and looked up at the men in front of him.  “Who here has a grapple gun?”
    One of the recruits from Bravo raised his hand. “I do sir.”
    Jango nodded. “Good, you’ll need it to reach that ladder and pull it down.” he turned to his squad. “Now hopefully we can provide you with enough of a diversion so you can accomplish that.  That ladder is vital, it’s the only way to the roof from the outside and you can be sure they know that.  The only other way in is the front door and I would bet my blasters that it’s not gonna be open.”
    The men nodded gravely.  Jango shut off the tiny projector, stood up and gave his men a glance over.  Roughly 30 strong.  This wasn’t going to be easy.
    “Ok, we all know what to do.”  Jango said. “Just get in position and keep your heads down, I don’t wanna see any heroics out there understood?”
    “Yes sir!” The men replied.  Srg. Tayton picked up his blaster rifle. “Second squad, on me!”  Jango had put the majority of the new comers into his squad. He wasn’t sure what they were capable of.  The clank of armor and the thud of boots quickly disappeared as second squad vanished into the desert.
    Jango turned to his squad. Himself, Mantle, Dominic, Rodriquez, and Snake was  not much of a force but he knew they were the best.
    “Stay behind the rocks.” Jango ordered moving away at a crouch. “We’ll get as close as we can before we open fire.”
    “You got it sir.” Mantle replied falling in behind him.  He turned to Snake, “Try not to screw it up Ner’vod.”
    “Eat bantha shit Mantle.” Snake replied following him.  “You’re the one that got them alerted in the first place.”
    “Is that any way to talk to your favorite sergeant?” Mantle said back. “I’m just looking out for my soldiers.”
    “Yeah look out yourself.” Snake mumbled. He turned behind him. “Keep up you two.”
    “Yeah yeah.” Dominic replied falling in behind Rodriquez. “You guys give them something to shoot at while I treat the blaster burns I’m sure you’ll get.”
    “Cut the chatter.” Jango whispered. “Were almost in position. Remember, think and don’t get yourself killed.”
    The squad said nothing.  The compound was a mere 30 yards away as they crept silently in close to the right wall.  The towering structure cast a huge shadow over them as Deathwatch soldiers patrolled the roof.
    “This is far enough.” Jango said raising his fist and coming to a halt. “Snake find a good vantage point and get busy when I give you the signal.”
    “Consider it done sir.” Snake replied vanishing as he activated his camouflage unit.
    “Mantle stay with me, Dominic and Rodriquez, take up positions behind that low boulder.”
    “Yes sir.” Rodriquez replied unslinging his rifle and checking the magazine. “Cmon Ner’vod.” he said to Dominic.
    “In position sir.” Snake’s voice said over the COM. “We got approximately 60 shocktroops up there.  Small arms mostly. One heavy MG emplacement on the upper bunker.  That might give us some trouble.”
    Mantle unstrapped  a screecher missile tube from his pack.  “Don’t worry about it sir I’ll take it out.”
    “Roger.” Jango replied. “Mantle get that rocket ready, wait for my signal.  Tayton and his men must almost be in position by now.”
    They waited an agonizing 5 minutes before a COM message came through. “Sir, in position. Ready when you are.”
    “Copy.” Jango replied and switched to the private squad channel. “Ok Snake let em have it.”
    “Roger.” Snake replied.  He pressed the stock of his rifle tight to his shoulder and looked down the scope.  “Officer, officer, aha!”  he lined the target reticle on the red helmet of a Deathwatch captain.
    CRACK!  The rifle slammed into Snake’s shoulder.  He watched through his scope as the officer’s head exploded and his body slumped to the floor.  He quickly targeted another.
    “NOW!” Jango ordered when he heard Snake’s rifle fire several times.  Mantle shouldered the Screecher and fired at the upper bunker.  A trail of blue white smoke followed the rocket as it detonated. Throwing debris on the Deathwatch below. When the smoke cleared, two bodies were hanging out of the broken hole in the bunker.
    “MG’s out of commision!” Mantle said dropping the rocket and picking up his carbine.
    “Let em have it!” Jango ordered.  The Deathwatch on the roof recovered from their early confusion and began to pour laser fire down on Jango and his men.
    Mantle ducked as a bolt smacked the rock in front of him.  Sitting down he changed magazines and stood up to return fire, spraying the roofline with automatic fire.  Another round hit him in the chest. He fell backwards onto the ground.
    “Mantle!” Jango screamed over the noise of the firefight. “You okay?”
    Mantle slowly got up. A black scorch mark on his left chest plate.  “Just got a little toasted sir.”
    “Ladder secured sir.” Tayton said over the COM.  “Soften it up a little for us huh?”
    “Sure thing sergeant.” Jango replied. “GRENADES!”
    Jango pulled two thermal grenades from his belt and pulled the pins.  Mantle and Rodriquez did likewise.  The three lobbed the grenades onto the rooftop as the Deathwatch scrambled for cover.
    WHUMP! WHUMP! WHUMP!  The grenades went off covering the roof in smoke.  Through it Jango saw red laser bolts being exchanged.
    “Their on the roof.” he said.  “Lets go first squad!”
    Jango sprinted out into the open and made his way across the open stretch in front of the compound to the other side. Mantle and the others were right behind him.
    The Deathwatch suddenly realized what was happening and opened fire on Jango and the others.
    Laser bolts threw dirt up all around him.  Amazingly he made it to the safety of the rocks on the left flank.  Mantle slid right beside him followed by Dominic and Rodriquez.
    “Everyone alright?” Jango asked panting.  The others nodded. 
    “Good to see you sir.” A recruit from C company said as he crouched behind another rock beside him.  The ladder had been extended and one by one the Mandalorians made their way up to the roof.
    “Where’s Tayton?” Jango asked not seeing the Sergeant anywhere.
    “He went up first sir.” The recruit replied firing several times then ducking back down. “I’m suprised he even made-”
    The recruit slumped to the dirt as a laser bolt pierced his neck.  Blood sprayed on the red dirt as he choked and clutched the wound.
    “Hang on!” Dominic said running over to him and getting his med bag out.  “Christ.” He said. “Let go I have to plug the artery!” he screamed at the recruit.
    Jango ran over and knelt beside him. “Can you save him Dominic?”
    Dominic said nothing as he desperately shoved his bloody hands into the wound. “I got it.” he said. “Hand me that clamp!”
    Jango handed him the device.  Dominic applied the clamp and smeared bacta over the wound. “He needs a surgeon, we gotta get him outa here!”
    “That’s not gonna happen until we secure this compound!” Jango replied.  He turned and sprinted for the ladder.
    He put his hand on the rung and climbed as fast as he could.  Above him he knew would be total chaos. Mantle was right behind him.
    Jango reached the top and jumped onto the roof.  What met his eyes was pure carnage.  Bodies lay strewn across the roof and the gray surface was stained with blood.  Jango unsheathed his combat knife.
    Any sort of battle lines had dissolved as Mandalorians and Deathwatch fought hand to hand.  Jango grabbed the nearest black armor and sunk his knife into it’s back.
    “Gah!!” the Deathwatch soldier cried as he fell to the ground. Jango pulled his knife out and continued.
    Mantle emerged onto the roof and was immediately tackled by a Deathwatch.  “Not today!” he said cracking the soldiers visor with his fist and crushing his windpipe.
    Jango lost track of how many he killed.  He was in a frenzy. Adrenaline replaced his blood as his heart pounded. He felt something hit his foot. He glanced down and saw the grenade.
    “Oh fierkek!” he shouted and dove to the ground.  WHAM!  the blast lifted him off the ground and threw him against the wall. Everything seemed to lose sound.
    Jango shook his head trying to clear his vision. He coughed and a dark red substance spattered the inside of his visor, he tasted blood. Still delirious from the blast, Jango shakily got to his feet. His blasters were missing. Around him chaos ensued. Laser bolts pelted the concrete all around him but he barely gave notice. The roof had erupted into a killing field, armored bodies were strewn everywhere while the ones lucky enough to still be living fought for their lives. Something else caught his eye. A figure in Mandalorian armor lay motionless in a pool of crimson blood, his hands still holding the remains of his own intestines. An autocannon round had burned clean through his torsoe plate. With a sudden grim realization, Jango recognized the fallen warrior.
    Mantle suddenly appeared and helped him to his feet.  Jango shook his head again and the quiet world he had just experienced suddenly erupted back to the hell he knew it was.
    “You alright sir?” Mantle asked shaking him a bit.  “I thought you were dead for sure.”
    Jango tried to speak but his insides screamed in protest.  The fighting began to lull.  He looked around and saw the last of the Deathwatch were dropping their weapons.  They were quickly rounded up and had their hands tied.
    Jango shook Mantle away and walked to the motionless figure.  It was Tayton. 
    Mantle came up beside him. “Fierfek.” he said sadly. “He was a good soldier.”
    Jango nodded and looked around.  Dominic was rushing from body to body checking the wounded.  The Mandos that were still standing slumped to the ground exhausted.
    “One hell of a fight sir.” Rodriquez approaching him and removing his helmet. He had a bloody nose. “But we showed those bastards.”
    “Do we have a casualty report?” Jango managed to say. 
    Rodriquez nodded.  “Yes sir.  8 dead, 15 wounded.”  He suddenly realized the figures. “Fierfek sir, were lucky to be alive.”
    Jango removed his helmet. Mantle handed him a canteen and he gratefully took a swig. “How many prisoners do we got?”
    Rodriguez looked over his shoulder. “I’d say about 6 or so.”
    “I want to know everything they do.” He pointed at Rodriquez. “I’m putting you in charge of “extracting” that from them.”
    Rodriquez smirked. “You can count on me sir.” He replaced his helmet and walked towards the prisoners.
    Snake suddenly melted into view next to him. Mantle jumped. “Christ don’t do that Ner’vod.”
    Snake said nothing and turned to Jango. “Here sir.” he said holding out his hands. “I think you dropped these.”  He handed Jango his blasters.
    Jango smiled and placed them in his holdsters. “Thank you corporal.”

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 7, 2006 5:49 am #

revan that sketch was sweet by the way

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 7, 2006 7:58 am #

WOW!!! That chapter was the best!
I'm glad you liked that pic, I didn't think it turned out that well, so....thanks

"This IS my signature."
December 7, 2006 8:37 am #

thanks, this one took me awhile to write, i wanted it to be action packed!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 7, 2006 3:53 pm #

It was well worth the wait!

"This IS my signature."
December 7, 2006 6:28 pm #

* Faints from excitment *

Wow... That was Sweet!
Great Chapter! :D

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 7, 2006 7:18 pm #

thanks revan and kandosii, im glad you liked it! ch 10 should be up in a couple of days!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 7, 2006 7:30 pm #

oh and kandosii, let me know when you get the next part of your story up! will the jedi be vaporized?? i cant stand it

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 13, 2006 7:04 pm #

i think it is time for ch10

ch10 "Thanks for sparing my life, I'll have to remember that whenever I blast you."

    Jango removed his helmet and wiped the sweat off his brow with the back of his arm.  The operation was off to a bad start already.  “Usually things don’t go bad until we land.” he thought.
    Mantle strolled up next to him, almost as if the previous slaughter never happened.  “You feeling alright LT?” he asked sitting down with his back against the cool concrete.  “You’re lookin’ a little blue.”
    Jango slid down the wall and sat next to him. “Can it Mantle.” he said.  “Any word from the rest of the Battalion?”
    Mantle nodded. “Just heard from Rodriquez.  The rest of Bravo managed to coordinate themselves enough and are heading this way.  Delta and the rest of Charlie company have regrouped and say they’ll be hear by nightfall.” he paused. “Still no word from the rest of Alpha.”
    Jango nodded grimly.  He knew with an understrengh Battalion this occupation wouldn’t last too long.  He jingled the bag of dog tags he had collected absentmindedly and glanced at the pile of armor they had collected from their comrades.
    Mantle looked up and squinted into the sun. “Were due for a ressuply soon I heard.” he rubbed his eyes. Jango suddenly noticed how tired he was. “If fleet would get off their shebs that is.”
    Jango took a swig from his canteen. “Have you had a look at that gun yet?” he asked. “If were risking our lives for it the damn thing better work.”
    Mantle shook his head. “Were still clearing rubble away from the entrance. That screecher did a bit more collateral damage then I was expecting.” he added shly.
    “Well that’s why you’re our weapons expert.” Jango replied. “I’d have to say I’d be disappointed if you actually weren’t blowing the crap out of everything.”
    Mantle grinned and shrugged. “I can’t help it.” he said. “I have a thing for stuff that goes BOOM.”
    “Well that gun better be going BOOM by the end of the day or someone won’t be getting much sleep.” Jango added.
    Mantle stood up and replaced his helmet.  “Guess that’s my que huh?” he said and jogged towards the stairway.
    Jango also stood up and tucked his helmet under his arm.  Two of his men were on sentry duty. The rest he had allowed them to get a little rest.  A 9 mile hike with full packs couldn’t slow them down but a 5 minute battle could wear down any man.
    One of the sentries suddenly stiffened. “Sir.” he called. “Take a look at this.”
    Jango put his helmet on and approached the wall.  In the distant desert was a column of people walking.
    Jango held out his hand and the sentry placed his long range scanner in it.  Raising it to his visor he bumped up the zoom and cut out the glare.
    They were soldiers alright, about 100 of them.  Some carried another between them.
    “Our they ours sir?” The sentry asked trying to see the distant figures.  “I couldn’t tell from here.”
    “I believe so.” Jango replied lowering the device. He called Rodriquez over thru the COM.
    “What do you need sir?” Rodriquez’s voice replied over the channel. “I’m a little busy at the moment, but I think I can squeeze you in shortly.”
    “Cut the crap.” Jango replied curtly. “I need you to send out a signal beacon thru an encrypted channel. If their one of us then they should respond.”
    “Acknowledged.” Rodriquez replied. “Sending signal”
    Jango raised the scanners to his visor once again.  The figures on the horizon stopped.  What appeared to be another radioman ran to a nearby figure and handed him the receiver.
    “We got a reply sir.” Rodriquez said. “Patching you thru.”
    Static filled Jango’s headset but suddenly cleared into an audible message.
    “This is Bravo company leader. Please respond. Have wounded.”
    Jango tapped his COM. “This is LT. Jango Fett of Charlie Company.  Compound secure. Bring your wounded to the ground level entrance. We’ll have a Medic standing by.”
    “Copy LT.” the voice replied. “Fierfek is it good to hear you guys.”

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 17, 2006 6:42 pm #

why does noone write in these things anymore?? lol

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 18, 2006 9:12 am #

Write in what?

"This IS my signature."
December 18, 2006 10:29 am #

this board, its been kinda lonely here lately

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 18, 2006 10:37 am (Edited December 18, 2006 07:42 pm) #

I finished that pic of mantle you wanted, I'll email it to you this afternoon sometime.
I liked that chapter, by the way.

"This IS my signature."
December 19, 2006 7:35 am #

sweet, im working on some ideas for the next chapter, so it should be up sometime tommorow, and that mantle pic is pretty bad ass

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 19, 2006 7:51 am #

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I just got this program called Deep Paint, it's like paint program that comes with your computer  exept x100. I might be able to correct some mistakes that I made with the pens.

"This IS my signature."
December 21, 2006 7:31 pm #

sorry i havent been on in awhile, i'll get to writing the next ch. soon!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 22, 2006 11:44 am #

Vassili, Your inbox is full.

"This IS my signature."
December 24, 2006 2:52 pm #

really? wow, i'll have to look into that

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
December 25, 2006 8:52 pm #

You click the "Messages" section at the top of the page.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 11, 2007 9:35 am #

i realize it has been awhile since my last post but i think you'll like this chapter.

ch.11  "I don't know what there doing here, but by the gods I will have my revenge."  Lt. Jango Fett



    Jango stood just inside the threshold of the compound’s lower front entrance.  The two heavy steel doors swung open, squeaking noisily.  The wind outside had picked up considerably and red sand blew into the open doorway.  Dominic stood next to him with his medpac at the ready to treat the incoming wounded.
    The first figure ran trough the doorway and stopped once he was sheltered from the blowing sand.  He spotted Jango and approached him, removing his helmet.  The look on his face was that of utter relief.
    “Lt. Corr.” he introduced himself extending a hand.  “Bravo company.  This place wasn’t so easy to find.”
    Jango removed his helmet, his face slightly irritated by the wind still blowing through the open doorway.  “Lt. Fett.” he replied shaking Corr’s hand. “Too bad you and your boys missed the fun.”
    Corr had a confused look on his face. “Intel said we had a garrison of at least company strength holding here.”
    Jango shook his head. “Well that leaves two options. One, they deserted their post. And if that’s the case it’ll be up to us to find them and exact punishment. Two, their missing or dead.  Either way  we still have to find out what the hell happened here.”
    Corr nodded.  The blowing wind ceased as the outer doors were shut and sealed.  The room was silent except for the occasional moan or cough from the wounded soldiers.  Dominic was busy treating the worst of them.  A trooper who had taken heavy round to his abdomen.
    Jango motioned for Corr to follow him. “Brief on what happened out there Lt.” he said opening a door to a smaller room that had been hastily fitted as a makeshift command center.
    “Gladly.” Corr replied taking a seat at the small table.  He rubbed his face with his hands and helped himself to a drink.  “Most of Bravo made the jump without a hitch.” he started. “I managed to link up with most of my men on schedule.  After meeting up at the RZ point we picked up a distress signal from remnants of another company who had been ambushed by a Deathwatch patrol.” Corr snorted. “If patrol is the right word, there was probably a 100 of them.” He took another drink. “Anyway, we managed to get the jump on them and take them out without much incident.  We hooked up with the others. About 30 guys from Alpha.  Then we made our way here.  The boys from Alpha had been hit pretty hard and had a lot of wounded.  Right when we spotted this compound, that fierfek sandstorm came out of nowhere.” Corr finished by throwing his hands in the air. “And now here we are.”
    Jango nodded.  His comlink chirped suddenly.  “What is it?” he asked putting his helmet on and listening hard.
    “Rodriguez sir.” a voice said over the COM. “Fleet just informed us of a small single craft entering our atmosphere.” Rodriquez said. “They attempted to pick it up but it was moving very fast.”
    “Let me guess.” Jango interrupted. “Fleet wants us to find where it lands and check it out right?”
    “Nothing gets past you does it sir?” Rodriguez replied. “Waiting on your orders.”
    Jango sighed. He switched to Mantle’s frequency. “Mantle, assemble our team.  Fleet wants a little recon done on this ship that landed.”
    Mantle’s voice filled his helmet. “We got coordinates for this so called ship sir?” he said.
    Jango accessed fleet’s database via his HUD.  “Copy.” Jango replied as numbers flashed on his visor. “Not too far from here actually. That makes it somewhat suspicious, especially since it skirted our fleet to get here.”
    “I hear that sir.” Mantle replied. “So is this the sort of recon where we blow something up? Or should I pack lightly.”
    “Oh I think the usual kit will be just fine sergeant.” Jango said.  “I’ll give you five minutes, then I want a team standing by and ready to go.”
    “You got it sir.” Mantle said. “See you in five.”
    Jango closed the Com link and studied Corr. “I’m leaving you in charge for the moment.” he told him. “We got a little intel to collect for fleet.”
    Corr nodded. “Anything I can do to help?”
    Jango shook his head. “Just make sure this place is in once piece for when I get back.” he said. “I don’t want to see any black armor on the roof again.”
    “No problem sir.” Corr replied drawing a very bulky blaster from his holdster and placing it on the table.
    “Glad to hear it.” Jango said opening the door and stepping out of the room.  “Mantle, you got that team ready?”
    “We were ready yesterday sir.” Snake’s deep voice growled.
    “Good.” Jango replied.   Ã¢Â€ÂœI think I can manage to get us a ride too.”
    “Even better.” Snake replied.  “I sorta didn’t feel like walking anyways.”
    Jango switched channels. “Rodriquez, get me fleet on the horn and try to secure us some transportation.”
    “I’d love to sir.” Rodriguez replied.  “Would you like a nice Luxury speeder? Or shall I ask for the usual gunship.”
    “Gunship today.” Jango said walking up the stairway towards the roof. “I’m not into those very classy ships.”
    “Roger.” Rodriquez replied. There was a short pause.  “Got it sir. Fleet’s sending a gunship asap. ETA 2 minutes.”
    Fleet was true to their word. Exactly two minutes passed when Jango heard the roar of engines outside.  He climbed the stairway to the roof and opened the door.  A rush of wind and engine noise met him.  Hovering just above the roof was a Mandalorian Thunderhawk.  It’s troop bay door slid open and the crew chief gestured for them to jump in.
    “This is Thunderhawk 2” The pilot’s voice came over Jango’s COM.  “Fleet said you guys needed a lift?”
    Jango jogged over to the massive ship and greeted the crew chief.
    “This birds a little too big to land.” The crew chief laughed.  “Watch your step sir.”
    Jango stepped into the gunship’s troop bay.  Large enough to fit an entire platoon of fully armed commandos.  Snake, Dominic, Mantle, and Rodriquez were already inside.
    The crew chief slid the door shut and sealed it, completely muffling the sound of the engines.  He tapped the pilot’s shoulder.  The pilot nodded and throttled up.  A thick cloud of dust  circled away from the accelerating gunship as it lifted off.  Jango rested his head on the interior and listened to the steady thrum of the engines.
    Snake looked up. “So did fleet mention what kind of ship we were dealing with here?” he asked. “I mean alien, human, weapons capabilities?”
    “Afraid not.” Jango replied sitting straight again.  “Poor intel is something you should be used to by now anyway Snake.”
    Snake leaned back and didn’t say a word.  Out of habit he began stripping down and meticulately cleaning his rifle.
    “Were nearing the designated DZ sir.” The pilot said over the COM and turning in his seat to face Jango.  “40 seconds.”
    Jango nodded and stood up.  The rest of his squad did the same.  Jango looked into the reflective lenses of their visors.  “You know what to do.” he said simply. “If all possible I want this pilot alive.  No blasting till I give the order understood?”
    “Yes Sir!” the squad replied in unison, snapping to attention.  The pilot’s voice came over the COM once more.
    “Touching down.”  he said.  “We’ll keep the engines hot, may the gods be with you.”
    The crew chief slid the cargo door open as light flooded the interior.  Jango leaped out into the infinite sea of red sand and activated his HUD to scan for lifeforms.  “Fierfek” he swore as the blowing sand made the delicate electronics in his HUD almost useless.  “Stay tight.” He ordered over the squad channel. “Getting separated out here would probably mean the end.”
    Jango lead the way away from the idling Thunderhawk and up a nearby dune.  Nearing the top he went to a prone position and pulled out a pair of long range scanners.  He placed them to his visor and began sweeping the plateau like area in front of him.
    Mantle flopped down next to him.  “I don’t like this sir.” he whispered as whatever was out there was listening to them. “That could be anything out there.”
    Jango nodded but didn’t say anything.  He continued sweeping with the scanners until his keen eye spotted the faint black outline of a small starship.
    Jango lowered the scanners from his visor and handed them to Mantle.  “Run a diagnostic on that silhouette.” he said. “Something tells me I’ve seen it before.”
    Mantle nodded and plugged the scanners into the small data pad he carried with him.  The screen started flashing as the data pad ran through thousands of ships on it’s database. The screen blinked and turned green to indicate a match was found.
    Mantle cocked his head in puzzlement. “That’s odd.” he said pushing several keys.  “It’s a fighter.” he said turning to Jango. “Jedi Class.”
    Jango swallowed hard as hatred began to boil inside him. He knew he had seen a ship like that before.  He remembered back to his childhood when the Jedi came to his homeworld and slaughtered his parents.  These traitors were responsible for the almost near extinction of the Mandalorian race.
    “Prepare to move out.” Jango ordered standing up. There was nothing but ice in his voice.  “We’ll see what our Jedi friend is doing in Mando territory.”

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 11, 2007 9:58 am (Edited January 11, 2007 09:58 am) #

Sweet! I was just getting ready to ask you about the next chapter. I really like it, by the way.

"This IS my signature."
January 11, 2007 11:42 am #

My latest pic, not in color yet, though.

"This IS my signature."
January 11, 2007 6:48 pm #

thanks, i still gotta come up with a  name for the jedi, and im open to suggestions. sweet pic by the way...

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 13, 2007 10:17 am #

How about Jori Brie?

"This IS my signature."
January 15, 2007 3:24 pm #

sweet i like it. im writing the next chapter right now

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 15, 2007 3:28 pm #

Did you get that pic I sent you in messages?

"This IS my signature."
January 16, 2007 1:16 am #

i have a question in chapter nine why did he say Christ? hehe and i have a suggjestion for the names of the companys instead of charlie or bravo or alpha could they be the mando numbers spelled out? Great story i feel sorry for the private with the neck wound

January 17, 2007 8:52 am #

whoops, i gotta remember not to use christ. in the original copies i wrote i had to edit out the actual curse words for mando ones. thanks for pointing that out. what were ur suggestions for the company names?

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 17, 2007 9:04 am #

by the way, do any of you follow warhammer? im thinking about starting a fic about that next

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 17, 2007 9:33 am #

ch. 12  "Traitorous Beliefs"

            Sky Marshall Meijers stared through the blast screens of the enormous viewing window.  The red surface of Mars was being ravaged by intense sand storms, and watching the swirling atmosphere from high orbit was breathtaking.
    Meijers sighed and slumped into the bantha hide chair in his private quarters aboard the Mandalorian flagship Basilisk.  He rubbed the bridge of his nose and was tempted to light up one of the Deathsticks he had stashed in the bottom drawer of his desk.
    A harmonized ping sounded indicating a transmission had been received on his private holo feed.  Meijers decided to wait on the Deathstick and leaned forward to answer the transmission.
    “What is it?” he complained leaning back in his chair and opening the bottom drawer once again.
    The holo generator hummed to life and a figure wrapped in a black cloak appeared before him. His face completely shadowed by the large hood over his head.
    “I would choose your words more carefully if I were you Marshall.” The figure hissed in a cold voice.
    Meijers nearly fell out of his chair in surprise. Regaining his composure he knelt on his knee. “My apologies my lord.” He said with his head bowed. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
    “It matters not.” The cold figure replied. “Our fleet in nearly thru the protective asteroid belt that protects this planet.”
    “That is good news my lord.” Replied Meijers, standing up once again. “I assure you our fleet will not intervene.” Meijers paused. “It is becoming increasingly difficult to stall the council from launching an attack.  The Deathwatch are our enemies after all. And if the council gets word of a Deathwatch Armada coming thru the belt an attack would be almost inevitable.”
    The dark figure scowled. “This is of no importance to me, remember, you work for me now Marshall. The Mandalorians are a dying race.  I have shown the Deathwatch leaders the path and you too must follow, or be destroyed.”
    Meijers swallowed hard. “Of course my lord.” His greed overcoming his judgment once again. “Though my original price, I want double.”
    “Price is of no matter to me Marshall.” The figure replied with an evil grin. “You will get your credits I assure you. But if you fail me, I shall reserve the deepest part of hell for your soul.”
    “I understand my lord.” Meijers replied, cold sweat on his brow. “How long must I stall the fleet?”
    “We will be thru the belt in a matter of days.” The dark figure hissed. “You understand that this….weapon, must not be damaged.”
    “Of course my lord.” Meijers replied kneeling once again. “I will not fail you.” Meijers suddenly remembered the small ship that passed them and landed on the surface. “My lord,” He started anxiously, “There is the matter of a small ship that managed to get past us and land on the surface.” Meijers swallowed. “I believe the Jedi know of our plans.”
    The dark figure thought for a moment. “Have your men destroy the Jedi along with his ship. If word gets back to the Jedi council, more Jedi will surely try to intervene with our operation.”
    “I’ll see to it personally my lord.” Meijers replied.
    “Good.” The figure said. “I will be in contact with you within the next few days. I want the Jedi dead by the next time I see you.”   
    With that the feed ended and Meijers was left alone in his quarters.  Sighing he slumped back into his chair and wiped the sweat from his brow with a shaking hand.  How did he get mixed up in this?  When he was appointed Sky Marshall he had certainly not even thought of working with the enemy and betraying his own race.
    Meijers sighed again. Reaching into the bottom drawer, he produced one of the Deathsticks from his personal supply.  Taking a deep hit he wondered how he had even started the filthy habit. He smiled as the chemicals took hold.  On the bright side, look how much credits he was making, he would retire a rich man and the thought pleased him greatly. As traitorous as it was, being employed by the Sith had it’s benefits.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
January 22, 2007 10:19 am (Edited January 22, 2007 10:22 am) #

here it is ch 13.

Ch.13 The Lost Battalion

     Staff Sergeant Mantle calmly consulted his datapad for a third time.  Diagnostics flashed across the screen and he compared them to the tangle of wires in front of him.
    The gun bunker was a mess, thanks to the rocket that he himself had used to blow apart a vast chunk of the wall.  Engineers Thompson and Harkus had temporarily repaired the gaping hole and Harkus had even managed to salvage the bulky Westar 50 heavy machine gun that the previous day had been used against them.
    “This is a mess.” Harkus said frustrated putting his thermal cutters down and removing his helmet.  “This thing hasn’t been fired for at least a century!”
    Mantle said nothing and returned to the enormous task of repairing the miles of ancient wiring that linked the massive orbital defense gun to it’s targeting computer. He let out a shout of glee as the dusty screen flashed to life.
    “Now were in business!” he said excitedly. “Harkus do me a favor and pull that lever over there on the wall.”
    Harkus complied and pulled down the aging rusted lever.  With a groan the ancient hydraulics whined into life.  Above them the roof split apart and from below the giant form of the cannon rose to level with the room, it’s barrel pointed towards the sky.
    Thompson whistled as he observed the sheer size of the weapon.  “This thing could knock even the Basilisk out of the sky.”
    “And that is what it was exactly designed for my friend.” Mantle replied punching commands into the gun’s computer.  “Fierfek.” He swore as the screen turned to red.
    “What is it?” Harkus asked replacing his helmet and walking over.  “Don’t tell me this thing still won’t fire.”
    Mantle let out a frustrated sigh. “Okay I won’t tell you.” He replied.  “But I will tell you the power cells are depleted. In fact…” he continued reading the warning lights. “The ion fusion core is leaking.  We could try to fire, but we would probably cause a meltdown.”
    “How long will that take to fix?” Harkus asked studying the screen.  “The Lt. put us on a very strict schedule.”
    “That depends on the size of the leak.” Mantle replied. “If it’s a small one, maybe an hour or so. Lets just hoped the containment chamber isn’t cracked.”
    Harkus nodded and scooped up his fusion cutters.  “I’ll go take a look.”
    “Keep an eye on the radiation levels.” Mantle cautioned after him.  “Don’t stay in there too long or you’ll grow another arm.”
    “Maybe that would help me fix it faster.” Joke Harkus as he yanked open the small access hatch that led into the gun’s mechanical belly. “I’ll radio you when I get an estimate.”
    Mantle nodded and turned to Thompson. “Thompson go check the magazine, It’s in the basement. It’s possible the shells have corroded.”
    “You got it.” Thompson nodded and jogged out the door.
    Mantle shook his head.  He had some messes to fix before but this ancient piece of crap was kicking his sheb.
    Suddenly his COM chirped. “You get there already Thompson?” he asked.
    “No sir.” Thompson replied sounding anxious. But I think you should get the LT. and head down here. Now.”
    “Why what’s the matter?” Mantle asked puzzled, but he COM ended.  “Fierfek what now?”
    Mantle headed out onto the compound’s roof.  Cursing the heat and scouting the rooftop for a sign of Jango.  There he was, cleaning his blasters. Typical.
    “Hey LT!” Mantle called running over to him. “Better come with me, Thompson’s got a situation downstairs and says you should check it out.”
    “What is it?” Jango asked holstering his blasters and standing up.
    “If I knew I would tell you sir but he sounded pretty excited.” Mantle replied leading the way towards the staircase.
    Jango nodded. “Learchus! Borneo!” he called to two recruits leaning on the wall in the shade. “Make yourselves useful and follow me.”
    “Right away sir.” Borneo replied tapping Learchus’s shoulder and jogging over.
    The four made their way down the dark staircase. Thompson was waiting at the armored door that led to the basement.
    “You’re gonna wanna see this sir.” Thompson told Jango and led the way into the dank inerior of the basement.
    Thompson opened a door which led into what looked like a barracks. Lockers lined the far wall and bunks stretched into the darkness.  Jango suddenly noticed a figure in Mandolarian armor sitting on a bench, his head in his hands.
    “Found him hiding in that locker sir.” Thompson said pointing to the open door. “I nearly blasted him, he had this in his hand. Thank the gods it was a dud.”
    He stretched out his hand and showed Jango a thermal detonator, it’s pin removed and spoon missing.
    Jango wheeled on the figure, furious that he almost killed on of his men. Grabbing a length of his greasy black hair, he yanked up his head to get a look at his face. Jango gasped as he noticed the figure was covered in dry blood.
    “What’s your name soldier?” Jango asked letting his hair go, and his head slumped to his chest once more.
    The figure was silent. Quiet sobs escaped his lips.
    “I asked  you a question soldier.” Jango said more firmly. “What’s your name and unit number?”
    The figure lifted his head and stared into the reflective black mirror of Jango’s visor. “P-Private first class P-Pincon sir.” He croaked. “COM operator, D company, 82nd. Infantry battalion.”
    Jango processed the information in his head. The 82nd were the garrison posted here before the Deathwatch arrived!
    “Where is the rest of your unit?” Jango asked removing his helmet and kneeling level with Pincon.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"

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