Topic: RPG - The Great Sith War

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Topic #573

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December 7, 2006 10:02 am #

Name:Darth Singultus
Alliance: Sith
Lightsaber color: Black
force powers: Force Choke, Lighting, Regeneration

The Sith Code:
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Sith Philosphy:
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hatred leads to power.
Power leads to victory.
Let your anger flow through you.
Your hate will make you strong.
True power is only achieved through
testing the limits of one's anger,
passing through unscathed.
Rage channeled through anger is unstoppable.
The dark side of the Force
offers unimaginable power.
The dark side is stronger than the light.
The weak deserve their fate.
                                               Ã¢Â€Â“tenets of Sith philosophy

I would change the world, if only i had the source code. :cool:
December 7, 2006 2:17 pm (Edited December 7, 2006 06:08 pm) #

Ok seriously, the Sith have way too many allies. That means people who are new HAVE TO BE A JEDI OR A TROOPER. Furthermore anyone already joined one either side can make new  JEDI OR TROOPER CHARACTERS.

Name: Sliv Prath
Occupation/Alliance: Trooper
Species: Shistavanen
W-o-C: Rotary machinegun
Secondary weapon: Verpine shatter rifle
Armor: Enhancd Stealth combat Armor, all black
Grenade: EMC grenades

Sliv followed TenRe to the landing platform. He watched as TenRe welcomed what seemed to be...Mandalorians. Plath sniffed the air suspiciously and slowly approached the newcomers.
"Kita, this is m friend Sliv Plath," Sliv bowed slightly," He's head of security detail on Kashyyk. Excuse him of his suspicions he doesn't trust Mandalorians." "I didn't think he would. Anyway these are my friends Ordo and Skirata. i asked them to come and help after what happened on Yavin." "Yes that was a terrible blow to the Jedi. Well, you look tired let us show you to your rooms." TenRe turned and headed toward the main section of the city followed by Sliv and the Mandalorians.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 7, 2006 2:26 pm (Edited December 7, 2006 03:21 pm) #

Name: Sottle
Sex: Male
Race: Rodian
Alliance: Republic
Class: Trooper
Wepon of Choice: Heavy Assualt Rifle
Second Wepon: Precision Pistol
Grenades: Thermal Detonators
Armor: Heavy Red and White armor
Accent: British

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 7, 2006 2:57 pm #

((thelastMandalorian: I believe the speices you were thinking of is the Shistavanen race. Sorry, I can't stay on long. As promised, I'll post by the weekend. TTYL.))

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
December 7, 2006 3:24 pm #

Suttle hated the forest planet of Kashyyk. It was nothing like his desert planet of Tatooine. Suttle was with the Security force of Kashyyk.
"Bloody cold, bloody dark, and stinking to hell."
He watched the jedi and the Shistavanen meet the mandlorians. He scoffed at the Mandalorians having faught them in the war many times.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 8, 2006 7:13 pm #

TenRe watched the surrounding area's blue hologram. Most of the probes destroyed by local wildlife it felt open. Pieces missing were too large. Hopefully it was just his eyes, but with all the luck it wasn't. Suttle had mentioned the same thing. Kita's appearance bothered him, normally it'd be a happy renunionand they'd sit and talk over a glass of something or other. So of course while the two rested Ten hadn't been able to sleep.
"You think they'd actually attack Kashyyk of all places?"
Ten hit a button on the glass frame, improving the image quality inside the dark room if only slightly. The window openings covered and the entrance guarded. It was such a change compared to the rest of the Wookie city.
"They are going to, their presence in the force is obvious. They aren't hiding it, that sickening feeling of demented determination all Sith seem to have. Go and tell the wookies the news, it's time we informed them and sent a courier to the other cities."
"Of course, at once Master Ten."
As the soldier walked off. TenRe felt an old memory hit the surface. So he was hear as well...a presence from another lifetime...
Rilk felt it, the aura was too familiar.  The rest of them waiting at the near base of the tree, Rilk had gone on ahead at the Master's orders. Not a wookie in sight, how strange...Slowly climbing, he eventually reached the top. The aura even stronger than when he'd started. Radiating from a small hut with the utmost privacy obvious. Rilk flipped his lightsaber on, Jumping through the covered windows, clashing blades with the former Jedi Master. Who'd sensed him as always.
"Coming back to defend your views of the dark side once more?"
"Shut up old man! I'll kill you and prove who's the better this time! And when I get done I'll hang your skeletal head on my wall!"
Rilk couldn't seem to get past the lengthy weapon, the staff acting like a spear. Rilk's tonfa style set with the blade towards his own shoulder. Defending...enraged his flipped the blade forward rushing toward TenRe. Blocked once again...
"You will never know true power. Rushing into battle without a plan, you have failed to grow since we parted ways. I'm disapointed Rilk, the Dark Side should have taught you ways to kill me. Ways to strike down a man who can barely see."
Rilk slashed down violently, Morticus had betrayed him. Sent him to the fray knowing TenRe was there. The final test of his Sith ways.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 8, 2006 7:33 pm #

(So, you're offering me something to drink while I'm being attacked by an enraged Sith?)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 8, 2006 8:13 pm #

Scuttle heard the commotion from Master Ten's hut and he ran for it, he readyied his Assussalt rifle and kicked the door down. He saw the two fighting but coudnlt shoot with out hiting Master Ten.
"Master Ten get down!"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 8, 2006 9:21 pm #

Suttle shouldered his rifle poised to fire. The crosshairs were lining up on the sith warrior when a blaster pressed up against his back. "I have no intention of hurting you, but thisssss iss not your fight. I've seen this many times and there is no room for you to interfere." said a reptilian voice from behind him. Suttle cursed to himself for rushing into the open without thinking it through.

The battle between the jedi and sith raged on without hesitation. Suttle felt the pressure leave his back and spun quickly to catch his attacker off guard. He was startled to find no trace of the trandoshan or in which direction he fled.


Jerriko rushed off through the thick foliage in search of some one who might kill him on sight. It was a risk he needed to take. His death was long over due anyway, and he deserved whatever he got from his old acquaintance. The only problem is that they need all the help they can get, and help was about to come from the last place they expected it.

"Hope you'll be happy to see me Kita."

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
December 8, 2006 9:51 pm #

TenRe sent the lightsaber flying from Rilk's hand with a grand flourish. The blade weakly sputtering before turning off.
He flipped his own off, well aware of his former apprentice's favor for actual blades. The war sword had been knocked off, flying to the other side of the room.
"It's not quite time is it?"
"I told you to shut up Old MAN!!"
Rilk jumped up, the tonfa jumping into his hand. Ten popped the staff to life, connecting with the Sith's strike. Thoughts boiling in the back of his mind, when he'd lost the boy. Force fear, Rilk'd gotten better at it it seemed.
Ten stabbed the staff's dull side into Rilk's stomach, colliding the Sith slid backwards. Slowly getting better as they fought, an ability TenRe had once valued in him. They'd were still too much alike in movement and tactic, Rilk had learned nothing from the Sith it seemed. Nothing but hatred, empty words.
TenRe closed his eyes, truly focusing the force. Channeling it into his feet, ears, hands.
"Training is over now, now we see if you've learned."
"You can't be serious?! You're more of an old fool than I remember!"
Rilk changed stance, you could hear the shifting of his feet. A stance unfamiliar to Ten, it had finally begun.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 9, 2006 10:47 am #

Scuttle ignored the lizard and pulled the trigger.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 9, 2006 12:14 pm #

Scuttle fired the rifle. Before the bolt could interrupt the fight Darth Morticus jumped between it and the target. "You! You will not interfere with this battle, but if you do there will be serious consequences." Darth Morticus crished the rifle and threw the Rodian into the wall. The Dark Lord went off in search of Jerricko. He could feel the stinking general in the Force.

Sliv sniffed the air once more. There was another presence. A former aquaintance. Sliv picked up his machinegun just as Grov and several commandoes made it onto the platform. "Grov! So nice to see you again. It has been awhile snce we met. When was our last encounter?....." " Is that really you?" Yes, it is. You didn't kill me on Correllia. You'll find that I'm much harder than that to kill." The Shistavanen bent his head back and bayed. Thus calling forth the Wolfman Corps troopers.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 10, 2006 9:22 am (Edited December 10, 2006 07:39 pm) #

Scuttle got up his rifle ruined he ran to the rebulic troops to warn them about the sith in the base. Suddenly sith soldiers and Mandolians came down the trees on ropes and swarmed the base. Scuttle got hit in the back by a sith Sniper. They swarmed the wookie city. They moved quickly and silently towards the shield generator. To lower it for the sheilds for the Baslisk war droid and sith fighters.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 10, 2006 1:51 pm (Edited December 10, 2006 02:17 pm) #

Name: Tog
Race: Jawa
Alliance: Republic
Wepon of choice: Modified Rocket Launcher
Second wepon: Small pistol, Detpacks
Grenades: Two Thermal Detonators
Apperance: Like all other Jawas in the brown cloak
History: Tog was took off his home of Tatooine and forced to fight for the republic. He now serves on Kashyyk under Master Ten.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 10, 2006 8:41 pm (Edited December 10, 2006 08:41 pm) #

*trasmission to General Jeriko and Darth Morticus:

"Wookie sentries and any other hostiles have been taken care of. Awaiting more orders."

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 10, 2006 8:57 pm (Edited December 10, 2006 08:59 pm) #

Tog was cold, he was used to warmer weather, he sat on the ground covered with multiple blankets and shivering. Suddenly blaster bolts fly over him and some republic soldiers fell dead. The sith were in the base, Tog quickly got up and aimed his rocket launcher at the charging sith. He fired and blew a hole in the floor causing a rather large explosion. But the sith were to many and quickly over took the republic. Tog threw down his wepons and surrendered.
"<No No don shoot, Tog no work for Republic they force me!><Tog will tell secrets dont shoot!>"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 10, 2006 9:42 pm #

TenRe felt the movement, Rilk slicing towards him. The floor gave, the both of them falling. Branches, leaves, small animals you couldn't be sure cut to pieces as they fought in mid air. Landing mere feet away from other, the Jawa that'd had assigned to him falling onto his back scared.
Ten had just barely heard the Jawa about to spill his guts.
"Little one, should you tell these folks anything. Even the amount of sugar I like in tea and what time I wake up in the afternoon I'll make sure you won't have another chance to save your own skin."
Rilk set out a massive wave of force fear, everyone but the duelists falling to their knees screaming.
"This is our match I'm afraid, they would have tried helping."
"Of course."
TenRe made sure the Jawa was clear out of the way. Sliding out of basic form. Slipping into his own personal accomplishment, staff saber form's Dance of the Stars.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 10, 2006 9:57 pm (Edited December 11, 2006 10:28 am) #

Tog got up scared from what the jedi had said. He pulled out his pistol and started blasting randomly at anything that moved. Tog jumped to his launcher and took cover. He looked around for a good place to shoot his launcher. He saw a large tree branch that was holding up the walkway that many sith and Mandolirains were running across to the main part of the city.
<Damn, Tog never wanted to fight!>
He reloaded the launcher and aimed at the branch above. He shot it off and hit the supporting branch for the walkway above. The blast ripped threw the supports making debre, sith and Mandolirans fall infront of the charging sith and Mandolorians. Tog ran down the walkway past the two duelest.
<Debre wont stop tem for ever!>

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 7:44 pm #

Darth Morticus recieved Captain Perez signal while on a branch overlooking the docking bay. "Captain Perez scal the tree ASAP!" "Yes, Sir!" The Dark Lord watched as Grov held his ground with the onslaught of Shistavanen fighters.

"Grov, it is so nice to see you," Sliv said before raising his machinegun and firing, "It has been how many years? Oh yes! Three years since you betrayed me and left me to die on Correllia." "Guess I should've killed you right from the start, eh?" Grov said while jumping for cover from the Shistavanen's rage. "I guess so." Sliv said somewhat sarcastically. Grov raised his blaster over the cover and fired erratically nailing a Shistavanen in the leg.

Darth Morticus leapt from his branch to another. Grov had the situation under control. The Dark Lord still had unfinshed business with his former general. "Captian Perez if you see former General Jerricko," "Yes?" "Eliminate him on sight." "Understood."

Captain Perez watched a Jawa blow up a walkway with Mandos on it. The rest of his corps scaled the trees as Perez leveled his rifle and shot at the Jawa. Tog jumped as blaster bolts sizzled the air around him. Tog hit the dirt and and moaned at the burns on his cloak.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 11, 2006 8:28 pm #

<Ack! Tog cloack on fire!> Tog frantically pats his cloack and puts the fire out. He reloads his launcher and aims up high were sith snipers are. He shoots the rocket at them. They had only a second to see whats going on before they blew up. The blast sent sharp wood everwhere. Tog took cover under in a metal box.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 12, 2006 6:35 am #

((I'm sorry I didn't post this weekend. My Mom had to go in for an MRI-thing; they think she might have a tumor (it's harmless; but I was still freaked out..) But, I'll never have it said that I didn't at least try to live up to my word,))

Shrapnel exploded into the air from a rocket-explosion. Kita grabbed Garrison by the scruff of his neck, "Get down, Jetii-jag," she hissed. The four Younglings were cowering in the corner, eyes wide and fearful. Micah and Mikal clutched their tiny lightsabers; James and Neesha were too small to have built their first sabers, however, they held palm-blasters. Kita had trained the Younglings to use other weapons besides their sabers from day one. They'd done her proud. She would rued the day when they'd be taken from her.

"We protect these kids with our lives; am I clear, Jedi? Their our only chance to get to Ursula and the holocrons."
"Crystal, Kita."

A fast moving blur, a thin wisp of smoke trailing behind it, dove past them and under one of the metal boxes. Kita had caught sight of a custom-made rocket-launcher strapped to it's back. [/i] Tog.[/i] She chuckled, the Jawa could make her laugh even in the most stressful of times.

"Hey," she whispered softly, and lifted the metal box gently; in hopes of not scaring the Jawa into shooting, "Tog? I've got a job for you. It'll take you away from the fight, too," she helped the tiny creature to his feet, "See those kids?" she jerked her thumb back at Garrison and the Younglings, "I need them to be safe. Can you do that?"

The Jawa looked around the battlefield; at the Sith and Jedi duels, at the two sides of Mandalorians engaged in hand-to-hand or blaster-to-blaster combat, the screaming of troopers as they were caught in the crosshairs of the battle, and the ear-deafing roars of the Wookiee warriors.  He looked up at the tall, ice-blue human. She was nicer than that Jedi.

<Tog can. Tog promise.>

Watching them go-- it was a strange sight, Kita brought down her wrists to expose her wrist vibroblades, "Come out and play, Jerriko. I'm ready."

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
December 12, 2006 11:26 am (Edited December 12, 2006 11:31 am) #

Tog led the fearful kids away from the battle feild. He ran, the little jedi following him closly. A Sith Trooper stopped them and was about to fire. Tog didnt have time to pull his pistol out of his cloak, so he shot threw it and hit he sith in the neck. He looked at the hole in his cloak and frowned. He couldnt waste time tho. He ran with the kids again running to a destroyed wookie house. He helped the kids inside and hid them under the rubble. He soon got in with them, His eyes darted back and forth looking for any enemy troopers nearby. He looked at the kids, they were terrified, so was he.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 13, 2006 3:30 pm #

TenRe was...faster. Too fast for Rilk to attack, all he could do was defend. Pretend he was still on the same level, two steps behind it seemed. Even with the new stance, anything he'd been taught or invented. The former master's was still the same old one he'd come up with as a Knight. Dance of the Stars had no Sith equivalant, the calmness created by the form was...barely comparable. The length of it was as much of a problem as the movement. He couldn't get close enough to evade.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 13, 2006 4:21 pm (Edited December 13, 2006 04:22 pm) #

Darth Morticus watched the battle from the treetops. He had watched as the Shistavanens almost overwhelmed Grov's squad and as a small Jawa took out some of the best snipers in the entire Mandalorian army. But more importantly he was watching Jerricko look for Kita. Well when you find her I will have to cut your reunion short. Morticus jumped to continue his pursuit of Jerricko.

                           -           -            -          -        -                 -        -   

Grov sat behing the storage bin as it was pounded by the barrage of blaster bolts. The flow ceased and Grov took his chance. He jumped up and threw 3 grenades. He ducked down and felt the shuddering of the platform beneath him. Grov peaked over the container and saw destruction.  There were bodies everywhere. Grov noticd the absence of Sliv. "Oh shi..." Grov was cut of by the howl of Sliv and an accurate shot to the back of the head. Grov was dead.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 13, 2006 5:15 pm #

"I pick now above any other time to throw myssself into a sssituation like this! Genius Jerriko, turn your back on one of the deadliest Sith lordsss, get yourself stranded in the middle of thiss... Battle, and above all else risssk your life to help sssomebody who will kill me on sight. Yep, the makingssss of a true intellectual."

Jerriko bounded from treetop to treetop in search of his "friend." He knew Morticus would be on his tail soon, and that's why he had to hurry. A rocket blast sent his former sniper squad flying in every direction, a melancholy feeling ran through him. A traitor to his men because of a stupid sense of pride. His thoughts were cut short as he noticed a glaring light reflecting off two wrist mounted vibroblades. Jerriko's mind raced with ideas, none of which seemed plausible at the moment. The truth wouldn't work, fighting would waste precious time, and...

The moment after "time" flashed through the trandoshan's mind, he saw Morticus's new lapdog, Captain Perez, painting his crosshairs on Kita's helmet. From this range there is no chance he will miss, and not enough time to stop him...

Perez pulled the trigger and the blaster bolt hurtled towards Kita. Reflexivly turning towards the bolt she would have caught it square in the face if not for a familiar body taking the bullet in the chest at the last moment. Kita quickly discovered the body to be that of her leading officer, killed minutes before by a cuncussion grenade. "I'm not ssstupid enough to throw my own body that clossse to you," hissed the traitorous general. "No worries though, I'm the dead man now."

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
December 13, 2006 5:25 pm (Edited December 13, 2006 08:37 pm) #

Tog watched the battle from the saftey of the rubble. The young kids were close to tears. Tog didnt have time to worry about if they were happy or not. Just if they were okay. He reloaded his launcher just in case. He saw a trandosian take a shot at the tall light blue lady."No fair!". Tog took aim at the Trandosion and fired the launcher sending a whistling missle at him.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 13, 2006 7:03 pm #

" Ah i almost had her! No matter, lets see what Jerikos got* Gustavo ran under the cover of some trees then jumped up into the highest tree with his jetpack. From there, he fixed his crosshairs on Jeriko's head and fired-

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 14, 2006 10:22 am (Edited December 14, 2006 10:25 am) #

There was a large expolision near  the Trandosian, Tog overshot and hit the ground near the trandoisan. The blast sent the lizard flying and out from a snipers shot. Tog lost sight of Jeriko, Tog started worrying. He reloaded the launcher. He had only two other rockets. "Tis be getting bad. We need to move younglings." Tog got up and helped the kids out of the rubble. They ran again away from the growing battle. They ran down a small tunnel and came to a landing pad, they stoped stunned. A sith landing ship was on the pad. It was left ungaurded, Tog smiled.
            Tog loaded the kids onto the ship. "How te sith conquer so many worlds is beyond me. He went to the cock pit. The ship was ready to launch."All nice and ready te go isnt tat swee' of tem."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 15, 2006 4:15 pm #

" Ugh today is not my lucky day......try dodging this!"

*missile locks onto Jawa Tog*

*Kneels down and launches the missile at it's target*

" This better work, otherwise i think I'll join the fray.....

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 15, 2006 4:19 pm #

Tog puts up sheilds just in time for a missle to break over them. He takes off and aims the ship's cannons at Gustavo.
"Die Die Die!" Tog fires the cannons.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 15, 2006 4:36 pm (Edited December 15, 2006 04:38 pm) #


Gustavo activated his jetpack in an attempt to evade the hostile fire, but one shot managed to temporarily deactivate the jetpack, and a few other shots caused a huge pile of rubble to fall, and a huge cloud of dust came up into the air.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 15, 2006 4:59 pm #

Tog started firing the cannons at random sith troops and Mandolrians. The republic were losing badly. He landed the ship infront the few republic soldiers. He lowered the ramp an the survivors ran on. The tall blue lady greated the children happily. When they were all on Tog shot the ship straight up and left the wookie city.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 15, 2006 5:31 pm #

"It seems you've been left behind."
They both stood in silence, watching the aura disipate. Lightsabers switched off. It was pointless now, both of them had given up about halfway through the second half. It had been no place to duel. The two walking two feet between each other, towards the small port that held one last ship.
"Yes, it does."
TenRe, eyes open. The background a fuzzy blurb. His glasses had cracked in an explosian. Ruining the image, it wouldn't change his lens type. An important wire must have been split.
It was a derelict, small animals had begun living in the exhaust vents and everything. Two hours of work though, it was ready to take off. Either of them at peace for the time being, their lives more important than a fued or a long dead arguement. Another hour and Ten had placed his sparse possesionsonboard, informed the wookies, while Rilk collected food. His allies having left as well, the battle over. The soldiers had run off, no one to fight.  Forgetting Rilk altogether.
"You should pilot."
"I was planning on it, I don't feel like flying into a tree."
The edge was still there, slightly. Ten had managed to talk Rilk into flying after the Jawa and whoever else. Maddening to think they were working together again. Space put a new curve on it, the ship barely visible in front of them, a few moments from jumping. The signal went through, a nav chart dialed from the other ship. TenRe and Rilk followed after. It seemed fate would be having a happy time.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 15, 2006 6:40 pm #

Tog beamed cordinated to the other ship. Tog entered hyperspace towards Mon Calamari, the closest Republic planet. He hit the button and entered lightspeed.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 17, 2006 10:39 am #


" Ugh.....that was way too close. Good thing the clouds of dust and smoke gave me enough cover to fire my whipcord at that bent tree......"

Gustavo slowly made his way down to the ground and looked about. It seemed the battle was over.

"Well, I guess I'm outta here then."

He walked for a while and found some sort of abandoned wookie ship. He entered, and initiated take-off.

"It's gonna take a while to get used to these controls....."

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 17, 2006 12:02 pm #

The ship left hyperspace, Tog quickly entered the landing code so not to be blastedd out of the sky by republic ships. He set a corse for the nearest city on the planet and started the desent. He landed the ship on a landing pad, the wounded were quickly taking to med labs.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 17, 2006 5:15 pm #

((Sorry for my late post. I had a date.))

Kita didn't trust having Jerriko behind her, frack, she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him. And by judging by their sizes at opposite polar ends, she doubted she's even be able to lift him. She'd hear him out. [i/] After[i/] she'd regrouped with her friends. She followed Tog outside, Mikel and Micah standing close to her, Neesha and James asleep in Garrison's arms. Jerriko, silent as a sentinal (sp?), walked out after them.

Land was scarce on Mon Calamari, but often dramatic. They were looking out across a landscape of bloodred and black swirled together in a myriad of enertwining paterns, laced over with silver coils and memanders of tide creeks and pools. Beyond that, jagged black mountains sawed at a sky the same metallic color of the water.

"It's just salts. Formed by the volcanic activity millions of years ago," came a watery-smooth voice.

"Arakah?" Kita asked the Mon Cal behind her.

"In the aging flesh; your wounded are being cared for. Our generals and your leaders wish to speak with you and your persons. They are quite interested in that those two," intoned the light blue Mon Cal, pointing at Jerriko and Tog.

"Any chance that there's a Jedi here that could take care of these guys?" Garrison jutted his chin downward at the sleeping Younglings.

"Yes," Arakah clasped his hands together, "I will take them for a time." He handed them a datapad, "Here is where the meeting will take place."

Kita hung back and fell into step with Jerriko, "The only reason I'm alive is because of you. I thank you for that. I've kept you alive for that reason only-- plus, you're a traitor; I'm curious as to why you betrayed your precious Master. Either you are a double agent or the top kath hound has been replaced? I doubt you had an easy choice in the matter; why would the spoiled ad'ika leave his comfortable seat at his Master's feet to join the Jetii'se?" Kita was tempted to taunt the Trando, but kept her seroius tone that eroded any sense of mockery. "Come, Jerriko, our generals do not like to be kept waiting."

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
December 17, 2006 5:52 pm #

The Dark Lord stepped out of the craft into the soft breeze of Mon Calimari(sp?). He had snuck onto the ship by using Force invisibility. He had had his chance to kill Jerricko but he thought it'd be better to kill all of these Republic fighters. "I can't wait to start killing these pathetic beings. Of course, Jerricko, you will be the first.
The Dark Lord went off to set up a base and to try to contact the Sith forces.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 17, 2006 6:07 pm #

TenRe and Rilk had had little trouble following behind the group. No one questioned them, the force had taught each of them this lesson. It wasn't invisibility, they were clearly there. Just, no one needed to care. Cloaks covered their forms, thick wraps around the neck. Lile two vagrants who'd been lost in a sandstorm. Rilk had been persuaded to leave his war sword behind for now. Their lightsabers hidden inside deep pockets worn at the waste from a belt. They glared at each other every so often, one hand always on the clasp of the pocket.
TenRe lacked the fearsomeness or presence of a forcer, while Rilk was adept at hiding his aura-a Sith Assasin technique or something to the equivanlent- masking it. His glasses still broken he would have been stumbling without the force. Rilk seemed aware, leering every so often at the thought of it.
Inside the quarters the pair looked like twins. Their actual clothing harder to see than the matching cloaks. Even then, they remembered one thing, Morticus deserved to die. A bonding oath, forged with weak ink, he wondered how long it would actually last.
A Calamari who'd been tricked, glanced at them.
"TenRe Dian and Rilk. Jedi at your service, we're with the republic party that just came in."
The Calamari nodded, walking off. The procedings beginning around them.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 17, 2006 7:45 pm (Edited January 18, 2007 07:06 pm) #

Tog looked at the two cloaked figureds with a confused look. He passed any thought of them and walked on with the rest of the republic party.
The cloaked figure tooked off his hood to show Master TenRe, the other figure kept his hood up. TenRe talked with the tall blue lady. They all entered the Republic base.  TenRe, Kita, Jerriko, and Tog went to talk with republic generals.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 17, 2006 8:24 pm #

The general was...anal retentive. TenRe automatically disliked the man, any number of small details burning an already short fuse. Slightly annoyed he took a moment before saying anything. At the most twenty people, maybe more sitting around the chamber behind him, and he would be responsible it seemed.
"Is there an empty encampment? I heard Sector Twelve was empty. We could easily use the space for a week or so..."
"And I'm expected to just hand it over? That area was emptied for a reason!"
TenRe dropped his glasses past his eyes. The dull color staring blankly ahead. Barely moving, it was all too fuzzy to try.
"Yea, your Fifth division was wiped in half and sent to Kashyyk. I don't see a problem, I am the commander of the Fifth after all."
The general snarled slightly, bringing up the rosters. Sure enough, Ten's image was clearly visible.
"Move along then, expect a carrier in the next few standard hours. I don't have time to deal with this."
TenRe talked it over with Kita, he didn't mention that the fifth was famous for electrical problems among other things...view of the ice blue water was fantastic if he remembered right.
"Alright, we'll heal up and head out."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 17, 2006 8:36 pm #

Tog waited, not moving, he watched the general and TenRe go at each others throats. Tog just wanted to swim in the oceans. He had never seen the oceans up close before. He just wanted to swim, he had to learn to swim first. He followed TenRe and Kita out of the room.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 17, 2006 8:43 pm #

* trasmission to Darth Morticious*

" Am I needed, master?"

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 17, 2006 9:09 pm #

They waited a few hours for the crusier to come, they got on the republic ship this time and they were all sent to Sector Twelve. When they arrived Tog was the first off the crusier. He ran to a small deck and stared at the sea.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 18, 2006 11:11 am #

"It's beautiful; isn't it?" Kita asked, walking up behind the Jawa called Tog. He had jumped up on the railing and was staring out of into the distance. It had been a long time since she'd set foot on a peaceful planet. It felt blasphemous(sp?) for her boots to dirty the planet. She felt tempted to search for her sister Mando, a Twi'lek, Nekalah, her half-brother Daylis, the Wookiee who'd taken her in, Rranorrock, and a million others. But, she felt obligied to repay the Jawa, Tog, his debt.

<Wanna learn?> she gestured out to the open sea. <I'll teach ya.>

"Kita!" called a familiar Jedi Healer voice, "We haven't the time! And I still don't know what's going on!"

"Yes, Father," she called back, a slight tone of mocking in her voice. <I promise I'll teach you how to swim after we get settled. Stay near the shallows if you go in. Don't want to lose you.>

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
December 18, 2006 12:54 pm (Edited December 18, 2006 03:17 pm) #

Tog nodded to Kita. He walked to a room and turned on the lights. The lights flicked a bit before turning right off. Tog fiddled with the switch trying to turn the lights on. Nothing happened. Tog then opened a vent and climed up it. He found a rather large mess of wires.<Bloody hell fish faces no good electrictins.> Tog pulled out a hydrospanner and started fixing wires left and right. After a while he got the lights working. He crawled back down the shaft and went back to the room.<Tis place electricity nightmare>. Tog walked threw the room and reached a small dock. Tog took off his shoes and ran down the ramp to the shallows. He jumped into the water with a splash, he had never felt so much water before. He splashed around in the water happily.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 18, 2006 4:13 pm (Edited December 18, 2006 04:19 pm) #

Darth Malificus
race yuhzan vong/sith
class: Sith Lord
allince: sith
weapons: 2 lightsabers that have are double bladed same size as regular can turnnswitch to have it become a lightwip or combine to become staff saber or light chuks crystals black saber crystal and a kaibur crystal shard and a adgean crystal in each
personal light saber single blade with the end were the end protrudes looks like the head of a dragon made of krayt dragon fang produces a blade like red sword
POWERS:destruction orb
death field
History:During the great sith war the very last true pure blooded sith are on the brink of extinction  some yuhzahn vong expolers stumbled on them at yavin 4 and mixed the species giving birth of darth malifcus. malificus was sent to the sith acadmey on korriban quickly seeing his powers 
Darth revan made him his left hand man malifcus was stationed as govener on rakta prime during the expolsion of the star forge when it happend   he was driven into stasis he awoke in 2000bby seeking to  give birth to an new sith empire so he scoured rakata for the blue prints for the star forge and discoverd updaeted and rebuilt the star forge and is now Darth Banes right hand man the first thing the star forge made was his Cyber netic dragon freind
serpentera it was body was made of metal but malifcus imbued it with the soul of a great demonic dragon of long past
Sepentera stats
weapons:20 quad turbolaser cannons evenly placed among it
w-165 planetary turbolaser on the end 
and in the mouth is the main gun of the sun crusher

December 18, 2006 5:39 pm #

TenRe stepped out onto the deck connecting the spaces, it wrapped around. A door leading out from each space. Sitting at a table, flipping the radio on that sat in the middle.
"Going to be a good day today, sun shining. Above 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 30 degrees celcius. Great time for sitting outside relaxing. And now the Sigh Edge band's newest hit..."
Rilk sat inside napping. Trying his best to stay away from everyone and anyone. Sad, it was a nice day. Watching Tog made him feel better, the small Jawa looked like a child out there. Frolicking in the ocean spray. He'd have to go and look for suits for the rest of the group, maybe a storage locker or something...and here they were in a life or death situation and he was worried about swimming. He laughed slightly, and then frowned. Rilk rushing out the door behind him.
"You feel that?"
"Who wouldn't? It seems we were followed."
Morticus was still around, a glimpes was all they needed to figure that out. It'd be hard to pretend they hadn't felt it, cutting this vacation sounded like a good idea.
"I'm going back to bed, Morticus won't do anything for a while anyway. He'll want to regroup, and Mon Calamari is no place to start a war."
Location didn't mean war was futile...he got up. Heading towards the storage room, popping open the lockers. A heavy steel box landing on his head. TenRe got back up from the floor, lifting ten suits that had been hidden behind the box.. He'd have to head out and buy child sizes. Make Kita do it or something, he wasn't too great at it after all.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 18, 2006 6:34 pm #

I really dont want to take the time to read this hole thread whats going on?

December 18, 2006 9:29 pm #
Kaizer_soatze wrote:

Darth Malificus
race yuhzan vong/sith
class: Sith Lord
allince: sith
weapons: 2 lightsabers that have are double bladed same size as regular can turnnswitch to have it become a lightwip or combine to become staff saber or light chuks crystals black saber crystal and a kaibur crystal shard and a adgean crystal in each
personal light saber single blade with the end were the end protrudes looks like the head of a dragon made of krayt dragon fang produces a blade like red sword
POWERS:destruction orb
death field
History:During the great sith war the very last true pure blooded sith are on the brink of extinction  some yuhzahn vong expolers stumbled on them at yavin 4 and mixed the species giving birth of darth malifcus. malificus was sent to the sith acadmey on korriban quickly seeing his powers 
Darth revan made him his left hand man malifcus was stationed as govener on rakta prime during the expolsion of the star forge when it happend   he was driven into stasis he awoke in 2000bby seeking to  give birth to an new sith empire so he scoured rakata for the blue prints for the star forge and discoverd updaeted and rebuilt the star forge and is now Darth Banes right hand man the first thing the star forge made was his Cyber netic dragon freind
serpentera it was body was made of metal but malifcus imbued it with the soul of a great demonic dragon of long past
Sepentera stats
weapons:20 quad turbolaser cannons evenly placed among it
w-165 planetary turbolaser on the end 
and in the mouth is the main gun of the sun crusher

It is a bit to late to join.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

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