Topic: RPG - The Tombs of Asterfelt

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #920
December 11, 2006 12:57 pm #

Victor eyed the interior of the Correllian corvette. Not bad. It would be an excellent Broken Jade II. After all, what good was this Baklah Claw if he had no ship? The corvette sped through the air, steadily approaching the island. Soon, very soon, Victor would be the most feared killer in the galaxy.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 11, 2006 1:17 pm (Edited December 11, 2006 03:39 pm) #

Mouleg watched a correllian corvette fly over him before he got into his junker. He opened the ramp and went in, the ramp closed behind him. He got to the cock pit and entered the ignitioncodes. The ship took off and headed toawrds the ocean.
"One small job for te day"
The pay he just recived for delivering the red gem was enough for an early retierment. He thought of the catacombs on the island, and how he lost the two war droids he spent alot of credits on. He ended up having to blow up most of the catacombs to get the gem. He span around in his chair and waited till his co-piolt, which was a droid hardwired into the ship, got the ship to the small fishermens village. He could still see the smoke from the destroyed catacombs. He laughed and span around in his chair agian.
"Stupid impolyer, Mouleg couldnt gave him fake gem!."
He pulls a slender red gem from his sleve. "Te fabled Bas- Sometin Claw. Looks expensive"
He turns around in his chair and looks at the man tied up in the corner. "Don look sad jedi, sometime time catch up wit ju and ju will die. Good ting right ju be one with force." The man just sits there looking sad."Ju didnt put much fight why be dat?" He looks at Mouleg and shows his face, he is Athu Asterfelt.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 4:07 pm #

Camdreth went back to the space port and made a few repaires to his ship and headed for the exact location of the transmition seeing his new Devaronian friends junker and sends him a hello trans mition.....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 11, 2006 4:33 pm (Edited December 12, 2006 04:10 am) #

Victor & Kwerve had landed the corvette on a large rock, close to where the unnatural energy had emananted. Most of the immediate landscape had been blown to oblivion when the unlikely pair arrived. The island appeared to be a vast catacombs. Victor & Kwerve followed what appeared to be a path through the rubble, unti lthey came to a spherical chamber. The walls, floor and ceiling were covered in remnants of great works of art, blown to bits by whoever. In the center of the room was a large stone pedestal, and an empty glass case. Victor examined the case. It appeared to have been containig something not too long ago. Victor swept through it with his fingers, looking for a clue as to what had been inside. There. He removed a small crimson shard.
"What's that you got there?" Kwerve asked, a teensy bit anxious.
"The reason I wanted to come here." Victor replied gloomily. This was obviously the holder for the now removed Baklah Claw.  Kwerve lowered his head too. He also seemed disappointed. Victor hurled the glass case against the wall of the chamber. It struck the wall & shattered. He punched the top of the pedestal in fury, slamming the shard onto the stone surface without noticing it. Thank heaven for happy accidents. The pedestal began to sink into the ground, and so did the platform Victor was standing on. Victor jumped off the downward spiraling platform. What was going on? The platform sank into the ground, revealing a descending spiraling staircase.

"What's this now?" Kwereve asked, surprised.
"Dunno." Victor answered, euphoria more than apparent in his voice. The two travel-buddies descended down the staircase. After two minutes of anticipated descent.  Victor & Kwerve were stopped abruptly by a man in bright purple robes, a bright purlpe tophat, and a golden theatrical mask. A smiley face mask.
"Well hello! Guess you figured out the decoy up top. Good show for making it thus far. Noone's ever done this before. Hell, noone even got to the decoy before! Well, that's not true. Earlier today, a devaronian swiped the decoy. Guess you got lucky he didn't figure it out, huh? He just grabbed the dupe & left.Nice work opening this passage without the decoy. Guess you found a piece or something. My name is Phillip. I am the Baklah Claw's guardian. Good luck. But know it'll only get you so far." And with that, Phillip vanished.
"Well." Kwereve replied to the empty air.
Victor pondered the mysterious man's words. A devaronian? Victor was positive he knew who that was. That Devaronian was getting to be a real thorn in his side. He'd probably kill him once he got the Baklah Claw, just for the sake of it.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 11, 2006 6:24 pm (Edited December 11, 2006 06:42 pm) #

Mouleg anwsered his holo comm.
"Why ello tall freind wha can Mouleg do for ju?"
While he waited for the anwser of the Half human, he hid the claw back in his shirt.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 8:11 pm #

-"you dont happen to know the locayion of a certain valluble gem would you i recived a strange comm from a man long dead about it".....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 11, 2006 8:18 pm (Edited December 12, 2006 07:59 pm) #

"What short of gem Mouleg know many, small, big, red, blue. Or do ju mean a jem tats called sometinhg claw?

(( this is what the junker looks like.))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 13, 2006 9:41 pm #

-"yes the Bahkla Claw i would be greatfull if i could have it we would split the reward 50/50 of course".....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 14, 2006 5:39 am (Edited December 14, 2006 10:13 am) #

"50/50? Why would Mouleg do tat when Mouleg could have all? But sence ju Mouleg's freind I'll split wit ju 75/25. Mouleg would get 75 of course." Mouleg smiled."Unless ju know somtin tat Mouleg dont"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 14, 2006 5:18 pm #

-"ill tell what i know if we split it 50/50"...

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 14, 2006 5:41 pm #

"Errrr fine 50/50 freind. Wa be te information?"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 24, 2006 8:39 pm #

is it to late to join this rp?

December 24, 2006 9:10 pm #

Name: Roran Feld
Species: Clone mandolorian
Alliance: Himself and his EE-3 elite assault rifle
Occupation: Mecenary and hired assassin
Favorite weapon: EE-3 Elite Assault Rifle
Secondary weapons: Hyper zoom sniper rifle and precision pistol

History: I was born on kamino as a clone soldier(during the galactic civil war) but was never given the brain treatment, I had my own intelligence and was never like the others. I was trained by the imperial commandos delta squad and was a decorated marksman, at age 20 The empire fell and i lost my job. so i did the only thing i could, i becaame a merc, and did very well, but that wasn;t enough i wanted  more. So i became an assassin for more money. i now live on the planet tatooine and work for jabba the hut as a hired mercinary. Boba Fett is my mercinary idle and is also my best in marksmanship, but i'll beat him some day.

December 24, 2006 9:18 pm #

Roran walked down the dusty tatooinian roads, he bent down to pick up a shattered knife stub, there had been another bar fight at the cantina and Roran was here to find the man who had been on the receving end of that fight. he owed jabba some money and he was here to collect payment, forcebly. just then a blaster shot struck the ground next to his feet. he looked to the horizon to see the man crouched on a hill with a sniper rifle, he was trying to take him out early to avoid payment, bujt now he was going to pay more that money for his actions.
"what the hell!"
He pulled out his blaster rifle and dove behind the cantina.

December 24, 2006 9:21 pm #

"Daamn it!" Roran yelled. "you nerf hearder, you couldn't hit the broad side of a bantha!"
Then Roran shot a burst of ten shots twords the assailent.

December 24, 2006 9:24 pm #

With a very well placed shot, Roran killed the shooter without one bit of remorce. Then he nmoticed a jawa talking to some huge man. He over heard the words Bahkla claw and rememberd them from a message he got over his com link. he asked the jawa.
"Whats your buisness with th Bahkla Claw?"

December 25, 2006 3:13 pm #

(Hey Kyale, Boba Fett wasn't alive during KotOR, and the Empire wasn't formed yet, either)

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 27, 2006 1:09 pm #


December 27, 2006 1:09 pm #

(that sucks)

December 27, 2006 1:17 pm #

New History: I was born on the planet kashyyk and was raised by jedi father( I was a secret)i have always been a little force sensitive, but never like the jedi ideas on life. My best friend was a wookei, named zandaar, he taght me how to use a blaster rifle and a vibroblade. When i was 20 the wookie tree houses were attacked by he sith(dark jedi). we fought hard but just couldn't defeat them, so we stowed away in a cargo freighter, we fled our home to go to tatooine. We are now team mercinaries.

December 27, 2006 1:23 pm #

Roran stared at the jawa for a why'll, but still no reponce. He put his blaster away and let out a big sy.
"come on, you were talking to him about the bahkla claw, can you tell me at least a little about it?"
"How about a deal, 500 credits for some informtion?"

December 27, 2006 1:28 pm #

Zandaar Came walking out of the cantina putting away his bowcaster.
"(What no imformation on that strange message)said zandaar in wookei tounge.
"no this jawa knows something that hes not telling me?
"(Did you try bribery, jawas are notoriousely greey?) said zandaar
"yah but he hasn't responded, I think hes holding out for more."

December 27, 2006 1:48 pm #

((where did the jawa come from?))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 10, 2007 4:17 pm #

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