Topic: All out RPG

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Topic #900

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December 3, 2006 9:17 am #

Revak was aching all over, but his mind was still focused on finding Mythias and killing him. This time when they fought again, Revak wouldn't underestimate Hawk.
"Does anyone know where Mythias Hawk went?" Revak asked.
"He disappeared shortly after he flung you into the wall." the Mirialan answered.
"Does anyone have an idea where he did go?" Revak asked
"I saw him slice the engine cooling tanks on his ship, so he probably went to go get a transport."replied the woman who he had met at the bar. Revak glanced at the card she had given him earlier. It said that her name was Aisla.
"I'm going to continue my search for Mythias Hawk. Does anyone want to come with me to help eliminate him" Revak asked.
The others thought about it for a while.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 3, 2006 9:28 am (Edited December 3, 2006 09:30 am) #

Morlun stepped back.
"Or," He began. "You can go with me. I am not working with this fool, no way no how. You can work with that nerf turd or you can work with me. So who's on who's side?"

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 3, 2006 9:37 am #

"You are the only nerf turd, you noghri scum!" Revak shouted angrily.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 3, 2006 11:42 am #

Morlun shot the bird.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 3, 2006 11:52 am #

BobaFett 243 Yeah the holocron can be about the dark jedi who killed your family bla bla bla.

Grov Vontross emerged from the deep dank sewers of Coruscant and headed straight for his ship. The ship was an antiquated Mando Motors gunship. It looked ragged-y but it packed a huge punch. Vontross started the engines and slowly glided into the atmosphere.Hopefully the Sith who was going to pay him hadn't been found by hunters. Frankly, he couldn't care less if the Sith died but he wasn't before Grov got paid. After leaving Cruscant Grov hit hyperspace to Tatooine where a very very large sum of money waited for him.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 3, 2006 9:55 pm #

mythias watched silently in the shaddows and followed the group hoping they wouldnt notice he quikly got bord of this and looked for the nearest ship shortly after he started his search he found a mando basalisk war droid he hot wired it wich was quite easy and took off and head for courasant to obtain the second holocron befor they can.....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 3, 2006 10:10 pm #

**Memnon - Grov is coming to meet Mythias, why would Mythias leave? You've got to keep consistant with other people's posts. Allow me to fix this**

Aisla sensed that the Sith was back on his ship with a practiced stroke of her lightsabre she destroyed the tubing for the thruster coolers. A ship wouldn't take off, it's programmed flight check wouldn't allow it.

"Revak," she called. "Circle around the other side. Mythias is gonna make a break for it. It's best if we cover all exits."

But to Aisla's surprise the escape hatch ejected and spiralled through the sky to land a few kilometers away in the distance.

"Slimmy rat." Revak muttered.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 3, 2006 10:44 pm #

thx. :)
mythias ran for anchor head his contact would be there soon and his persures wouldnt think of him to go to such a seedy place

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 3, 2006 11:35 pm #

thelastmandalorian i have an idea. that your buyer for the holocron dies when dark jedi (family killer) kills him and takes the holocron before youu get the money. so we team up and HUNT THAT JEDI DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

December 4, 2006 3:05 am #

or mythias flees / tryes to kill you and doesnt give you the money so now ur pissed

December 4, 2006 3:07 am #

and are we actualiy going to play this like star wars KotOR (knights of the old republic)
will it be movie like or are we just going to type it. im fine with each answer

December 4, 2006 4:19 am #

dear Boba Fett243 how about requesting stuff to thelastmandalorian or others with PM's, that way when whatever you want happens, it'll be a big surprise for the rest of us. nothing really wrong with what you're doing now, just it won't be a surprise when any of this stuff happens.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 4, 2006 5:02 am #

"Revak," Aisla called. "Circle around to the other side. Revak is gonna make a break for it. It's best if we cover all exits." Suddenly the escape hatch on Mythias Hawk's ship ejected and spun through the sky and landed a couple kilometers away.
"Slimey rat!" Revak grumbled. Revak began to run to the escape hatch, but Aisla told him to stay here and guard the ship to make sure Mythias didn't come back and sneak onto his ship while they were all investigating the escape hatch. Revak was annoyed with this decision, but he didn't argue because she was obviously a Jedi and she could probably fling him into the wall with the force just as easily as Mythias did. The others headed off to the escape hatch while he sourly guarded Hawk's ship.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 4, 2006 10:42 pm (Edited December 5, 2006 07:07 pm) #

Mythias finnaly reaches anchor head and has to deal with a few bounty hunters and an ithorian assasin when he finnaly gets a moment he sits down in the cantina and orders an ale and awaits his contact.....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 5, 2006 9:55 pm #

Aye rooted through the escape hatch, the other two standing outside. The breath mask at his side and out of his way, he tapped a cord into the small computer, tapping buttons. A smaller display than the one he was used to-the actual one was inside his helmet- lining the top edge. It was nothing, just the basic commands. No matter how deep your search, escape pods don't carry what you're looking for. The rest was empty as well, if you didn't count the countless skin cells and the smell of sanitizer. He climbed back out, shrugging.
"The best we have are those disappearing footprints. There's a small chance at us catching up, and then there's another chance of being eaten or killed even if we do find him. We should head back to town, Mythias isn't going anywhere for a little while. And we have a pretty good idea of how unprepraed we are after that."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 5, 2006 11:19 pm #

Aisla snorted in annoyance. "I guess we should start hunting for this holocron then. Seems like ol' big shot Sith wants it bad, let's twinkle him off."

Raider blinked a little disturbed by the ex-Jedi's darker emotions. "The holocron is supposed to be west of Anchorhead. There's a hidden cave, apparently it's a huge cavern, the holocron is supposed to be located there."

Aisla raise a brow, "What do you mean supposed to be?"

Raider shrugged, "The Tuskens may have found it. They tend to like stealing technology, if only to annoy their neighbours and trade with the Jawas."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 6, 2006 2:19 am (Edited December 6, 2006 02:24 am) #

can the next planet be a different enviroment because they might have some chalange the characters with creatures and such. i have a few possible ideas.

Jabiim- Climate= Constant rain colliney world
Mon Calamari- climate= water world species are mon calamari, quarren and aquatic leviathan called the Whaladons that somehow retain the entire history of the planet. Non-intelligent life includes krakana, keelkana, choarn, lampfish, and flailers.
Kessel- minning prison world
Geonosis- climate dessert species Genosians
Raxus (prime)- junk world scavengers

December 6, 2006 1:56 pm #

Morlun sprinted to his ship, creed.  He fired up the engines and was flying around Tatooine quick as a flash. He had the dark jedi's trail earlier. He wasn't about to lose it.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 6, 2006 2:10 pm #

Grov Vontross brought his gunship down to the docking bay. He landed and clicked a small transponder to tell the Sith where he was. Grov picked the little device up, attached it to his belt and geared up. Grov took his entire backpack filled with his explosives and he placed a small metal cylinder that looked like a ration container onto the side of his belt. Grov lowered the stirs and walked off towards the nearest cantina.

Mythias Hawk was drinking his ale as a transponder beeped. He finished his ale looked at the whereabouts of the Mandalorian and then sat and waited.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 6, 2006 2:35 pm #

"Grov your finnaly here iv been waiting for you" he pulled up a card that read 1,000,000 republic credits and waited for the delivery of this holocron....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 6, 2006 10:37 pm #
BobaFett243 wrote:

can the next planet be a different enviroment because they might have some chalange the characters with creatures and such. i have a few possible ideas.

Jabiim- Climate= Constant rain colliney world
Mon Calamari- climate= water world species are mon calamari, quarren and aquatic leviathan called the Whaladons that somehow retain the entire history of the planet. Non-intelligent life includes krakana, keelkana, choarn, lampfish, and flailers.
Kessel- minning prison world
Geonosis- climate dessert species Genosians
Raxus (prime)- junk world scavengers

It's best if you find a way to write the changes into the story so it flows. If you want to ask you're best to private message the original author of the RPG.

But I suggest you find a reason for the characters to visit another planet. For example they may need another object to activate the holocrons or they may need a certain weapon or ally to defeat Mythias. I'm sure you'll think of something.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 6, 2006 10:41 pm #

Aisla unloaded her speeder from her ship The Freighter. It was old but fast. She could only take one passenger and it looked as though Aye and Raider were going to check the surroundings from the sky.

She pulled up beside Revak and offered him a ride. "We're going hunting for Mythias' precious holocron. We're bound to get his attention, so you'll get another opportunity to kill him."

Revak grinned at that. "Count me in."

They sped off into the sand dunes, destination: Anchorhead.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 7, 2006 6:59 am (Edited December 7, 2006 08:12 am) #

Name: Sabikah Sëmaj
Age: 28 standard years
Alliance: None
W.O.C. Long Range High-powered EE-43 Blaster Rifle with clear-sight and inferred scope and a single self recharging blaster pistol.
Gear: Various other small weapons are stored in his utility pouches. He wears  brown pants with black boots a brown jacket, black body armor, and a utility vest.
What he looks like: Brown hair blue eyes, 5'10", Distinct Corallian accent, medium build, one scare on the right side of his face start from his jaw and ending near his eyebrow.
Home World: Corallia
Ship: The Dark Demise, Highly Modified Light YT-7000 Attack freighter, various weapons. Visible weapons include two high powered plaster turrets and proton and concussion missile tubes and a single Ion-cannon.
Occupation: Bounty hunter

  That ship was fast...He was faster. The alien pilot was smart, and like always, with that smirk of a grin on his face, thought, I am DEFINATLY smarter.
  The fleeing ship was an old looking excuse for a craft and was designated Vulture, it had a body shaped much like a diamond with the cockpit in the center of the craft. Four  laser cannons were mounted on the edge of the crafts wings. The thing that stood out about this craft was its engines. Very new, yes very new indeed... They were the new HZ-576 racing engines ideal for quick get aways. They could omit such a burst of power and speed that it would look as though the craft had suddenly disappeared. Sabikah knew better when this barve tried that trick on him...
  The Vulture shifted left and right in his sights, Sabikah kept lining him up over and over again to give the pilot a scare and make him jump a little further from the space station he was fleeing from. In about five minutes my friend, you will be out of their range and your precious cargo will be mine.
  Apparently this alien was a smuggler who had obviously rubbed someone the wrong way. Sabikah's mission? Well to get back what was stolen of course, but this was a fairly good smuggler he was dealing with no telling what kind of valuables he had stowed away in that ship. And he's not going to be around much longer to care anyway.
  There the five minutes were up. Sabikah brought his ion cannon to bear and lined the craft in his sight...for the last time. Boom....and there goes the ship. He squeezed the trigger. A single blue Ion bolt streaked precisely to the ships engines. There was no power aboard the ship after that.
  Sabikah brought The Dark Demise around to dock with the craft, which got much bigger as he got closer.
  "Secure docking has been achieved." voiced the lady like tone of his super computer. "Error encountered," She continued,"Main docking door has been locked."
  "For the love of brandy, does he really think he can keep me out like this?" Sabikah said aloud, "Computer, start force entry now!"
  "Acknowledged, Forced Entry code 00-587 started."
  Lasers placed on The Dark Demise's docking door cut a precise square were the Vulture's door should have been.
  "Hull successfully breached." Sounded the computer.
  And now the real fun begins. He unholstered his self-recharging blaster pistol and walked to the boarding hatch.
  The ship was cold, and completely dark, which didn't surprise Sabikah a bit. He put his night goggles on and begin to look for the pilot...
  There were two walkways, one most likely leading to the engine room the other to the crew quarters, and eventually down the same hall...the cockpit. Sabikah walked noiselessly down the hall, he came to two doors on either side of him, most likely the crew quarters and kept walking. When he finally arrived at the cockpit he carefully examined it for its owner. No one was there.
  "Don't MOVE!" shouted a nervous voice behind him. "I will kill you, if, if..If you do!"
  Great, wanted to interrogate this guy but it seems that's not going to be happening...
   With blurring speed, Sabikah spun around and immediately went to a crouch like position he aimed directly for the attackers forehead and fired. The bolt was there before you could blink. The alien toppled backwards and would for sure, never stutter again.
   He walked over to the alien and looked at what was left of his face. "Poor nerf herder, you stuck your foot in the wrong deal didn't you." Said Sabikah with a slight sound of sympathy in his voice. He walked back into the cockpit and examined the controls. They were in basic so it wouldn't be hard to find what he need. There it was, the secret cargo hatch. The idiot had disguised it as the "instant meal button". Sabikah pressed it and heard the sound of doors opening down the main hall.
   He made his way back down the hall, past the exit hatch, and all the way to the back of the ship to were the engine room was. Just before the door to the engine room, a hatch was opened. Sabikah peered inside and turned his goggles illumination up a notch...
   There you are...he's going to be very happy to get this back.
   Sabikah pulled out the black box that had whatever valuables his hirer wanted, what was inside was no concern of him. But then he saw something else, another box except this one was grey. He grabbed it too and planned on examining it later. In the corner there was a few hundred credits and a small blaster pistol, he left those. With the valuables he had, he walked back to the hatch...
   He put the precious cargo in his own cargo hold and walked back to The Dark Demise's cockpit.
   "Disconnect from ship." He commanded the computer.
   "Acknowledged, disconnecting in" There was a slight shake throughout the ship. "Ship successfully disconnected."
   Sabikah piloted his craft away from the Vulture and then turned around and lined it up in his laser cannons sights.
   Rest in peace.
    He then fired two shots at the craft. It exploded into a brilliant fire ball and then just as soon as it blew up, disappeared.
   "Set hyperspace course to Coruscant." He ordered again.
   "Acknowledged, setting course to zero zero one nine."
   A few moments later all was quiet again. I guess I could take a look at that little grey box now... And he made his way to the cargo hold....

December 7, 2006 1:02 pm #

Generally, members do not use others' avatars.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 7, 2006 3:28 pm #

I thought you guys were one & the same, like maybe Draco got logged out and forgot his password, or accidently deleted his account, but's like the Clone Saga or something! WOOF!

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 7, 2006 4:01 pm (Edited December 7, 2006 04:08 pm) #

Villimar, I suggest that you ask Miba if you can use your current avatar. I am sure that this next statment will seem rather rude, but that is not my intention; you can make or find your own avatar instead of using others, as you did with mine. I know that you did not find mine somewhere else, is because mine was created by another member. :)

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 7, 2006 10:30 pm #

Aisla was glad that she wore the scarf over her face as she rode the speeder. Sand blasted her body in gusts and stung any exposed skin. The heat of the day was growing strong. Aisla considered calling the search off until the coolness of evening, but time was short.

Her thoughts were broken as she heard the calls of Tusken Raiders. She looked over her shoulder at Revak, "Get your blaster ready. Looks like the natives are restless."

Revak complied. Aisla shifted the speeders path over a towering sand dune only to pull up short before an ambush. The Tuskens had been waiting.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2006 9:03 am (Edited December 8, 2006 09:16 am) #

Sabikah stared at the grey box.
Could be a bomb.... He thought to himself. No...I scanned it, there's no way to could have got past the scanner...
   He brought out his vibro blade and carefully removed the lock, he slowly opened the box and realized he was holding his breath. When it was completely open he peered inside and was rather astonished at what it contained. A cube. Plain and black with a little sign of wear. He took it out and gazed at his little prize.
   "What is it..." He said aloud.
   And then, all of a sudden, a light sprang out of the cube and that answered his question. It was a Holocron, but who's? The image changed rapidly and there were many languages popping up here and there and then an image of a man appeared...
   "My name is Mythias, if you are listening to this message then-"
   "Sir." Interrupted the super computer which he had come to name Glowma
   He shut off the cube and quickly put it back in the box.
   "What are you doing out of the system?" He asked the cyborg.
   "I came to tell you sir, that we are about to arrive at Coruscant."
   "Fine, I'll be come to the cockpit in a second."
   "And what is in that box, if I may ask, sir?" Glow asked staring at the box.
   Sabikah looked back at the box for a moment and then quite blankly said,
   "Nothing." He closed the lid and shoved it back into the storage compartment. "Ok, you go load yourself back into the ships computer and we'll begin the landing sequence."
  "As you wish sir." And she walked back to the ships terminal.
   Sabikah sat in his pilots chair and strapped himself in.
  "Prepare to exit hyper space." Said Glowma in the over head speaker. "..3....2...1..."
  The line of stars instantly became still again, and the planet Coruscant appeared in front of him.
  "Thanks Glow, I've got it from here."
  "Manual flight is now available."
  He put the Dark Demise into a barrel roll and speed towards the planet.
  "YT-1000 Dark Demise, this is flight station Bravo. Please state your intent."
  "This is Dark Demise's Captain, Sabikah Sëmaj. I am here for business only and would like to land at your station." He replied with as much respect as he could put into his voice.
  "Roger that Dark Demise, you are clear for landing in landing bay 001-A. Enjoy your stay."
  "Thank you Bravo, Dark Demise out."
  He set  his ship down smoothly into the landing bay and turned on all his alarm systems through out his craft.
   Nobody will be getting in here with out a fight...besides me of course.
  "Hey Glow, take could care of the ship while I'm gone would ya?"
  "Acknowledged captain."
  "You know you don't have to SO respectful Glow...loosen up a bit you make me nervus when you talk like makes me feel like I'm back at the academy or something."
  "Sure thing Captain."
  "Uhh..ok we'll work on that."
  He grabbed his weapons and his client's black container and then made for the boarding ramp.
  Outside he could smell the city and all its filth.
  Never did like this place... He thought as he looked around. But, the client's here pay big money for the things they want.
  He walked to the transport station and caught the next Trans-ship to the Delton Corp Tower, his client would be very pleased to see him...

Name: G-10MA, also know as Glowma
W.O.C. Will occasionally carry a small blaster pistol
Description: Gloma looks quite similar to the C3 cyborg series, she has a feminine appearance and also a feminine voice.
Abilities: Glowma is very precise with anything and will hardly argue with the one in charge, in this case, Sabikah. She can upload herself to the ships main computer and have complete control over the ship. She can also upload herself back to her cyborg body whenever she wants.

December 8, 2006 5:17 pm #

im lost PM me a SHORT summery someone please!

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 8, 2006 8:25 pm (Edited December 8, 2006 08:49 pm) #

Name: G-34
Race: EG-6 power droid
Alliance: Old sith master
Wepon Of Choice: Slicing Upgrade
Second Wepon: Shocker attachment
Tech: Computers
History: Once the personal droid to a great sith master, G-34 was abandoned and forgotten on Aye Kundo's ship, after his masters death, G-34 waits for someone to find him in the lower storage beds.

Suddenly 34 turned on and his was on his back. He moved his feet but all that did was wiggle him. The control panal on his chest opened up and slicing arms moved out and started working on the comparments door. He succesfully sliced it and made the door blow open causing a rather large ruckess. Then he wiggled more trying to move.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 8, 2006 8:49 pm #

Aye stalked back into town, crunching up the loading ramp. Throwing the breath mask into the corner and out of the way. Slapping the helmet on and grabbing as much ammunition as he could find. Raider standing behind him casually. Strapping his own vibroblade sheathed onto his back. The broadblade edge exposed.
Slowly walking out, he looked up to see the Creed speeding off. Or that's the name he remembered from the Dock list he'd look at during an expection bored.
"Everyone else is heading to anchorhead."
Aye nodded, not quite sure how she expected them to get there. His swoop was in the shop, broken clean in half. And he wasn't sure she did...great...

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 8, 2006 8:56 pm #

G-34 managed to get on his side and face and old Fuel cell. Their was still some power in it and G-34 starting working with it. He managed to make it open a small hole in its top letting fuel spray out of the small hole making a very loud noise trying despertly for someone to find him.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 8, 2006 9:36 pm (Edited December 8, 2006 09:37 pm) #

The blast sent shrapnel flying in all directions. Probably the old fuel cell he hadn't removed, but that didn't make it explosive. Raide and Aye ran back up the ramp, parts of the deck plate on fire. The exstinguisher was below deck of course, Aye ripping the coolest part up and jumping. Poor filters on his helmet, the smoke choking him slightly. Grabbing the exstinguisher he set to work, putting the obvious flames out in a matter of minutes. Raider seemed to be supressing the flame somehow.
"When I catch the rat that did this I'm going to *hack* *cough*."
The smoke disapated. The fuel cell quite done, hadn't been much energy left in it to do worse. He didn't dare pick it up, it'd be hot as Hell. And that's when he noticed the power droid, gleefully hooting.
Aye pointed the barrel of his carbine at the droid, more than aggrivated he could have strangled a Hutt in his condition.
"Either you shut up right now or I say good bye."
It quit just as soon as he started. Raider falling gracefully next to him.
"I'll take the droid, you worry about that power cell."
She led it out, Aye exploring the little chamber it'd sliced out of. Notebooks and charts, maps and crystals. Liquids in vials no scientist could identify much less Aye. Symbols and a large thick piece of black cloth that resembled a Jedi robe. Even a lightsaber hidden in the mass of cloth. He crawled out, slapping the plate back on. Not secure but good enough for now.
"Holy...Dian Den Dar..."
The power cell hissed and sparked a little next to him. It'd cooled off enough he could handle it, Aye rolling it towards the small lift on the side of the compartment. Tapping the button as he was slowly elevated upwards. Rolling it out of the ship with a shove.
"What's wrong? You look, worse than before."
Aye didn't want to say anything about the Sith artifacts. Nothing, those Jedi would just take it before he could read up on it. At least look at it, they were priceless. Worth, who knows how much.
"Just the explosion and all..."
The droid began hooting again. Aye wished he could understand. But the fuel had ignited somehow, and he had a feeling that droid was completely responsible.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 9, 2006 6:00 am #

Morlun sped to Anchorhead. That's where the closest cantina was on Tatooine. He would hit each one looking for Mythias Hawk. But he didn't have to. At Anchorhead, There was the Zabrak and another figure who appeared to be chatting with Mythias. Morlun smirked in spite of himself. So much for Revak getting to him first.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 9, 2006 10:30 am (Edited December 9, 2006 10:38 am) #

G-34 was glad that he was up and about in his old ship.  He started walking to the ships main computer, he walked past the two and into the hall way. The two ran after him and his little feet couldnt out run them. Aye stoped him.
"Where do you think your going?"
G-34 just beeped and booped and walked around him. He plugged his slicing gear into a near by computer and activated the fire control over the storage area to put out the smaller fires that were left. He then made the ship raise the loading ramp, after that he made it take off and set a command corse into the computer. Aye knocked him out of the compture and ran to the cock pit to try to stop the ship. G-34 beeped happily as the human tried to fix it.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 9, 2006 4:18 pm #

Aisla tried hailing Aye and Raider with no avail. She turned her head slightly to whisper to Revak, "I can't contact Aye, it makes me think something's happened to them."

"Looks like we'll have to take down these Tuskens ourselves then." Revak said, his hand moving towards his weapons.

Aisla took a moment to summon the Force and used it to push all the Tuskens back before she hit the throttle and sped the swoop around the dazed Tuskens.

Revak didn't waste any time, he started firing at the Sand people taking down several.

Aisla hailed Aye again, they need air support.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 9, 2006 6:25 pm #

Aye smahes his fist against the control panel. Little snot of a droid had encoded everything in that short a time. Where they were going and whatever else was lost to everyone but that junk droid. Aye plugged his own equipment in, the basic information popping up  in his helmet. A few taps and he was at the base of the encoding. An branching code that seemed to stem through the whole system. Rooted in the main core of navigation, he'd end up destroying the whole of it trying to remove it. Tatooine slowly dwindling behind them.
"I'm going to slice that droid open, sell his leftovers for scrap and burn the remains!"

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 10, 2006 9:20 am #

G-34 got back to his feet and walked off to another hidden comparment. He sliced the hidden lock and went into the comparment. He sliced the small computer in there to close the door and now he hid safley from Aye.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 4:20 pm #

Grov goes to take the credits from him but befor he does Mythias blasts him back with force push and nocks him un contious with force lightning steals the halocron and runs for the nearest  spaceport to look for yet another transport to steal when he reaches the spaceport he finds a nice Blacksun Gunship and heads for Koriban.......

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 11, 2006 6:35 pm #

Aye's ship sped into hyperspeed. Aye managed to find out where the ship was takeing them, the sith world of Korriban.
Aye cursed, he moved threw the ship looking for the droid but couldnt find him.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 6:55 pm #

Aye brought up the specs of the ship, a blind spot he recognized as the Sith hold and another one he couldn't quite recognize. Smaller more droid sized. Aye clicked a more able audio into his gauntlet, running it along the walls. Every inch of the ship, one step at a time. Raider watching him from the table. No way was he going to Korriban, no way was he going to bake on that rock. He heard the slight sound, chattering, whistling.
"Found you, little rat..."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 11, 2006 7:10 pm #

G was worried, Aye found his hidding spot. He hacked the computer and locked the door down tight. He also made the ship shut off the air sullplier. The air of the ship was quickly growing scarse.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 7:14 pm #

Grov got up from the floor of the cantina. "That damn lousy, lousy, good-for-nothing Sith..." He muttered to himself. Grov unhitched his bowcaster and his "special" grenades. He hadn't hurt too much thanks to the resistance of his armor to the force. Grov ran out the door to the hangar bay.

Mythias was just entering the atmosphere with the valuables as Grov made it to his ship. Grov cursed at the slowness of the hatch and hit the controls before he even sat down. He was't going to let that Sith get away with that much money and with the holocron....

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
December 11, 2006 7:31 pm #

Aye wasn't about to lose to a walking adapter. He jacked in himself, tired of being the one on the recieving end. He popped a virus into his own ship's system. Opening all defense, offensive, any kind of protocal that worked on security. Doors flew open, screens flipped on, air finally returned. Tired, Aye could barely stand from all this little pain had caused.
"Sit down."
Raider tossed him into her seat, ripping the closed door with a simple move of her hand. Quietly forcing the droid out and coaxing him to stop. Aye stood up, walking over to that compartment. A tiny terminal inside, he took what looked like a small marble. Placing it into the outlet the droid had probably used. The marble expanded, covering the outlet in a slightly pink film. Aye crawled back out, sitting himself back down. The security beginning to slowly return to normal, the virus exhausted.
"Now then, I'm going to take a nap. Seeing as how we still can't stop. And when I wake up, we're going to deal with this droid."
Aye didn't want to destroy it after all, seeing as how well it understood the ship's functions.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 11, 2006 7:38 pm #

G beeped and bonked. He walked cheerfully around the ship. He fixed small things left and right. He then went to the engine room and plugged himself into the power sulply and recharged.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 8:09 pm #

As mythias entered the atmosphere of koribasn he contacted the sith planetwide security center to make sure all possible deffences where online he was not going to let them catch him now except for Aisla she has pottential as his new apprentice if he could get her to turn on her allies they could rule the sith no not just the sith but the whole galaxy together.......

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 11, 2006 8:35 pm #

G-34 walks to the cockpit lands the ship on Korribian. The ship lands at an old air strip. G locks the entire system so Aye couldnt use the ship. G walks down onto the sith planet. Sith hounds appear but then back down when they see G. G walks toawrds the ruined temple, the hounds walk away.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
December 11, 2006 11:24 pm #

Hope you don't mind me joining. Here's my character:

Name: Tosa Kyle
Species: Mirialan
Alliance: Freelance
Occupation: Scavenger
Weapon-of-choice: DL-44 Blaster Pistol
Secondary weapon: Vibro Sword
Clothing: Brown flight suit with black helmet.

Tosa was fortunate to find the cave, the sand people had been here. There footprints had given away the secret entrance and now so Tosa had gotten inside. She hoped that a bounty of treasure lay somewhere inside.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 12, 2006 4:03 am #

Morln followed Mythias into outer space. This chase was just getting tiresome. Morlun hoped that he could just follow Hawk until he landed before killing him. If Morlun blew up Hawk's ship, it would be hard to get the body.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 12, 2006 1:00 pm (Edited December 12, 2006 01:01 pm) #

G reached the door of the temple, he sliced the old computer and opened the door. He walked in and walked into a device. The device plugged into G and it started beeping. G's body went dead and out of the machine came a Sentry Droid(looks like NT, Vilimarh Gharaks droid). G switched bodys.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

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