And i just sent you one. :D
Topic: Commander Cody Fanfiction
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
64 posts
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.. agian, thats what PMs are for, dont post stuff that dose not have to do with the subject.
Hey Kandosii i think ARC Fett is getting pretty ticked at us.Hey send me a PM. Anyway have you posted the next chapter yet.

I'm not ticked, you guys jsut are posting things that do not go with the topic.
Sorry about saying your ticked then ner vod.its just the easiest way to get a conversation started.Vode Darasuum.Vode An.

... what do you guys jus sit here and push refresh? you guys are crazy.
Vode an
Well crazy worked for Kal Skirata,Delta and Omega Squad,and Boba Fett so it'll work for me ner vod.Vode Darasuum.Vode An.
P.S. ARC Fett,Kandosii Mando Verd you are truly family to me.
... what do you guys jus sit here and push refresh? you guys are crazy.
Vode an
I agree with ARC Fett. You two are pretty crazy. But Kandosii Fett is right, being crazy is a good thing sometimes. Vode An
P.S. Am I family to you, KF?
Thank you ner vod.Being crazy has gotten me out of some tight spots. All of you on this site are family to me.Vode Darasuum.Vode An.

Hello? its the 6th! where the next part of the story :( :( :(
Look in " Star Wars Unusal Allies "
Of course your family to me Commando Appo your all family to me ner vod.Vode An.Vode Darasuum.
trouble with short stories is that i do them much better hand written.