ya, but then again... not everyone that Boba is sent after could be considered "evil". But that goes back to our discussion on how you define evil since it is a matter of perspective.
Topic: Is Fett evil?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
373 posts
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In my mind Fett is definatly not evil because in the tale no disentigrations from tales of the new republic, Boba fights his way through an imerial garrison then when he finds out the bounty he was after helps orphans, he let him go and even donated a large sum of money to his cause. On wiki it says he riscked his life to save childeren from a burning school. So i dont think he is evil.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Do not always trust Wikis. As far as I know, he never risked his life to save children from a burning school.
i agree with Draco, dont always tust wikis. And also, Fett obviously has a soft spot for orphans since he was one and he snaps when people use their children as a bribe, this does not make him "non-evil."
Lets say he gets paid to take out a transport ship. Kills everyone on board without a second thought. He travels along and sees a ravaged ship drifting through space. He stops, helps out the people on board, and flys off.
Does the good deed cancel out the bad one? In my mind, no. Maybe you think differently, its just my opinion.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I think of it like The Piture of Dorian Gray. When Dorian does something cruel, his portrait gets uglier. I would assume that when he does somthing kind, it slightly goes back to normal.
i agree with Draco, dont always tust wikis. And also, Fett obviously has a soft spot for orphans since he was one and he snaps when people use their children as a bribe, this does not make him "non-evil."
Lets say he gets paid to take out a transport ship. Kills everyone on board without a second thought. He travels along and sees a ravaged ship drifting through space. He stops, helps out the people on board, and flys off.
Does the good deed cancel out the bad one? In my mind, no. Maybe you think differently, its just my opinion.
Yea but Fett dosent ushually take on bountys like that he only takes on bountys that meet his code of houour he is very moral.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
In my sincere opinion, Boba Fett was not "Evil". I don't think he purposely seeks out to do wrong, and finds pleasure in such a child-like game, he does it for the credits. Bounty Hunting is as much a job need doing as another sentient being going to work as senator, bank teller, etc. THe job may fall under the shadow of operating in somewhat an "Evil" way, but that, in essence, does not make the one who does it evil. Fett is a professional, he does his job, and he does it well. Evil is a state of side, such as Good vs. Evil. Fett doesn't pic sides, he is completely neutral.
In my sincere opinion, Boba Fett was not "Evil". I don't think he purposely seeks out to do wrong, and finds pleasure in such a child-like game, he does it for the credits. Bounty Hunting is as much a job need doing as another sentient being going to work as senator, bank teller, etc. THe job may fall under the shadow of operating in somewhat an "Evil" way, but that, in essence, does not make the one who does it evil. Fett is a professional, he does his job, and he does it well. Evil is a state of side, such as Good vs. Evil. Fett doesn't pic sides, he is completely neutral.
nicely argued.
He isn't evil...he just has a harsh sense of justice.
He isn't evil...he just has a harsh sense of justice.
a good point as well.
Of course boba is not evil. It's like saying Stewie Griffin is evil. There really is not real evil (except for Jack THompson) boba has a job to do and he see it to the end. The American dream. That's boba fett.
I don't know if this has been said before, but Boba is not evil, he's just ' a bounty hunting man trying to make his way in the galaxy' but got tangled up in the empire
I Know That Boba Fett Is Nuetral I Mean He Gets Hired By Darth Vader (darth Vader Probaly Payed A Bigger Price To Hire Him Than The Rebels Lol)
But He Could Been Hired By The Rebels If The Rebels Wanted To
Boba would not work for the Rebels, as they are unjust. He stated this in Tales of the Bounty Hunters.
Evil in the eye of the beholder. To Leia as they Boba was having Han loaded onto the Slave 1, she, more likely than not thought he was quite evil, but when he bailed them out at the end of the Yuuzhan Vong Wars he probably wasn't considered evil anymore. So all in all I wouldn't call him evil just antagonistic.
he's not evil he's not good he's neutral. That's one of the reasons why I like Boba Fett so much. He can be evil at times and he can be good and also he kills other evil people not just good ones I think that counts as somethig
No offense to any of your posts, but try reading through the posts before posting, everything in the last 5-6 posts has been said before in this topic. I know this because i wrote one myself.
Hail to the King Baby!!
i did say : i don't know if this has been said before but .....
If you are going to post something in the hopes of starting a conversation, make sure that no one here has said it.
Boba saw his 'father' get beheaded by a Jedi when he was ten. That would make him jaded, and seemingly cruel. He's more of a worldly man,( I KNOW this has been said before, hear me out) and his sense of justice is probably a reflection of his mindset. I don't think he's evil, just harsh, and cold.
Well the easiest thing to do is define evil, and then see if Boba Fett actually fits the bill. Personally I don't think he is evil, but no he's not a nice guy either.
And M. Assassin brings up a good point, he watched his only parent get beheaded as a boy. tends to skew one's perspective of right and wrong in the universe.
on ep 3 on the bonus dvd, jeremy bulloch says - why does boba fett wear a death head on his appualate???? :(
I think the Jeremy was talking about the Mythosaur skull on Boba's shoulder. I do not think that he was saying that Fett is evil.
so he was saying that fett is good really? Bummer. i thought he was bad. :(
He was not saying that Boba was good or bad. He was questioning the mythosaur on Boba's soldier.
As far as I know, Boba isn't evil. He isn't good either, or he wouldn't be a bounty hunter. He is for himself, no one/nothing else. Besides, how do you define evil? Like Sev Fett said: Evil is in the eye of the beholder. It changes depending onyour perspective.
Besides, how do you define evil?
Good Question!!
The answer is it can be defined in many ways, and the best choices I will post now.
1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked ------- As has been stated, depends on perspective. No points.
2. harmful; injurious ------ No denying he harms people. 1 point evil.
3. characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous ------- not sure about suffering and misfortune, so i'm gunna say no. 1 point not evil.'
4. Marked by acts relating to the endangerment or compromising of others --------- Pretty sure he endangers others, so 1 point evil.
Final score. Evil: 2 Not Evil: 1. Evil wins.
Hail to the King Baby!!
You did not have Good.
1. Moral and honor-- Liea incident, but has show dishonor in "Overkill"-- no point
2. Benifits society-- captures criminals, gives money to orphanages-- point to good
3. Characterized or accopinied by fortune-- though he does do the above, he does kill people, break things etc.-- point for not good.
4. Marked by acts that help others-- It has been a while, but did he not help Mirta Gev get paid for returning an object that was important to him? Didn't he help the New Republic at some point? He killed the two dangerous former members of the Empire in one comic (I think "Agent of Doom") for one-hundred credits.-- point for good
Final score: Good: Two Not Good: One Good wins
Total points (assuming not good equels evil, and vice versa): Good: Three Evil: Three Tie
I will say that I am glad somebody took the other side of this, except that my answers are based on facts over opinion.
Fact - he harms people.
Fact- he is usually not trying to make people suffer.
Fact - he endangers the lives of others.
Benefits society - Depends on who you are. If you are the person who hires him, you'd say yes. If you are the person being killed, or a person who is a loved one of the person being killed, I don't think you'd agree.
Characterized or accopinied by fortune - If by fortune you mean the opposite of "misfortune," then I would say no points. He brings fortune to some, and death to others.
Marked by acts that help others- Refer to the last 2 statements. One again depends on who you are.
In the end it truly may not come down to the "definition" because they do not describe character and morality. But what I was trying to prove is that in the definitions of "good" and "evil", Fett falls short of being neutral"
Hail to the King Baby!!
In my opinion, Fett is a product of circumstance. His personality is a mesh of all things that have happened to him over the years. Both good and bad have crossed his path, and in turn he has also crossed the paths of right and wrong. There are evil aspects of his nature, but one can also find a more kindly Fett beneath the mask...if you look hard enough.
That being said, I can't honestly say that I think he is purely evil.
He isnt evil in my opinion but evil people hire him. he just wants cash
Is that an answer to the question or are you replying to the post before you?
Please try to explain your post as "No" doesn't really add anything to the topic.
Hail to the King Baby!!
lol (I KNOW that's useless and pathetic but as an older member I deserve at least 1 spam a month!)
lol i deserve 234 a day? heh heh!
Can we all guess what that was? Spam! Please refrain from making comments like that.
lol that's enough from me. ;) So Fett isn't evil,he is just doing his job.Actually he works for Evil people...
I do not think Boba Fett is evil. He is just doing his job and like what has been stated before he works for evil people.
Fett is not evil. He has to make a living some how. I mean, if you bounty hunted for a livig would you think of your silf evil? He bounty hunted and was good at it, if you were good at something, and you could make a living off it would you not do it? You got to have some way to pay the bills. Many poeple think Jango and Boba were.
My point is this: Fett was just wired up the wong way.
He is definitly an Anti-hero. He even donates alot of his money to orphanages? I'm not sure evil people would do so...
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
if fett is not evil he lives next door.
his loyalties are for sale, and obivously needs to be reminded not to disentegrate his prey.
if he donates money to orphanages...which i was unaware of(is this comics or books?), it is merely
an endearing quality.
i am unaware of the resent changes to fetts character, via the novels about him resently. i cant recall them or the author momentarily(to the edit button!). but his roots- holiday special, "frozen world of otra", ESB- fett is a cold human and an unshakable hunter, and there is little to no account of him taking a pay cut to help the rebels.
thus pretty evil or at best menacing, and cant be trusted.
if fett is not evil he lives next door.
his loyalties are for sale, and obivously needs to be reminded not to disentegrate his prey.
if he donates money to orphanages...which i was unaware of(is this comics or books?), it is merely
an endearing quality.i am unaware of the resent changes to fetts character, via the novels about him resently. i cant recall them or the author momentarily(to the edit button!). but his roots- holiday special, "frozen world of otra", ESB- fett is a cold human and an unshakable hunter, and there is little to no account of him taking a pay cut to help the rebels.
thus pretty evil or at best menacing, and cant be trusted.
That does not make him evil though. It just does not make him good.
He does the things that he does when he is getting paid for it. If he did what he did without being paid for it then that would be evil.
im willing to admit to a bit of ambiguity between good and evil- so there is a large grey area,
which i would hazard to guess all of us live.
perhaps fett is a gray area sort of dweller.
but fett is employeed by gangsters and a tyranical empire which makes him...party to some very bad things.
guilty by association? he is not oblivious to the agenda of these employers.
I dont think he's evil. I just think he's a man who has a job which capitalizes on the best of his abilities, which just happens to be bounty hunting. But he isnt good either. Which is why I categorize him as an anti-hero.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I believe that anti-hero is the best category to classify him under.
Yeah,if you categorized him as a villain that wouldn't be right since he is only hired by them.
im willing to admit to a bit of ambiguity between good and evil- so there is a large grey area,
which i would hazard to guess all of us live.perhaps fett is a gray area sort of dweller.
but fett is employeed by gangsters and a tyranical empire which makes him...party to some very bad things.
guilty by association? he is not oblivious to the agenda of these employers.
He does not believe the empire is evil though he thinks the rebels are wrong for starting the war if you read TOTBH this is part of what he says "I am sorry for the deaths of the innocent. But that happens in a war, Leia Organa. The innocent die in wars, and your side should not have started this one."
In one book he fights through an imperial garrison to get to his bounty then he finds that the bounty help orphans so Boba lets him go. It is mentioned that he has given to several charities. All though im not sure if this is cannon or not i read on wookpedia that Boba saved some children from a burning school. There are several other good things he has done but also he has a code of honour he only takes jobs to catch people he thnks deserve it. He is definatly an anti hero.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Fett developed a strong sense of justice, moral obligation, and adhered to his own code of honor. He took only certain bounties that agreed with his own beliefs and brutal justice. But to those few, he whole-heartedly devoted all of his magnificent skill should the occasion call for it. He wanted bounty credits and would not let anyone or anything interfere. So it might make him seem like a jerk but he's just looking out for himself. He has a big heart at times. After learning about the death of Mara Jade Skywalker, Boba asked Medrit, one of the blacksmiths in Keldabe, to send Han Solo a gift of chest armor plates, a small blade, and a pair of crushgaunts made of "proper beskar." Fett said this was so Solo could "throttle the life out of his vermin spawn." He signed it simply saying "With deepest sympathy." It was as deep as Fett could manage. He felt it must have been terrible for Solo to have such a disappointment for a son.
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