I stiil think Luke was a sucker for not taking up his father's offer to join him in ESB. Force choking people who p*ss you off would be so cool.
Topic: Silliest star wars secret
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
173 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestWhen I was young, I thought Luke Skywalker was hawt.
Now, my embarrasing secret is probably that I'm a closet yaoi fan.
No coments on pairings... (-_-')
Well, he kinda was in Ep. IV, before the accident....
BFFC Moderator
The accident being... the one that gave him chronic whineiness?

Ok, It takes a lot for me to say this but..... When I got Knights of the Old Republic for PC....... omg, this is harder than I thought so i'm jsut going to blurt it. I HADA CRUSH ON BASTILA!! there I said it. that is my silliest star wars secret, and probably my most embarassing. but also when she tured to the dark side.... I was heart broken...
I wanted to be Anikin in episode II I thought that because I'm 6'7" that I would be a good fit for the roll.
In the Scenes with Padme I wished I could be Anakin so we could.....you know.
Ugh... Okay, guess I better confess too.
I'm a pretty active daydreamer, and I used to dream Boba Fett would randomly barge into where I was at the time (from sudden danger, of course!), wisking me away from my menial life and dull job, and would then carry me to Slave I where he would finally and reluctantly declare me as his new partner! (They were always something to that extent).
Oh god, my brother better not read this (I don't think he comes on here anymore >_>;;)

who is your brother? I'm suprised that nobody has said anything like "HAHA you had a crush on Bastila"
who is your brother? I'm suprised that nobody has said anything like "HAHA you had a crush on Bastila"
I used to have a crush on her too.........that is my silliest SW secret.
Aw, she's cute for a game character! <3
I kinda liked Canderous... and he's like late 40's with graying hair! :P I always had him following my character around, lol. But Carth is the only one you can flirt with, hah.
Carth is adorable!!! :D
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
My uncle had a crush on Princess Leia when SW came out. Speaking of Leia I'm gonna start a new topic. Who would win in a gunfight, Padme or Leia?
Carth is adorable!!! :D
Yeah, in an annoying sort of way... lol, just teasing. He's so sincere, you have to like that in a guy.
Canderous and Carth are awesome! I love it when they fight with each other. I hated Bastila with a passion, and then she starts hitting on you! I've only been so shocked during a video game once or twice like that. (ie Republic Commando. . .I cried at the end of that one. I was so very pissed.)
One of my Star Wars secrets is that a while back it was voting day over in California, so I went to school really early and put up flyers all over the school that said:
It was funny, because at the end of the day, only a few of the Sith ones had been violently ripped down. :P
I made them look like normal campaign posters to, it was hilarious.
When I was tiny, Luke used to be my favorite character. I would pretend to be him, and my little sister would always be Han Solo. I was also scared to death of Episode 5 and would always skip it when we watched the movies because I hated the scene where Luke gets his hand cut off. Now I think Luke is annoying, and Episode 5 is my favorite. Funny how things change...
Whenever I make a charity donation at a store that has you sign your name on a little paper thing so they can hang it up on the wall for all to behold as evidence that you donated to a charitable cause.......I always sign mine "Boba Fett".
I figure he could use the good publicity more than me... ;)

ARC Fett wrote:who is your brother? I'm suprised that nobody has said anything like "HAHA you had a crush on Bastila"
I used to have a crush on her too.........that is my silliest SW secret.
O yay I'm not alone. the sad thing is... I still kinda do. Thats why I played Kotor again..
Whenever I make a charity donation at a store that has you sign your name on a little paper thing so they can hang it up on the wall for all to behold as evidence that you donated to a charitable cause.......I always sign mine "Boba Fett".
I figure he could use the good publicity more than me... ;)
That is so awesome! I'm going to do that!! :)
Commander Appo wrote:ARC Fett wrote:who is your brother? I'm suprised that nobody has said anything like "HAHA you had a crush on Bastila"
I used to have a crush on her too.........that is my silliest SW secret.
O yay I'm not alone. the sad thing is... I still kinda do. Thats why I played Kotor again..
Same here........it's embarrasing......
I think you guys want to get picked on or something, lol. Really, it's not a big deal. (In my opinion).
Having a crush on Bastila isn't a bad thing. My BF had a crush on her before he met me.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
lol that's pretty weird.....