omg, those are awesome!
Topic: Mando & Trooper fan art
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Thanks! It is fun to do too! I wanted to try the Imperial logo design, but after the mythosaur, the Imperial logo seemed it would be WAY more complicated--a lot more cuts too. I might give it a try next year.
My first Mandalorian-themed drawing... in fact, my first Star Wars drawing in a long time. A Theelin Mandalorian sniper, my roleplay persona (which is why she ended up looking like me :/), and central character of my (currently embryotic) fanfic 'The Mouse That Went Bang'.
Hey Ciepher!! Cool pic.. Kinda creepy how the way you write the date looks like it says 316.... *cue Twilight Zone theme*
That is a pretty cool drawing :)
mando316--I figured you'd like that one pumpkin... hehe
My latest Mando drawing :) Still working on it--like adding the scope to Boba's rifle, and details on his gauntlets.
Wow, I really like that pic. Is that a female with him?
Yeah its deffinatly a female its a really nice peice of art.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Thanks guys!
This is actually a picture I drew to go along with an online RPG I've been in for over a year now. I'm planning to draw all or most of the characters involved. This one is Boba, and the female is Zen (my character) on Tatooine. I have already lightened the lines to get ready for coloring. Yeah, I know this is a bit old school--most are using programs like Photoshop to get some really great color/shading, and I 'd like to get that someday. But for now, it's pencil, paper, and Prismacolor. :)
Not until she'll be given a story... if anybody's willing to write a fan fiction with a female Mando as main character, I'd be thrilled to work on some illustrations!
I take requests also, facing the artist's block right now... :(
Request eh? sweet well if youre interested and you seem to be an awesome mando artist check out my story "The Beginning of The End story of the 101st MSB" in the creative section. Im desperate for action shots also maybe some ships and weapons for a cover. I would appreciate it!
Tiba Mouse coloured. Her birth name was Diva Equiqua, which sounded like Tiba Eki'ika to her Mandalorian comrades. Eki'ika is like 'Little Eek' ('-ika' being a diminutive suffix a bit like '-chan' in Japanese), and mice make the same sound wherever you come from (except in Grand Fenwick, where they sometimes roar). Hence the mouse referance.
Now I've got Mandalorian armour down pat, I may have a go at Boba Fett. For some reason, I never want to draw my most favourite characters - I'm always certain that it'll come out pants.
Great coloring! I like the hues you chose for the outfit--they work nicely! Is that by hand or did you use a comp program? Interesting story behind her name too--I was wondering about that.
She was drawn in pencil and ballpoint pen and coloured with a 50% opacity in Photoshop CS.
I think your art is very good as well. I've never been skilled at making anything look realistic.
If you're not fond of the 'solid colour' Photoshop look or want to keep your pencil/pen lines visible, try doing what I do. Make a layer and set it to 50% opacity and colour over. Personally, I don't use any shading of colour and just stick to pencil shading a drawing, but shading at 50% op might still work.
Here's some coloring done---I'll have to remember to try what you suggested, Ciepher, when/if I do get Photoshop...
It's just the first color touches--more to go!
Wow thats nice.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Thank you--I'll be adding more color probably later today if I find a better pencil sharpener. The one I have works, but is kinda cruddy. I might just use my exacto knife like we did in classes.
Daenna, I sent you an e-mail.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Those look even better with color! :) Ironicly, the colors you used for Zen are the same for my character. Still, I like how it's painted on her armor. :)
Here's another update:
LOL--I like the black/blue/silver coloring too :)
Hey! Where can i get Paint Shop Pro? And is it a Free download?
Yeah where can I get Paint Shop Pro for free ner vod?Vode Darasuum.Vode An.
I bet Daenna could tell us next time she logs on.
Probably but i don't get Ciepher's quote about Boba Fett and pants under entry #311 the art on this page is really cool though
The only way to get Paint Shop Pro free is either to pirate it or download the free trial. ;) The trial lasts a month or so, and I don't recomend pirating. Regular price is 80 dollars I think? I know has it. I'm not sure if the lesser versions are cheaper or not, I have version 9. So I'm not sure if, like, Version 3 or something might only be 20.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I nicked mine, because my copy of Paint Shop Pro 7 had perished in a reboot, and I couldn't find the CD. Now I've found the CD, no more pirated software.
My advice would be to find a old copy of PSP 7 somewhere. It will probably be very cheap now, and can produce art that's just as good as what you can do with the new art software.
'Pants' in English either means underwear or something that's a bit crap. You can say: "My pants are pants." So if my art comes out pants, it means I didn't draw very well.
Ok thank you ner vode.
I really need to pick up Paint shop pro. I'm dying to get some Boba Fett Pictures up here somtime.
Can't wait to see it finished, FettFan79! :) That's really weird that we like the same armor coloring and the fact that Zen has red hair. As soon as my scanner is fixed I'll get some of my pictures on here.
I finally have a scanner and that pic done! Lemme get it up here...I was in that ice storm that came through the midwest, so I had no phone for a while due to that...we are cleaning up now though!
The background is a bit unfinished, but I like how the characters stand out...
Here's one I posted before, but this is a scanned image--much better:
Bounty Hunter at Work
LOL-- I LIKE my new scanner! I'll have to look into possibly getting that PSP 7 if it's in my price range now.
OMG those are excelent nice work.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Thanks! I'm working on more--haven't started much new stuff yet.
Oh, I love it! :D
Thanks :)
I might get another Mando in the works...but I'd really like to get my 30th anniversary pic done too.

Those are really nice.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
:) I've got to get some more done...
I really like the picture of the mando with the verpine rifle.I think it is very very good.
Thank you :) That's one of my first attempts with full figures using basic block/shape method I read up on in a Manga drawing book. Though I know the final result is not Manga, but I am pleased with how it turned out .
I have another done. Well, it's actually part of one I have posted, but I played with it a bit on my comp. I tried to change day to moonlit night and added some space background:
Ooh, they look great! The coloring is gorgeous, and your shading is so much better than I could do. Not to nitpick, but one helpful suggestion would be to lengthen the arms just a little bit. Try to make the elbows reach a little past the belly button, and the fingertips should reach about half way down the thigh. Other than that, the proportions are very well done.
BFFC Moderator
Wow nice keep up the good work.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Wow, that one is soooo my favorite! :D It reminds me of Mandos in a dream-like world. It's very inspirational to me.
hahaha we'll see...
Goods news! I'm getting a new computer and scanner, so I'll have pics up soon! Yay!
Can't wait to see them!

how about a mandalorian girl pin up?
You mean like this one? I found this online some time ago. Don't know who did it, though. Someone had it on their profile on the Red vs Blue website. I think they said they had gotten off the DeviantArt website. It looks like they just photoshopped the armor over another existing picture, though. Enjoy.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I've seen a version of that one--without the goggles. ;)
I'd be pretty hard to run after a bounty in those stiletto heels... lol But artistically, a very nice photoshop job.
Okay, I started on a clone trooper...using a loose action figure for reference. I like that I can pose him. I might add a weapon in his hand later on.

Pretty sweet. I can do up models really good, but I've never been a good artist. You guys have some great talent.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Post some pics of your models if you want--those would be pretty cool to see. I have wanted to build a Slave I for a while, but I need to get the kit. Right now, I have a Jedi Starfighter (ROTS--still in box) and also an X-Wing I started somewhere...
Still lovin' it! :D
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