what is your favorite star wars spoof
Topic: star wars spoofs
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
29 posts
Sorted by oldest to newesti like thumb wars and space ball
Either wierd al Yankovic's the saga begins or Spaceballs as well
(BFFC Moderator)
Spaceballs was pretty funny. It was very stupid though... If you notice, while they are at the gas station, you can see the Millennium Falcon parked outside. I noticed this the first time I watched the movie. :)
Spaceballs was pretty funny. It was very stupid though... If you notice, while they are at the gas station, you can see the Millennium Falcon parked outside. I noticed this the first time I watched the movie. :)
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Yeah, I saw the Falcon, too, but not till my third viewing.
I like Spaceballs, too.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
TROOPS! This is a really funny fan film about the storm trooper patrol on Tatooine, I laughed so hard my side ached for days. It's done like an episode of cops crossed with Reno 911. THe best part is the end, because it ties in all this stuff that happens on Episode IV.
If you search on line you can find it. It is SO worth watching!
Oh, yeah, I forgot about Troops! I liked that one too!
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Hm, I haven't seen it... Maby I should check it out.
Definitly SpaceBalls. It was just TOO funny! "Light Speed is too slow!!"
Yeah Spaceballs was good, I liked the sticker on the ship at the begining "We brake for no-one" :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
'Store Wars' was pretty entertaining :D
hehe, I liked Store Wars. :D
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I like Thumb Wars, and Space Balls.
Space Balls is really funny. The first time my brother and I saw it was when my mom was called into work one day, and my dad wasn't there to watch us, so we had to go with her and stay in the break room. We watched TV, 'cause there's nothing else to do in a Hospital for two kids. Flipping through the channels we saw something that sorta looked like Chewbacca, but really wasn't. It was confusing, but after a few minutes, we figured it was a parody of Star Wars. I also saw it again like two years ago, but all I can really remember is Darth Helmet and all the 'schwartz' jokes... I'll have to rent it sometime.
Space balls is awsome, "Ludachris speed"
I love Spaceballs, but I'm also a big fan of "The Jedi Hunter" fanfilm.
BFFC Moderator
Thumb Wars. xD
Apparently my parents liked it so much... they decided to name our dog offa the Obi-wan thumb guy.... OObieDoob ScoobieDoobie Banoobie........ >.>; I really dont like that dog.....
:] Whats up?
the countless refrences to boba fett and star wars in south park, family guy and the simpsons
TROOPS! This is a really funny fan film about the storm trooper patrol on Tatooine, I laughed so hard my side ached for days. It's done like an episode of cops crossed with Reno 911. THe best part is the end, because it ties in all this stuff that happens on Episode IV.
If you search on line you can find it. It is SO worth watching!
oh god it was so hilarious when they shot those jawas...the first one got its head shot off and it still kept running!
The Star Wars Gangsta Rap on atomfilms.com is an absolute classic.
I also like the site starwarsspoofs.com. It has some animated shorts that are absolutely hilarious. My favorite one is the rendition of the Death Star scene.
I haven't seen Spaceballs yet though.
i just downloaded troops. the shooting of the jawas was funny but other than that..eh...
The Star Wars Gangsta Rap on atomfilms.com is an absolute classic.
I also like the site starwarsspoofs.com. It has some animated shorts that are absolutely hilarious. My favorite one is the rendition of the Death Star scene.
I haven't seen Spaceballs yet though.
i have this song on my PC..its great
hey look, found it without even tryin
(BFFC Moderator)
They're .wav which mean they're audio files. I haven't tried them yet, but they're probably just lines from the movie.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
yea, sorry, should have been more specific
(BFFC Moderator)
There was one called store wars we had on forum a while back, before the new boards
(BFFC Moderator)