Topic: Commanods Vs Spartans

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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AvatarMember #22
December 1, 2006 9:38 am #

Ok so here is a good match up. who would win this one? 2 squards of each, 4 man in each squad. Me and BD think that the commandos would win.

December 1, 2006 11:57 am #

I don't even know what a " Spartan " is, but i'm gonna go with Commmandos.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 1, 2006 12:20 pm #
Kandosii Mando Verd wrote:

I don't even know what a " Spartan " is, but i'm gonna go with Commmandos.

Master cheif from halo is a spartan


{MW}--[color=#FF0000]"Death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
December 1, 2006 12:39 pm #
Humorbot5 wrote:
Fetterthanyou wrote:

I believe the answer to this question involves the situation.

Lets say that you have all 4 commandos getting in a fire fight with Fett, i'd have to say Boba wins due to slightly underhanded tactics he has picked up over the years and agile movements while the military minded commandos may hae a squad based plan of attack, its impossible to forsee Fett's next move.

But if you have Sev a couple hundred yards out, Scorch as a distraction with demolitions, Fixer on support duty, and Boxx doing... whatever it is Boss does (strategy maybe). Fett would have his work cut out for him, maybe escape as a best option. Because there isn't a plan i can think of that doesn't involve his head being sniped off or his body blown apart.

And on a side note you can't really compare Boba Fett's intelligence to that of the commandos. He is totally different than them, they didn't have the same training or the same lifestyle. Bounty hunting teaches you alot different tactics than squad based assaults.

Well each commando was very similar to the Master Chief...And you reckoned he had a good chance of beating Fett...

Now if one Master Chief could almost beat Fett then surely four would beat him in a fight?

And I think the Commandos are at least fairly close to the Master Chief in terms of weapons and skills....

(Commandos Vs Fett.)

Did you get this idea from that?

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
December 1, 2006 3:32 pm #

I would say Spartans.  Master Chief rocks!!!

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 1, 2006 4:31 pm #

I have never played Halo. It never intrested me much. I'd probably fall for one of Characters anyway, then end up buying the soundtrack, then looking for anything relitive to it..etc. :D

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 1, 2006 5:00 pm (Edited December 1, 2006 05:00 pm) #

Actually I don't think comandos could take spartans.

It was pretty close match up between MC and Boba (no matter who you thought would win). And since I still hold that Boba has a fighting chance against a whole squad, then I think a group of spartans would win.

Spartans are super strong, fast, have shields, and have military backgrounds for their whole lives.(called SPARTANS for a reason :))
Commandos have good armor, great squad tactics, and training through theirs lives (but since they were speadily aged, they have less experience than spartans.)

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
December 1, 2006 5:16 pm #

But they we're drilled repeatedly into Battle Tatics and were taught by Jango.
They to have shields and have can recharge their Brothers, they have EMP'S and Thermal Dets, Anti-armor, Sniper rifles, and could probably Hotwire some rubble to explode.

They grew up together, know eatchother's weaknesses, they've got their Brothers Back.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 1, 2006 7:26 pm #

Yes, they were drilled by Jango, but they were still rushed through it because of their genetics. Spartans endured a similar training except for much more time.

By recharge their Brothers i think your talking Bacta, which is a dangerous area that I hate to talk about because nobody completely understands what bacta can do. Some stories have it as a miracle healer, while other have it as nothing more than a small antibiotic.

The cool things about both groups are the stories that acompany their greatest squad accomplishments. Spartans blowing up hordes of elites and grunts with spider mines then slaughtering their ranks with extreme predjudice. Commandos knocking down droids like dominoes, trouncing over stripped wires and detonating robots everywhere.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
December 1, 2006 7:30 pm #

I'm gonna have to pick up a Halo game next chance i get...or at least read about it. :D

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
AvatarMember #22
December 1, 2006 7:39 pm #
Humorbot5 wrote:
Humorbot5 wrote:
Fetterthanyou wrote:

I believe the answer to this question involves the situation.

Lets say that you have all 4 commandos getting in a fire fight with Fett, i'd have to say Boba wins due to slightly underhanded tactics he has picked up over the years and agile movements while the military minded commandos may hae a squad based plan of attack, its impossible to forsee Fett's next move.

But if you have Sev a couple hundred yards out, Scorch as a distraction with demolitions, Fixer on support duty, and Boxx doing... whatever it is Boss does (strategy maybe). Fett would have his work cut out for him, maybe escape as a best option. Because there isn't a plan i can think of that doesn't involve his head being sniped off or his body blown apart.

And on a side note you can't really compare Boba Fett's intelligence to that of the commandos. He is totally different than them, they didn't have the same training or the same lifestyle. Bounty hunting teaches you alot different tactics than squad based assaults.

Well each commando was very similar to the Master Chief...And you reckoned he had a good chance of beating Fett...

Now if one Master Chief could almost beat Fett then surely four would beat him in a fight?

And I think the Commandos are at least fairly close to the Master Chief in terms of weapons and skills....

(Commandos Vs Fett.)

Did you get this idea from that?


December 2, 2006 2:09 am #

The same amount of spartans as commandoes right?

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
December 2, 2006 5:08 am #
ARC Fett wrote:

2 squards of each, 4 man in each squad.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 2, 2006 1:12 pm #
Fetterthanyou wrote:

Actually I don't think comandos could take spartans.

It was pretty close match up between MC and Boba (no matter who you thought would win). And since I still hold that Boba has a fighting chance against a whole squad, then I think a group of spartans would win.

Spartans are super strong, fast, have shields, and have military backgrounds for their whole lives.(called SPARTANS for a reason :))
Commandos have good armor, great squad tactics, and training through theirs lives (but since they were speadily aged, they have less experience than spartans.)

Even if one Commando is worth half a Spartan, four commandos makes two spartans. Are you suggesting Two Spartans could not take Boba Fett....

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
December 2, 2006 5:47 pm #

Well since your math is based on the assumption that 2 commandos are worth 1 spartan which I never agreed to, then i must say that I disagree with your post and your assumptions about my thoughts.

Its also tough to say the comparison between squads since Spartans have many different abilities, some are faster, some stronger, some smarter. Commandos are identical genetically and usually mentally, so they cannot use eachothers strengths to counterbalance weaknesses as Spartans can.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
AvatarMember #22
December 2, 2006 8:45 pm (Edited December 2, 2006 08:47 pm) #
Fetterthanyou wrote:

Well since your math is based on the assumption that 2 commandos are worth 1 spartan which I never agreed to, then i must say that I disagree with your post and your assumptions about my thoughts.

Its also tough to say the comparison between squads since Spartans have many different abilities, some are faster, some stronger, some smarter. Commandos are identical genetically and usually mentally, so they cannot use eachothers strengths to counterbalance weaknesses as Spartans can.

Not true, The commanods were not trained by Jango, they were trained by Mando Mercs. Jango got them all to come and train them though. And all of the commanods are differnt. they are not all identical. Genes, looks, and body size are all the same, but thier personality are all differnt. I mean, look ant Sev, and Scorch, ones a scary hunter, the other is the funniest commando you have ever seen. They all think differnt, act different, and fight different. They are not all the same, period. and they do use each others strenghts and weaknesses to counterbalence it out. In TZ, they mix up the squads according to the strengs and weaknesses.

December 2, 2006 10:57 pm (Edited December 2, 2006 11:00 pm) #

I'm going to have to go with Commandos here.  Even though Master Chief and his marines are extremely cool Commandos would just make it out in the end.  When you think of it they are very, very close, but there are two reasons I would go with Commandos.  First, correct me if I'm wrong but Spartans are independent beings and prefer to work alone, while Commandos are trained in the squad based fighting system.  Secondly there is a slight bit of bias on my part being a Boba Fett fan. Lol

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 2, 2006 11:06 pm #

Hmm, when you say Spartans I think of the ones from Ancient Greece in the 1st Century AD - they were serious bad boys. They were taken away from there parents about about age seven and trained as military machines. Hell they used to send them out into the woods with no clothes, food or anything and they had to fend for themselves for a year - if they lived that long. Plus they got regular beatings to make them stronger. Such a loving society.

Give these guys modern weapons and a bit of training and I think they'd whipped Commando butt. Simply because their survival instinct would be far stronger.

But I have no idea if these Spartans have anything to do with the Halo ones. :/

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 3, 2006 6:07 am #

The historic Spartans were also trained to be completely unemotional. There was a tale of a Spartan boy who had a fox under his coat. It eventually tore away his skin, and crawled inside of him. The boy showed no pain, and when he died and everyone found out, he was considered a hero. If the Halo Spartans were supposed to be futuristic versions of them, I vote Spartans.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 3, 2006 7:18 am #
Fetterthanyou wrote:

Well since your math is based on the assumption that 2 commandos are worth 1 spartan which I never agreed to, then i must say that I disagree with your post and your assumptions about my thoughts.

Its also tough to say the comparison between squads since Spartans have many different abilities, some are faster, some stronger, some smarter. Commandos are identical genetically and usually mentally, so they cannot use eachothers strengths to counterbalance weaknesses as Spartans can.

The only assumption I was making was that you knew as much information on the Commandos as you did the Spartans....

What I was saying was that there was no possibility that a Republic Commando is worth any less than half a Spartan. If you are saying that Two Commandos wouldn't stand a chance against one spartan then I don't think you know enough about one or either side.

The other thing is that as Arc Fett said, they all have weaknesses and they all have strenghts...Spartans and commandos alike.... The Commandos sound different (Sev has a gruff voice whereas Scorch has a more "I don't care" voice), Smell different, have different opinions, make different choices...In fact when it comes down to it, the only thing that isn't different is the way they look. You have demolitions experts (Darman or Scorch) Snipers (Sev) medis (Fi) Technicians experts (Atin or Fixer) and then the ones with true leadership capabilities (Niner or Boss) just like the Spartans. The Spartans were trained most of their lives just like the commandos. (Although a life time for a commando is half a lifetime for a Spartan.) The Sprtans and the Commandos were both trained by the best of the best and both had the best equipment available...

Now the adavntages for the Spartans was obviously the enhancement program. The treatment that disabled some, killed others but made the remainder faster, stronger, more resistant and generally unlike any other soldiers in the UNSC. The other advantage is of course the armor. The armor does not slow them down at all. The Spartans can move as fast with the armor as without. It can withstand fairly heavy damage before it is destroyed. This means of course that it could not withstand a rocket, but can resist at least a few shots...And thats without the shield. The Shield is capable of taking anything short of a heavy shell before having to recharge. The shield has been known to withstand a clip of ammo or a grenade without needing to be recharged...

The Commandos however, also have armor. They are also super-soldiers, and they also have shields. Now the armor is not superior to the Mark IV let alone the Mark VI, but it isn't Stormtrooper armor. They won't be killed instantly due to a single shot to unprotected armor. Its relatively tough stuff. Its still made of Plastoid, but I would imagine its thicker, or is made of a stronger alloy. The Commandos are also super-soldiers. By that I mean that they are stronger and faster than any average man. Not because they had special treatment that killed half of them, but because they were trained to peak. They can travel at approximately 8 KM per hour, with their packs and with heavy equipment (Niner said he was trying to make 10 klicks an hour with a heavy load as well as his armor in Hard Contact, which probably indicates he was going 8 or 9 klicks) We're talking pretty heavy equipment so it is very impressive for someone to be able to travel at that speed for even five minutes. And they were v ery strong men, as well as being very skilled in hand to hand combat. Plus they had their shields, which similarly to the Spartan's could take a clip of (Star wars) ammo or so. Plus teammates carried bacta and parts of the armor can be taken off at will and administered to. Now I finished reading First Strike over a year ago so my memory is a little fuzzy, But I don't remember any quick healing agent like bacta being used in the field in any of the Halo books, or games for that matter. So bacta is surely an advantage.

There is no way. NO WAY that 4 commandos would lose to Boba Fett if one Spartan could almost take him.

4 Spartans could take 4 commandos...But 4 Spartans would not be able to take any more than 6 Commandos if such a battle ensued.

A Commando is worth more than half a Spartan, maybe three quarters of a spartan. I previously said half a Spartan because I figured that someone who had obviously already underestimated the Commandos would have at least accepted that....

No offence intended by any of this by the way, I'm simply seeing this as a friendly difference of opinion.

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
AvatarMember #22
December 3, 2006 7:52 am #

nice one man, but you also have to remember that in TZ Atin, shot fi point blank with a Verpine shatter gun, and all it did was leave a huge brusie. and in Hard Contact Atin got hit in the chest with a giant round (dose not say what kind, just "that was not a regullar round") It might have been a anti infantry round. Boss got hit with an anti infantry round, and it jsut lowered his health to medium. It multiplayer RC, i have been hit with a rocket before, and almsot died... then i got sniped. :(. but in Halo, you get hit with a rocket, your dead! so you have to think about the games, and not just the books. Based on the info I have just typed, I believe even more, that RC would win.


Vode an

December 3, 2006 8:20 am #
ARC Fett wrote:

In Hard Contact Atin got hit in the chest with a giant round (dose not say what kind, just "that was not a regullar round") It might have been a anti infantry round.

I'm pretty sure it was a Verpine Shatter rifle.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
AvatarMember #22
December 3, 2006 8:21 am #

probably was.

December 3, 2006 9:54 am #
Kandosii Mando Verd wrote:
ARC Fett wrote:

In Hard Contact Atin got hit in the chest with a giant round (dose not say what kind, just "that was not a regullar round") It might have been a anti infantry round.

I'm pretty sure it was a Verpine Shatter rifle.

I totally agree. That is exactly what I was thinking when I read that part in Hard Contact.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 3, 2006 11:06 am (Edited December 3, 2006 11:06 am) #
ARC Fett wrote:

nice one man, but you also have to remember that in TZ Atin, shot fi point blank with a Verpine shatter gun, and all it did was leave a huge brusie. and in Hard Contact Atin got hit in the chest with a giant round (dose not say what kind, just "that was not a regullar round") It might have been a anti infantry round. Boss got hit with an anti infantry round, and it jsut lowered his health to medium. It multiplayer RC, i have been hit with a rocket before, and almsot died... then i got sniped. :(. but in Halo, you get hit with a rocket, your dead! so you have to think about the games, and not just the books. Based on the info I have just typed, I believe even more, that RC would win.


Vode an

I'm not saying I know everything...I haven't read all of Hard Contact and I haven't even started Triple Zero. Plus I haven't played the actual game for at the very least 4 months.

I think 4 Spartans would beat 4 Commandos in an all out fight.... In Some woods where the Commandos can rely on some guerrilla tactics though...No contest.

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
AvatarMember #22
December 3, 2006 11:32 am (Edited December 3, 2006 01:39 pm) #

well, it might depend on the terrian. and the weapons that they used. the Commandos have thier DC-17's with attachements, and DC-15 pistols, and nades AND thier vibroblades. Spartans have Battle rifles, magnums, and nades.

December 3, 2006 11:44 am #

That puts the Spartans at a disadvantage as they do not have any heavy firepower, whereas the Commandos have the anti-armor attachment.

Besides even if all the Commandos had was the vibroblade on their gloves, they'd still come out top if it was in a woodland area or somewhere with lots oif shadow.

Presumably you just forgot about the vibroblade though...

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
AvatarMember #22
December 3, 2006 1:42 pm #
Humorbot5 wrote:

That puts the Spartans at a disadvantage as they do not have any heavy firepower, whereas the Commandos have the anti-armor attachment.

Besides even if all the Commandos had was the vibroblade on their gloves, they'd still come out top if it was in a woodland area or somewhere with lots oif shadow.

Presumably you just forgot about the vibroblade though...

but thats thier normal load out, anti-armor,sniper rifle, and normal assault weapon. the Spartans jsut have: battle rifle, magnum, and nades. It is all based off what thier normal load outs are.

And I did not forget about the Vibroblade, i jsut did not think that it was important.

December 3, 2006 2:10 pm #

You've already seen how well projectile rifles do against Commandos.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
AvatarMember #22
December 3, 2006 3:08 pm #

yeah, they suck. the dont do anything to it. Katarn armour was desighed to resist plasma weapons, which are alot more powerful the projectile weapons.

December 4, 2006 12:10 am #

If the UNSC knew what kind of battlezone the Spartans were headed into here, I would have thought they'd be equipped like they were in Delta Halo or the one after Delta Halo (who's name escapes me...)

Either way at the beginning of Delta Halo you were given a rocket launcher and an SMG.
And the next level you were given one of those Covenant Sniper Rifles (beam rifle) and then a plasma pistol or something.

No matter what the normal compliment of weaponry is the UNSC aren't stupid even if compared to others they are ill-equipped. I think they'd giove the Spartans heavier firepower to the Battle Rifle and Magnum...Especially the Magnum...

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
December 4, 2006 12:57 pm #
Humorbot5 wrote:

There is no way. NO WAY that 4 commandos would lose to Boba Fett if one Spartan could almost take him.

4 Spartans could take 4 commandos...But 4 Spartans would not be able to take any more than 6 Commandos if such a battle ensued.

A Commando is worth more than half a Spartan, maybe three quarters of a spartan. I previously said half a Spartan because I figured that someone who had obviously already underestimated the Commandos would have at least accepted that....

No offence intended by any of this by the way, I'm simply seeing this as a friendly difference of opinion.

I thought 4 commandoes were equal to a Arc trooper and Boba is better than an Arc trooper so he could beat 4 commandoes.

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
December 4, 2006 2:07 pm #

Hm. Is this a conclusion brought forward from ...uh the 2nd RC novel who's name escapes me.....Guess I'm getting forgetful in my old age (16)

Ummm. Well in Star wars Miniatures... an Arc is 18 points, Boss is 19 points, The other 3 commandos are 16 and the best Boba Fett is 62 points.

That suggests that Boss is better than an Arc. An Arc is better than Scorch, Fixer or Sev and the four commandos together are slightly better than Boba Fett.

Points are usually reflective of how good they are but as Sadriel may tell you, they arenl't the greatest reflection of ability ever.

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
AvatarMember #22
December 5, 2006 9:24 am #
IG-88 wrote:
Humorbot5 wrote:

There is no way. NO WAY that 4 commandos would lose to Boba Fett if one Spartan could almost take him.

4 Spartans could take 4 commandos...But 4 Spartans would not be able to take any more than 6 Commandos if such a battle ensued.

A Commando is worth more than half a Spartan, maybe three quarters of a spartan. I previously said half a Spartan because I figured that someone who had obviously already underestimated the Commandos would have at least accepted that....

No offence intended by any of this by the way, I'm simply seeing this as a friendly difference of opinion.

I thought 4 commandoes were equal to a Arc trooper and Boba is better than an Arc trooper so he could beat 4 commandoes.

4 commanods would own a ARC trooper in 3 seconds. Commandos are alot better than ARC Troopers. Commandos have more tactical, training the ARC's do.

December 5, 2006 9:53 am (Edited December 5, 2006 09:54 am) #

Hey thats just what i heard so i dont know maybe you are right. But i heard a Arc is more like Jango.

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
December 5, 2006 9:58 am #

They still have their independence.
Republic Commandos work in Squads, while ARC's work alone.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
AvatarMember #22
December 5, 2006 10:27 am (Edited December 5, 2006 10:27 am) #
Kandosii Mando Verd wrote:

They still have their independence.
Republic Commandos work in Squads, while ARC's work alone.

ARC troopers dont work alone, they work in pairs. they just dont send a single ARC trooper out to go scouting, he has to have someone cover him.

EDIT: But Commanods are also are very deadly when they work alone.

December 5, 2006 10:37 am #

Oh, yeah. :D  My bad.

Yes, Commandos are Deadly when they work alone.
If i remember right, didn't Niner take out part of a small vilage?

It seems already clear that Commandos can handle certain matters when their by-themselves.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
December 5, 2006 11:13 am #

He blew up that communications building, and his ordnance took out some of a village yes.

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...
AvatarMember #22
December 13, 2006 7:24 am #

ok, I think that I'm having seconds thoughts, I think that they might kill each other. and mabey the spartans would win.

December 13, 2006 1:06 pm #

I thought the Spartans were tougher from the start.

The equipment and training are all fairly similar stuff, but the Spartans are super-soldiers.

Disciple Sift Through Lies; Few Grains Of Truth Be Known...

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