Topic: All out RPG

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Topic #900

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November 27, 2006 10:19 pm #

I feel like such an idiot, I forgot the delete the first post rule and guess what deleted the entire topic. All the effort writing...just great, of all things. So sorry Memmon Fett.

Okay, starting from the beginning.

Name: Aye Kundo
Species: Mirialan
Alliance: Neutral
Occupation: scout/freelancer
Weapon-of-choice: Blaster carbine
Secondary weapon: Broad vibroblade
Clothing: Shata leather pants, All-temperature cloak, Rancor hide boots, helmet (targeting laser, vision-plus scanner, audio pickup, broadband antenna and speech scrambler, thermal pick-up), left arm gauntlet (computer slicing equipment), right arm gauntlet (helmet visual, audio control/short range comlink).

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 27, 2006 10:25 pm (Edited November 27, 2006 11:35 pm) #

Name: Lord Mythias Hawk
Species: Zabrak
Alliance: nutral evil
Ocupation:Dark Jedi/ Bounti hunter
Weapon-of-Choice:duel red tonfa style light sabers force powers
secondary: heavy mando repeating blaster pistol
Cloths:temp cotrol shrouded cloak non force restricting black enchanti armor light lether boots full body tattoo  increased stamina/adrenalin nurel inplant

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 27, 2006 10:28 pm #

so are we starting from where we left off?

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 27, 2006 10:29 pm #

Lets just start from the very beginning, I'll get a clip of a story out soon, unless you want to do it. Just give me time to think of something new.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 27, 2006 10:33 pm (Edited November 29, 2006 04:33 pm) #

a Sith attack ship lands in the decolet desert of tatooine a lone zabrak by the name of Mythias hawk stands in its shadow he awaits his master "my master is now old weak and slow he will be easily defeated it will be an easy 900 credits"

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 27, 2006 10:54 pm (Edited November 27, 2006 10:56 pm) #

(fine with me)
Aye sat in the dark. The lights of the Assualt Gunboat turned off or kept dim. Watching a glass sitting next to his right hand, not intending to drink it. The perfectly chilled beverage reminding him of the frigid world he'd grown up on, a place that seemed like heaven after being on Tatooine for the last week. It sickened him to think how little work he'd done recently. He might as well try for a slight buzz, as if he'd let the liquid waste. Grabbing the half-frozen glass and rushing it to his lips. Gulping it down, fast and hard. Sitting the glass down with a slight tap and stood up. Hearing a knock at the loading ramp.
His gear as always, on his person. At least during his work hours anyway. Sliding the content atmosphere of his helmet over his eyes. The loading ramp, an upgrade from the Assualt Gunboat's original sliding down to meet the potential employer.
"Aye Kundo?"
Speech scrambler warping his voice to a deep rasp. He stepped down the ramp, carbine over the one shoulder.
"Depends on whether or not you plan on paying him."
It was a forcer, rare figure to be looking for someone with his reputation. A near-human, he couldn't say he knew the species exactly. Lightsaber said about as much.
"As much as he wants. Just as long as he does the job."
Aye tilted his head to one side, moving the barrel of the blaster slightly.
"All right, what'd you want? You're paying my hours after all." 
(just continuining from where you left off.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 27, 2006 11:09 pm #

(Neither. I'm in Mos Eisley at the space port.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 27, 2006 11:21 pm (Edited November 28, 2006 10:34 am) #

Mythias kneels as the cargo bay ramp lowers a sith lord walks down it
"you may rise Lord Mythias"
'Yes Master"
"You have proven well here are your new weapons." a pair of tonfa style light sabres lay motionless in his hands " We may now destroy the jedi together."
"We could or i can kill you and collect the bounty on your head" by the time his master could draw his light saber there was allready one in his chest. mythias collects the head of his easily killed  and  starts twords Mos Eisly

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 27, 2006 11:30 pm (Edited November 28, 2006 06:52 pm) #

as mythias reachs the space port he sees a jedi at a gun boat loading ramp and decides to listen in on the conversation

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 28, 2006 1:23 am #

Name: Aisla Weng
Species: Human
Alliance: To herself
Ocupation: Fallen Jedi/Mercenary
Weapon-of-Choice: Orange bladed lightsabre
Secondary: Wookie Bowcaster
Clothing: Dark green body glove, covered by a thigh length tawny coloured vest. Also wears wrist gauntlets and shin high boots with a concealed weapon inside the sole.


Aisla stared at her target, her amber lightsabre glowed as she positioned herself. Aisla was still not sure as to which side of the Force she followed. Her teachings made her naturally use the Jedi way, but her nature was leading her towards the darker path.

The remote moved, she tracked it and easily deflected the bolts it fire. Then she threw her lightsabre and grinned as the remote was sliced into two.

She extinguished her lighsabre as it returned to her hand, then pushed her dark brown plait over her shoulder. It was time to move on. It was time to seek out the Dark Jedi.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 28, 2006 1:31 am #

can anybody join? if so...

November 28, 2006 2:26 am (Edited December 3, 2006 02:15 am) #

he walked away from the confused and intoxicated bar patrons. shaking his head as this was the fourth time this month and the bounty on his head was getting bigger. he susspected that it was the same jedi who ruined his life. when he finds the diku't who did it he promised himself that he would leave a burned and broken corpse in his wake. he had gotten an important lead from hisi contact who pointed him to the star dust cantina on tatooine. after he got the info he promply gave his contact a stump where his head should be. now all Riyan Neult could do was move on to the next planet. Tatooine. and maybe finnish his ultimate goal to find Killda Nyma the jedi who killed my family and avenge them..

November 28, 2006 2:58 am #

Aisla lifted the hood of her vest and placed it over her head as she stepped out into the bright sunlight of Tatooine's twin suns. But her reason was not only the shade her eyes but also to obscure her face. Aisla had been born with good looks which unfortunately often brought unwanted male attention. It was one of the reasons she'd left the Jedi order, they simply ignored her plight.

Males often gravitated toward her, no matter how badly she treated them. She'd often considered surgery to dull her looks. But she had decided that it was useless as her lithe form seemed to be just as attractive.

Aisla pursed her lips as she wrapped a scarf around the lower half of her face. The one benefit of being female, tended to be that no one expected you to be lethal. The thought warmed Aisla as she walked into the Star Dust Cantina. It was time she met her contact.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 28, 2006 11:53 am (Edited November 28, 2006 12:05 pm) #

when were ready to play e-mail me @ ;)
(and yes any one can join and no clone trooper armor has not been envented)

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 28, 2006 1:55 pm #

Hope I'm not late...

Name: Morlun Baki
Race: Noghri (I love me some noghri)
alliance: none,
occupation: assassin for hire
appearance: Eyepatch over left eye, wears brown krayt skin boots, brown shirt, black chestplate, black khaki pants.
weapons: a large array of vibroblades, concealed wherever they can fit. Prosthetic right hand can emiy knock-out gas, blaster bolts, and vibroblade claws, a la wolverine. Laser turret grafted to his skull hidden behind eyepatch as a last resort.
Also carries thermal detonators.
Morlun skulked through the sandy streets of tatooine. The sun barely bothered him. He was a noghri, after all. He moved with a definite purpose. He had a job to do, and he intended to do it.  He had to kill someone named Mythias Hawk. Some dark jedi or something, but someone wanted him dead. Morlun was there to make sure that someone got their wish.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 28, 2006 6:01 pm #

Aye was pushed aside, the forcer hurrying up the ramp. Closing it as she passed. He flipped the lights on, showing her to a table and two chairs near the entrance to the cockpit. His finished glass still laying there.
"So what's a scout like you need with a star craft like this?"
He pulled the chair back, sitting himself down quietly.
"It used to be an Imperial Assault Gunboat, then it was modified to fit pilot and five crew. For small hunting parties. I bought it from the bankrupt company and restored a part of the decaying armament and sold the rest for salvage. Cut the crew limit down to three. There's three rooms, two of which are useable, the third is the food stores and a way to cook them. extra supplies under the deck plates this table is standing on."
"You sell a fine ship, but what about the pilot?"
Aye smiled an unseen smile.
"Good enough I'm recognized in the inner rim. All the way to coruscant and back."
She shifted, not giving her thoughts. A calm collection, like a painted expression.
"You'll do...grab a blaster. I have someone I'd like to meet before we go."
Aye walked out after her. A hiss of gas as the ramp was pulled back up.  Walking down the barren streets, dust storm was picking up. Closest place for a contact would be the Star Dust. Exactly the place they walked into. Aye flipped a switch on his gauntlet, strengthening the audio. He liked the band, but more importantly, you listen hard enough you can catch a sentence or two worth a few hundred credits or more. Depends on what you heard, what you saw. The figure was wearing a scarf, he thought it'd be uncomfortable wearing one planetside. But what did he know, some creatures lived in warmer temps. This might seem cold. They sat down, Aye keeping his mouth shut as the other talked. Recording every word he could pick-up. The band playing its best tune, he tapped his foot a little waiting.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 28, 2006 7:30 pm (Edited November 28, 2006 07:47 pm) #

Mythias follows them into the Star Dust cantina he lifts his cloke hood over his head he notices a strong aura in the force coming from yet another person
"two in the same cantina strange but this one has a differnt feeling to her more like my kind of woman in need of power hmm seems to be a preaty little thing to dosent she" he thinks to himself he decides to move closer he casualy walks twords the table nearst theirs and removes his hood to avoid any suspition he orders something to drink and asks to speak to someone about the bounty on Dark Lord Sariks head a Czrka officer walks his way and says
"wheres the proof a dozen people have claimed theve killed him but never have any proof or brought some stupid piece of black cloth " i present the severd head of my former master the women shreiks in horrer and yells
"I didnt need that much proof!"
He chuckles and says
"well at least i have real proof now where are my credits"
she hands over the 900 credits due for the death of his master. he listens to the forcers waiting for something that
may get him off this rock and a few credits along the way...

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 28, 2006 7:35 pm #

Name: Grov Vontross
Species: Human(Mandalorian0
Alliance: Neutral
Occupation: Mercenary
W-o-C: Wookie Bowcaster
Secondary Weopan(s): Various explosives made by Grov
Clothing: Dark blue and Crimson Mando armor and a large pack on his back that hold the explosives and bowcaster and houses a small jetpack, right gauntlet has ejecting vibroblade, rocket launcher, and whipcord , left gauntlet has dart shooter, laser/laser cutter and flamethrower.

Grov crouched in the dank sewers of Coruscant right under the Jedi Temple. A Sith had hired him to collest a certain Jedi holocron and bring it to Tatooine.Normally Grov wouldn't have taken this job had it not been for the amount of credits he was being paid for this. And besides, he had some new gadgets he had wanted to test. He raised his left arm and activated the laser cutter. He cut through the main drain and heaed down the pipe unil he was fairly certain he was under the Jedi library.

He ejected his bowcaster from the back of his pack and had some special grenades ready. He blew out the floor lobbed three of the grenades and jet jumped into the library. The grenades had been full of a special goo that sticks to anything it touches and only dissolves with lots of water or a special solution. There were several Jedi left. Two knight and one padawan. "Take this!" Grov shouted as he shot the first knight and padawan with an explosive round. The other Jedi knight leaped upon Grov but before he could finish him Grov had sliced open his belly. "Serves you right, you stinking pile of Bantha dung!" He said as he pushed the Jedi off of him.

"Now where are you?"  said Grov in a hushed tone as he absentmindedly threw the goo grenades to seal the doors.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
November 28, 2006 8:16 pm (Edited November 29, 2006 08:08 am) #

im making a chracter for my lil bro
name: Varmaul Grahark
species: Devaronian
alliance: nuetral evil
occupation: smuggler for hire
weapon-of-choice: devaronian E-11 blaster with detachable electro scope
secondary: duel corelian blaster pistols and recon droid
clothing:drusteel fibermesh jump suit ribbed vest endor camo pants whampa hide boots with hidden vibro dagger gaunlets with recon droid droid controll and last resort tri shot blaster

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 28, 2006 8:18 pm (Edited November 28, 2006 08:20 pm) #

varmaul was picking a fight with the band in the star dust cantina and causes them to stop playing....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 28, 2006 10:09 pm #

Aisla had been toying with her glass of ale as two beings seated themselves at her table. Glancing up she saw a Mirialan and a humanoid. It was clear that the humanoid was versed with the Force. Aisla could feel it. She also recognised her, she couldn't recall her true name, but her nickname had been Raider.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" Aisla asked as she lifted her glass of ale.

"I believe we have a mutual interest." Raider replied.

"Do you care to elaborate?" Aisla said with a raised brow.

"We both seek those of a darker disposition." Raider said criptically.

Aisla lowered the glass. "Anyone in particular?"

Raider leant forward and whispered. "Mythias Hawk."

Aisla laughted at that. "You can't be serious."

"Deadly serious." Raider replied.

Aisla sat the glass back on the table. "Why would you seek him, I hear he has a bad temper."

Raider smirked. "That's an understatement."

"You still haven't answered my question." Aisla pointed out.

Raider picked up Aisla's glass, "He's about to possess an important Jedi artifact."

"And this would effect me how?" Aisla asked, slightly annoyed that her glass was out of her possession.

"It will effect all Force users. The holocron holds a secret that can not be exposed to those who are... untrustworthy." Raider told.

Aisla shrugged. "You're not being very forthcoming."

"I can't be in this environment." Raider said as if speaking the obvious.

Aisla sighed, "I suppose not. So what's your friend here got to do with it?" She said as she looked pointedly at the Mirialan.

"He's here for support." Raider answered.

Aisla leant across the table. "What kind of support?"

"You ask too many questions." The Mirialan said.

Aisla smiled at that, "I was Jedi, they tend to do that."

The Mirialan seemed to ponder that for a moment.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 28, 2006 10:31 pm (Edited November 28, 2006 10:34 pm) #

mythias hearing that hes being searche for imediadtly puts his hood over his head and walks closley and slowly to his  pursuers table waiting fo a responce he stops and leans on the wall to the left of thei table and listens

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 28, 2006 10:48 pm #

Aisla sat rigid as she felt the dark presence for the first time. The Mirialan opened his mouth to speak but Aisla glared at him in warning. He seemed to take the hint.

It seemed Raider had also picked up on the presence. "He's here." She whispered.

"I know." Aisla said as she spotted him. The Zabrak grinned at her with speckled teeth. "So are you going to join us or just stand their eavesdropping?"

The Zabrak strode forward and seated himself next to Aisla. "It would seem you were looking for me. Well here I am."

Aisla eyed him warily. Danger and evil seemed to seep from his very pores. She swallowed, suddenly a little nervous. "I'm seeking an alternate to the Jedi way."

Mythias stroked his chin. "I guessed as much. Though I don't think that's the reason your friends are seeking me."

Aisla shrugged. "I wouldn't know. They're rather cryptic."

Mythais smiled like a predator. "You want the second holocron, don't you?" He asked and smirked even more at the shock on their faces.

"There's a second holocron?" Raider gasped.

Mythais stood. "Since you're having so much fun trying to find a way to steal one from me, I'll leave you to figure out how you'll steal two."

Aisla felt her skin crawl as Mythais' attention returned to her. "And as for you. I'll be watching." With that he left.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 28, 2006 11:10 pm #

Aye didn't move till the man stopped talking, taking his leave. The numbers and figures rushing through his head, balancing the differences between outcomes. Good money to be made if he took the job, but death didn't sound like too much fun. He turned his head toward the Jedi, and the "ex" Jedi, slight shiver running down his spine.
"Now, before we get started. You still willing to pay whatever I ask? I don't plan on billing anything more than the rate right now but that still looks pretty good."
"If your as good as people think you are."
Aye extended his hand.
"All right, you've just hired Aye Kundo. Eat and be merry cause we're all gonna die."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 28, 2006 11:17 pm #

Aisla raised a brow. "You're Aye Kundo? I expected you'd be taller."

"You know me?" He asked.

"I know of you. I've often wondered what sort of apponent you be." She said grinning as she fingered the lightsabre at her hip. Her grin grew wider as she saw his hand disappear under the table. She laughed. "Never fear, I wouldn't dream of taking on a partner."

"Partner?" Raider asked. "Does this mean you'll help us?"

Aisla shrugged, "Sure why not. The Zabrak looks like he needs to be taken down a peg."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 29, 2006 4:23 am #

Morlun sat in the Stardust Cantina. He heard a rather interesting conversation. 4 individuals,  at least 3 of them jedi, were conversing. There was a Zabrak that Morlun immediately recognized as Mythias Hawk, the guy he needed to kill.

"You know me?" Asked one the characters, a Niraluan.

"I know of you. I've often wondered what sort of apponent you be." Replied another. The conversation continued on.

"Sure why not. The Zabrak looks like he needs to be taken down a peg." Morlun was listening now. He sauntered over to the woman who said that.
"I heard that. And I share your goal. May I assisst you?" He asked in a low voice as to not arouse the Zabrak.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 29, 2006 5:18 am #

were aloud to be mandalorian... i have to edit my post

November 29, 2006 8:15 am #

Varmaul over heard what was going on and the figures the mirialan was speaking of and decided to aproach the jedi and ask for work
"you need some spice for this trip eh varmaul will supplie for you for a price eh "

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 29, 2006 9:16 am (Edited November 29, 2006 03:55 pm) #

mythias grins
"four of them one of me sounds like a challeng" he starts walking twords the sith attack ship in then desert with a deranged sence that this is only the begining of whats to come....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 29, 2006 2:16 pm (Edited November 30, 2006 04:37 am) #

Name: Revak Blade
Species: human
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Weapon(s) of Choice: Golden bladed twin vibroswords
Armor of Choice: silver Mandalorian battle armor with enhanced dexterity
Extra weapons: vibro double-blade, mandalorian heavy repeater, vibro dagger, enchani foil, ejecting wibroblade
Appearence: Tall, dark hair, green eyes, athletic, long scar on cheek
History: A well renowned bounty hunter, Revak is one of the best in the galaxy at using blades. He is not to be messed with, as people who annoy him tend to "disappear."

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
November 29, 2006 2:34 pm #

Morlun studied these strange companions. A Mirialan & two human females...not the best of travel buddies. But if they would help him kill Mythias, the more the merrier, as long as they didn't want the bounty too. Morlun studied their faces to make sure they were unfamiliar. He knew most of the best assassins in the galaxy, so if he didn't recognize them ,they were either no good, or so good noone knew of them. Morlun prayed for the latter. He scratched his right wrist, or so it looked to everyone else. He was also tightening the gears so his hand didn't fall off. That hand cost alot of money, and the transaction was quite painful, all so he could be the best at what he does. No way was he going to lose this kill to some Z-listers he'd never heard of.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 29, 2006 3:02 pm #

Aye motioned for the Noghri to sit down, pointing the carbine at the Spice Dealer. The figure walking off.
"If you want the bounty you can have it Noghri. I don't need it. Ask them about it, but I'm sure the forcers have higher goals than creds."
The reptile nodded, messing with something on his hand or wrist. What he thought, possibly a sign of thinking. They were being examined. 
"What's your name?"
The Noghri looked up, considering aye's question.
"Morlun. Yours Mirialan?"
Aye had left the speech scrambler on, the only part of his skin exposed was his hands. It was either the green skin or the tattoos he'd earned that made it obvious.
"Aye Kundo."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 29, 2006 3:06 pm (Edited November 29, 2006 03:08 pm) #

Grov seached about the library as the stuck jedi constantly threatened him. "You won't get away with th..."  the Jedi knight was cut off abruptly by Grov, who shot him in the head. "Anything else anyone has to say or do you all want to keep quiet now?" Grov finally found what he was looking for on the first shelf. He whacked open the security lock and pocketed the holocron. "Nice doing business with you, Jedi, but I must be going." He jumped into the hole ,but  not before he rigged the library with high grade explosives. "Once the Jedi rescuers opened the door. BOOM!" Grov thought to himself, as he slowly made his way back to his ship.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
November 29, 2006 4:32 pm (Edited November 29, 2006 04:38 pm) #

as mythias heads for the assult ship h decides to leave them a present he turns around and heads for the gunbout he saw the mirialan and the jedi on once he reaches it he sets some knock out gas bombs set in the venalation system and heads back to the assult ship on his way he spots a devaronian smuggler i will give you 500 credits to follow them once they land place this tracer beacon on their ship Ill pay you once iget there wherever there is.....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 29, 2006 10:40 pm #

Aisla didn't like the Noghri, there was something about him that made her edgy. But she couldn't put her finger on just what it was. Letting out a sigh, she stood up and ordered another glass of ale.

She looked up at the mirror behind the bar and spotted a familiar face. The renowned bounty hunter, Revak Blade, was perusing the joint. She smiled. She'd aways wanted to meet the hunter. She took her new glass of ale and joined him at the bar.

"So the great Revak Blade has come to this quaint little bar. Who are you after?" She asked, with scarf still in place over her face.

"It's confidential." He replied.

She crossed her legs and leant against the bar. "Not a conversationalist?"

"Not on the job." He replied.

Aisla smiled and pulled a card from the pouch on her belt. "You ever feel like talking, give me a call." She grinned then walked back to the table where Raider and Aye said in deep conversation with the Noghri.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 29, 2006 11:06 pm #

Aye stood up, stretching. Walking out as the others talked, laying a scrap of paper with his docking number on the table. They could find him when they worked everything out. Past the drifting sand, nonchalantly walking back into the docking area and towards his ship. A big fuss raised with meds and all.
"You there, this your vessel?"
"Last time I checked."
There were five of them huddled around an official. He looked dead, or asleep in the least. A silent unnease in the air.
"Knock out gas, strange security system you got. After you tell the spaceport to make inspection, it should have been turned off."
He took a step towards the loading ramp, you could smell the left overs from the gas hanging in the air. Wasn't his, must have been planted. Dirty trick to pull.
"Pardon me, but if you look. There's probably a good number of gas grenades or mines, or something in the vents or the ship. Not mine, not my fault. I gave you folks the guest acces code, the lock was forced or there's a forcer pulling pranks."
Two hurried in, after fifteen minutes sure enough they found them. Apologizing and making promises about upping security. He just wanted them to leave him alone. He wanted to make a check, see if they missed any of those gassers.
Aye hurried up the loading ramp, removing his helmet and replacing it with a breath mask just in case. Those helmet filters needed to be checked. He didn't have time.
"Found ya, little bugger was underneath the deckplates of all things."
It had been laying there in the darkest corner. Somehow had time. Another few were in the vents and that was it. He'd just have to wait for the others. Change those filters, redo the security codes. Clean up a bit, place was a mess he hadn't made.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
November 30, 2006 12:57 am #

Aisla forced herself not to yawn as Raider tried to work out the finer details with the Noghri. The young man who'd they'd brushed off stood a little way off, but he was clearly listening. Aisla immediately saw a solution.

"What if our friend here," she indicated to the Noghri, "pair up with our eavesdropping buddy over there?"

Raider looked up and noticed the man she'd ignored earlier. "Well it couldn't hurt to have two teams."

"Well then, leave the boys here to talk and we'll start this search for the holocron." Aisla said as if it were simply done.

Raider shook her head. "It's not that easy. One is guarded at the Jedi library and should be safe. The second is here somewhere on Tatooine."

Aisla shook her head, "Why doesn't that surprise me."

Raider made a note and handed it to the Noghri, "This is where we suspect the holocron is. Don't reveal it to anyone."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 30, 2006 4:13 am #

"This is where we suspect the holocron is. Don't reveal it to anyone." Morlun read. What was this? Weren't they trying to Mythias Hawk? Where was he? This whole hit was getting more than it was worth. Morlun looked around casually and saw Revak Blade. Great. Now he had competition. Would the madness never cease? Morlun noticed the eavesdropping person who made little attempt to hide his listening-in.
"Can we help you?" Morlun asked. The person scurried away, but Morlun doubted for good. So, he decided to give the guy a rest. He walked over & shook the man's hand, letting the man activate the knock-out gas. He faded out of consciousness. One problem solved.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 30, 2006 5:05 am (Edited November 30, 2006 05:18 am) #

Revak was just finishing his drink in the StarDust Cantina when a woman noticed him and walked over to him. She had asked him a couple questions. He had quickly ended the conversation because he had a job to do. He had to work quickly now that Mythias Hawk was around. His client had offered him a large sum of credits just to kill the Zabraak. But now he noticed the noghri assassin Morlun Baki.
"Great...." Revak mumbled to himself. "I have got some competition. Nothing I cant handle of course, but its still annoying." He drew his vibro dagger and has about to stab Morlun when the noghri walked over and shook a random mans hand. The man plopped down unconscious because of some type of gas that came out of Morluns hand. Revak retreated into the shadows before anyone noticed that he was brandishing a dagger. He will just have to deal with Morlun later.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
November 30, 2006 7:24 am (Edited November 30, 2006 08:01 pm) #

mythis reachs his ship and trys to take off but he relized he did not have his masters ignition codes relizing his rooky mistake he sliced off the engine cooling tanks in half after his fit of rage he noticed he could never take off he quikly turned and headed for mos eisly to find a transport....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
November 30, 2006 11:42 pm #

Aisla had grown bored of the Cantina and gotten the directions off Raider for Aye's ship. She decided to check out the ship when she came across and interesting sight.

Mythis was having a temper tantrum. She couldn't help but laugh as he stormed onto his ship. She considered throwing her lightsabre at him, but decided against it. There were too many people around who might get in the way.

She found Aye's ship open with a heap of junk piled out the front. As she examined it closer she realised they were gas canisters.  Aye was emerging to throw out some more and she only just missed being hit in the head with a canister.

"I see you're popular." She teased.

"So it would seem." Aye replied.

"Do you need a hand removing any more?" She asked.

"Nah I think that's it." He answered.

"So where's Raider?" Aye queried.

Aisla shrugged, "Dunno. But she'll be coming."

Just as Aisla finished her sentence, Raider came running their way. She was deflecting blaster bolts from some unseem enemy.

"So our friends have come to see us personally." Aisla grinned. "Let's welcome them." With that she ignited her lightsabre.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 30, 2006 11:57 pm #

Still caught in his breath mask, Aye rushed out. Firing into the skull of a Weequay, maybe ten of them. Special order murder, someone else knew Jedi were here, and they hadn't kept too quiet about it. Some people, creds shouldn't mean everything, especially with the force involved. Your own life should at least be a consideration, luckily they hadn't though that much through.
"While we're at it, I'd like to remind you not to kill the Noghri." Aye
"What makes you think I'd do a thing like that?"
Aye fell backwards before he could reply, avoiding a shot, it singed. Not fast enough.
"Just a suggestion."
Of course no one would come to their aid in time, officials were slow and no one planet side probably cared. Their enenmies however, weren't so misfortunate. He could see at least three Gands, armed, shuffling their way. Coming to join the fire.
At least all you had to do was break the seal on their breathing eqipment. It could be worse than Gands.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 1, 2006 4:24 am #

Morlun pulled a vibroshiv from within his boot and began slicing into the attackers. He was not going to let them get Mythias.  His blade slashed through a trandoshan's eye socket and Morlun kept on swinging he beheaded a twi'lek and looted it of the thermal detonators it carried. Not like the twi'lek would be using them. A Fosh ran forward and actually knocked the vibroshiv from Morlun's hand. Big mistake. Morlun grabbed the Fosh's throat, placed his right hand, knuckle forward, on the fosh's midsection, and smiled.
The Fosh fell down dead, three stab marks on its chest. Morlun continued his slaughter.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 1, 2006 4:45 am (Edited December 1, 2006 05:14 am) #

Revak was getting sick of the noisy chatter in the cantina, so he went to hunt for Mythias. While he was walking, a fight broke out between some alien scum and two women wielding lightsabres. One of them was the woman who he had met at the bar. A stray blaster bolt whizzed by his head, nearly scorching him. Revak saw a Mirialan pointing a blaster at him.
"He must think that I am helping the aliens!" he thought. Revak bounded over to the Mirialan and signaled that he was a friend, and entered the fray. A gand had gotten it's blaster rifle chopped in half by one of the lightsabres. Revak's vibrosword cut the the alien cleanly in half. A pair of Weequays were trying to escape from the fight. He elegantly leaped over and decapitated the two with one swipe of his blade. He noticed Morlun fighting a Fosh. In the blink of an eye the Fosh was lying dead on the ground with 3 stab marks on it's chest.
"The alien numbers are thinning!" Revak thought. "I can leave the fight to go search for Mythias. Morlun will be too busy dealing with the remaining aliens to noticed that I have gone." Revak stealthily escaped from the battle to continue his search for Mythias Hawk.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 1, 2006 7:17 am (Edited December 1, 2006 03:55 pm) #

mythias laphs at the sight of the brawl he quikly casts force lightning on the alian scum and jumps in and starts hacking away....

"lets get right down to our bloody buisness!"- Awarru Tark
December 2, 2006 8:42 pm #

Suddenly, Revak saw Mythias Hawk appear, shoot lightning out of his hands, and leap into the fight. Revak dashes back into the fray and finds Mythias hacking away. Revak swung his vibroword in a left uppercut at Hawk's chin. Mythias twisted out of the way before Revak's blade connected with his chin, and then Mythias force pushed Revak into a wall. The last thing Revak saw before he blacked out was Hawk cackling

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 2, 2006 8:51 pm #

Aye fired towards the Sith, sending him away from Revak. And towards him. Great. Jumping into the air, flipping towards him. Aye dropped down, rolling out of the way. Firing as soon as he stood up towards Mythias' back. He clicked the trigger, nothing. Empty cartridge, not even extra ammunition. He stole a blade from Revak as he passed by.
"I'll pay you for it if we make it out..."
Fight was over. No more back-up. Mythias had disapeared. Smoke started settling, dust forcing the others to cough a little. He didn't notice with the Breath mask on. What had just happened, not a soul couldn't tell you that.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
December 2, 2006 10:42 pm #

Aisla missed Mythias' exact escape movement but she suspected that he Force jumped his way out, making it seem like he'd disapeared.

Aisla helped Revak to his feet, she supported his weight as he started to become aware of his predicarment. Aisla spoke to Aye, "Looks like our dark friend is something of a coward."

Aye shrugged. "He was outnumbered and outgunned."

Aisla smiled. "All he had to do was use more Force lightening and he could have fried us all."

Aye turned to her. "Even you?"

Aisla held up her lightsabre. "If I couldn't deflect it with this, then yes even me."

Revak moaned and Aisla let him go to stand on his own. "I bet you're feeling the pain right now." Aisla commented.

Revak seemed to stagger for a moment before balancing himself. "I'll have my blade back, thank you." He said as he glared at Aye.

Aye handed it back over. "Thought it'd be more effective than a blaster."

Aisla searched the with the Force for Mythias, he hadn't boarded his ship so that meant he was still around. "The Dark Lord is still around. Don't let your guard down just yet."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 3, 2006 2:02 am #

hey Thelastmandalorian can the holocron that gov stole include or be about the dark jedi who killed Riyan (my caracter) family blah blah blah and so we team up and look for him or i tag along and eventulaly find and kill him while you do what u need to do. the only thing i need is a way to enter the RPG and have my characters quest finished. please.

December 3, 2006 2:26 am #

is this really going to be a game and if so who is the players character. im confused.

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