Lol Megaman is he that strange looking person isnt he.... Im pretty sure Fett would own him.
Topic: All purpose Boba Fett verses matches
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
207 posts
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I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I think so too. Here's one I don't think anyone's tried before. Boba Fett vs. Luke Skywalker. I say Fett, but not easy.
Yes, I think Fett could beat Skywalker. The only reason he lost the two times they fought in the movies is because he was trying not to kill him.
--Boba Fett
No, the only reason he lost was because the movies were about Skywalker, and George ___s with cool characters....
Fett vs. Pikachu. :P That would look so funny...
-Captian Murphy
Lol errr im afraid some yellow mouse like creature is going to end up slightly err dead.....
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Yes, but my point was that if Fett was trying to kill him (and the movies were not all about Skywalker) then he would be dead. As for Fett vs. Pikachu, assuming that Pikachu didn't get a lightning bolt off and use Fett's metal armor as a giant conductor, he would win without much trouble. :P
--Boba Fett
YOU SEE!! This guy thinks about the battle!!!!!! :D :D Great thinking dude!!
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
Thank you. (Assuming you were talking to me) How about Boba Fett vs. Canderous Ordo or Calo Nord from KOTOR? Or has someone already said that? I think that would be a good fight.
--Boba Fett
They are good but im sure Boba wouldnt find it too hard he did draw with Darth Vader.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters

Technicly, Boba beat Vader. It says that he had the chance to kill Vader, but he did not want the Empire's wrath.
That’s true. But if Boba Fett had not distracted Vader, giving himself time to escape, he would have been killed. (or at least that’s how I understood it)
As for the other two, both Boba Fett and Canderous became Mandalor, which says a lot. Not to mention they have both killed Jedi. And assuming that they were both equally armed and armored, (which isn’t entirely fair since his armor and weapons are what give him the advantage in most fights) I think Canderous would have a fair chance at beating Fett. But as for Calo Nord, I think Fett would beat him without much trouble.
--Boba Fett
It is noway just his weapons, he is exellent at martial arts, he is extremly smart he tricks 1 of the most intelligent droids around and he has very fast reflexs in TOTBH it says he is fast enough to dodge blaster bolts. Plus im pretty sure Boba has had much more experiance than canderous im pretty sure Canderous wouldnt have much chance.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Perhaps I didn’t say that correctly. I didn’t mean to say that it was his armor and weapons that won all the battles for him. What I was trying to say is that his Mandalorian armor gives him a huge advantage in battles in addition to all his other skills. Canderous vs. Fett in his armor? Fett without any problem. But Canderous vs. Fett in hand to hand combat or with melee weapons? That’s more difficult.
Canderous was trained as a child by the Mandalorians in their prime. He would be considered a true Mandalorian. But Boba Fett was trained by his father. And while Jango was a talented man and a Mandalorian, the true Mandalorians would have said he was a shell of armor upon a shell of a man too easily slain by a Jedi. (according to KOTOR II)
In any case, Fett would probably win in the end, although it might not be easy. (Besides, shouldn’t we give the opponents a little more credit? :P)
--Boba Fett
Next: Fett vs. a t'landa til. Assuming you know what that is...wookieepedia it. :P Granted he did kill one in the Han Solo Trilogy, but what was actually doing the Exultation?
...and if that's too serious, How about Fett vs. Donkey Kong? :P
-Captian Murphy
Fett would easily beat Donky Kong, im gonna go wookie that not though
―Peter Griffin
Perhaps I didn’t say that correctly. I didn’t mean to say that it was his armor and weapons that won all the battles for him. What I was trying to say is that his Mandalorian armor gives him a huge advantage in battles in addition to all his other skills. Canderous vs. Fett in his armor? Fett without any problem. But Canderous vs. Fett in hand to hand combat or with melee weapons? That’s more difficult.
Canderous was trained as a child by the Mandalorians in their prime. He would be considered a true Mandalorian. But Boba Fett was trained by his father. And while Jango was a talented man and a Mandalorian, the true Mandalorians would have said he was a shell of armor upon a shell of a man too easily slain by a Jedi. (according to KOTOR II)
In any case, Fett would probably win in the end, although it might not be easy. (Besides, shouldn’t we give the opponents a little more credit? :P)
Yeah but i know Boba much more than Canderous and i dont think Canderous would be good enought to become best bounty hunter in the galaxy and become a legendary person. Fett wiped out an imperial garrison just to get to one man.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Fett vs. Donkey Kong? I'm pretty sure Fett could take him. Unless DK threw a barrel at him knocking him into a giant flying bee and then tumbles into one of the mysterious abyss pits that inhabit the DK world....:P
While we're on the subject, how about Fett vs. the Mario Brothers?
--Boba Fett
Ooo...the Battle of the Ages...
Someone should write a fanfic about that bounty hunt. :P
I would say...well, he could just shoot them. If they dodge fast enough, maybe not...Mario would use himself as a meat shield to get Luigi close enough to use his Fire-punch thingy that kills just about everything.
-Captian Murphy

They would just jump on Fett. He could probaby kick them with his toe spikes.
Lol this is just funny i think he would burn those italians lol espeshily mario because he's just fat.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
They would just jump on Fett. He could probaby kick them with his toe spikes.
That would be an amusing sight...but they can throw fireballs and knock coins outta you too. :P
-Captian Murphy
Well did the Mario brothers eat those magi mushrooms that make them big? may change the odds a bit.
―Peter Griffin
Lol yea but i think he could probably just fire poison darts at them or sumthing :P.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Then how about Boba Fett vs. Buzz Lightyear? I think Fett could actually loose that fight...
--Boba Fett
Buzz isn't THAT good...all he's got is a laser. I predict Fett rushing him into close combat, prying open his helmet, sticking a frag grenade into his mouth, force the helmet shut, press the button on his back and watching him fly away into firey destruction...
-Captian Murphy
Lol i would like to see that happen.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Boba wins without even trying, and don't anyone go accusing me of not giving the enemy enough credit, its a toy story character for crying out loud.
....I was actually referring to the Buzz Lightyear from the cartoon not Toy Story. If you have ever watched the show then you would know how talented he is. I’m not saying he’s better than Fett, but he might stand a chance.
And sorry, I didn’t mean to accuse you of not giving the enemy enough credit…
--Boba Fett
Im afriad his face is too annoying he has to lose lol.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
You know, you do have a point. ;)
--Boba Fett
hw about boba vs ash from evil dead
I think my vote would have to to to Boba Fett....but I don't know the character that well.
--Boba Fett
batman could beat boba fett. i love boba, he is THE bad ass. but batman could take him. it's be a long, brutal battle, but at the end it would be batman that would be left standing and boba would be lying there with a batarang in his chest.

A batarang could not pierce Mandalorian armor.
Ah.......No, plus boba has a ton of different weapons that could beat him easily.
If it's just hand to hand combat, Batman stands a chance. But if they are just in an all out battle to kill each other, Boba Fett wins. And if his suit is made out of Mandalorian Iron (which I don't think it is...but I thought I read that somewhere) it could stop a lightsaber!
--Boba Fett
batman is the king of all cool gadgets and weapons, he started that fad with the bat utility belt. add in all the cool cars, the batcave, the billions of dollars, and the fact that he's the world's greatest detective, he wouldn't defeat boba fett through a show of force, batman would outthink the fett. batman would take away each physical advantage piece by piece until they were on a more level playing field (or with batman having the slight advantage). batman's got the armor (that bat suit isn't just for pretty), he's got the gadgets (not just batarangs and sleeping gas pellets), he's got the training (years of martial arts, and the physique of an olympian athlete), and he's got the smarts (let me reiterate, world's GREATEST detective), i stand by my decision that batman would defeat boba fett.
and the armor debate, sure mandalorian armor may stop a lightsaber, but he's got to be hit in the armor first. there are plenty of great big holes between the pieces. stormtrooper armor provides better overall coverage, too bad it's designed to make sure you're dead no matter where you get shot.

Fett could snipe Batman out. All it takes is one shot to the head. There never was an "utility-belt fad." Boba is smarter, stronger, and has better "gadgets" than Batman.
I don't mean to be rude but....Batman is smarter than Boba Fett?? Batman may be the best detective on earth, but Boba Fett is/was the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy for decades, if not the greatest ever! I don't think Fett would find it too hard out thinking Batman. Not to mention, his weapons are way different than anything on earth and odds are a blaster bolt would fly right through Batman's armor. And as for being hit where there is no armor, I read somewhere that even the cloth of his suit is super strong and could probably stop the majority of cutting 'things'.
And if we decide to bring Slave I into the mix even the infamous Batmobile is toast, along with half of Gotham if Fett so desires…That is my unbiased opinion and breakdown of the situation. And for the record, I think Batman is awesome.
--Boba Fett
batman could beat boba fett. i love boba, he is THE bad ass. but batman could take him. it's be a long, brutal battle, but at the end it would be batman that would be left standing and boba would be lying there with a batarang in his chest.
Yeah right. in case you havent noticed, fett's weapons are far more technologically sophisticated than batmans. your opinion is biased. fett would win.
batman has defeated villians on the COSMIC level! extradimensional beings! gods! compared to that, boba fett is just a dude in a suit.
and btw, batman has access to knowledge and technology from around the universe, and from alternate dimensions as well. he's more that adequately equipped to face fett. and my opinion is not biased. i'm a superman guy, as far as the DC universe goes. i won't argue the fact that boba fett could probably beat superman (once he figured out the kryptonite thing). but batman has beaten superman plenty of times, and batman has defeated just about everyone else from your common bank robbing thug to Darkseid. in my mind there's only 2 people that could beat boba fett, batman is one of them. Dr. Doom is the other. other than that, i can't think of any other fictitious characters that could defeat boba fett. well... there's galactus, but that wouldn't really be a fight. he'd just show up and consume the planet that boba was on. the entirety of the jedi high counsil couldn't stop that.
I can think of plenty of fictitious characters that could beat Boba Fett and Batman ....probably at the same time….but lets not get into that. I will agree with you on Fett not being able to beat Dr. Doom since he doesn’t have an obvious weakness. Dr. Doom would be hard for most of the superheroes I know of to beat.
But for the sake of preventing a heated argument, perhaps we should just call it a tie.
--Boba Fett

Boba could use his flame-thrower against Victor von Doom. The good doctor's scolding armour would lead to intolerable pain. He would either take his armor off (and get killed), or leave himself open for a rocket to the head.
I plead ignorance on this one. If you are referring to the Victor von Doom from the comic books then, yes, Fett could probably win. Unfortunately, I never read comic books and was referring to the Mr. Doom from the Fantastic 4 movie.
--Boba Fett
That film was terrible i only saw it because my friend wantead too if it is that guy Boba would crush him.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I agree with IG-88. That film was horrible! Dr. Doom was weak in that movie. The FF could beat him! Spider-Man single handedly beat the FF in one comic! And Fett can totally beat Spider-Man! Therefore, Fett kicks Dr. Doom's @$$!!!! Yeah! this is my 100th post!!!!
I never said the movie was good, nor did I say I liked it, but I fail to see how Fett could win. His entire body was made of a nearly indestructible metal. And the FF didn't exactly beat him, he was still alive. He was just unable to move, at least for the moment...
--Boba Fett
after Dr. Strange, Victor Von Doom is next in line for the title of Sorcerer Supreme (aka the most powerful magic user in the marvel universe). and just like batman he has aquired weapons and technology from around the universe. his intelligence is practically unmatched, right up there with mr fantastic. the armor he wears is virtually indestructable, doom has walked in the vaccum of outer space, and stood at the heart of a detonating nuclear weapon with very little side effects, so boba's flame thrower isn't going to bother him much. his biggest faults are his ambition, he tends to get a little ahead of himself and may miss a key detail or two. the last words boba would hear in this fight would be, "NONE CHALLENGE DOOM!"
please note: this is not a summary of the movie dr. doom, i'm talking about the 40 plus years of comic book dr. doom. he kicks ***

Doom is not a magick user, ergo, he could not be Sorceror Supreme.
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