If you were able to have one piece of Boba's armour or arsonal, which would you have and why?
Topic: Picky, Picky
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
It would have to be the jet-pack... the morning commute to work is just driving me nutty. Although, while creeping along in the traffic the left gauntlet with flame-thrower and rocket would always come in handy :)
I would like the helmet. There isn't a lot you could do with it really, but of course you couldn't do a lot with any of it unless you were a bounty hunter or something...
Blast Rifle.
(as long as it comes with extra power cells)
It has nice range, and deals a mess of destruction.
I'm with Kudar Mubat. I read nice things about the helmet... 360 degree vision, I think? Audio enhancers? Water tube? Yeah.
Ooh, let's see... The jetpack would be really cool to have, the flamethrower would be really cool (i'm a slight pyro...), the helmet would be great, I've always liked his red belt, the gloves are cool, but, hmmm...... This is a hard one. I like his whole chest-plate body-thing but it wouldn't really fit me well, and his flightsuit's cool. I never liked his shoes much though, I prefer actual boots or ankle-high shoes,
So, overall.... I'd say either the helmet or the jetpack. But those gauntlets are cool too and I'm always banging up my forearms and scratching them and getting them dirty, so they'd come in handy and they do have a lot of toys on them... Yeah, I'll take the gauntlets.
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The poison-tipped boot spikes would be nice. That way, if anybody made me mad, I could just kick 'em.
BFFC Moderator
hehe, but what if you're tying your shoelaces and someone bumps you? :p But I don;t think his boots have shoelaces, do they? nvm, lol
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Well, in that case, the kneepad darts would be nice too. What's a Romeo? Is that something that only people more stylish than me wear?
BFFC Moderator
I must not be stylish either, the only Romeo I know of comes with a Juliet. :P
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Flame thrower. Every culture has this intense fear of being burned alive.
FLAME ON!!!!!!!!!
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Well, in that case, the kneepad darts would be nice too. What's a Romeo? Is that something that only people more stylish than me wear?
It is a dress shoe company... So I guess that your guess is correct. (But I know that only because I googled "romeo shoe")
I must not be stylish either, the only Romeo I know of comes with a Juliet. :P
The flamethrower of course. Because I love watching things combust. Pencils, paper, plastic melthing.... Its just too cool! @_@

You know that you have to have the helmet to activate the jetpack? Boba and Jango turned on there get pack throu thier helmets.
but if the jetpack came with the helmet or a way to activate it with out the helmet then i would take the jetpack in a heart beat!
You know that you have to have the helmet to activate the jetpack? Boba and Jango turned on there get pack throu thier helmets.
but if the jetpack came with the helmet or a way to activate it with out the helmet then i would take the jetpack in a heart beat!
Interesting... I always assumed the Jet pack and flamethrowers were linked so he activated it from his rist... I suppose I was wrong.
I'd say the helmet or jetpack. (2 of the coolest parts in my opinion.) I wouldnt mind having his gauntlets though. They seem to have quite a few gadgets in em.
Oh the helmet, to be sure! It's the symbol of all that is good and Mandalorian! Perhaps it wouldn't be the most useful of his gadgets, but there's great power in symbolism. You know what I mean, right?
yea i would say helmet, he has so many things inside of it, heck u could pull up someone's life story inside the helmet to see if he has a bounty. it's like a supercomputar!
Ummmm...can we have eveything????? I suppose not,whats the point of the thread if we could?
I would take the cape,helmet and the shoulder thingy with the skull thinga ma bob.
anyway theres an old Mandalorian saying,"Verd on'shya Beskar'gam."A warrior is more than his armor
i would include Slave 1 in his arsenal. so that's what i would have.
Oh, yes, I'd love to have Slave I!
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Of course, definately the Slave 1. You might be classified as a UFO and shot down by the US (or wherever you live) airforce though...
Technically, a long time ago one of the people who made air laws said as long as they're in the right air current/lane/space/whatever ufos legal. I could find the exact quote if anyone wants it, but it'd take a bit of digging.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Yea, find it, see if we can fly spaceships!
Ok, here it is. My source is: "Earth Science for Christian Schools", copyright 1993. So it is sorta old, but still. On page 88, in the "Facets of Astronomy: UFOs: Messengers of the Stars?" part there's a quote by the FAA that says, "If the pilot is up there with a clearance and at the right altitude, we don't care what planet he comes from."
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
the FAA that says, "If the pilot is up there with a clearance and at the right altitude, we don't care what planet he comes from."
The flame thrower and the spiked shoes.
What do you need spiked shoes for?
kicking babies, the heartless monster. :)
-Captian Murphy
I would want Boba's Helmet! That is the coolest part of his amour
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Of course, definately the Slave 1. You might be classified as a UFO and shot down by the US (or wherever you live) airforce though...
Not if you where in space, no one would be able to shoot you down! But I quess they would shoot you down as soon as you got into the atmosphere. :P
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Wrist lasers would be my first choice. Concealable, lethal, what's not to like?
I wouldn't mind a BlasTech EE-3, but in modern time someone might get suspicious of a crazy kid wielding an energy weapon from a different galaxy.
Read the Rules. "Repeat offenders will be warned once."

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In case anyone's noticed, I've deleted the last ten posts, and edited the one now above this.
Read the Rules. "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this board to post any material which is 1) abusive and 2) profane."

Hey, that would explain why an error message kept popping up while I was trying to delete them.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Darn, missed all the action.
Back to the topic...I would take the grappling hook-thing. So I can tie up my buddies and kick them with my spiked boots. :)
-Captian Murphy
Flame thrower..... Im a pyro I swear..... xD
:] Whats up?
i would take the chest plate it looks warm. i live in alska were its cold :)
Just the chestplate. It looks so cool. I would wear it under my shirt, and when anyone pisses me off, I'd rip off my shirt and they would cower in fear. Then shooting would ensue.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Slave I, trouble no bar!
Figuring out a place to park it, THAT may be a problem :/
Of course, definately the Slave 1. You might be classified as a UFO and shot down by the US (or wherever you live) airforce though...
IF they could shoot you down.
i would take the chest plate it looks warm. i live in alska were its cold :)
Ha my cousin live's in alaska he;s the biggestt fett fan i know. tried to steal my boba fett t-shirt
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