Jango utterly failed in raising Boba. Sure he taught him how to fend for himself but he didnt teach his culture. Jango was Mandalore and he abandoned the Mandalorians. This shows up in Boba when he abandons his family. Sure he reunites with his granddaughter but he doesnt know even know slightely of the proud Mandalorian history. Boba fends for himself. Not a total failing but he doesnt work well with others. This is horrible as he is Mandalore. He should know more about his culture and he doesnt even know Mando'a. This is Jango's fault as he wouldnt teach Boba the language. Jango might wear the armor but he was no Mandalorian. He only cared for himself and his money. When he had Boba cloned he showed little compassion for another person but that was all. Atleast Boba tried to have a family. But again his individuality showed up again and he left them. If Jango would have showed Boba that loyalty is important then Boba could have had a family for a while.
Topic: Jango: Worthy to be a Fett?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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...he wouldnt teach Boba the language. Jango might wear the armor but he was no Mandalorian. He only cared for himself and his money. When he had Boba cloned he showed little compassion for another person but that was all. Atleast Boba tried to have a family. But again his individuality showed up again and he left them. If Jango would have showed Boba that loyalty is important then Boba could have had a family for a while.
The Mandalorian language was not created (out of universe) until after "Attack of the Clones." Jango was officially a Mandalorian, as Cassus was a Mandalorian. Jango showed Boba much compassion. Loyalty, morality, and honor were very important to Boba.
Yea draco's right but also Boba didnt walk out on his family he was banished from concord dawn for murdering a journeyman protector.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Yes I know this but he could have taken his family with him. His wife was allready a Bounty Hunter. They could have worked together which might have strenghtened their relationship. Also this would have not caused his daughter and granddaughter to hate him.
Yeah but we dont know the whole story also he might not have been able to go and find his family i think he was just taken of the planet so he might not have been able to get them.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I agree with IG-88. We dont know the whole story.
I have been think ing about this, and you all should make up your mind after reading Chrys's "Thirty Seconds to Live," or something of a similar title.

*sniffle* Thanks Draco. I wrote that long before Bloodlines, but I think my opinion stands.
Maybe somebody will write something explaining just what happened during the mysterious Journeyman Protector incident, and when he separated from Sintas. Or maybe they won't. Maybe we need to be left in the dark in order to keep the mystery alive. But that shouldn't stop anyone from writing fanfictions about it (if only I had the guts to write anything besides humor.)
BFFC Moderator
how can anyone question jangos worth as a Fett? has anyone played star wars bounty hunter??
also he was the first non-jedi character to ever THOROUGHLY own a jedi. boba doesnt count becuz he didnt really own luke he just shot at him a few times in esb and tied him up in rotj.
besides i like jangos new zealand accent. its funny and cool
Some of your other posts implied that you hate Jango.
lol oh yeah but that was in 4th grade. :lol:
also i didnt play bounty hunter until 6th grade. man that game was so awesome that game is one of the reasons i cant decide who i like better, jango or boba
I hate Jangos voice its the reason they changed Boba's anyway Boba owns Jango :P. Eh draco is chrys's fan fic on bffc ?
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
i would say the only reason boba owns jango is because boba was invented a long time before jango was, and because boba is technically the "original clone". anyways i like jango better because hes the fett of my generation. boba is old news.
Thanks draco that is one of the best fan fics i have ever read good job chrys. Anyway the reason Boba owns Jango is because there is so much more written about Boba he was a more interesting charecter he was mysterious, ruthless and is known as the best bounty hunter because he is the best. As for Jango being worthy to be a Fett after that fan fic i have decided he is.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Thanks draco that is one of the best fan fics i have ever read good job chrys. Anyway the reason Boba owns Jango is because there is so much more written about Boba he was a more interesting charecter he was mysterious, ruthless and is known as the best bounty hunter because he is the best. As for Jango being worthy to be a Fett after that fan fic i have decided he is.
yes draco that was a great story.
and it is inevitable that jango could ever own boba because yes he is a more interesting character. its just jango was the first Fett i ever really knew. i saw the old trilogy when i was 4, so i didnt remember Boba at all. anyways im glad another fan agrees with me that jango is definitely worthy to be a Fett.
Yeah i always liked Jango its just some of the things he did i did not like.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Yeah i always liked Jango its just some of the things he did i did not like.
like what? and why didnt he go after padme himself instead of hiring zam?
That is probably one reason. There are many other reasons aswell. For referance, see past posts in this and similar topics.
i found jango to be a coward although he did have a big line of killings of jedi's but i just think he was kinda preppy polishing his armour. Boba is much more worthy than jango, plus he hs better weapons
also jango wanted to have clones of himself considering he wasnt goonna live that long but to have an army of himself....i dont know, they could do some serious damage with all those jangos!!!
is anyone ever online???i havent seen one person on yet???
Cloud Fett use the edit button if you need to add something to your post.
i found jango to be a coward although he did have a big line of killings of jedi's but i just think he was kinda preppy polishing his armour. Boba is much more worthy than jango, plus he hs better weapons
he didnt polish it. read boba fett- the fight to survive. and how does boba have better weapons? they have virtually the same weapons, except the rifle, and a rifle isnt necessarily better than 2 pistols, but it depends on the situation.
Rifle is better than pistols because it has scope is more powerful and longer range. Plus Boba modified some of his armour and also had a concussion grenade launchers and he uses other weapons in soem comics.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
a rifle isnt better than 2 pistols in every situation. in close combat the 2 pistols will defeat the rifle. also i personally like pistols because i dont like having to carry a rifle around. 2 pistols is much lighter, easier to conceal, and faster to point.
Faster to point dosent make matter much for Boba he has amazingly fst reflexes and in close combat he could use his wrist gauntlet laser.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
lol but it does make a difference for people who dont have fett-reflexes. personally i like 2 pistols because i like aiming at 2 targets, havin plenty of ammo, concealing them, and twisting them around, like jango does when he kills that jedi on geonosis who attacked tyranus. what about you, ig-88?
Personally i would like a long range weapon espeshily for assasinations, with good capacity and high power. Also Jangos pistols carries less ammo than Boba's rifle it says they are for brief battles.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
yeah well in star wars bounty hunter it says they have umlimited ammo. interesting isnt it. i used to like rifle too im really accurate with them.
Lol that might be because its a game im pretty sure there ar'nt many weapons thet have unlimeted ammo.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
man i really love bounty hunter and hate it at the same time for 1 reason: there is no sequel of bounty hunter starring boba fett. why the hell dont they make it? it would be friggin awesome! and it would help me like boba better. hes making a small comeback as it is, but star wars bounty hunter still slows him down considerably from becoming my favorite character again. damn....
Interesting question, I really think that jango could have done more n his life, for example, when he was fighting Obi - won and he was almost flung of the platform by a grappling hook, a REAL Fett could have easily detatched his hook. All i'm saying is that jango should have died in a quicksand accident with his son trying to save him, In my books Dengar would make a better Fett than jango, but not Boba. I rest my case.
Yeah Dengar would make a better Fett :).
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Interesting question, I really think that jango could have done more n his life, for example, when he was fighting Obi - won and he was almost flung of the platform by a grappling hook, a REAL Fett could have easily detatched his hook. All i'm saying is that jango should have died in a quicksand accident with his son trying to save him, In my books Dengar would make a better Fett than jango, but not Boba. I rest my case.
If he had detached the whipcord while Obi Wan was pulling it, he would've gone flying farther. Besides, don't compare Jango to Dengar he's a dork who doesn't have the charisma Jango has.
Dork? Jango charisma? Dengar owns :).
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Jango was worthy for Boba's dad ,but Boba is older and better than him now. Therefore he isn't worthy any longer. He is okay ,but he isn't as much of a risk taker than Boba. He is kind of a coward.
i have allways had a list of bounty hunters in order of the ones i really like to th ones that i do not like:
IG - 88,
The list goes on and on but i know dat jango is near the bottom
I think i speak for all jango haters when i say all those people who like jango, face facts he's not really that good.
Finally. Someone else who hates Jango.
i have allways had a list of bounty hunters in order of the ones i really like to th ones that i do not like:
IG - 88,
The list goes on and on but i know dat jango is near the bottom
I think i speak for all jango haters when i say all those people who like jango, face facts he's not really that good.
Not pretty good? He was the best in the time of the Republic. There were a few other good hunters too, so you can't say it's because all the others sucked.
Without any biases, I think that Aurra Sing and Durge were better warriors that Jango.
jango is an idiot it was his own idiocy that killed him, he jumped for mace windu's saber,letting the reek stamp on him,causing his jets to fail, letting windu cut off his head
nicely put, and thanks
Well if you wanna look at it like that, it was Boba's own stupidity that got him thrown into the sarlaac (yes i know he didn't die). I mean he just jetted right next to Solo and Chewie without even looking at them. Even if Han was blind, there was still Chewbacca to worry about. That's just poor planning.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Lol true but Durge isnt better than Jango although i might be a bit biased since Durge is my least favorite charecter. I dislike jango but dont hate him.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
How do you know that Jango is better?
Because if im right Durge isnt cannon plus he is still a stupid charecter beung almost invulnerable. I know nothing of his fighting skill.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
durge is a crap guy with a crap weapon on a crap speeder, even jango is better
Because if im right Durge isnt cannon plus he is still a stupid charecter beung almost invulnerable. I know nothing of his fighting skill.
I think that D'har'han is the only character who is a "cannon." :P Durge is canon. He was in more media than just Clone Wars. I think that Durge is better than Jango. My bias has nothing to do with this. Durge has an incredible healing ability. I do not like Durge, but I am pretty positive that he would win. Characters have described him as immensly powerful an destructive.
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