Topic: "The Beginning of The End" story of the 101st MSB

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October 31, 2006 8:49 am #

"The Beginning of The End" is a fictional story I've been writing for about 3 yrs now. The 101st MSB or Mandalorian Shock Troop Battalion and the battles they take place in is the main focus of the story.  This is a 3 part series. Book one is complete while book 2 and 3 are still in the writing process.  Book one is called "The Mars Conflict"  I set the story so earth is one of the Mandalorians heavily populated colonies and a lone outpost on mars is threatened to be overrun by the "Deathwatch"  The outpost houses a large stationary gun capable of shooting ships out of orbit and is of vital strategic importance to the Mandalorians. Jango Fett along with the 101st are dispatched to mars to aid the survivors and hold the facility at all costs.  Apon arriving on mars via the Mandalorian Flag ship "Bassilisk" the 101st are inserted by low altitude jet pack drop directly on the compounds roof. Only to discover the slaughtered bodies of hundreds of their brothers. A lone survivor is found in the compounds basement and tells the story of how the Deathwatch used individual cloaking devices to sneak into the compound. Only by switching to thermal vision could they be seen. but once the sun rose thermal vision was useless and nearly all the mandalorians were killed. Jango quickly contacts Field Marshal Meijers of this problem and is told to hold the gun compound at all costs. Little does he know that Meijers has been paid off by the Sith to send the mandalorians to their doom. Later on Meijers is assasinated by a General Veers who discovers his plot and puts and end to Meijers life. Veers is then Made Admiral of the Mandalorian Expeditionary Fleet consisting of the Bassilisk as well as battleships,cruisers and a number of other ships. Later on the Main Deathwatch Invasion Fleet exits the asteroid belt by mars and is ambushed by Mandalorian Fighters and gunboats. Suddenly a massive alien ship arrives and fires on the Mandalorian fleet with a deadly Particle Beam cannon capable of cutting ships in two. The Mandalorian Fleet is forced to retreat into a nearby gas cloud.
If you would like to hear more of this story part 2 "Into The Darkness" Email me at or  this is an epic story and im sure  you will love it.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
October 31, 2006 11:08 am #


seriously it sounds brilliant!!

November 2, 2006 2:22 am #

Dude.. that is so freakin awesome PLEASE P-L-E-A-S-E SEND IT TO ME.. il e-mail u

November 2, 2006 6:20 am #

sadly the story isnt for sale anywhere being it is in the form of pen and paper.  But once i get it typed i would be happy to send it to anyone who asks. ill post a bit more later as sort of a teaser. Feedback is appreciated since this is the first time anyone but myself and some of my friends have read it. But not to sound arrogant this is a great story.  I'll post more of part 1 soon. thanks!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 2, 2006 8:32 am #

ok i promised a teaser and here it is.  I dont have book 1 with me right now so I'll give you a little taste of part 2 "Into the Darkness" The 101st MSB have discovered a new enemy.  An ancient alien race whos homeworld was glassed by the Mandalorian Fleet hundreds of years ago during the Colony Wars. These aliens known as the "Voltoon" resemble predators and have only a handfull of their original technology and are out for revenge.  After several outpost stations are attacked by these voltoon, a full scale invasion of their homeworld "Duxin" is planned.  But an urgent distress call from a mining colony on the volcanic world of "Drakken" is heard. the invasion will have to wait as the 101st are dispatched the the ash covered surface.  But the Voltoon wont be their only threat.
       This is part of the space battle that took place over Drakken.

   Admiral Veers had his eyes glued to the viewing windows on the Basilisk's bridge, intently watching the planet's surface.
    "Sir?" a voice penetrated his thought, he turned to see intelligence officer Murphey.
    "What is it Lt.?" Veers asked forcing his gaze away from the windows.
    "Sir were detecting some anomalies on the long range scanners" Murphey said. "Originating form the opposite side of Drakken."
   "What kind of anomalies?" Veers asked.
  Murphey glanced at the small data pad in his hands. "Trace amounts of Ion energy. More so then normal, like exhaust form a starships fusion engines."
   "Our engines?" Veers asked already getting a bad feeling.
   "No sir, I've already run a diagnostic." Murphey replied. "There must be another ship."
  "Sir!" A female voice shouted, it was radar officer Silva. "Radar contacts coming into range around Drakkens darkside. We'll have a visual in 10 seconds."
  "Fierfek" Veers cursed. "Magnify the image as soon as we get a visual."
  "Aye sir"
  Veers anxiously turned to the large viewscreen.
  "We have visual sir."
  The image instantyl magnified to reveal the enormous bow of a Deathwatch Cruiser!
  Veers blood ran cold. "Signal the fleet! Come about to engage target!"
  "Aye sir!" the bridge crew replied.
  "Sir!" Silva turned in her seat "Contacts! Enemy fighters inbound!"
  "Scramble our firesprays!" Veers ordered. "Empty all bays, orders are to engage enemy fighters."
  "Aye sir!" Silva replied. "Firesprays deployed!"
   Off the bow Veers watched as hundreds of Mandalorian fighters rocketed off to intercept the Deatchwatch Vipers.
  "Charge Decimator Cannons!"  Veers ordered. "Remove all safeties from torpedos"
"Aye sir." Weapons officer Richardson replied. "Decimator cannons charging at 15% and climbing. All safeties removed."
  In space the fighters met and began trading missiles and laser fire with one another. Small bursts of orange light erupted as pilots scored kills on one another.
  "Enemy cruiser is firing!" Murphey announced. "30 torpedos inbound! Impact in 40 seconds!"
"Evasive action!" Veers ordered. "Order all ships to fire at will!"
  The Mandalorian warship "Maximus" responded by launching a salvo of her own torpedos. Plumes of smoke trailed as the torpedos crosse paths. Two streaks of light shot from her bow as she fired her decimators.
  The Deathwatch torpedos broke course and began targetting multiple ships. 15 were heading straight for the Basilisk!
  "Brace for impact!" Veers shouted.
  The Basilisk shook hard as the torpedos detonated. Veers steadied himself on the brass handrail. "Damage Report!"
  "Not bad sir." Murphey replied. "Deck 5 reports a fire in 3 sectors."
  "Seal it down and have it contained." Veers said cooly.
  "Sir" Richardson said "Decimator cannons at Max power and ready to fire."
  The deck shook as the Basilisk powerful guns fired 2 bolts of Death.
  "Deathwatch ship is taking evasive action." Silva announced.
  The Captain of the Deathwatch cruiser was no greenhorn. Using the docking thrusters he sent the ship into a steep dive. The first Decimator round missed while the second ricoched harmlessly off it's shield.
  "Damn" Veers swore "This guys good."
  "I'm reading incredibly high energy levels coming from another source" Silva reported. "A very large source."
"What now?" Veers said grimly.
  "Contact!" Silva shouted. "Another enemy ship is inbound! It's leaving slipspace now!"
  The Basilisks viewscreen magnigied on a sector of space close to the Deathwatch cruiser. There was a small ripple as a massive ship appeared.
  Veers blood ran cold. It resembled the same ship they had encountered during the Mars battle!
  "A Dreadnaught!" Veers announced. No sooner did he finish speaking when the bridge lights flickered. "All stop! Divert all power to forward shields!"
  "Aye sir" Murphey acknowledged. "Engines stopped, forward shields holding at 250%"
  The arrival of the Deathwatch Dreadnaught stopped the Mandalorian fleet cold.  All other ships came to a halt and raised their shield power.
  "Their firing!" Silva announced. "Massive energy levels, what the hell is that thing sir?"
  A blinding blue-white bolt of light suddenly erupted from the Dreadnaught's bow. A Mandalorian frigate was sliced clean up the middle.  The two halves drifed lazily apart the violenty exploded.
  "We lost the Columbia sir!" Murphey said in shock.
  "Charge our Decimator cannons, Maximum Charge." Veers ordered. "I wanna see two holes in that God Damn thing!"
  "Aye sir" Richardson replied. "Decimators charged at 200%"
  "Give me 300% Lt." Veers ordered.
  Richardson paused but obeyed. "Aye sir, rerouting fusion cell power now. Decimators ready at 300%!"
  "Fire!" Veers replied gripping the handrail.
  The force of the twin Decimators firing at such high power rocked the Basilisk hard. The high density explosive rounds reached their target at near lightspeed. The Dreadnaught had no time to maneuver as the rounds struck her bow and buried themselves deep inside her hull before detonating inside. Two huge flashes of light erupted from through the entry holes.
  "Direct hit!" Silva announced excitedly. "Enemy ship has sustained heavy damage! Their main gun is offline!"
  The crew cheered. They now had a chance!
  The Maximus also fired her Decimators at  full charge. The two rounds struck the Dreadnaught at her keel and exploded with incredible force.
  "Maximus reports two direct hits!" Murphey said turning in his chair. "Enemy ships engines are offline!"
  On the screen the Dreadnaught began to list to one side and drifted slowly out of control.
  "Deathwatch ships are pulling back!"  Murphey added.
  A com message came over the speakers from one of the Firespray pilots. "Enemy fighteres are retreating. Permission to pursue."
  "Negative" Veers replied "Return to ship. There could be more of them behind the planet."
  "Yes sir." the pilot replied. The com link ended.
  "What now sir?" Silva asked. Her adrenaline was pumping and she craved more action.
  Veers thought for a moment. "Prepare a boarding party" he announced turning to face the crew. "Were sending in the Marines!"

This was only a chapter of what ive been writing. I hope to have it all typed soon so i can post it as Fan Fiction. Please leave feedback. I want to know how it sounds to others. Thanks!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 2, 2006 10:58 am (Edited November 2, 2006 11:00 am) #

also, im looking for more names to add into the story. so just tell me if you would like to be added into it as mandalorian, deathwatch, whatever. one more thing, any artists out there, im looking for weapon and ship designs.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 2, 2006 12:11 pm #

Little ships? Big Ships? Rifles? Pistols? Blaster? Or Projectile? I have some sketches.

"This IS my signature."
November 2, 2006 2:40 pm #

Is Jaster in it ? You could also have Montross.

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
November 2, 2006 5:24 pm #

all kinds of ships, mainly designs for a dropship, gunship, and battleships,cruisers,starships etc. and the story takes place after Jaster was killed but Montross is in it. as for weapons, anything.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 2, 2006 8:38 pm (Edited November 4, 2006 12:01 pm) #

I just drew somthing I dubed the "JZ-7 Minigun" wich is a massive hand held version and a capitol ship for some one, they look pretty sweet.
I just finished a Projectile pistol, Reapeating blaster pistol, and a sniper rifle. How many do you want me to come up with?

"This IS my signature."
November 4, 2006 10:19 am #

great! there just happens to be miniguns in my story. well in the form of being mounted on a battlesuit.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 4, 2006 12:18 pm #
Lord Revan wrote:

"JZ-7 Minigun" wich is a massive hand held version

Is that not an oxymoron?

take it easy baby take it as it comes
November 5, 2006 8:49 am #

Not really, Have you ever seen Terminator 2 or Predator? They use hand held miniguns in both movies, wich when i mean hand held I mean about the size of a rocket launcher, very large but still portable, if you know what I mean.

"This IS my signature."
November 5, 2006 10:06 am #

besides hand held doesnt necessarily mean only using one hand lol

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 5, 2006 12:24 pm #

Very good! Keep up the good work!

"Die? Didn't you know that Spartans never die?'- Spartan-051 "Kurt"
November 6, 2006 8:27 am #

hey thanks!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 6, 2006 9:07 am #

I think I'm better at weapons, I'll draw up some more and take a picture of them to see what you think.

"This IS my signature."
November 7, 2006 7:06 am (Edited November 7, 2006 07:12 am) #

Great thanks! specifically i'm looking for a standard issue blaster rifle, carbine, carbine/grenade launcher, rocket launcher, and a little thing i like to call the autocannon. also a high powered projectile sniper rifle.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 7, 2006 7:24 am #

This is the main list of characters in the story, im bored so i thought i would post them.

Main Squad
Lt. Jango Fett-Company leader
Srg. Mantle- Platoon Leader/computer&weapons specialist
Srg. Dominic-Corpsman/Rifleman
Corp "Snake"-Sniper
PFC. Rodriquez- Radioman/Rifleman
Corp. Folley- Rifleman

Secondary Squads
Lt. Animal-Company Leader
Srg. Thompson-Engineer/Heavy weapons
Corp. Hayden-Support Gunner
Corp. Gagacki- Support Gunner
PFC. Rivers-Mech operator
PFC. McPheerson-Sniper
Srg. Peterson-Pilot

Major Sanderson-Brigade Commander
Admiral Veers- Fleet Commander
Cpt. Schadewald-Delta Squad
Lt. Ehinger-Delta Squad
Srg. Beach-Delta Squad
Srg. Fox- Delta Squad
Cpt. Newance-Black ops

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 7, 2006 9:24 am (Edited November 7, 2006 03:13 pm) #

I can draw the auto-cannon like a minigun if you want me to. Oh by the way, how big is the auto-cannon? I also drew a mandalorian I named Corp. Ven Kotan, if you want to add him It'd make me happy, but if you don't, thats ok.  No, make that Gunnery Sgt.

"This IS my signature."
November 7, 2006 8:19 pm #

hey i appreciate all your effort in this! yeah i dont know if youve ever played "Star Wars Bounty Hunter" but the autocannon is a pretty beefy weapon, fired from the hip, it almost looks like it fires plasma. like you said about terminator, its held just like a minigun but only one barreled with a crazy rate of fire. in the game you shoot once and it goes off 4 times lol. as for the mandalorian you drew, id be happy to add him. any specific unit? 101st?, 502nd?, I'm kinda thinking black ops, mandalorian special forces. i need more characters for them. thanks for your input!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 7, 2006 10:00 pm (Edited November 7, 2006 10:05 pm) #

I just want to be the "Gunney" you know, the guy who brings the new weapons, ammo ect. I own that game, the minigun I drew was based on a gun i saw in a "wall case" I saw on the first level in the shooting range area with all the target holograms, on the right side next to where all the guys are shootng, the auto cannon you are talking about is on the left side. Sadly, since its the first level, you can't pick them up. But my friend wants a guy, so I'm drawing it right now, he is white with black armor and red shoulder an knee pieces, but I haven't thought of a name yet.  The projectile pistol I drew is based on the "Desert Eagle". It's my favorite gun, but it and the other guns I drew  are in lead form and not ink like the mandalorians I am drawing, so I'll have to re-draw it and those other guns. You might want to search for the mandalorian langauge, Just type in Mando'a in the search and go down to the bottom and it has phrases in mando'a and their meaning. I though you might be interested in it.

"This IS my signature."
November 8, 2006 11:11 am #

yeah the D eagle is a pretty bad ass gun, as for your character i think i have a good idea of where to put him, im thinking he'll be the guy standing in the open door of a dropship as its making a delivery, i'll make sure he sees some combat though. since he's "Gunney" it kinda makes him sound like he should be kind of a hard ass you know? i picked up a lot of the Mando'a by reading triple zero. thats where im getting the idea for Mandalorian version of Delta Squad for my story. White Mando armor would be pretty sweet.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 8, 2006 6:41 pm #

I don't know if you have ever seen "shootout" on the history channel, but in one episode there was this guy named "Gunney Bodet" (I'm not sure if I spelled his name right) but he is the kind of guy who doesn't just brings the stuff and leave, he likes to fight. So that's kinda who I based this guy on. As for being hard, at times yes but at other times, no if you know what I mean, also if you have Jango come for some men, he would say somthing like "Yes Sir, but on one condition, I'm coming too." So he's the kinda guy who want to get out there and fight. So let me draw some more stuff and I'll try to send it to you. Also, I finished that guy I was drawing, but I still haven't thought of a name yet. And my favorite line in Mando'a is "Aruetyc Jetii'la hut'uun! Mhi Mando'ade ven shuku gar shebs." - "Traitorous cowardly Jedi. We Mandalorians will beat your ass.”
and "Gar ru kaymaru kaysh, di'kut: tion'meh kaysh ru jehaati? You killed him, you moron: what if he was lying?"

"This IS my signature."
November 8, 2006 6:55 pm #

yeah mando is a sweet language. yeah ive seen shootout and its a pretty sweet show, i havent seen the one youre talking about though but thats pretty much the image i was gonna create for your character. is the guy youre drawing now the character you want? if so yeah send me the pics so i can make a visual. Ive been debating whether or not to add some jedi to the story. If i did, they wouldnt be living very long I'll just say. But yeah im coming to the part in the story where it would be a good time to add characters so i'll put your guy in very soon.Just asking, is there any special way you want your character introduced? or any sort of special weapon or something? I'm kinda thinking captured jedi lightsaber. on a different topic, have you ever read "Star Corps"? it has nothing to do with star wars but its a sweet book and i got a lot of ideas from it. If you get the chance i would definently reccomend reading it.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 8, 2006 9:12 pm #

The episode is called "hunt for bin Laden" and his name is William Bodette, not that that has to do with anything. And the other guy with the black and white armor I was drawing was for a friend. I was kinda hoping he would come in blasting with a squad of guys reinforcing Jango or somone, but you don't have to make it that elaborate if you don't want to. As for his special weapon, I designed the desert eagle style projectile pistol as kind of a commando pistol, but I put 2 on the my guy, but you can put a green lightsaber on his belt as a trophy if you want to. The desert eagle has a square flash supressor like was on an old tommy gun, a red dot scope, ports on the side of the barrel, an extended clip, and a shorter clip in front of the trigger gaurd, If that wasn't there it would be too recognizable, and they can be any combination of color you want.  No I haven't read that book, it sounds good though.

"This IS my signature."
November 9, 2006 7:14 am (Edited November 9, 2006 07:21 am) #

I think I might have seen that hunt for bin laden episode, it sounds pretty familiar. Yeah nothing is too elaborate with my story, i go into  pretty good detail so having your guy come in guns blazing is what i would prefer anyways, maybe jetpacking out of a gunship and landing with a squad guns blazing  would be pretty sweet. I'm also kinda thinking that Jango and Ven Kotan know eachother from a ways back and fought together in an earlier battle or something. That pistol sounds pretty sweet, i have a pretty good mental picture of what it looks like. I'm kinda thinking about that part in "We were soldiers" when the gunny turns to his men as the vietcong are charging in and saying "Men, prepare to defend yourselves!" that would be pretty awesome. except the vietcong would be Voltoon or Deathwatch. I have the first part of the story with me so i'll post some of it later.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 9, 2006 8:05 am #

This is the very beginning of the story, its kind of an intro that summarizes alot of things and describes who the Mandalorians are and how the war started.

                   The Beginning of The End, Story of The 101st. Mandalorian Shocktroop Battalion.
                                                Part 1. "The Mars Offensive"

  Mandalorians. An ancient race of humans whose culture is based around war and loyalty to their brothers. After a transport crash that left them stranded on a desolate planet with little or no technology, these humans were forced to adapt.  The earliest Mandalorians formed clans. Each clan had it's own leader and ideals they followed. These clans would occasionally war amongst themselves.  After many years the Mandalorian race grew into a sizable culture. Almost like Spartans they are trained at a very young age to fight. It was truly an honor to be a warrior. Using their superior combat skills and highly advanced weaponry, the Mandalorians began to branch out to other worlds and soon many colonies developed. The most distinctive part of any Mandalorian warrior is their armor.  Forged from a type of super dense iron called "Mandametal" this armor was superior any other kind. Able to withstand almost any blaster fire, it made the warrior underneath it almost invulnerable. Only a hit to one of the critical joint areas where the armor is thinnest could penetrate it. One of the most amazing things about Mandalorian armor is it's resistence to the force. The super dense metal could absorb and deflect a force push and with the helmet it made it impossible for a jedi to mentally influence the wearer.  It is also incredibly resistant to a lightsaber blow. After many years of victory and triumph, the Mandalorians became mercenaries. Willing to fight for the highest bidder. They were feared and incredibly fierce on the battlefield, hardly ever losing a battle.  The Mandalorians soon became united under a man named Jaster Mereel. But soon after he was leader, Mandalorians who didn't agree with his ways broke off from his leadership and formed a new force. The Deathwatch. The Deathwatch consisted mostly of rogue or banished Mandalorians as well as several other races who saw the Mandalorians as enemies. Soon after a Mandalorian named Montross betrayed Jaster and sold out the Mandalorians.  After this incident the War started. The Deathwatch has massed a force almost equal to that of the Mandalorians and conflict after conflict arose. Mandalorian colony planets were attacked and invaded by the Deathwatch and millions of casualties went up for both sides. Aided by their alien allies, the Deathwatch had access to advanced technology giving them somewhat of an advantage. These Wars would rage for nearly 5 years before reaching the large Mandalorian colony of Earth. For the Mandalorian High Order this was the last stand. If Earth Falls to the Deathwatch smaller colonies would soon follow. The Deathwatch were after one thing, the complete destruction of the Mandalorians.  To stop this threat, entire Companies of special commando units were trained. The 101st MSB was born. Highly trained and incredibly deadly these commandos were Earth's last hope. They would go on to fight countless battles with tremendous success. They would fight to the last man. Earth was their home and they werent going to give it up without a fight. This is their story.

Im in the process of rewriting the first chapters. but i'll post ch 1 soon.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 9, 2006 12:49 pm #

Wow this is amazing cant wait for chapter 1 nice work :).

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
November 9, 2006 1:37 pm #

Yeah, that sounds really great. I'll try to email you the pics of Ven Kotan and the Desert Eagle within the next couple days. I'll work on some other weapons, they take me about 1 - 1 1/2 to draw each, so can you tell me what all guns you want pictures of?

"This IS my signature."
November 9, 2006 8:51 pm #
IG-88 wrote:

Wow this is amazing cant wait for chapter 1 nice work :).

Thanks, ch1 is written just not typed lol but im working very hard on it.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 9, 2006 8:57 pm #
Lord Revan wrote:

Yeah, that sounds really great. I'll try to email you the pics of Ven Kotan and the Desert Eagle within the next couple days. I'll work on some other weapons, they take me about 1 - 1 1/2 to draw each, so can you tell me what all guns you want pictures of?

Thanks i just rewrote that intro today, the one i had wrote about 2 yrs ago just didnt seem right. the guns i mainly want pics of would be a standard issue blaster rifle, a carbine rifle with attached grenade launcher, a projectile sniper rifle and a gun i made up called the Westar 30. Basicly i took the idea of a ww2 .30 cal machine gun and made it a heavy blaster, for fire support. It takes 2 guys to haul it around, one with the gun and the other with the tripod, when set up you get a gunner and spotter/asst. gunner. another thing i made up i would like a pic of is what I named the "Screecher" basicly its a shoulder launched rocket launcher that fires missiles with sonic charges for warheads. like the mines jango used in episode 2. thanks for your help and i cant wait to see those pics!

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 9, 2006 10:24 pm #

How bout somthing like the halo 2 rocket launcher, exept with 3 barrels instead of 2, and it could have a secondary mode where it shoots all six rounds like a minigun, for larger and harder to take down targets. Or i could do both rocket launchers, and have a single barrel one for the lighter jobs maybe? And did you have any idea on what guns you wanted to base the sniper and the blaster rifles on?

"This IS my signature."
November 10, 2006 11:56 am #

i like the idea of the multi barreled rocket launcher, thats sweet. but i kinda would also want another smaller version kinda like a LAW rocket. i kinda want the blaster rifle based on like a Dc17 maybe not as long. and as for the sniper rifle mostly like the halo sniper rifle since its projectile.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 12, 2006 7:20 am (Edited November 12, 2006 07:20 am) #

What's your email address, Vassili?

"This IS my signature."
November 12, 2006 10:15 am #

my email is

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 12, 2006 7:30 pm (Edited November 12, 2006 07:31 pm) #

like i promised, heres ch 1. its kinda short but there is alot more to come.

Ch1.  "I didn't enlist in the 101st. to sit in a freezer for 6 months."

    A young Lt. named Jango Fett watched as hundreds of troops marched up the ramps of the Mandalorian Flagship Basilisk.  A huge ship that had just recently left the shipyard after nearly 5 years of construction. It was the pride of the Mandalorian fleet.  Outfitted with the latest technology and weaponry. She was the first of the “Super Carriers”. Able to carry hundreds of fighters, dropships, and gunships. She was also equipped with cryo bays for the soldiers on long range deployment.
    Row after row of armored Mandalorians marched into the yawing troop bays.
    “Green” Jango thought to himself. “Too green.”
    These men were fresh from training on Earth and were anxious to fight. Jango knew that most of them wouldn’t return.
    “Don’t think too hard sir.” A voice said from behind him. “You just might hurt yourself.”
    Jango tore his gaze away from the spectacle and turned around. A Mandalorian in silver armor with a green stripe down the right side was watching him.
    Jango chuckled. “I was wondering if you were even gonna show up Mantle.”
    Staff Sergeant Mantle was a long time friend of Jango’s.  They fought side by side in many battles. He was also what Jango liked to call a “Techy” his knowledge of computers was almost scary.
    Mantle laughed. “Are you kiddin?” he said turning his head to watch the loading process. “Word has it this is gonna be a hell of a fight.”
    “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Jango replied. “Most of these men have never seen combat. The last thing I want is a hero putting our lives on the line.”
    “You worry to much sir.” Mantle returned. “When have our lives not been on the line?”
    Jango smirked. “Since the creation of the 101st. the high order seems to think were invincible.” his smile quickly faded. “They’re wrong.”
    Mantle bent down and picked up his ruck sack. “See?” he said facing Jango. “That’s exactly the kind of talk that gets us killed sir. I myself like the thought of being invincible.”
    Jango also picked up his ruck sack. “Get on board Mantle.”  he said whacking him upside the helmet. “I’ve heard enough of your philosophies for one day.”
    Mantle shrugged and followed Jango up the ramp. “Whatever you say sir. but it’s gonna be a long trip.”

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 14, 2006 6:14 am #

That's a good start, I like it.

"This IS my signature."
November 14, 2006 7:44 am #

hey thanks, i was starting to think this post was dead lol hows the drawings working out?

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 14, 2006 8:38 am #

Here it is... Ch2

Ch2  "I never did meet a Mando I didn't like, except for that one guy. But he's dead now"

Jango stood on the ground level street corner, waiting for his chance to cross the traffic choked street.  He glanced up at the sky. The sun shown through the clouds of speeders levels above him.
    “Nice day.” He said to himself simply. Suddenly the traffic light changed and he saw his chance to cross.  Among the many vehicles he felt somewhat exposed without his armor.
    Midway across the street he stopped suddenly. Without knowing why he turned to his right and stared down the busy street. Without warning a blinding white flash obscured his vision. Temporarily blinding him.
    Jango raised his hand over his eyes as his vision slowly returned to see what had caused the flash. Everywhere around him, civilians did the same. Some got out of their speeders. There was not a sound.
    A huge mushroom shaped cloud of fire and black smoke rose from the distance, turning the once blue sky deep red.
    Jango froze in horror.  A deafening boom suddenly reached him and knocked him flat on his back. Stunned he got to his feet.  People were screaming.  Jango could watch the oncoming wave of fire rush towards him. Obliterating everything in it’s path. He tried to scream as the wave reached him.
    Jango sat up quickly and hit his head on the rack above him. Groaning in pain he laid back down rubbing his head.
    “Dream” He thought to himself. “Just a dream.” His t-shirt was soaked in sweat and clung to his chest. Suddenly Mantle’s face appeared upside down as he looked under his rack.
    “Hey what’s the big idea banging my rack sir.” Mantle said sleepily. “Were not getting shot at already are we?”
    Jango wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. “No.” He said simply. “Just had a bad dream is all.”
    Mantle stared at his soaked shirt. “Must’ve been one hell of a dream to make you wet the bed.” A huge grin crept across his face.
    “You know,” Jango replied.  “We could use someone for nightly latrine duty.”
    Mantle’s grin quickly faded. “I’ll shut up now sir.”  With that his head disappeared back to the rack above him.
    Jango glanced at the green luminescent clock above the bulkhead.  “5:30” he noted. “They oughta be waking us up right about no..”
    The lights suddenly flickered on and the sound of groans and curses reached Jango’s ears. He smiled. “I love that sound.” He said to himself.
    Jango got out of his rack and stood by the bulkhead. “Alright!” he shouted.      “Naptimes over!    Everyone down and on your feet!”
    Slowly the men of Charlie Company climbed down from their racks and groggily stood at attention.
    “That’s better.” Jango said.  “You all know what today is. I’m surprised any of you could sleep.”
    “Just another drop to us LT.”   A soldier said rubbing his eyes.  “I’ll probably sleep through the landing.”
    “Not this landing you won’t” Jango replied approaching him. “Were doing your standard LAJD. Today.”
    “We know the drill sir.” Mantle replied. “Low altitude Jetpack drops are cake walks.”
    Jango smiled. “That may be so, but I don’t want any mistakes. By the book get me?”
    “We get you sir!” The company replied in unison.
    “Good.” Jango said. “Now get dressed, full armor and gear. Chow is in 15 minutes.”
    The company dispersed. Jango sat back down and reached under his rack. His fingers grasped the cold metal of his armor. He pulled it out and laid it on his bed. He put on his jumpsuit and one by one began placing the armor. When he was finished he stood up and picked up his helmet.  His face stared back at him through the reflective black visor. Scratches and dents on the once immaculate surface were all that remained of the countless battles he endured. He frowned when he noticed the blue paint flaking off around the T shape of his visor.
    “Almost forgot.” Jango said outloud. Reaching back under his rack, he pulled up his blaster harness.  He strapped on the dual holsters and immediately felt safer. Grabbing his helmet he once again stood by the bulkhead.  The Mandalorians of Charlie Company were already at attention in full armor.  With a great sense of pride Jango placed his helmet over his head. The company did likewise.
    “Now,” Jango said through the com. “Last one to mess gets latrine duty.”

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 14, 2006 9:05 am (Edited November 14, 2006 09:12 am) #

Pretty good, but some are better than others I'm talking about my pictures, not that new chapter, Its awsome. How did you get kfc soviet? It dosen't really make sense.

"This IS my signature."
November 14, 2006 9:38 am #

Kandosii Ner'vod, keep 'em coming.

Bal kote, Darasuum kote. Jorso'ran kando a tome - And glory, eternal glory, We shall bear it's weight together.
November 14, 2006 8:15 pm #

Hello.......Vassili.......You there? Did you get the pics?

"This IS my signature."
November 15, 2006 11:33 am #

yeah dude those pics are sweet! great detail in the D Eagle. I love the stock on the sniper rifle too, reminds me of a Dragunov. oh and the kfc soviet thing was a spur of the moment thing. I've always had a fascination with the soviets and that whole red army style and i like kfc lol. My paintball team is soviet based. The Red Legion. I've gotten the nickname "The Commie" from people i dont know but Vassili is my team name. I got this old ww2 wool trenchcoat i wear for paintball and my tippmann is decked out to look like an ak47 with a folding stock its pretty sweet. thanks for the pics again! i'll post chapter 3 soon and there will be some killin in that chapter for sure.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 15, 2006 2:37 pm #

Thanks, you can just tell me wich ones you like the most, and I can refine them. The first minigun I told you about  was that black and white one next to the auto cannon and that .30 cal. Again, I can do more if you want. Trenchcoat and tippmann AK-47?  Sweet.

"This IS my signature."
November 15, 2006 6:27 pm #

yeah i especially like the sniper rifle. i like the stock for the left one and the scope on the right one, but that was pretty much the look i was goin for. i like the rocket launcher too. i have a question, what was that shorter looking black and white gun with the pistol grip and no stock? but yeah if its not too much trouble a refined version of that sniper rifle would be sweet. yeah and youre ven kotan guy looks sweet too, again that D Eagle is superb, thats def. goin in the story. and yeah that trenchcoat is my secret weapon, its pretty much invulnerable to paintballs, they just bounce off, its kinda like overshield in a way lol

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 16, 2006 8:41 am #

It's a minigun, but it doesn't look like one because it has a cover  around the barrels. The biggest sniper rifle has 2 fire modes, so it can be a beam rifle and a projectile rifle. I'm not sure wich sniper rifle you are talking about, is it the bigger one or the smaller one?

"This IS my signature."
November 16, 2006 10:17 am #

i like the stock on the smaller one but i like the look of the bigger one, so that stock on the bigger one would be perfect. im going to georgia for a couple of days so i wont be back till sunday. my friends are graduating bootcamp so were gonna go see them for their 36 hr pass. but i'll post ch3 when i get back.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 19, 2006 8:09 pm #

ok im back, its kinda late tonight but i'll get to postin ch3 tommorow

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
November 21, 2006 8:25 am #

at last ch 3.

Ch. 3 "How's the war going? Why don't you ask the Lieutenant. I'm sure he'd be glad to tell you."

Jango let his  tray hit the table with a loud clang.  Splattering some of the contents.  He sat down and removed his helmet and stared at what the mess officer told him was food.
    Mantle sat down across from him and warily began poking the lump of green mass on his tray with a fork.
    “This isn’t gonna bite me is it?” He asked sniffing the substance. “What is this crap anyway?”
    Jango took a bite and grimaced.  It tasted like salted dirt. He set down his fork and took a gulp of water.  “If they wanted us to know what it was,” he said reluctantly taking another bite. “They would’ve informed us.”
    Mantle shrugged and took a bite.  He made a face of pure disgust and reached over the table for the hot sauce.
    “Do you two ever stop complaining?” A voice asked from behind Jango. “I asked the mess officer, this is goulash.”
    The voice had come from Rodriquez, Jango’s radioman. He joined them at the table and dove into his tray, getting more on his face and table then actually in his mouth.
    “Not so bad.” He said through a full mouth, spitting some of his chewed food onto Mantle’s arm.
    “Cmon” Mantle complained wiping the food particles off. “I spent three hours cleaning this stuff.”
    Rodriquez wore matte green armor with orange accents.  He chose this color scheme thinking it would make him less of a target around the “Shinies” as he called them.
    Two more Mandalorians sat down at the now crowded mess hall of the Basilisk.
    “Who would be in a hurry to eat this slop.”  Jango’s sniper, “Snake” said. “I personally would rather eat my own arm.” He glanced at the Mando next to him. “On second thought, maybe Dominic’s arm.”
    Dominic was the Platoon Medic. His armor was a dark blue with black edges. Snake’s armor was flat black. As a sniper he was also issued an active camouflage unit which made the wearer virtually invisible for a period of time.
    “Don’t get any ideas.” Dominic said inching away from Snake. “You can resort to cannibalism when we get planetside.”
    “They’ll be plenty of dead Deathwatch around.” Rodriquez added finishing the last of the food on his tray. He turned to Snake and eyed his still full plate. “Are you gonna finish that?”
    Snake pushed the tray over to him and began stripping down his DC-15 sniper rifle on the table.
    Mantle eyed him, “Are you attached to that thing Snake?” he asked picking up the bolt. “You treat it like it was your first born.”
    Snake snatched the bolt back from Mantle. “Could my first born take someones head off at 800 yards?”
    The whole squad laughed. Jango watched them as they ate. First squad was Jango’s best.  He took personal responsibility for them and rarely sent them on a mission without being there himself.  Every one of them had saved his ass at least once and he often returned the favor.
    “So Lt.” Snake asked, wiping down the receiver of his rifle. “When do we get off this can get our feet dirty?”
    Jango picked up his helmet and glanced inside at the mission clock displayed on his HUD.
    “Approximately three hours from now.” Jango replied setting his helmet back down. “Briefing is in an hour.”
    Rodriquez finished eating Snake’s share and  leaned back in his chair. “Great.” He said. “I can’t wait to strap myself into a metal box with engines and pray that an ion blast doesn’t take my ass off.”
    Dominic laughed. “Well I think there’s still slots open to volunteer for the ODT’s”
    The ODT’s were an all volunteer unit of Orbital Drop Troopers.  They would seal themselves in a coffin sized entry vehicle and ride it down to the surface.  Even Jango thought they were crazy.
    “I’ll stick to trusting a pilot.” Jango said. Even though he hated the thought of being blasted into particles in the atmosphere, he trusted the pilots.  “Though I am a bit more comfortable when my feet are touching something solid and not moving at 12,000 feet per second.”
    The squad nodded in agreement. Jango managed to gag down the last of his meal and stood up. “Alright” he said.  “You have just enough time to visit the armory before briefing starts.”
    His men stood up and began throwing their leftovers into the incinerator and stacking their trays back at the mess line. Jango didn’t want to think this was their last meal, “But” he thought grimly. “It very well could be.”

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"

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