This was in a convention I worked last weekend!
It was awesome!! There were a lot of fans, and crazy people about sw!
It was a grate experience for me to work there, I am a model, so it is always a pleasure been pictured with boba fett!
I had the chance to talk with this guy, and he told me he spend 1 year making his boba fett suit, I was shocked!!!
And in this occasion I had the chance to met Orli Shoshan, (Shaak ti) and she is a really nice person, very kind and charming.
That weekend was extremely cool.
I bought a cool boba fett watch; I’ll take picture of it so you can see it , it is very cute.
Also I’m thinking in become a 501 legion member, but I have a lot of work to do, with the suit, I want to be a Tusken raider.
Anyway ill hope you enjoy these pictures, promises ill send more!!
These are the links!!!!