Once at a LAN party, we all went outside for a break to get some fresh air...we were all just standing around and talking in my friends driveway, when all out of nowhere a praying mantis flies into my face...my friends laughed and laughed.
Bugs on the face aren't funny...Have you ever woken up just enough to feel something crawling across your face? (I have...)...but I probably wouldn't have screamed like your brother did. :P
Topic: Anger management thread
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
562 posts
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-Captian Murphy
Wow...I love praying mantis I wish one would fly in MY face :)
Have you ever woken up just enough to feel something crawling across your face? (I have...)...but I probably wouldn't have screamed like your brother did. :P
Once when I was sleeping, I felt something on my chest. When I woke up, I saw my rabbit looking at me as if to say, "Watcha' doin'?" It was the incarnation of a Nightmare (if anyone knows what I am talking about with the last sentance gets a cookie).
Does it have to do with the rabbit in Holy Grail? Otherwise I have no idea. No cookie for me, oh, well.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
It was the incarnation of a Nightmare (if anyone knows what I am talking about with the last sentance gets a cookie).
I'm thinking Donny Darko...am I right? Bunnies + nightmare = Donny Darko
In the Mideval Ages people thought that demons clled Nightmares would sit on your chest and pear into your eyes. They thought that this would be the cause of nightmares. You both get half of a cookie :P .
Yay! :D
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
/me combines his half of cookie with Miba's half to make the single BEST cookie ever. A short (but well-choreographed) kung-fu fight ensues, with Miba emerging as the victor. She walks away munching happily.
New anger management topic: cookie-stealers :P
Nobody steals my cookies...:(
*gasp* Did Miba kill you? Was there a lot of blood? Did she eat ALL of the One Cookie? I need details!
-Captian Murphy
Yes, I ate every part of the cookie except one crumb. You must find the One Crumb to be complete....
I didn't kill Gunslinger, but there was LOTS of blood. :D
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Is there a two drink minimum in this topic :P ? The One Cookie was the second greatest cookie ever, as my omnisapient grandma created the greatest cookie in existance. It is currently being guarded by Boba Fett, Sonic the Hedghog, and three ninja cows. ALL HAIL MY GRANDMA!!!
...we've lost our anger for insanity. I better find something to be mad about. Save the craziness for the off topic. ;) I'll find the One Crumb if it's the last thing I do...
My friend is getting paid 15 bucks an hour to sit around and do nothing half the time, while I'm slaving away on a weed-whacker in the hot sun for minimum wage cuz my dad will never give me a raise as long as I live because he thinks I'm lazy. :(
-Captian Murphy
Heh, yeah. While my job isn't labor intensive, it's the most boring thing out there: alphabetizing my dad's patients' charts. Normally this wouldn't be so bad, but he's got years of deceased patients that need to be organized, and it's beyond mind-numbing. I start talking to myself after a few hours alone in the basement...it's not a pretty sight.
The problem is, he won't let me get another job. I need money for gas, for insurance, and for going places (it's not like I need much. I didn't buy a class ring so can save up. I = rather stingy), but he continues to keep me at his office for a full $2 under minimum wage. I work a whole day and can get half a tank of gas out of that.
Can I have your job, Balancesheet?
I hate how there are too many things I want, but I do not have much of a way t get them. I used to mow lawns for ten dollars a week, but those people moved out.
Then may I make a suggestion?
Just go door to door asking to mow lawns for a lower price like $5 each. Why not just do that? :/
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I do not do that because most people in my neighborhood have riding lawn mowers.
Is there a two drink minimum in this topic :P ? The One Cookie was the second greatest cookie ever, as my omnisapient created the greatest cookie in existance. It is currently being guarded by Boba Fett, Sonic the Hedghog, and three ninja cows. ALL HAIL MY GRANDMA!!!
(I aproach the 3 challenges. The ninja cows become mincemeat when they fall to my mad lightsaber skills. I defeat Sonic by killing his buddy, Tails, right before his eyes. Overcome with sadness, he is to busy weeping to keep me from blasting him into oblivion. Now for Boba Fett. I know I can't kill him, so I use my best form of deception. Jingle Keys!
It didn't work. Now I must go to a dotcor to reattach my right atrium.)
And, on the flip side here.... I hate how every single business in town has Help Wanteds and practically drag people in off the street and beg random customers to become employees and then people in other towns whine that there's no jobs where they are. :P No, seriously. The Classified's section's larger than the actual newspaper. Albertson's got so desperate they put neon signs up like a sort of fence around their parking lot and they all say "Help Wanted". Smith's (the one I work at) hung a big neon orange sign on the front doors asking for people to work for us. A week or so ago I was in Wal-Mart shopping when two people from the photo desk were begging me to work for them. All the fast food places have their help wanteds on their signs. Some places even got those huge banners and hung them across the fronts of their stores. So if anyone's desperate for a job, come here. Cause in my town if you haven't got a job, it's only cause you don't want one. ......which is kinda sad cause there's a town about an hour and half to two hours away from here that has massive unemployment cause people can't pay to drive down here to work and there's no jobs up there.
So, yeah, I hate that situation. We finally managed to hire two new baggers and a new checker. Now we just need someone for NonFoods, someone in Bakery, and maybe an extra hand or two and we'll be set. Though maybe just one or two more baggers would be nice.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
The problem is, he won't let me get another job. I need money for gas, for insurance, and for going places (it's not like I need much. I didn't buy a class ring so can save up. I = rather stingy), but he continues to keep me at his office for a full $2 under minimum wage. I work a whole day and can get half a tank of gas out of that.
Can I have your job, Balancesheet?
:O...And I thought my dad was stiffing me...
You can still have my job...if you take my allergies too. ;)
(Class rings...my friends got those, wanted me to, I looked them in the face and told them I would stab my eyes out before I wasted money on that. I don't really want to remember my class for anything...)
-Captian Murphy
LMAO !!!!!!!! Three ninja cows?!?! No will Sonic be like the one thay put at the end of Hsu and Chan comics in Electronic Gaming? 'Cause that would be hiliarious!
At a LAN party, never, under any circumstances, chug 3 1 litter Dr.Peppers in a period of 10 minutes. Not something you want to have to deal with during a session.
Was a page deleted, or does my computer just have some kind of problem?
LMAO !!!!!!!!
At a LAN party, never, under any circumstances, chug 3 1 litter Dr.Peppers in a period of 10 minutes. Not something you want to have to deal with during a session.
Ow...that must have been fun. ;)
That's why I stopped drinking pop at LANs...Mountain Dew just made me feel like crud the next day. I've never done anything like that, though...sounds like my buddy who downed six Bawls and thought he would need his stomach pumped...
A fellow LANer? : D I love LAN parties...ever been to any big, 500-seat ones?
-Captian Murphy
seriously, i messed around with my computer so there is a seperate account for fun and work. i can only install stuff on my work account and when I'm on my fun account this ******* **** HP-Update **** comes on every thirty minutes (it takes up the whole **** screen and automatically comes on over what i have been doing) and then another little ******* window comes up and says I can only do this on my work account! I even set it so it WOULD NOT come on and then thirty minutes later. HI, WE HAVE NEW UPDATES FOR YOUR PRINTER
I..............ALSO...........HATE..........JUNK MAIL! IT SHOULD BE CALLED **** MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, rant over, probably won't happen again
I Hate Aol!
I love AOL! :)
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I hate a kid in my school who called me stupid whenever I said a word to larg for his mental capacity (i.e. omnipotent, universe, television).
Lol i hate people like that who call smart people stupid when they are thick themselves its sooo annoying.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
No offense to those of you who like it, but I hate the rpg runescape, the graphics are really horrible!
If you've never heard of it, it's a free online role playing game
First of all, please forgive me for reviving a dead thread... But I REALLY need to rant to someone.
Some of you may remember that my horse tore his ligament a while ago and that he requires "special care" for a year to a year and a half (the "special care" includes no riding, and no strenuous activity such as galloping, bucking, etc). WELL, today I discovered that a neighbor's dog was chasing OUR horse around in OUR field. When my Dad saw what was happening and went out and stopped Duke, that oh-so-bright dog, Goose was limping and favoring his leg. THAT little incident just put Goose back several months.
I love dogs. But if I had been the one to discover Duke chasing Goose.... Let's just say that Hell would have had no fury... And that that dog would have had a very sore rear end, the stinkin' di'kut.
Again, I apologize for reviving this thread.
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
First of all, please forgive me for reviving a dead thread... But I REALLY need to rant to someone.
Some of you may remember that my horse tore his ligament a while ago and that he requires "special care" for a year to a year and a half (the "special care" includes no riding, and no strenuous activity such as galloping, bucking, etc). WELL, today I discovered that a neighbor's dog was chasing OUR horse around in OUR field. When my Dad saw what was happening and went out and stopped Duke, that oh-so-bright dog, Goose was limping and favoring his leg. THAT little incident just put Goose back several months.
I love dogs. But if I had been the one to discover Duke chasing Goose.... Let's just say that Hell would have had no fury... And that that dog would have had a very sore rear end, the stinkin' di'kut.
Again, I apologize for reviving this thread.
Man, that blows. I'd tear the neigbor a new one.
My rant:
My buddies at the Canadian customs office completely destroyed some of my artwork. The value on the effing customs slip said $240, and they destroyed it! What the hell???? I have to refund my customer $41 in customs fees and find a way to reimburse with credit or something. I had it as registered mail because my backward crap-kickin local post office doesn't let me send packages to Canada insured, but the USPS website says they can send Canada-bound insured packages. I'm going to print the page with the insurance rates, take pics of the damage, print pics of how the set looked before it left my house, and go POSTAL. No joke. Heads are gonna roll.
To add to that, this morning my dog started throwing up blood. He just had an ultrasound, and they're indicating surgery. My mom gave him a hambone when she knows I don't want her giving him bones... she gave it to him while I was at school. She's making it up by staying at the vets, I guess.
Everything I touched in jewelry class today melted. If I drank, I would start drinking right about now.
I get that a lot. "You look depressed. You need a M-16."
M-16.... I love it!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
There is this kid at my school, who will not lay of me, or my girlfriend. He is SO annoying. He has like here sence 6th grade, but she hates him. He keeps buging us no matter what he do. He keeps hiting her. I swear next time he dose it, I'm going to break his nose. I only go part time, so if I get spended, O well.
If you definatly are going to attack him, punch him in the throut. It will hurt a lot, and there will not be much proof. I am NOT suggesting hitting him though.
M-16? No, Minigun? YES!
M-16s are light, accurate, and do not kick.
Personally for me it would have to be an Ak-47 :P.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
My vote goes for:
But substitute "truck" for car.
I got a very large Star Wars EPII bus shelter poster yesterday (arrived 6 days late) that cost about $300, after I got it inside I noticed the cardboard tube had been bent, ironicly right next to the sign that said in big bold text DO NOT BEND OR COMPRESS no wonder the lady that droped it off was in such a rush to leave. Now if where i bought it from wont refund or exchang it I'm going to have to take it up with the Post Office, so it looks as though I'm gona be out $300, gg post office.
SD_Chick what say we team up and hit the post office together, I'll bring the M-60 and some grenades.
Good idea. I just spent 2 hours going all over town and the most I'll be able to cover out of $240 is $44. Thanks, people.
Note: Don't send things registered mail. It's only good for $44, and they mangled mine all to heck and back. If you want something to get there in once piece, insure it.
Another note: If you somehow wind up with a light box that needs to be insured, make sure it's over a pound or put rocks in the bottom.
I think my next package is going Fedex...
People who drive 20 miles below the speed limit should be shot. Only I prefer an SKS.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
How is it possible to prefer something over an M-16?! I can see dounuts and RPGs, but SKSs, AK-47... You are all crazy :P. I really like M-16s though.
I also pity the foo' who says Chuck Norris is better than Mr. T. How many shows completely about Chuck Norris have there been? Zero. How many shows about Mr. T? Two. Did Mr. T just cut you off? You better thank God that it wasn't the other way around. Mr. T's tears can cure cancer. Too bad Mr. T never cries. Mr. T is actually allergic to door-knobs. That is why in the A-Team he had to kick the doors down.
I'd just like a big ole cannon on a turret to go on the roof of the truck.. pivot to the front for the twink that has to go 20 miles under the speed limit... pivot to the back for the moron in the rice rocket that feels the need to tailgate me.
Oh, and the death penalty for people who tailgate horse trailers. If someone ever rear ends a trailer I'm pulling, the insurance company is going to be the least of their problems.
I really want a tank. M-16s are light enough for you to push out the window and blow them away. :P
This truck practically is a tank. Or at least it feels that way when it comes to the gas pump. I should have got a picture with me standing next to it. It's rather dramatic since I'm petite.
Er... techically it's my mom's truck. But if my dad gets another car I'll have the Ranger.
The simplest street-legal weapon for tailgaters, though, is leaving the trailer hitch ball on the bumper. The tailgater gets a hole in their radiator if they come too close.
You need bullet proof glass. When I get a car, I will try to get it, but I am sure that it is expensive. I also want a bumper sticker that says "If you don't like my driving, get of the sidewalk!" I would also have barbed wire all over it as a present for those thieving little punks.
How is it possible to prefer something over an M-16?! I can see dounuts and RPGs, but SKSs, AK-47... You are all crazy :P. I really like M-16s though.
That's your opinion M-16's are much less reliable than an Ak you can fill an ak with mud and it still fires and is rated as the best gun ever made.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Yes, but M-16s are very accurate. M-16s also have bayonets and an RPG-like attachment.
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