So i was reading thr new Sw insider (90) and apparently their will be a round 3 for the clone wars series...anyone think it dumb?...wonder if Boba will be their?
Topic: Round three of Clone Wars
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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―Peter Griffin
Lost interest a long time ago...after the lancing IGs and underwater "battle"...
-Captian Murphy
I never liked the clone wars series i thought it was making star wars too childish and putting to many over powerfull charecters in Durge for example.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
There was a part 2!??!?! wtf it was good when it was about the slone squads, but as soon as they brought in the jedi and story lines... and... actually, it was alot like the movie.
But seriously, beating a dead horse there. Come up with quality programs they must. Like Lost, Heroes, Eureka, Monk, psych, and south park.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Knowing George, mediocre is all we can hope for.
-Captian Murphy

sad but true, which will be better round three or the live action series...meditate on this i must.
―Peter Griffin
I think live-action will rock and so will season three!

your crazy, but everyone has their own opinion. i doubt season three will be anygood at all.
―Peter Griffin
I think that most of the clone wars rocks, Like the bits with durge, that's good. The bit with Greivous and his elite on coruscant is well done too, I always wondered what happened there. But yes, the rest can be a bit slow. Oh yeah, the bits with ARC troopers rocked too.
I cannot purge the image of IGs with LANCES, for the love of Fett, tearing apart a battalion of AT-TEs, and Kit Fisto's underwater battle was, short of the Holiday Christmas Special, the most disgusting SW bit I have ever witnessed.
-Captian Murphy

hey i liked the SW holiday special...ok no didn't but tis the season.
―Peter Griffin
Like I said, the parts with the clone squads kick ass. But with the exception of Grievous, the jedi storylines ruin the show. The whole thing should just be 1 long fight scene between droids led by grievous, and troopers led by a reincarnated Jango.
Hail to the King Baby!!
i saw abit of it.awsome battles.a live action series??

yes! 2008, probably Fall if anything
―Peter Griffin
I thought the CWAS kicked ass!! I think they could have done a little less with the Jedi storyline and concentrated more on the troopers and some of the specialty units. All the sudden by ROTS we have all these elite spec-ops forces and no idea what they were. I though Durge was a cool idea but they made him too wimpy riding around on that speeder-bike and shish-ka-bobbing everything. Asajj Ventress ABSOLUTELY ROCKED!!!! The entire sequence with her and Anakin was amazing.
As for live-action.. plans are in the works for a 4yr run.. GL said its going to be mostly CG, which is fine too. I guess.. since thats seems to be the only thing GL can deal with instead of real people..
i can't wait, i love the clone wars. like pretty much everyone, i would to see it concentrate on the troopers, all aspect from the commanders, to the spec forces to the common rank trooper
i have to agree with fetterthanyou nobody can argue with nonstop clone battles.
For me i dont think they should have made a cartoon of Star Wars because it just to childish they tried to make Jar jar to apeal to children and he was just annoying, and i think a cartoon is trying to do the same thing. I espeshily hate Durge and i have only seen him about once.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I have to agree with Fetterthanyou; nobody can argue with nonstop clone battles.
I can. I thought that it was a pathetic attempt to make money.

the best part it Mel Brooks is going to have an animated will so blow clone wars out of the water.
―Peter Griffin
This is something that I haven't had anything to do with so far... which might be a shame, because the art looks gorgeous.
Generally, I don't tend to watch serials, and the Jedi thing put me off. Jedi bore the pants off me (so do mages and paladins). But I might keep an eye out for the next series for the sake of the pretty pictures.