As you may or may not know Haloween is coming up pretty soon. I still have no idea what I am going to be, so any "good" ideas would be helpful. Please only ideas that can be easily made, nothing over the top. And any group ideas are even better. Thx in advance =P.
Topic: Halloween costume ideas
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
15 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI pity the foo' who don't dress up as Mr. T.
Since this is the first year my Jedi costume's been completly done (well, 98% done anyway, which is better than the 30-40% it was before), I'm going to wear that. But I work, so I'll bring it along and put it on after work. :D
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well this year im boba fett but you dont have enough time to make a fett costume.
so heres a short list of good ones
-some kindof army guy(seal,marine,spec ops ect)
-a bannana(you can use some cool puns then like
"ow my bannana""stop looking at my bannana")
jk :)
-a zombie(for reference play dead rising)
-ronald mcdonald(he is pretty scary)
-freddy crugar
-clone trooper
-a mobster
-a ninja
-a monkey or gorilla(or just chewy)
well ill think of some more later
well if ya want group ideas theres
the godfather
any type of music group
the fruit of aloom guys
mario bros
The ultimate group costume idea: The A-Team.

I have lots of riding clothes... i.e. cowboy gear. I guess I'll be wearing those. It has to be comfortable enough for me to traipse around campus all day. (Yes, I'm going to school in costume)
If you raid the thrift store for cheesy clothes and go to Wally World for some hair spray it's pretty easy to dress up as an 80's rocker- like one of the guys from Europe or Susanna Hoffs from the Bangles.
I would have killed to have a Fett costume just to turn some heads, but alas, I'm out of money and time.
EDIT: I'm also bringing a rope to school. I'm gonna catch me a man once and for all! :D

You could go as a U.S Army sniper, thats what I'm going to be, I have a sniper rifle, and such. It will be cool
I too am going to be a Jedi, though I plan to work on a Mando costume possibly for next year. I finished putting together my Jedi belt, then finished the tunic, improvements from my costume from last year. I struck gold at a rummage sale by finding quite a bit of fabric and vinyl for VERY cheap, plus I found a really great belt at a flea market. I purchased plastic ammo/tool pouches from Wal-Mart and painted them with brown Krylon Fusion, then added my lightsaber :
My husband is going as V from V for Vendetta--that was fairly easy to put together, but the masks are scarce, if even found this year--I had to go to eBay. I also put together the belt/knives for that costume, and I had to trim a Lady Godiva wig as we didn't find a pageboy wig. I had to paint and decorate the knives as well--I used black electrical tape, remnant ribbon lengths, painted wood balls, and cheap plastic swords from Wal-Mart. I bought the belt at a Dollar General:
Once you have an idea of what costume you want, just keep your eyes open for ANYTHING that could work. Rummage sales, thrift stores, dollar stores. Plus, it makes you that much more proud to show off your costume if you put it together yourself! :)
Groups: LOL the Village People!!! hehee There was a group of Star Wars characters I saw at a recent parade: the father was Darth Vader, two of his daughters were Padme and Leia, and the baby was Yoda. The mom didn't dress up I guess.
I am not sure what I will be this Halloween. Next year I am definitely gonna be a Mandalorian!
I'm working on a new lightsaber specifically for Halloween. This one's a double bladed and is made from a shower curtain rod. Cause sink pipes were too thick and short for what I wanted. Currently I'm adding the buttons then I'll do the grip. The grip is an electrical ridged tubing which I'm going to be painting black with plastidip. (to give it the extra grip, and so it'll be black) My emitters actually came with the rod, they're fancy endcaps. When I'm done I'll post pictures.
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The ultimate group costume idea: The A-Team.
Lol you always reffer to the A-team silly foo
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
well for help on a boba fett costume you can email me
and for pictures of how mines going go to the "working parts" thread
<a href></href>
im working on a jetpack. its about 5% done. lol all i've made so far is the blue backpart that attaches to one of my old backpacks that i modified to be thinner and to attach to the rest of my jetpack. i also had the two exhaust vents but they broke, so im making new ones,
I'm going to have to check out the costume thread...