Topic: Jango Fett vs Bossk

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #135
February 27, 2006 2:42 pm #

Jango Fett

Species Human
Gender Male
Height 1.83 meters
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown

bio:Jango Fett was born to a family of farmers on the world of Concord Dawn, a planet long associated with the heavily-armored super-soldiers known as the Mandalorians. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, Jango was contacted by a man named Tyranus, who offered him a bounty on his former Padawan apprentice, Komari Vosa, deranged leader of a crime syndicate known as the Bando Gora. Jango had to compete with Montross, the former Mandalorian traitor whom Tyranus had also contacted about the bounty. Jango traveled to the system, fighting all matter of Bando Gora along the way. Having one last duel with Montross, he denied his old foe a honorable "warrior's" death, instead allowing the Bando Gora to proudly finish Montross off. Moving deeper into Vosa's lair, Fett was ambushed, knocked unconscious, and stripped of his weaponry.

Jango Fett is captured by Komari VosaHaving captured Jango, the Bando Gora prepared to turn him into a mindless slave. It was here that Jango acquired most of his facial scars. Vosa herself came to demand of him the name of his employer, but Zam Wessel freed Jango before being injured herself by the insane Dark Jedi. After a long duel, Jango Fett emerged victorious. As he prepared to finish her off, Vosa asked if he would choose to leave her alive. Jango, looking at the ruined female nearing her death, lowered his weapons. Vosa murmured " here." before being choked with the Force to her last breath.

To Jango's surprise, Tyranus was indeed there, and he was impressed. The bounty was a test to determine if the rumors of Jango's skills against Jedi were true. While Jango had personally killed many Jedi on Galidraan, Tyranus considered his former apprentice a more challenging test. In addition to the bounty on Vosa, Tyranus offered Jango a tempting sum of money for an unusual task: Jango was to be a template for an army of clones.
Jango Fett and Darth Tyranus making a deal that would change the Galaxy over the dead body of Komari VosaJango agreed, and soon millions of clones were created in his likeness at the cloning facility on Kamino. Jango, however, remembered Rozatta's final wish and asked for one clone produced without genetic tampering, an apprentice and son that would become Jaster's legacy and revive the Mandalorians.

he sent course for Dooku's estate to finalize his deal with the Sith Lord. His wish for an heir was granted and he was awarded Boba Fett. Contrary to his later claims, Jango was aware that Tyranus was also former Jedi Master Count Dooku, the Separatist leader.

Jango was killed before his son's eyes at Genosis by Mace Windu.
Jango never lived to see his clones participate in the Clone Wars, which tore the galaxy apart and cleared the way for the Galactic Empire. Nor did he ever see his son Boba continue his bounty hunting legacy, using his father's weapons and ship, as well as the suit of Mandalorian armor once worn by Jaster Mereel.

Species Trandoshan
Gender Male
Height 1.9 meters
Eye color Orange

bio:Bossk was a Trandoshan bounty hunter and the pilot of the Hound's Tooth. He was born on the planet Trandosha, the son of Cradossk.
Bossk specialized in hunting down Wookiees, sometimes enslaving them for the Empire, sometimes skinning them for their pelts. He had several run-ins with Chewbacca and Han Solo, and each time was humiliated when they made good their escape from him and other bounty hunters. Bossk heeded Darth Vader's call to rendezvous with other bounty hunters aboard Vader's Super Star Destroyer, the Executor.
He to tried to take the true catch — Han Solo in carbonite — away from Boba Fett. Over the years Bossk was repeadtedly humiliated and defeated by Boba Fett

"This is where my theme song would kick in, if I had a theme song. And not that Flash Gordon movie thing, either." —The Flash
February 27, 2006 4:22 pm #

Jango, cause Bossk loses to Boba all the time, so I doubt it'd be different with Jango. :P

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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February 27, 2006 5:02 pm #

Jango, because Bossk just isn't very skilled and gets angered too easily.

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AvatarMember #22
February 27, 2006 7:42 pm #

Jango for me

February 28, 2006 7:58 am #


{MW}--[color=#FF0000]"Death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
February 28, 2006 11:14 am (Edited February 28, 2006 11:14 am) #


"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING."
-Captian Murphy
February 28, 2006 11:36 am #

its an hard one, but i have to say Jango

May The Dark Side Be With You
February 28, 2006 12:03 pm #

I would say Jango.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
March 2, 2006 3:22 pm #

this is closed the winner is Jango

"This is where my theme song would kick in, if I had a theme song. And not that Flash Gordon movie thing, either." —The Flash
March 11, 2006 10:46 am #

Jango,because Bossk is a big idiot.

"As you wish."-Boba Fett
March 11, 2006 1:01 pm #

Bossk, because Jango is a smaller idiot.

AvatarMember #22
March 11, 2006 1:43 pm #

dude its over jango won

March 11, 2006 4:35 pm #

Jango, for the following reasons:
1) Bossk has no opposable thumbs, only tridactal claws.
2) Fashion sense: Bossk wears a lame orange jumpsuit. Granted, his hide is tough, but Jango's armor is more than protection, it's an arsenal and an therefore an offensive weapon. So he's heads up there.
3) Control:  Bossk has none.  He's easily frazzeled, and side tracked by his emotions and desires: be they anger, greed, fear, etc.

March 12, 2006 2:03 am #

Hmm depends. If Jango ticked Bossk off enough I think he'd win, as we know the Trandoshan doesn't think well when angry. However if Bossk was hungry and cool tempered I think he'd eat Jango and floss his teeth with a shoulder protector.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
March 12, 2006 9:23 am #
ARC Fett wrote:

dude its over jango won

I agree, It's over.

"As you wish."-Boba Fett
March 12, 2006 3:59 pm #
BFFC-Mel wrote:

Hmm depends. If Jango ticked Bossk off enough I think he'd win, as we know the Trandoshan doesn't think well when angry. However if Bossk was hungry and cool tempered I think he'd eat Jango and floss his teeth with a shoulder protector.

Very cold!  ;-)

March 12, 2006 4:23 pm #
BFFC-Mel wrote:

Hmm depends. If Jango ticked Bossk off enough I think he'd win, as we know the Trandoshan doesn't think well when angry. However if Bossk was hungry and cool tempered I think he'd eat Jango and floss his teeth with a shoulder protector.

Trandoshans do not think well when they are happy :) .

take it easy baby take it as it comes
April 27, 2006 2:15 pm #

I vote for Jango.

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
April 27, 2006 5:41 pm #

This topic was very dead, please start checking the dates. You have done this a LOT of times. I made the same mistake when I first joined the old boards.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
April 27, 2006 7:11 pm #
BFFC-Mel wrote:

Hmm depends. If Jango ticked Bossk off enough I think he'd win, as we know the Trandoshan doesn't think well when angry. However if Bossk was hungry and cool tempered I think he'd eat Jango and floss his teeth with a shoulder protector.

i agree, it all depends on jango's trickery skills. Boba has all the skill needed in that area so i assume he got it from jango, his father. I think jango might have somewhat of an upper hand though, idk why. Maybe just because he is mandalorian.


“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
April 27, 2006 7:50 pm #

i agree, it all depends on jango's trickery skills. Boba has all the skill needed in that area so i assume he got it from jango, his father. I think jango might have somewhat of an upper hand though, idk why. Maybe just because he is mandalorian.


However, Boa could have possibly learned it from experience rather than dear old dad

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
April 27, 2006 8:39 pm #
Maltese Kentaiba wrote:

i agree, it all depends on jango's trickery skills. Boba has all the skill needed in that area so i assume he got it from jango, his father. I think jango might have somewhat of an upper hand though, idk why. Maybe just because he is mandalorian.


However, Boa could have possibly learned it from experience rather than dear old dad

True, and actually, i think that is more likely the case since we dont hear much of jango fett and his deceptions/trickery. Boba Fett's "do it my own way" attitude would have spurred that very easily.


“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
May 10, 2006 9:26 pm (Edited May 10, 2006 09:27 pm) #

What's weird is boba seems better than jango in all ways

if bossk was having a good day and jango a bad one then Bossk might get one scratch on jango's armor before he was blown to pieces

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