If you could change something about the star wars story, what would be??
I´d probably change the fact that Padme dies, i´d prefer that she´d become the dark side!!!
Topic: What would you change in Star Wars?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
25 posts
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Id Prefer That Boba kills all jedi instead of anakin or jango but id prefer boba =)
Honestly? That they had stuck with the original plan and not killed Obi Wan Kenobi in A New Hope. I think it would be cool to have him live.
--Boba Fett
They shouldn't have killed Padme. We need more strong, smart female leads like her in the movies.
Also, I'd probably give the Bounty Hunters and Tusken Raiders more screen time. I felt that they didn't get enough.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I kind of take back what I said. If he hadn't died he wouldn't have been so omnipresent, which was very helpful to Luke on many different occasions.....I guess that’s why they killed him.
But I agree, I don't think they should have killed Padme, or at least not as soon as they did.
--Boba Fett

Yes I’m agree Jacsveus, Obi Wan shouldn’t die, but if you think about because of his death he became a super hero, and agree with you Thylacine, the movies needs more female power, perhaps it would be ok if Padme would die but in a different way, maybe that Anakin would kill her, that could show more the Anakin consequences of taking the dark side, and so the Bounty Hunters and the Tusken need more time…
About 1 month ago I went to a cool convention and I saw many guys with incredible Tusken cosplay, and I thought why does the Tusken just appear like 2 minutes? if they are so cool, I didn’t know !!
I'd make Padme a cyborg too. XD But only on the condition that Vader didn't know about it until like the last minute.
[EDIT] Oh, and Fett wouldn't scream like a girl when he falls into the sarlacc.
id change the fact that anakin next fully healed himself before he died, would have made it more tragic if he was so close to being without his suit and then BAM! dead
―Peter Griffin
Jango would cease to exist. Boba would lead the Mandalorians (not like the ones in Open House, and books by Traviss) in the prequels, if I could not get rid of them.
Sort out Anakin's hoodie/teenage-angst/I-don't-know-wft-I'm-doing thing. I mean, sure he was supposed to be young and reckless... but we are expected to believe that he's going to grow up to be Darth Vader.
And we do need a few decent female characters. Afer hearing that Mara Jade married Skywalker, I'm convinced that all Star Wars women end up dead or married to a hero (or in at least one case, both).

We Need A Femme Mandolorian!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not in the movies, unless there's something I missed.
Jango would cease to exist. Boba would lead the Mandalorians (not like the ones in Open House, and books by Traviss) in the prequels, if I could not get rid of them.
Just what i was thinking :).
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
What would I change in STAR WARS?
Well, for one thing... I should have been in it.
I actually may have a Jango character, but it would not be like in the movies and what not.
Id Agree With Sd Chick. Any Mandalorians Would Be Nice, But I Didnt Like How They Take All The Cool Bad Guys And Kill Them Off Quick Like Darth Maul,general Grievous, Jango And Boba. All These People Are Suposed To Be Bad Ass, But They Kill Them Off To Quick And They Let A Chode Like Count Dooku Go Through 2 Movies!
I agree with DEGO FETT, I counldn'tve said it better myself.
I'd prefer Boba not to have been a clone and for Jango to have survived the battle of Geonosis.
i wouldve made jango more like boba. for example he'd have a cape, a rifle, and his secondary color would be red, not blue. also i wouldve given boba like 10 more minutes of time, and a better "death" at the sarlacc pit. for example, he wouldnt have been simply knocked into the sarlacc by a blind guy. it wouldve lasted like a minute longer. and he wouldve at least damaged luke.
Somebody shoots Crumb
Temura never does the voice for Boba ever
(BFFC Moderator)
Well in a Tales comic, Boba shoots a creature of the same race as Salacious. You could pretend that that is Crumb. I agree strongly with your second stetment.
Nute Gunray and the rest of his species get decapitaded by someone.
ah im neutral about the voice although i will admit i like bobas old voice more because 1: i sound slightly like him and 2: i cant sound like jango fett at all. so yeah bobas voice is a little better. jangos accent is kinda cool though.
Well in a Tales comic, Boba shoots a creature of the same race as Salacious. You could pretend that that is Crumb. I agree strongly with your second stetment.
Nute Gunray and the rest of his species get decapitaded by someone.
I have that one actually.
(BFFC Moderator)
Jango's roiginal armor was green and red like Boba's.
But once hwas captured as the sole survivoer of the battle of Galidraan it was taken of of him.
When he escaped from prison on Galidraan he stole a set of armor that was restored and put into the governor type person's private museum.
That set of armor was the blue and silver one from Attack Of The Clones which belonged to a member of Jango's unit.
His name was Myles.
Its all in Jango Fett:Open Seasons.