Mark your calendars.. In honor of FettFan79 getting her first tattoo and me getting my bucket and other crucial items for my costume.. I and my friends, The QC Rogue Squadron: Mandalorian Division, have decreed that October 13th be known as Mandalorian Solidarity Day!!
Topic: October 13th
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
40 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestHEY!!! I wanna declare when madalorian Solidarity Day is!!
Hail to the King Baby!!
If you are superstitious, you may wish to reschedual.
I find thirteen a much luckier number than seven. :cool:
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
friday 13th black cats and all that is eurupe black cats r lucky as well as the number 13...good choice in the day picking
―Peter Griffin
In England white cats are "bad luck."
My bf's 18th birthday is on the 13th.
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I wrecked my friends '64 1/2 Powder Blue Mustang on a Friday the 13th.. Yeah I have a reason to hold it superstitious.. but this year that all changes!!!
well said and i hate white cats...they should be bad luck
―Peter Griffin
Oh, speaking of cats, my cat's black. :D
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What do we do on Mandalorian Solidarity Day?

Hey- I had an ER trip on THURSDAY the 13th of July.
I think Friday the 13ths are cool, especially the fact that this year is a Friday the 13th AND a 06, 06, 06. The "number" of Satan and a Ft13th in October? Count me in! =D
wow i did not notice that until just now...freaky! im bringing my lucky wookie leg with me every where.
―Peter Griffin
It could have been worse.... at least it's not a full moon too. :P
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Oh, I got all of that silver out for nothing. :(

My migraine is coming back. Actually, I've had it all week. I haven't sliced any fingers off or anything.
Now I'm going to go RIDE and see what happens! :D
And if I could find the tattoo thread again, I'd post my story and pics! LOL yup--got it last night! Which category is that thread in?
Mando Solidarity Day rocked! It was the best Friday the 13th I've ever had! I even got a set of Star Wars ornaments from my friend!!! :)
The thread for talking about destroying our bodies is in Creative, but I care not to find the exact link.
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I had a terrible day yesterday. I was trying to buy Series of Unfortunate Events 13, but Wal-Mart didn't have it, and then I wanted to buy puttanesca sauce for dinner but somehow when I reached for it on the shelf my hand grabbed the wrong one, and it didn't notice until I got to the checkout line of the humongous super-center store and it was too far to walk back. Then I bought the repackaged Darth Vader Unleashed, had to haggle with the cashier until he agreed to give it to me for $15, get in the car and opened it up, and realized that it wasn't the one with the removable helmet. Then I wanted to get ice cream to make myself feel better, but the Dairy Queen was closed for training! AHH!
If only I had known it was Mandalorian Solidarity Day, then I might have gone straight home and practiced my Mando'a instead of setting myself up for failure and humiliation.
BFFC Moderator
man--that WAS a terrible day! Hope the next day was better!
Thanks for helping me find that thread Miba--I got it :) posted my pics up there :)
does anyone know why friday 13th October is so unlucky at all, or does everyone think its just superstition the Americans made up??
You know, I'm not sure where that originated from.
My bad luck was just delayed--I slammed my finger in a car door last night....LOL
It was made up before the Revolutianary War. The legend is that Satan and twelve witches were seen fllying off. That is where the superstition of the number thirteen came from. It is possible that this happened on a Friday, which would explain a little more.
Yeah, well, people were morons back then. Like that whole "New Jersey Devil" thing. Or the Salem Witch Trials. -_-
well i dont know about you but i dont believe in superstitious stuff i think originaly some of the stuff made sense like going under a later but black cats cmon
so i think i should make a bad luck machine and see if anything lucky or unlucky happens
basicaly the machine would be in a warehouse and you would lean on a chair under laders braking mirrors and opening umbrellas while black cats circle around you and basicaly try doing as many things that are bad luck as possible.
man do i have some crazy ideas. . .

I don't believe in superstition. It brings bad luck.
Ahh- nice to know some of the legend...
well there is the original story.
this years friday 13th oct is the 700year anniversary of the massacre of the Templar Knights, anyone heard of them, medieval holy order of monk knights, they all got killed on that day.
Thats the european reason behind it anyway....i guess it was a bit unlucky for them....
ha i just was kinda "Order 66" style, monk knights=jedi...robes, swords(lightsabre) and everything.
The new jersey devil is totally real.
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do you have any pics of your bucket?
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
well there is the original story.
this years friday 13th oct is the 700year anniversary of the massacre of the Templar Knights, anyone heard of them, medieval holy order of monk knights, they all got killed on that day.
Thats the european reason behind it anyway....i guess it was a bit unlucky for them....ha i just was kinda "Order 66" style, monk knights=jedi...robes, swords(lightsabre) and everything.
Yes, actually, I have heard ot the Templar Knights...though now I know more of the Friday the 13th story!
oooooooooooooooohhh--dang------spooky pic there TW--where did you find that?
I dont believe in supersticions, I dont thonk that bad luck exists, i prefer to think that you create you own lucky, doing good things...
lol, im less scared of the demon thing chasing the kangaroo cus its obviously not bothered with the cameraman, and im wondering wat the tipod thing is in the centre of the pic...war of the worlds??
That picture is too obviously fake. Its just some fake prop put there, the picture is taken, and then they photoshop in a deer.
lol, im less scared of the demon thing chasing the kangaroo cus its obviously not bothered with the cameraman, and im wondering wat the tipod thing is in the centre of the pic...war of the worlds??
I do not think that it is, but if it was the New Jersey Devil, that would be a deer.
True--if that is a light or a flash, I think the creature would have been looking at that...nope I don't know what that tripod is in the pic either. Still a good photochop job! hehee
ha! well you can tell how good my eyes are! Kangaroo/deer....whats the difference, they are both meat if ur hungry and hunting. (no offence meant to any vegetarian bounty hunters....if there are any)