i'm sorry if anyone wrote this topic before but it's just too crazy to think about.i mean who would win boba or chief?there are a variety of scenarios that could be good or bad for both.i mean that would be the greatest fight of all time.wow i'm woozy from just thinking about it!whew!
Topic: Boba Fett vs. Master Chief
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
132 posts
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Uh......who is master chief?
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you.....don't......know ......who.....he.....is?he's from halo!you've never heard or played halo?!i mean man that's insane.whew,sorry don't mean to insult i mean i thought everyone has heard of halo or master chief sometime in their life but anyway i overreacted sorry.
No,no no. Ive played Halo and Halo2. Ive never owned it and played.......story or whatever they have. :/
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well he's the main character with the armor he kills the aliens
Hmmm. Tough fight, similar charactars, but my vote goes to Boba.
Masterchief...Ha that's a rank,not a name!I choose Boba!
My vot also goes to Boba, but only by a margin.
I say a tie!!
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I have to say Master Chief (and DMC he has a name and it is actually John) on this 1. I mean his armor is pretty awesome, he has the strength to flip a tank, he has a shield, and he faught off a covenant armada single handedly.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Master Chief, Spartan 117. You know that guy survived an assault from a fighter jet during training? The thing used a missile and a quartet of 50mm cannons, and he survived both. The missile detonated a few feet form him, and he broke his Achilles tendon running to the end, but he still made it. That guy's tough as nails and twice as sharp, I think Fett's bested on this one. There's a reason why the Chief is one of the 5 remaining Spartans, and why the Covenant refer to him as a "Demon". Even if it's just his biological augmentations that give him the edge he needs, it's not up to being fair. He's got too many unnatural advantages that Boba just can't match.
-Lewis B. Puller, United States Marine Corp
Do you think that Master Cheif could kill a bunch of jedi with his bare hands? I think not. Boba can, so I think he'd win.
Do you think that Master Cheif could kill a bunch of jedi with his bare hands?
Actually, i think he could, but then again it would be helpful to know if his shield could resist lightsabers...
Hail to the King Baby!!
Do you think that Master Cheif could kill a bunch of jedi with his bare hands? I think not. Boba can, so I think he'd win.
I'm not even sure Boba could kill a Jedi with his bare hands, he can kill them though, no doubt about that.
(BFFC Moderator)
Oh, Boba can kill a jedi with his bare hands, all right. Have you ever read Jango Fett Opening season? In that, Jango, although badly outnumbered, killed several jedi with is bare hands, even though they had lightsabers. (No, they were not padawans.) And since most of us know that Boba is far supurior to Jango, Boba could certainly do it if Jango could.
No, haven't read open seasons, I've been trying to find it though.
(BFFC Moderator)
Boba would win it would be a close fight, but Boba is smarter has faster reflexes and a better arsenal of weapons.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Boba would win it would be a close fight, but Boba is smarter has faster reflexes and a better arsenal of weapons.
smarter... maybe in a few ways ya, but MC is a tactical genius just like Boba.
Faster reflexes? Definately not, after countless augmentations to his body and his armors extra power and speed, Boba can't match him.
Better arsenal of weapons... debatable, some of the covenant weapons meat up pretty close to star wars based ones.
So in the end i still say its close, but i give the edge to the MC.
Hail to the King Baby!!
But Boba has greater physical strength, if not greater reflexes.
IG-88 wrote:Boba would win it would be a close fight, but Boba is smarter has faster reflexes and a better arsenal of weapons.
smarter... maybe in a few ways ya, but MC is a tactical genius just like Boba.
Faster reflexes? Definately not, after countless augmentations to his body and his armors extra power and speed, Boba can't match him.
Better arsenal of weapons... debatable, some of the covenant weapons meat up pretty close to star wars based ones.
So in the end i still say its close, but i give the edge to the MC.
1. Cortanna does all the thinking for Master chief and Boba out smarted 3 of the most intellegant droids ever.
2.Boba has amazingly fast he can dodge blaster bolts it says in BHW i have never seen Master chief doing anything that fast.
3.The covenant dont have rockets flamthrowers or saber darts etc.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Words of wisdom, man.
1. Cortanna does all the thinking for Master chief and Boba out smarted 3 of the most intellegant droids ever.
2.Boba has amazingly fast he can dodge blaster bolts it says in BHW i have never seen Master chief doing anything that fast.3.The covenant dont have rockets flamthrowers or saber darts etc.
Cortana doesn't do all of the MC's thinking, he just gets his info on covenant activity from her. He planned out an invisible strike on an elite swat team during training, while he was still a teen. He also raised to the top of his peers in the Spartan training, who were all military trained from age 6. So don't try saying he is not a tactical genius, because i am sure you haven't read the books. Also, maybe boba is fast, but MC can run over 50 mph.
The covenant may not have rockets, or flamethrowes, but the humans do. And saber darts would just bounce off his armor. Weapons are pretty even if you ask me. Like i have said before, it would be really close, just trying to keep your minds open. You can't judge how good the MC is from the game, just like you can't judge Boba from the movies.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Words of wisdom, man.
Good point Fetter but...
50 mph must be a little over exaggerated. Boba's multi detonater can destroy the engine of a battle cruiser i dont think MC has anything that powerfull. Also am i right in saying MC had his skills genetically engineared? If so then that means before he wouldnt have been so good without the modifications. Were as Boba had skill from the start, and if Boba had the same modifications as MC then he would undoutedly be better.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Boba Fet vs the master cheif is a great matchup. I wouldnt be surprised if Halo 3 had the aliens put a bounty on master cheif. :P
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Ok,Ok its a great matchup but in the end Boba wins.The characters skills are a mythology unto themselves and his legacy a monstrous cannon that by its sheer magnitude must surely vaporize MC.I think Boba forces a submission with a chicken wing in round 7.
Besides Boba's got the better website.
ive no idea what halo is.maybe they will be allies and the big fight wont happen.
I reposted this in another thread but I think that the deciding factor is in weapons.
The Ion cannon from Star Wars would turn the chief's spartan armor into a half-ton coffin.
Yeah maybe theyll team up like Beau and Luke Duke."Jus' sum good 'ol boys never meanin no harm.Beats all ya ever saw been in trouble with the law since the day they was cloned."
Question: What do they use as the General Lee ?
I reposted this in another thread but I think that the deciding factor is in weapons.
The Ion cannon from Star Wars would turn the chief's spartan armor into a half-ton coffin.
Yeah maybe theyll team up like Beau and Luke Duke."Jus' sum good 'ol boys never meanin no harm.Beats all ya ever saw been in trouble with the law since the day they was cloned."
Question: What do they use as the General Lee ?
any of boba's 'slave' ships would do. think about it, what's painted on top of the general lee? the 'southern cross,' or the rebel battle flag which is a contemporary symbol of opression.
Also am i right in saying MC had his skills genetically engineared? If so then that means before he wouldnt have been so good without the modifications. Were as Boba had skill from the start, and if Boba had the same modifications as MC then he would undoutedly be better.
But Boba doesn't have those enhancements, thats the point. Just because he might be better with them doesn't factor in. He will never have them and therefore its an advantage for the MC. Just like how Boba has a slight weaponry advantage.
Boba has the EE-3, jet pack, wrist rocket, back rocket, and a slew of other gadgets.
MC has covenant and human weaponry, personal shield, chemical enhancements, and sticky grenades.
In the end it cmes down to who can pull off something sooooooo amazingly awesome that the other just shoots themselves in the head due to pure awesomeness.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Lol true also Boba could use slave 1 because he can control it from a distance with his helmet.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
hey, don't bring slave 1 into this, or MC will have to use one of the halos to destroy all sentient life forms... And nobody wants that do we!
Hail to the King Baby!!
Errrgg *cowers in corner* ahhhh
Anyway we should probably just call this a draw i cnat be bothered to argue my point anymore.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Come on guys Boba wins if for no other reason than were on his fan club board :/ and voting for MC would be rude dont'cha think?Oh yeah one more thing......COBRAAAAAA!!!
A fan of the original series are you? I thought that I was the only one. Anyway, I have been reading about Master Chief, and perhaps it would be a tie.
Master Chief has that incessant thing where he dies then goes back in time and tries again.
Now if Boba had that.......
but he does!
who else do you know that survived the saarlac pit..

Spider-Fett wrote:Do you think that Master Cheif could kill a bunch of jedi with his bare hands?
Actually, i think he could, but then again it would be helpful to know if his shield could resist lightsabers...
His shields can resist Covenant energy sorwds. I think that MC would win, nothin against Boba, but with all the things that MC did at 10! omg, he is crazy. but then again all of the thigns BOBA did at 10 also. hmmm. You would have to read the Halo books to get a really good view of MC, and then read the Boba fett books, from when he was a kid. THEN I think thaty ou could make a REAL opinion, but thats just my opinion.
EDIT: but MC also has his sniper rifle, which could go straight thorugh Boba, if he got a good shot at him
It also depends at which range they were at, close range, I think it would be a tie, medium range, it would be a tie, but a long range, MC would win, cause of his sniping skills.
but he does!
who else do you know that survived the saarlac pit..
Well I was actually referring to the fatc that when you die on Halo you go back to a checkpoint.
And Boba didn't go back to a checkpoint, he simply blasted his way out.
MC wins for 1 reason and 1 reason only.
He is the only character that can sell a game as the "Legendary edition" for $100 and have people pre-ordering it a full year before it is announced to be released.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Lol then it wouldnt even be a contest it would be a mascare.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
now if the us millata in Halo hired boba and the mados then the convei's would already be dead and gone the chief and boba would kick ass together, but in a fight between both of them fett would win he heas more weapons, ammo, and a jetpack so before the master chief could get to a vehicle or any new weapons he would already be dead...though the chief does have that respawn thingy...
now if the us millata in Halo hired boba and the mados then the convei's would already be dead and gone the chief and boba would kick ass together, but in a fight between both of them fett would win he heas more weapons, ammo, and a jetpack so before the master chief could get to a vehicle or any new weapons he would already be dead...though the chief does have that respawn thingy...
Whats "mados" or "convei's" or "millata"
Master Chief isn't anything great. Just some guy ina suit, same as Boba only without a jetpack.
I would imagine Boba's smarts would allow him to win.
He only respawns because its a game lol. But i think Boba is deffinatly smarter than MC.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
He only respawns because its a game lol. But i think Boba is deffinatly smarter than MC.
But for the record Fett on Battlefront II doesn't respawn quite as quickly, unless you put it on that hero thing which means he's a permanent character or change the setting so he respawns every second.
And yeah there's no doubt about the smarts. Speaking of which is MC fighting with Cortana in his head or what?
A fan of the original series are you? I thought that I was the only one. Anyway, I have been reading about Master Chief, and perhaps it would be a tie.
You're saying Bane couldn't beat Fett, and yet some punk in armor can match him?
(Or were you undecided on that one...I forget)
ok first of all, there is no doubt that MC's armor is better than boba's. Boba's doesnt have a shield, doesnt cover all of his body, has a cape which i consider a disadvantage.
MC also has awesome reflexes and the military mind to match any general... ever. And he has been trained since he was 6, so he knows his way around a battlefield.
so "Just some guy ina suit" doesnt really cover the whole story, its like saying boba is just some guy with a helmet.
Hail to the King Baby!!
draco fett wrote:A fan of the original series are you? I thought that I was the only one. Anyway, I have been reading about Master Chief, and perhaps it would be a tie.
You're saying Bane couldn't beat Fett, and yet some punk in armor can match him?
(Or were you undecided on that one...I forget)
When I was re-reading some of the old posts in this topic, I thought the same thing. I really do not know what I was thinking.
Whats "mados" or "convei's" or "millata"
I shall never type the first one, but it is a lazy way of typing "Mandalorian." I have not a clue of the second "word." A millitia (if that is what he means) is a small, unofficial army.
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