Lopero comes from the shorted version of my "critter" from Woodbadge.My patrol animal is a antelope.I am known as a "loper" so I simply put a "o" on the end to give it the feel I thought that might work.
My avatar if the Fett crest.
Topic: What do your Names and Avatars mean?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
230 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestWell when I was making an email adress all the names i wanted were takin so i just used Jesse Fett and now i use it for every thing else. And im sure you all know what my avatar is, Its Alien or somtimes the marine from doom3 or a HellKnight.
Eh...I've only changed mine once, and I'm never changing it again :P
I wouldn't either. It really fits your name, my favorite character from that story, (second to Fett, of course).
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
BalanceSheet wrote:Eh...I've only changed mine once, and I'm never changing it again :P
I wouldn't either. It really fits your name, my favorite character from that story, (second to Fett, of course).
Ja...BalanceSheet is teh awesome. :P And so is Anderson...they just go together. ;)
You've got a pretty good avatar also...if I didn't like mine so much, I'd try to do something fancy with Fett but...why is there a black heart in the corner?
-Captian Murphy
My take on the heart is that:
1. It's suppose to mean Boba has a black heart?
2. I <3 Boba. Maybe it's black and not red cause black looked better?
3. I <3 the Boba statue thingie that's in the avatar. That is the statue-thing, right?
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I stole this avatar from Mrs. Fett. She had a green heart in hers, (can't say why). The black heart shows his mood, and attitude. It backs up his raised rifle (just to the left of his rocket). It says, "You're gonna be one dead barve."
Boba statue-thing?
I tried to make a DDO character of Boba Fett yesterday, but the name was already taken. That barve better play it well. I was going to run him as a human fighter with these profiencies: Exotic Weapon Profiency- Bastard Sword (1-10 damage, the largest you can use with a shield), Rapid Reload (for crossbow), and Ex Wpn Prof- Great Crossbow (does a whopping 1-12, the equivalent of a 2-handed Greatsword). As a fighter, I'd get to add a combat feat every level, but I'm tempted to take a level in Rogue or Ranger to add some stealth. As a rogue I'd be able to use magic items that would normally be outside my ability, (wands and such), simulating Fett's extra weaponry. He looked a lot like Temuera Morrison with a big scar crossing his face, and really mean eyes. I planned on mailing him an appropriate helmet and armor from another character, but there would be a brief period where he could be seen without it as he cleared the Port District. I should try it again under the name Jaster Mereel...
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
Yeah, that looks a bit like the top of a little statuethingie starwarsshop.com had for sale several months back. It's not a problem, it's just what the picture's of, I think. I mean, I don't think it's actually Boba, but merchandise of Boba.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

MIBA! YOU TOOK MY AVATAR! :P Its ok. I think you made it for me anyways. Hows my new avatar? :D its the animated fett. I think you'll like the Nihilus one better though. :/
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Yes, I stole it!!! :D Actually, yes, I did make it.
your new one's cool! I liked Nihilus, but this one is anice change.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

btw, Miba check your freakin messages!! Ive been waiting. ;)
carry on..
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I made that DDO character under the name Sadriel Fett. Now I need some background on the name Sadriel. Is he from a story?
The span of the limbs on his Great Crossbow is just sick, well over a meter!! And that Bastard Sword is so large it comes with it's own zip code!! LOL!
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?

I made that DDO character under the name Sadriel Fett. Now I need some background on the name Sadriel. Is he from a story?
Sadriel Fett is a member of BFFC. Is there something Im missing here. :/ Or is it just you?
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
True, I don't catch every ball thrown to me, but I was just wondering where he got the name. That's all.
I'm very thankful for the name, too. It turned out to be the luckiest thing I've done in that game. Sadriel Fett is one tough barve, I'll have you know. He takes on solo missions set on Normal (did I already say?), which are designed for a party of 1st level characters.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?

oh ok, I knew it was me. I think he told me he got it because its either his name, or something about an airbase. :/ :/ :/ I dont remember, I might be completely wrong.
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Thanks, TW. It's a cool name, like Jango's grandfather that drinks a single glass of vintage red wine each night with his meal, (roasted mynock). It's got a touch of class, almost too much for a man of action, but worthy of any lord or patriarch.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
i got teh name Dino from ... you guessed it, the Flintstones. i was talking to my friend about old cartoon and i said "all characters on flintstones should die exept bam bam and dino ... and there you go! btw as you may have guesssed, my avatar is dino

THATS MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHHA! Thats funny dude, I've been teased by the cartoon charecter from kids all my life. Thats funny! :lol:!!!
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Well, lets see... My mother named me after John in the Bible.. and she was always particular to the John 3:16 chapter/verse. I just combined that with my Fett-ish and came up with Mando316. My licence plate says FETT 316. If you look at the pics of my tats (Mando Ink thread) you can see the ring of thorns with 3:16 directly under the Mythosaur skull tat.
Well the name I took firstly as the name Fett used when he was a Journeyman Protector then from the Dark Horse comic where Jaster was Jango's mentor. Avatar from same comic, and sig... well click it and see.:P

SD= South Dakota, my home state. (Though it's not where I'm living now) And chick because....well... I'm female. I don't consider it an insulting term like some women do.
I don't have an avatar yet. I haven't found something that would look good in a small picture.
For my signature in case anyone's wondering... I use a TI-86 graphing calculator in Algebra class. All the other students as far as I know use the TI-83, which has fewer features than the 86. Last week they were saying things like: "Your calculator is way different than mine. How do you work that thing?"
I'm not a geek by any means, but it made me feel rather powerful.
And the second line is just a cute saying I saw on another website. Author unknown.
EDIT: Just realized there's another thread for signature explainations, but I have a bad habit of resurrecting dead threads.
Hey TW, you mean your actual name, in real life, is Dino? Your so lucky haha that was my favorite cartoon growing up

he,he,......yeah that is my real name but Im not "lucky". ;) I've been teased all my life since I was a toddler! :P
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Thanks Jaster. You made my night with that link.
TW, as long as you're used to the heat, change your name to Boba, (I'd rather be defending that then Dino...).
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
The true origins of my name will always remain a mystery, I like it that way. :P (and as far as I know, I'm the only Jacsveus on the internet) But as for my Avatar, it’s a picture of Koji Minamoto, a lone wolf, a person who in many ways reminds me of Fett.
--Boba Fett
The avatar, well, i just thought it was cute. As for my name, it's a mix of my fanfic character's last name and the Mandalore part is kinda like a preview for a fanfic im writng.
I decided to change my avatar to Darth Revan, because... omg, such a cool mysterious character. His identity is so vacant it makes him cooler than Boba Fett now :P
In your opinion. Nice avatar :P.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
A Thylacine is a Tasmanian Tiger, which is a marsupial that lived in Tasmania before becoming extinced in 1936. It's also one of my favorite animals.
My avatar is HK-47 from KOTOR I and II. He's my all time favorite game character and droid.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
My name comes from virtual reality and Bettie Page,and a really bad IM conversation with a creepy dude.Which ended with,"I ain't your Virtual Bettie".
Infamous found it rather funny and started referring to me as Virtual Bettie on the net,and now it's stuck.I actually like it,what's a girl to do?
My brother got his nickname because when he was a cop,he was a very bad boy.Everyone said he would be infamous one day.And so he is....
No avatar for me yet.Alas....