I was 6 years old and I loved Qui-Gon, he was my hero. Then Darth Maul killed him and I cried in the movie theater. My mom said "Don't cry Matthew, Obi-Wan is really cool too" but I was still upset that my hero was killed I felt a little better when Obi-Wan cut Dm in half. I was happy that the horned mudering son of a b**** was killed. thats my silliest Star wars secret
Topic: Silliest star wars secret
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
173 posts
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"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Lol. I think my silliest Star Wars secret is that Jar Jar used to be my favorite character...
Lol. I think my silliest Star Wars secret is that Jar Jar used to be my favorite character...
LOL. Man I hate jar jar but he is funny though :)
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

mine was when EP1 came out my favorite color was red (still is) and i thought if i liked red that is was on the Dark Side so when people asked what my favorite color was i said blue then my mom said no its not its red then i told her and the people that asked my favorite color why i couldn't like red..... the just laughed at me :(
Our school was selling roses for Valentines Day that were going to be delivered to our classes. Someone sent me one from "Jango Fett."
Our school was selling roses for Valentines Day that were going to be delivered to our classes. Someone sent me one from "Jango Fett."
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Silliest SW secret? hmmm..... that's a toughie....... Oh! I keep all my figures in a padlocked footlocker, inside of which is a huge safe, containing a smaller safe, containing a key to a safe under my bed hidden in the floor, containing my figures. I do the same thing for my comic books and Spider-man toys. I'm a freak. :(
Silliest SW secret? hmmm..... that's a toughie....... Oh! I keep all my figures in a padlocked footlocker, inside of which is a huge safe, containing a smaller safe, containing a key to a safe under my bed hidden in the floor, containing my figures. I do the same thing for my comic books and Spider-man toys. I'm a freak. :(
you are kidding right?
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Alas, no.
Why do you do that? Just out of curiousity.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Silliest SW secret? hmmm..... that's a toughie....... Oh! I keep all my figures in a padlocked footlocker, inside of which is a huge safe, containing a smaller safe, containing a key to a safe under my bed hidden in the floor, containing my figures. I do the same thing for my comic books and Spider-man toys. I'm a freak. :(
I want to do that with my Star Wars, coin, and comic collections, but not that extreme.
Why do you do that? Just out of curiousity.
I am curious as well... :/
my secret is obi wan could kick boba fetts you know what
my secret is obi wan could kick boba fetts you know what
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
my secret is obi wan could kick boba fetts you know what
How is that your SW secret? That's an opinion, not a secret. :)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
When i first saw RTOJ in about 1988ish, when the ewoks died i cried that the "Teddy's" had been killed and my mam had to tell me that they were just asleep
my secret is obi wan could kick boba fetts you know what
Kill the infidel! The heretic must be punished!!
My big Star Wars secret? This is bad: I used to play 'Star Wars' on the playground with all the boys shortly after Episode I came out. I was... Mace Windu...
My big Star Wars secret? This is bad: I used to play 'Star Wars' on the playground with all the boys shortly after Episode I came out. I was... Mace Windu...
Well, if you had to be a Jeid, at least you were the hard core kind.
lol, I wish I had something entertaining to tell, but I can't think of any weird SW secrets I have.
Yeah, well, Lord of the Rings came in shortly after that and I was relieved of my role as Mace Windu... and granted the leading role as Frodo -_-;;
hi mine is that when episod two came out i shout nooo when they kiled jango which was a bad thing thing tow do since it was the midnight showing and some one tossed a empty coke at me .lolol
I got mad too. lol, I said, "I am going to kill Mace Windu." In a Sith type voice after the movie ended, and then I realized what I'd said. :P
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Yeah, I was mad when Jango died. I hate Mace Windu for that, I used to like him but, I don't like him anymore.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

I loved Mace until he killed jango, i was like noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i hate mace now!
When Jango got his head lopped off I said really loud, "You d*** ba****", the lady behind told me not to talk like that and scolded me the rest of the way through the battle, i had to wait until it came out on DVD to see the rest of the battle and half of Anakin and Dokou"s battle. =(
When Jango got his head lopped off I said really loud, "You d*** ba****", the lady behind told me not to talk like that and scolded me the rest of the way through the battle, i had to wait until it came out on DVD to see the rest of the battle and half of Anakin and Dokou"s battle. =(
That's FUNNY! was she old?
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
When Jango got his head lopped off I said really loud, "You d*** ba****", the lady behind told me not to talk like that and scolded me the rest of the way through the battle, i had to wait until it came out on DVD to see the rest of the battle and half of Anakin and Dokou"s battle. =(
That's harsh. What kind of fan goes to see a SW flick, and lectures another fan for getting into the film?
when i got my boba fett helmut i wor it all night and had put captian solo in the cargo hold on repeat all night. i was brain washing my self. and it worked.when i was a kid my dad put all my star wars action figues in a dish with a handle and swung it over his head in circles and the nhe said somthing about g-force. but all i heard was force and i was awe struck
BobaJoe, you can use the edit button. Also, if you want your signiture to be correct, it is spelled 'mercenary.'
when i got my boba fett helmut i wor it all night and had put captian solo in the cargo hold on repeat all night. i was brain washing my self. and it worked
Which helmet is it?
who made it?
-Boba Dude
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
when i got my boba fett helmut i wor it all night and had put captian solo in the cargo hold on repeat all night. i was brain washing my self. and it worked
Lol.....thats funny. I did the same things....as far as when i got something new..even if it was a hat....i'd wear it all day and all night...lol
I have a BIG secret. Nobody in my life knows that Im a Star Wars nerd but my parents. I...guess you can call me.....The Secret Nerd. Hey....ya know what, thats a pretty good Board name for me!...The Secret Nerd.....yes..yes I like it! But I like my Original name better. :D
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I have a BIG secret. Nobody in my life knows that Im a Star Wars nerd but my parents. I...guess you can call me.....The Secret Nerd. Hey....ya know what, thats a pretty good Board name for me!...The Secret Nerd.....yes..yes I like it! But I like my Original name better. :D
not all people who like star wars are nerds...i think most aren't, but a few are, so i can't say all aren't.
MandalorianSpy9 :D
Try Fanatic
Yeah....there ya go! or you could say fan etc.etc.etc. i like the fanatic though.
why do you not tell any one?
By joining the BFFC you have told the world :lol:
-Boba Dude
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
why do you not tell any one?
By joining the BFFC you have told the world :lol:-Boba Dude
Lol...You're right in a sense, but the people around you that you see every day don't know so no one is going to annoy you about it. Personally, i don't care who knows i like SW so everyone who knows me, knows i like it. I don't run around with lightsabers battling my friends anymore and we don't really talk too much about it anymore, but they still know i like it all.
I dont tell anyone because nobody's interested in Star Wars or Boba Fett. I'm a G. :cool: If anyone hears about my nerdiness, it'll pass on and pass on, and then some people will make fun of me. I dont care if everyday people know I like Star Wars, but I do care if mean snobby preps and jocks make fun of me at school. But, now that I think about it, I am more of a fanatic than a nerd. I saw a nerd yesterday talking to her friend about Star Wars......and they got waaaaaay into it. Kinda...like........we.............do...............:/
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
oh sorry boba dude i totaly forgot about this post, im so embarresed. it was the cheapest rubies hemut you could find. but just last week i repainted it. it looks pretty good
I dont tell anyone because nobody's interested in Star Wars or Boba Fett. I'm a G. :cool: If anyone hears about my nerdiness, it'll pass on and pass on, and then some people will make fun of me. I dont care if everyday people know I like Star Wars, but I do care if mean snobby preps and jocks make fun of me at school. But, now that I think about it, I am more of a fanatic than a nerd. I saw a nerd yesterday talking to her friend about Star Wars......and they got waaaaaay into it. Kinda...like........we.............do...............:/
It is all cool to get "Waay into it".....and i see that there were two chiks chattin about SW....i don't know what they look like, but that sounds like common interrest and a good oportunity to meet them....
{MW} MS9
lol.....I know what yer tryin to say Spy. ;) like I said.....I'm a G:cool:
Well.........they're kinda mean to other people, and they act really Imature........I dont know why though......but....... I feel kinda sorry for them. :(
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
what's weird is that at my school i make no secret about being a sw geek and noone makes fun of me for it ecxept a guy with no friends. I'm insane, so most people steer clear of me any how but this guy has no friends jabs his binder in my personal bubble and when i push it out he pokes me hard with a sharp pencil
Maltese was there, and we were talking about our story
anyways mace was really cool till he killed fett and i almost applauded when he was thrown out
I have two stab dots on my palm from that guy,I HATE him to a point where I want to gouge out his eyes with a really dull Kunai, just as much as I hate pokemon.
(BFFC Moderator)
I have two stab dots on my palm from that guy,I HATE him to a point where I want to gouge out his eyes with a really dull Kunai, just as much as I hate pokemon.
amen to that
what's weird is that at my school i make no secret about being a sw geek and noone makes fun of me for it ecxept a guy with no friends. I'm insane, so most people steer clear of me any how but this guy has no friends jabs his binder in my personal bubble and when i push it out he pokes me hard with a sharp pencil
Well.....thats not how it is at my school. Poeple just dont talk to you if your a nerd. I mean, everyone at my school (that I know) that likes Star Wars acts really imature.:/.......I dont, though. It's wierd over here too brother.......
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
mt starwars secret was when i was around 8 it was the night before christmas and my mom had made cookies for santa. i wanted to stay up in my bed and wait for santa(i still believed in him then), but ended up falling asleep at around 12, anyway i dreamed waking up and walking downstairs even though it was still dark outside, as i snuck into the family room i saw the last person i expected(who also happened to be my role model) the one and only boba fett stealing my mom's cookies. I angrily yelled "Hey! Those are santa's cookies!" he turned slowly and said to me "But Eli. I am santa." that's when i woke up for real on christmas day. i never told anyone about the strange dream i had until i told my mom when i was 12, to which she replied "I think you need to lay off the starwars movies."
dude thats creepy. :lol: :lol:
That has to be one of the coolest dreams I've heard. :D
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
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