We all pretty much agree that we like the Fetts and the mystery behide them.But what dont you like about them.
For me I would have to say that rocket pack w/missle.I know it looks cool and I think that way also.
But that thing has got to be in the way most of time.Taking it off and on when wanting to go some where in Slave 1.Seeming to always missing with that missle.Going thur side capes right and left from burning them.Running out of fuel because you used the wrist flame thrower a little to much.Never being able to sit and always standing.If Jnago had not used it as a "crutch" to get out of trouble with Mace instead of simply ducking he might have survied.
I know that this is more "nickpicky" then serious but that is what I dont like.
Topic: What DONT you like aboout the Fetts?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
17 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI do not like how he had no honor in "Overkill."
Although mandalorian armor is amazing looking, I think that some of Boba's body is a little too exposed. If you look, his bicep, upper thigh, and shins are all covered by cloth. This always made me wonder how he survives most of his battles.
Hail to the King Baby!!
nothing.............I love everything about them. period.
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If Boba was 100% armored he would have a hard time moving around and stuff. Maybe he survived without those armor peices cause he's just that good. :D Besides, the areas left exposed are ones that probably wouldn't cause too much trouble if they were hurt.
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But, Miba, in your thighs, you have some major veins. Get shoot there once and you're gonna loose a lot of blood. Wouldn't he want to cover them up? And take one good kick to the shin and something's gonna snap.
I do not like the jetpacks either, none of my characters have them for the reason that they're cumbersome. And always seem to getting the Fetts into trouble, not out of it. They have more cons than pros.
Oh, right. I forgot about the veins. I guess he's just hoping he'll be good enough to keep anyone from getting him there. hmm... I dunno.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I doubt he'd be shot in the theigh. When you shoot someone, you generally aim for the body: its the biggest target area. Arms and legs are rather small target areas, especially considering they move around a lot. So him getting shot in the theigh is pretty unlikely.
I doubt he'd be shot in the theigh. When you shoot someone, you generally aim for the body: its the biggest target area. Arms and legs are rather small target areas, especially considering they move around a lot. So him getting shot in the theigh is pretty unlikely.
Although i agree that most people aim for the chest when firing, the legs are still a large target. Also, not every shot is on target during a fire-fight. Shots spray everywhere, and the chances of being hit in the leg or arm are pretty good considering the circumstances.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Certain parts of the jetpack
(BFFC Moderator)
Its star wars people get there limbs cut off then set on fire but still survive. And im sure boba has some protection under the cloth. im sure jango had metal plaits there and he moved around fine. And don forget its STAR WARS in that galaxy they can survive anything whats a shot to an ungaurded leg. BACTA AND KOLTO
In the "Guide to the walking Weapon" or whatever it was called, it says that his jump-suit was very well protected from kinetic force, and from blaster bolts.
The lack of Fett history, and the missing links. For instance the gap between Cas.sus and Jango, plus the possibilty of Jango's sister
―Peter Griffin

I don't like the lack of history and background on them, and George Lucas' treatment of Boba Fett. I think he could have done so much more with that character.
If you know everything about Fett, what makes him interesting? I think that Jango's sister was killed by Death Watch.
Jango's sister was implied to have been killed. We didn't actually see them kill her. After she was ordered killed it goes back to Jango. For all we know after it switches scenes she manages to escape. She is a Fett afterall, they seem resourceful enough. In fact I once started a fanfic like that, where she escapes. She saw the farm burning then figured Jango was dead so never went looking for him. But that was just in my fanfic. But it does seem like a likely possibility, since we don't actually see her die.
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I can't stand the fact that the Flanneled One owns them. That's really all there is.