Topic: Clone Rebellion RPG

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #490
July 3, 2006 9:04 am #

Can anyone take my place for the next post?I'm very busy.Thanks.

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
July 4, 2006 3:27 am #

We'll wait for you :)

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
July 4, 2006 8:54 am #

Yeah, its ok. :)


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
July 5, 2006 9:43 am #

"I can't believe it!Why did Boba Fett pursued us?!"said Mav in anger."I think I might know why.Let's see...."Clay entered the bounty hunter list and went into 'NEW BOUNTIES AVAILABLE'section."Holy son of a gundark!"Mav shouted.The way he was so surprised is the following."
                                                    "BOUNTY HUNTERS JOURNAL"
                                                            "NEW BOUNTIES"
Commander Fox:100.000 credits alive.Dead:50.000 credits.
INFORMATION:Cmdr Fox was a commander at the time of the Clone Wars.When the Clone Wars ended and the Empire became the rightfull dominating power,Cmdr Fox rebeled with his Republic attack cruiser.It is believed that now Fox is trying to sabotage the Empire and often attacks Imperial outposts.He is considered a criminal and is on high priority.Be careful,he's very skilled.

Sgts.Maverick and Clay:100.000 alive each.Dead:50.000 credits each.
INFORMATION:Sgts.Maverick and Clay followed Cmdr.Fox when he rebelled against the Empire.They are considered the best men on board of the runaway cruiser,and the must be captured in order to retrieve critical information.If that fails,death is acceptable due to their high training which makes them very dangerous.

NOTES:The runaway Republic cruiser is believed not to stay at one place for long.Rumors also state that the cruiser has been modified with a stealth field generator.Also,The 2 Sgts. are likely to have been promoted.Another rumor states that the runaways have met other runaways and are now allies.

                                                          ACCEPT BOUNTY?

Mav pressed no and turned to Clay:"Oh no...."Clay didn't answer.He couldn't think of a better response.

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
July 5, 2006 10:06 am #

Fox and his men were getting bombarded by the Imperial fleet. "Men we have to retreat, I repeat we have to RETREAT!" Fox said, he pulled back on his fighter to return to the destroyer and soon his comrades followed. There was blaster fire everywhere, some of Foxes men had died in battle. He finally reached the hanger bay, only few of his men returned. "Set co-ordinates to Coruscant, and prepare to make the jump to light speed, I need to get in there quietly..."

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
July 5, 2006 10:11 am #

TWs' turn now.We were in a battle?(Clay and Mav)I didn't notice!lol :P

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
July 9, 2006 9:57 am #

Come on TW... We're waiting...

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
July 9, 2006 10:04 am #

OMG!!! Im sorry!! :D Ill get started RIGHT NOW! so just hold tight. :D


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
July 9, 2006 10:25 am #

The huge glimmering planet looked liked it had cracked like an egg. There were lines and lines of what looked like streets, and highways going through the planet. The ship had already entered Corecsant’s atmosphere. They decided to land on the most populated part of the plant, “inside” the giant circle on Corescant’s surface. “Traviss…” Maverick called Clay by his real name. “Yeah, Mav?” he replied. “Are you sure about this……destruction from  the inside plan? I mean, it seems-“” dangerous? Of course…” Traviss interrupted as he tried to find a safe spot to land. “that’s what you have to do when dealing with the Empire.” The ship landed on a landing bay near a bar. A cocky man stepped out of the bar’s door and approached the ship. “100 credits, now! You land in my lot, you pay me!” the fellow was persistent and had looked like he’d had a few drinks. “Here….” Mav pulled out 89 credits and handed it to the man. “Good!” he said. And then he stumbled back into the bar. “We have to try and find a way to the Emperor’s tower without getting caught by any imperial guards……they’ll surely kill us if they see who we are. “ Clay interpreted. “Clay, that’s impossible! The gaurds are crawling all over this planet! How in the world are we gonna do that?” Mav asked. “well……..” Clay thought. “we ditch these suits once we find some cloths. How about it?”

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
July 9, 2006 11:04 am #

Great, I'll write in later :)

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
July 10, 2006 12:06 am #

A Gunship lowered to Coruscant. "Sir, I spotted a Theta-Class Imperial Shuttle." a pilot pointed out. "Good, jam its sensors array so we can follow it." Fox said. "Yes sir." replied the pilot. "Hey, our sensors array have come offline." said an Imperial pilot. "What, I this is not going to hold me back from going to the Sith Tower, I want to make sure my plans have arrived from Kashyyyk..."

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
July 12, 2006 4:35 am #

Guys,I'm leaving for vacation for about one month so I will see you at 14 of August or something like that.So keep going and writing and I'l be back in no time!Have a nice time! :D

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
July 12, 2006 1:52 pm #

oh nooooo!!!! :( Ok...........well see ya when we get back. :(


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
July 13, 2006 10:51 am #

Okay TW, your turn now, take over for DMC.

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
July 17, 2006 6:38 pm #

The two X-Clone Rebels cautiosly walked their way through the lower treets of Corescant. "We must find something to wear soon" said Traviss. Mav stopped in his tracks, "No.......". Clay looked back at Mav in confusion. Mav spoke up, "If we want to do this, we're going to have to maul someone of their cloths." Traviss stood firmly now, "Your right...."
They looked around the dark street of dirty, criminal hands. They both sat on two large somewhat broken crates. They looked at a rather very, normal creature walking slowly in the streets. "Watch, and learn...." Traviss said as he got up. Clay acted as if he had somewhere to go on the dirty streets as he walked ny the creature.
And just like that, Clay had jacked the creature into a dark alleyway. Mav waited in suspense as he heard  rustling in the dark alley. A minute later, Traviss came out with the exact same outfit of his victim.
"Nice, very nice Clay...." Mav gave Clay a clap. "Now.....its your turn." Traviss said to Mav.


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
July 18, 2006 7:51 am #

The gunship followed the Imperial Shuttle to a tall, menacing, tower. "Okay, take me to the ground level of the tower, me and my new squad will work our way to the top." Lt.Sonar, Lt.Bann, Cpt.Cody and Cpt.Omikron were the new commandos, wearing phase 2 commando outfits which were blast proof. The gunship reached ground level the Commandos and Commander came out with blasters at the ready...

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
July 30, 2006 5:13 pm #

I can't believe you abandoned this RPG!Jesus Christ!Well I'l start over...

Mav and Traviss were looking just as ordinary Coruscant citizens.Traviss said:"Let's go.We have work to do."But Mav raised his hand.:"No way Traviss!"he smiled:"We're at the center of the Galaxy and you expect me to just ignore my desire for a tasty Coruscant Ale at the Grenn Bar?No way!"Traviss looked at him with surprise.With all this war going on,he had forgotten how simple pleasures are-like an ale.:"Well ok Mav,but be on your guard.For all we know Boba Fett or Imperial Assasins may be after us..."Mav laughed heartily:"I don't think so!Let's go already!I'm thirsty!And Clay..."Traviss interupted him:"Uh..Traviss."Mav continued:"And Traviss,there IS no way that Boba Fett is watching us now...because we beat him remember?Oh and there aren't Imperial Assasins!Let's go..."Traviss followed mourmouring:"Whatever.."Mav had only made a mistake 3 times in his life.The first when he passed a clone for a droid covered in snow and shot him.The second was on Alaris Prime where he passed a Wookiee for a huge tree and kicked it.The result was to fly 5 meters in the air before he landed in a pile of Boonga *ahem*you know.The third was this.Boba Fett watched them from a shadow and said:"You are so wrong this time Mav... in both....and that's good..."

Mav and Traviss went to the Grenn bar.The Grenn bar was famous for it's Coruscant ale.:"Hopefully,we may find some information about the mission grom the bartender."said Mav."Yeah."agreed Clay.They took their sits in front of the bar.Mav said:"Bartender.Bartender!Give us 2 Coruscant Ales!"The bartender said:"I'm sorry we're out.All we have is Alderaan scotch."Mav shook his head:"Whatever..."Traviss said:"Hey Mav why don't you ask for information?"Mav agreed."Ok..Bartender!Bartender!"The bartender came with the 2 drinks and asked:"How may I help you?"Mav said:"We need to find the Imperial 27-1-A Commanding HQ.Do you know where it is?"The bartender suddenly looked suspicious:"Those blasters are not on sale anymore..are you rebel spies?"Mav replies angrily but not so angrily that the bartender understood it:"I'm just a guy with a blaster and some questions."The bartender now seemed calm."Oh I'm sorry sir I had no idea!Take this map it will show you the way..."Suddenly a voice was heard behind them.Mav and Traviss turned around and instead of a a bar filled with people,they had in front of them Boba Fett.And behind him were 6 black suited men with masks and they had the Imperial Insignia on their forearm."Long time no see...rebels."said Boba Fett in a cold voice."So Imperial assasins don't exist huh?"Said Traviss in a low voice."From now on,I'l believe even if you tell me that Hutts once governed the galaxy..."answered Mav in the same low voice.Boba Fett interupted them:"No more words.Time for action!"

Well you liked it? :D I did my best! :)

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
July 31, 2006 5:46 pm #


That was a great RPG BTW!!! :D


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 1, 2006 8:12 am #

lol take it easy TW!You act like I'm MANDALORE! :lol: :P Thanks,I'm happy to be back btw :)

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
August 5, 2006 5:07 pm #

Why doesn't anyone post?????I won't let this RPG like this!

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
August 5, 2006 6:59 pm #

sorry DMC. Ive been SOOOO busy, i havnt been able to post ANY RPGs. :/


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 8, 2006 2:54 pm #

I'm back from my "mysterious" disappearance :P

Fox and his squad enter the tower from the bottom, trying to avoid any Imperials as possible, Fox saw a lone Stormtrooper, he told the commandos to split up, he continued foward he put his hands slowly on the helmet and twisted it quickly breking the troopers neck, he picked up the dead troopers E-11 and used it as a secondary weapon...

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
August 8, 2006 5:55 pm #

at last!!!!Were have you been Cmdr?!You left your soldiers alone in the heat of battle?! :P Whatever I think it's TWs turn now...

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
August 8, 2006 11:32 pm #

Bail Organa needed me at a rebel convention :P

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
August 9, 2006 4:52 pm #

"Commander!?!" a voice came behind all of the other clone rebels. Traviss/Clay and Maverick stepped out of an alley and over to they're former commander. All the clone troopers were ready to attack, and they were all facing the two X-rebels.
"C-...Clay?!? Mav? Is that you??!?" Fox looked in confusion at the two helmetless men.
Yep, its us." Mav said to Fox.
"I had no idea that you two would be in this region..." Fox told them. "Alright, lets cut the chatter..." Traviss said quickly. "I have a plan......."

PS: I will PM JCT, and DMC for my secret plan! ;) Dont forget!!!


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 10, 2006 12:01 am #

We're all at the Sith Rehabilitation Tower, heavily guarded by Imps, YAY! Back together, we're going to be tracking the Emperor and try assasinate him.

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
August 10, 2006 3:06 am #

Yeah!We made the best RPG!!!I'm looking forward to this!Um..whose turn is it now? :/

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
August 10, 2006 4:49 am #

Your turn now :D

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
August 10, 2006 5:42 am #

ALRIGTHY!:) I'l have to write something good here...

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
August 10, 2006 4:22 pm #
Jungle Clone Trooper wrote:

We're all at the Sith Rehabilitation Tower, heavily guarded by Imps, YAY! Back together, we're going to be tracking the Emperor and try assasinate him.

NOONO!! Thats Traviss's  and Mav's job in the future. You will probably join the aliance after being captured by Boba Fett. We will just blow up the sith tower to TRY to assasinate the sith. OK? Any objections???? Im very open minded...


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 11, 2006 11:00 am #

I received the secret plan :)

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
August 11, 2006 1:05 pm #

good, except  I changed the part where you get thrown into a get captured by boba fett in stead!! :D


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 11, 2006 2:27 pm #

I'll be able to escape that little kid :D

[email][/email]<------ My new e-mail, for clone fans to contact me :D
August 11, 2006 3:22 pm #

Exactly! ;) It wont be hard though, remember its still Boba. Okay then.....

Lets get started! Its DMC's turn now I believe.


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 11, 2006 3:30 pm #

Wow....that is...a bit difficult...Hmmm...let's see....I'l try to think something good...

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
August 26, 2006 9:37 am #

COME ON DMC!!!! I thought you saidyou wouldnt leave this rpg like this. ;)


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]

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