I was stunned seeing Yoda jumping and screaming like this!lol!I didn't expect it! :D
Topic: fav.lightsaber battle?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
72 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestDarth Maul Clone wrote:One force push,that's all.And the moment Obi-Wan was jumping,Maul had all the time to cut him in 2....But GL decided to make him look surprised...Hmph.Figures.
Dont worry DMC, Im sure he syrvived!!! lol :D
He coulda just took his body while he was falling, sewn it back up, and climb all the way up when everyone was gone! :lol:TW
Hahhahahahah lol is Darth Maul any good at sowing or did he use a sowing machine? :lol:
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
It's okay dmc I think your favorite character made itm out all right! :)
bah, think about it, if he made it out alright we wouldnt need DMC would we? j/k
also, anyone else think the ending to the Anikan vs. Obi-wan duel was a little dissapointing?
-"It's over Anikan i have the high ground!"
---"That didn't help darth Maul now did it?"
*while obi-wan thinks on that, Anikan jumps to the area in front of Obi-wan (instead on doing a flip over his head for some reason...) and slices him in half*
Now that's an ending.
Hail to the King Baby!!
The battle between Vader and Luke in Empire Strikes Back.
(BFFC Moderator)
I actually read a pretty cool comic where Darth Maul was alive, although with wicked cybernetic legs, and he attacked Obi-wan while he was protecting Luke on Tatooine.
I liked seeing Yoda fight, and Vader fighting Luke in ESB was an absolute timeless battle, but I loved the fight between Anakin and Obi-wan in ROtS probably because they had much better choreography and technology while they filmed it.
![JEDIHUNTER3 Avatar](https://www.bobafettfanclub.com/tn/25x25/boards/img/avatars/191.jpg?1541880589)
The battle between Vader and Luke in Empire Strikes Back.
I love that battle between luke and vader deffinatly my favorite battle between vader and luke.
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
It wasn't even the anti-climatic "Luke...I am your father". The whole scene was amazing. And it was one of the last battles Vader used the force visibly in the movies. Ripping things off the wall and all. He just kind of stands around after that until the very end of Return of the Jedi.
(BFFC Moderator)
Cant deceide between 3 fights...
Evil Anakin vs. Obi-Wan because of the lava effects
Yoda vs. Emperor because i like how Yoda fights
Luke vs. Vader in ROTJ because its Luke against his dad and Luke is fightin the dark side
I like the final battle between Luke and Vader in ROTJ. In all the movies the swordfights are all about skill, technique, and mastery of the Force... but when Vader threatens to bring Leia to the dark side, Luke defeates him with pure rage. Even Vader was unprepared for the power of the dark side flowing through his son. No skill needed. No finesse. Just hack, and chop, and bash away at your enemy until he's lying defeated in front of you, utterly defenseless. He was even drooling, man. He was that angry.
That's the power of the dark side.
"Your hate has made you powerful."
actually i read a comic were look went to the zabrak planet and this guy was keeping maul alive in a kind of phisycale hologram he actually did that by putting mauls head in a glass thing with connections to make him that phyisycal hologram exscuse my spelling because of my electricity hands the computer blows up every three letters
I think there have been a total of three Maul comebacks, 2 in tales, 1 in Visionaries. There was one where Vader fought a Maul doppleganger, the physical hologram one. And finally there was the visionaries one. With the cybernetic legs.
Actually now that I think about it, I think there was one he appeared in a force projection to anakin solo. I think that was the canon one.
meh, my favorite duels are:
Anakin vs. Obi-Wan (III)
Luke vs. Vader (V)
Darth Maul vs. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan (I)
And the fight of Vader vs. Maul was a non-canonical fan-made fight. (It was on Mustafar)
And if you want some old-school, it's right herrr.
All the fights have had amazing scores to go with them, actually Episode III and V are my favorite scores.
It's a tie for me between Episode 3's Anakin vs Obi-Wan and Episode 1's "Duel of the Fates" both had amazing moves and skill backed by an amazing score
Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan against Darth Maul (in I)
Luke vs. Vader (V)
And for some reason:
Dooku vs. Kenobi/Skywalker/Yoda. I don't really know why.
luke w/ blaster sheild vs. training droid aboard falcon...
no, probably vader vs. luke ESB.
That's a classic. No matter how good CGI gets, that'll still be at the top!
Either the one with Darth Maul, or the one on ROTJ between Luke and Vader.
in episode six when darth vader fights luke