Topic: Kill the jedi or the bounty hunter

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #506
AvatarMara OP
July 18, 2006 12:28 am #

"Should we follow the jedi"

July 21, 2006 10:41 pm #

"I'm not exactly sure where to look anymore, but...I'm through with stake-outs. Every time we wait for those two, something bad happens."
"Well, we'll just have to see what comes up. As for me I'm going for a quick drink."
He carried his carbine and mask in his pocket out into the street. A slight wind was picking up, slowly it'd be a sand storm. Something he'd lived through before, one much stronger than Tatooine could come up with. He shuffled down into a cantina and ordered a small glass of red liquid from a wayward planet near Treshna.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
AvatarMara OP
July 22, 2006 2:28 am #

"Man, this jedi hunt is so annoying"

July 22, 2006 1:50 pm #

Deep within a cave in the the sands of the Dune Sea, were the two jedi. They have had this post for some time now, and Traviss was starting to think about moving to a new post. They're primary objective was two capture two bounty hunters that have been raining terror accross the western galaxy. It seems that the hunter are now the hunted Traviss thought. Klyve had just came back from the city with food he had traded in for broken speeder parts they had found in the dunes . Traviss sat in the cave and started a fire while Kylve walked in. "Dinners ready my friend!"Kylve said as he walked in to the hidden cave. the fire had started andKylve pulled out some traverthian meat to put over the fire. "Smells good already." said Traviss as he put the meat over the fire. "We need to come up with a plan...." said Traviss. Kylve patted Traviss's shoulder, "Reeelaax, man! We'll get them! We just need to keep our eyes open." Kylve put his arms around his neck and leaned back. "Your right!"Traviss staired at Kylve. "If I know bounty hunters.......I know that they'll come to us......"


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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AvatarMara OP
July 22, 2006 2:22 pm #

As Kayla was walking around Dune Sea, she spotted something. She slowly walked around to the cave. "Hmm, I smell a fire"

July 22, 2006 8:48 pm #

En'de finished his drink, walking back out into the open. You could see the numerous beings fleeing for their homes and shelters. A storm was brewing fast. He adjusted his mask, plugged the tubes in and walked on. Fearing no storm. Thankfully, he'd gotten someone drunk enough to get the right information. The Jedi were after them, and they were after the Jedi. He liked the thought, maybe he'd see an old friend or two if he got caught. But anyway, the Dune see beconned, he'd just wander around for days if need be. But they were within walking distance at least. He tucked the collar of his cloak up, the storm would hide his presence for the most part. Not even a Jedi would think he'd do something like that.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
AvatarMara OP
July 24, 2006 1:58 am #

Then Kayla went off to look for En'de. "Where is he?"

July 24, 2006 6:51 am #

kill the jedi, boba has to be professional about his work

no staggalers

July 25, 2006 8:59 am #

??????????????????????WHAT???????????????????????????:? :/ :/ :/ :/ What R U talking about????????? :/

TW :/

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
July 27, 2006 3:01 am #

En'de couldn't see anything through the blinding sand, walking along what he thought was the ground. But for the most part he knew where he was going. The visual on the mask was turned off, he wouldn't have been able to see anything anyway. Radio was dead, so he couldn't recieve or get anything if he wanted to. And his right hand had started to bleed, he'd need to find a shelter soon, forgetting to wrap the one hand had done in him. Stupid as it sounded. There was a cave in front of him, he could feel it for the most part. So he walked in not really worried of what lay inside. He turned the visual back on, and the view behind Mara looked to be interesting.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
AvatarMember #22
July 27, 2006 12:12 pm #

the new bounty hunter ARC went to look for the jedi, but died when his ships' engines exploded.

the birth of my guy and the death! YAY!

July 27, 2006 12:15 pm #

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Omg!!! Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah Omg!!!!! Hahahahahah!!!!


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
July 30, 2006 2:35 pm (Edited July 30, 2006 02:35 pm) #

Klyve looked at Traviss. They both knew that this was the perfect time to get off Tatooine. They nodded to each and started packing their things. They had to get out under the cover of the sandstorm or they might get caught.

Klyve inspected his semi-repaired lightsaber and his spare lightsaber before putting both into his bag. He had to repair the double-sided one and use the spare to make another double-sided lightsaber. But all in good time.

Traviss had finished packing before Klyve. They were ready to escape this hell-hole of a planet and seek safety elsewhere.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
July 30, 2006 3:28 pm #

"We must leave a the hunters can find us." Traviss concluded. "Your right, we'll lure them right into a trap." Kylve said as they walked along the desert dunes. The two  jedi were very eager to get the chase going. "I cant wait till we catch these dreaded hunters." Kylve stated. "Well we musent get to excited. We first, must get to our ship without notice." Traviss said. They walked untill they got to the edge of the dune sea, where the city of Mos Espa.


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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AvatarMara OP
August 5, 2006 12:02 pm #

You know, this realy isn't going anywhere

August 5, 2006 1:06 pm #

be patient Mara. It will eventually. I believe its your turn.


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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AvatarMara OP
August 6, 2006 2:11 am #
True Warrior wrote:

be patient Mara. It will eventually. I believe its your turn.


I don't know what to write :(

August 6, 2006 7:41 am #

you dont HAVE to write. Just say, soemone go ahead, and they will. ;)


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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AvatarMara OP
August 15, 2006 3:14 am #

You guys continue without me

August 15, 2006 5:55 am # started this rpg??? :/ Ok, we will then..... I'll write later today...


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 15, 2006 6:28 am (Edited August 15, 2006 02:09 pm) #

On a near by cliff, Hakibas Jebac peered through his scope at his Jedi quarry, and sneered...
   "Fools," he mumbled to himself "so you think making false tracks will stop me?"
He could have just sniped them from the cliff...but unfortunately ysalamiri blood covered toxic darts seemed to have a fatal effect on jedi and he needed them alive and well.
   He looked away from his scope to his chrono and then back at the jedi again. It was starting to get late, and the suns would be going behind the horizon soon.
"I'm going to be needing a partner..."
   He wenced at the thought, he hadn't  hunted with a partner for ten standard years not since the accident...It wasn't my fault, he made the mistake....he thought to himself. (sorry about that I'm new here and I don't know how to use italics.)...I won't let it happen again....
   Mistakes were his enemy and would not be allowed to happen. This hunt was to be perfect and if he needed a partner to accomplish it then so be it.
....But were in the galaxy is a good partner these days....
   He immediately got an answer. A little flash of light caught his eye. He slowly looked away from his prey to the little fire lit off in the distance and brought his sniper rifle to bare.
...Hmmm...he thought, ...Looks like I'm not the only hunter up for this job...
   Maby this was the partner he was looking for, maby not but it was definitely worth a try. He scooted himself back away from the cliffs edge and slowly began to stand.
"What the FierFeck!?!" he said aloud.
A small centipede like creature had managed to wrap itself around his leg while he was spying. He imeadiatly drew his Vibroblade and gut it off.
"Never did like this dust ball..." And he gathered up his things and made his way to the fire...

August 15, 2006 7:01 am #

yeah! we've got a cool new fettfan!! :D awesome!! and to use just click on the "BBCode:" below the post box. ;) btw, Nice work dude!! Your pretty much better than me! :D

Traviss and Kylve had got to the egde of Mos Espa, when Traviss suddenly............felt like they were being watched.........He turned around and felt something. His inner feeling were rumbling danger. [i]the trying to tell me something........" Traviss thought as he looked into the Dune Sea. "Come on Traviss!" Kylve had pulled Traviss and took him into the streets of Mos Espa. Traviss couldnt help but really feel something..........but he just shook it off and walked with Kylve.
The Mos Espa streets were smaller than Mos Eisley, but definatley more clean. (not to say that it isnt dirty.) The streets were filled with creatures, all wearing cloaks. The two jedi looked at each other and decided it was a good idea to put their cloaks on. As they scuffled the streets of Mos Espa, they tried to find the landing pad they landed in when they first arrived. They needed to find a ship, and from what Traviss had


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 15, 2006 1:54 pm (Edited August 15, 2006 01:56 pm) #

Thanks lol I read a lot of books on star wars and I've been a Fett fan for a very very long time but never joined the boards but this caught my eye so I thought I'd go ahead and give it a shot! ;) Oh and thanks for the tip. :) now on with the story...

   Hakibas dropped to the sand as soon as he saw the other hunter move. The other man had set himself up against the mouth of the cave where he was resting and began to wrap his hand with some synthetic cloth he had produced out of a med kit. The fire looked very inviting because of the bone numbing cold.
   Now what to do...
    He couldn't just pop up and say hello, if he did that he would most likely be rewarded with a nice blaster bolt and he definitely didn't want that. Then he noticed another pack and breather.
   I suppose there is more than one.
   He looked around and that's when he met Mara...his little movement had alerted her! He saw her hand move toward her blaster but he was fast...very fast. His blaster bolt caught her neatly in the right shoulder knocking her off her feet and a following shot permanently disabled the "almost" unholstered blaster. He didn't want to have to shoot her but he didn't kill her either in this state she wouldn't cause him any trouble, not for the time he needed for her fellow...
    Hakibas swiftly spun on his heel to see the other hunter dive for his blaster rifle...but to late. Hakibas fired off a precise shot that sent the rifle spinning away.
    "Hold it right there!" Hakibas commanded. "Get up and put you hands in the air."
    The bounty hunter complied and stood and began to raise his hands.
    "Now hunter," Hakibas began. "I have-"
    A noise from behind stopped Hakibas in mid sentence.
  Sith Spit! the girl!
    Hakibas spun back around to see the girl began to pull out a blaster from her jacket. He immediately raised a gauntleted arm and fired a tranquilizer dart. It hit her in the side of the neck and she dropped yet again except this time she would stay down for a few hours.
    This little action gave En'de enough time to run and get his rifle! Hakibas saw the bounty hunter  take aim and fire-
    Hakibas dropped reflexively and the blast zoomed closely over his close. He extended his arm again and fired another dart and watched as the other hunter collapsed to the ground.
    Hakibas let his arm fall to the sand and realized he was holding his breath. He exhaled and then inhaled deeply. He stood up and walked over to the wounded girl. He picked her up gently and carried her over to the fire. He laid her next to the other hunter and began to bind both their hands and patched up her shoulder.
    After securing his prisoners Hakibas sat next to the fire and pulled one of his captives packs over and opened it up and looked. Inside was a bottle of Corillian Brandy.
   "Finally," he said with a smile. "something from home."
    He leaned against the cave wall and watched the moon rise, while keeping a close eye on his captives...
  At lest, he thought. I'll get some peace for a little while. He took another sip of the brandy and relaxed.

P.S. I saw that Mara wanted to leave so if you guys want to get rid of her she can die of an infection or something.

August 15, 2006 3:12 pm #

En'de layed there, eyes open. Not in the mood to move. Mara was dead, allergic to whatever tipped the darts. He couldn't say it really bothered him. And now it didn't matter, he was the one still alive. For the sake of time, he just planned on forgetting.
"Have fun with your little hunt."
"You're awake already, I can't say that's too surprising."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 15, 2006 4:52 pm (Edited August 15, 2006 04:53 pm) #

"You look like the strong type." said Hakibas. "And because of that I'm offering you a partnership."
    En'de seemed to be considering it. Hakibas looked at the dead female...
   "So that's why you didn't kill me?" started En'de, "so I could be your partner? And if I say no are you going to kill me just like Mara?"   
   "Listen bounty hunter-" Hakibas anger was began to become clear through his voice.
   "The names En'de."
   "Ok, En'de...You and I are after the same bounty, the two jedi, now I know to pull this whole thing off without losing limbs you and I are gonna have to team up. So either you come with me come with me," Hakibas pulled out his blaster and pointed it at En'de's head "not breathing."
    En'de's head started to clear as the drug began to were off and he began to see Hakibas clearly for the first time. He was dressed in black with battle armor and gauntlets that were almost a grayish green. His helmet was the same color as his armor and had a single slit for the visor his mechanical voice sounded menacing. He had a sniper rifle slung over the pack on his back, a vibroknife on his side, and the blaster pointed at En'de's head started to look very convincing...
   "How about an answer." Hakibas glared at En'de and was hoping he wouldn't have to waste another hunter in one night...

Ask a Ninja rocks on! "Roger's just a waitin' for you to slip up."

August 15, 2006 5:03 pm #

"How about I ignore you and just die?"
The blaster wavered for a moment, then went dead steady.
"I don't think you really want that."
He didn't even try moving in the bonds. What happened, just happened.
"Fine, I'll help you. It wouldn't matter if you got rid of me anyway."
The gunman untied the bonds, En'de picking his mask up and readjusting it but not putting it on. The cold metal face glaring at the other as he worked.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 15, 2006 5:50 pm #

"You made the right choice." said Hakibas.
   "That still has yet to prove itself." replied En'de with a bit of a smirk on his face.
   "I assure you it will prove itself in do time."
   "Then what is your brillent plan umm..."
   "My name is Hakibas. And my plan," he holstered his blaster."is we will first need to clean up miss mess over there," Hakibas motioned toward Mara, "then we go to Mos Espa. Thats were I saw the Jedi headed. When we ge there and find out what they're doing we can continue to plan."
   En'de secured his mask to his face and said,
   "Lets get going."
   Hakibas picked up the rifle that was behind him and handed it to En'de.
   "You're going to need this."
   "Thanks." replied En'de as he looked over the rifle and noticed the burn mark on the stalk...

August 16, 2006 9:41 pm #

He didn't argue about the rifle, not about to waste shells. He walked out a little.
"You might as well take the lead mate. You're more interested in these Jedi then I am."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 16, 2006 10:01 pm (Edited August 16, 2006 10:07 pm) #

Hakibas and En'de burnt the remains of Mara. After they had gathered their supplies they headed out of the cave.
   "So how do you suppose we are going to catch up with them if they're a day ahead and a few clicks away and most likely already at Mos Espa?" asked En'de.
   "You'll see." and then Hakibas took a small device out of one of his utility pouches and pressed the button on it's side. There was a slight rumble and then En'de noticed a ship come streaking into the planets atmosphere. It had a long body with two wings that folded up upon landing. Hakibas led him to the rear of the ship and then pushed another button on the device. There was a hissing noise and the back of the freighter opened up to reveal a boarding ramp. Another noise was heard from inside, a slight rumble. Two speeder bikes floated out and parked themselves next to the bounty hunters.
   "Why don't we just take the ship?" asked En'de.
   "That'll look a little conspicuous don't you think? Besides," Hakibas hopped on the bike and started  the main engine and smiled inside his helmet, "these are a lot of fun." He pressed down the throttle peddle with his foot and zoomed off into the distance.
   "If you say so..." And En'de did the same.
   As En'de gained on Hakibas he heard the freighter take off, he looked over his shoulder to watch is gracefully ascend back to the orbit it was assigned...

August 17, 2006 5:40 am #

Traviss and Kylve looked everywhere for their ship, but nothing was found. Both of them looked on their way around different landing pads, to see if maybe someone stole it and never left.........fat chance.
Creatures were dealing illegal drugs in the alleyways of Mos Espa. Dirty aliens gambling in tarps, as if they were to be descrete. The city of Mos Espa was truly a vile place to be, especially if your a jedi.
They stopped and Kylve commented, "welp........this is it......"  Traviss and Kylve had walked for 2 hours among the large crowd of poeple scuffling the streets, and had finally found the very hangar bay that they landed their ship on. It was a full circle landing pad, and along with a lot of other pads, there was a sign across the bottom reading, "Rojuks Welcome Matt". The owner didnt seem to be anywhere around at this point.
All 6 landing bay held different ships, but none of them belonged to the jedi.
"Damnit, I knew this would happen.........I knew we shouldnt have come on this mission. Mos Espa is filled with scavengers looking for ship parts." Kylve got angery with himself along with the dirty city of Mos Espa. "Dont worry, we'll find it." Traviss said to him. "We'll find this scavenger...........jedi have a way of ending up in places they dont like to be in."


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
August 17, 2006 2:01 pm #

"True. So very true my friend," replied Klyve, "But I wonder how they broke our access codes and activate it without use of the force." "Regardless," said Traviss as they left the hangars, "We'll find it soon but for the meantime let us eat something." "You're probably right," responded Klyve, "We should also find somewhere where we can lay low until we get our ship back before the bounty hunters find us. Also, I need to repair the you-know-what."

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja

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